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trooper useless for everything


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so i have found out over the past few weeks of playing, the trooper is a useless class compared to the jedi classes. i have rolled a van and commando, van is 32 and could not deal any kind of dps if my life was on the line (and it is most of the time), and the commando is 22 and has the same toughness as a 5 year old. and i have good gear. from my point of view and what i have read over many a website the trooper is one of the weakest classes, and everyone would just be better off playing a jedi or a sith.



i am apologizing for this post i was a little pissed off when i made this, that being said the help would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by warsmithloukota
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so i have found out over the past few weeks of playing, the trooper is a useless class compared to the jedi classes. i have rolled a van and commando, van is 32 and could not deal any kind of dps if my life was on the line (and it is most of the time), and the commando is 22 and has the same toughness as a 5 year old. and i have good gear. from my point of view and what i have read over many a website the trooper is one of the weakest classes, and everyone would just be better off playing a jedi or a sith.


I'm a lvl37 tank spec'd Vanguard and i find him to be a lot better than my jedi guardian at it

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Played through quite a few classes. Commando's are nails AOE dealers and great healers - a real threat in PVP.


Vanguards are the best tanks available to Republic, melee tanking in this game is extremely hard courtesy of the large number of ranged mobs. They are also nails in PVP and one of my fav classes to play as.

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so i have found out over the past few weeks of playing, the trooper is a useless class compared to the jedi classes. i have rolled a van and commando, van is 32 and could not deal any kind of dps if my life was on the line (and it is most of the time), and the commando is 22 and has the same toughness as a 5 year old. and i have good gear. from my point of view and what i have read over many a website the trooper is one of the weakest classes, and everyone would just be better off playing a jedi or a sith.


My lvl 50 Commando disapproves of this thread.

I really never ever used that on these forums before but either learn to read or learn to play.

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Having played a Sith Marauder to 50 and now a Commando (hit 50 last night) I can only say you fail at SWTOR, the commando is a beast, I was able to eat through the levels (all Solo) a lot faster than the marauder. In PVP the commando is way better and not a victim like the marauder.
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I'm still at the stage where mortar volley wipes out the scrub mobs in most groups and my commando easily downs what's left.


Maybe I'll agree with you if I stop melting through mobs like warm butter and find that, even without my healing companion, I can't live through their attacks. Or by that time maybe I'll have a tanking pet.

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Vanguards is the best PVE tanks in the game, together with Biotechs.


Vanguard damage is very strong since you also need to realize we do ranged damage, not just melee damage.

A Jedi Guardian will hit harder when he hits, but he needs to be ontop of his targets for that.


A vanguard will kill any melee damage dealer 95% of the time with the proper spec as we can just kite them. Not to mention our damage is great.


At lvl 30 I was regurarly killing lvl 50 Sith Marauders and Sith Inquisitors with my vanguards, just through some kiting and minor cc.


Vanguard is extremly strong in PVP and in PVE.

But what makes us strong is our shut down abilites, such as Riot Strike, cry nade, harpoon, etc vs casters, and our ability to perma slow melee classes and kite them 247.


To OP, you are playing the class wrong.

You probably heard vanguards are one of the best classes and rolled one to jump on the FOTM train.

It IS one of the best classes but only when your playing it the right way. You are NOT a pure damage dealer and never will be.

You are probably better off with a turret class such as sniper, Commando, Mercenary, since Vanguard/Biotech appears too advanced for you my dear.


Over and out


EDIT: PS: i just realized this guy is just trolling. Anyway, he got some people off, including myself:-)

Edited by Waagabond
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I have a level 50 vanguard and I'm near-indestructible. I'm thinking your problem may be user related


Yes, some lvl50 troopers are near-indestructible. It might be because of good gear ofc. In pvp we have to gank up a whole lot in order to take one down, and then they burn everyone around them in no time killing many. Every class has the ability to do good damage in this game providing their stats are good for damage (gear again), allthough sorcerers atm deals the most. The fact of sorc is overpowered does not make the trooper any bad however.

Edited by LinsesPreia
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ok one not troll was just stating what i was observing from my point of few and what i read on other websites. so if i am mistaken i am sorry for this thread plus i was a little pissed last night. so my bad i take full resposeablity for my actions on posting this. and two as it seems i have many a commando here can anyone tell me what the hell concussive round is used for the only thing i can think of is to stun one tango while i hit the others. but then the health regen comes in to play, call me confused. Edited by warsmithloukota
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Vanguards is the best PVE tanks in the game, together with Biotechs.


Vanguard damage is very strong since you also need to realize we do ranged damage, not just melee damage.

A Jedi Guardian will hit harder when he hits, but he needs to be ontop of his targets for that.


A vanguard will kill any melee damage dealer 95% of the time with the proper spec as we can just kite them. Not to mention our damage is great.


At lvl 30 I was regurarly killing lvl 50 Sith Marauders and Sith Inquisitors with my vanguards, just through some kiting and minor cc.


Vanguard is extremly strong in PVP and in PVE.

But what makes us strong is our shut down abilites, such as Riot Strike, cry nade, harpoon, etc vs casters, and our ability to perma slow melee classes and kite them 247.


To OP, you are playing the class wrong.

You probably heard vanguards are one of the best classes and rolled one to jump on the FOTM train.

It IS one of the best classes but only when your playing it the right way. You are NOT a pure damage dealer and never will be.

You are probably better off with a turret class such as sniper, Commando, Mercenary, since Vanguard/Biotech appears too advanced for you my dear.


Over and out


EDIT: PS: i just realized this guy is just trolling. Anyway, he got some people off, including myself:-)


no i played the trooper becuase i hate the jedi and sith due to i hate the idea of one man saving everyone(or killing everyone) and the smuggler i dont like due to the fact i would never do anything for money alone. story elements aside i like range dps, gun play, and the general look of the trooper. i have had my mind set on the trooper from the moment they said "trooper is playable class" so....

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no i played the trooper becuase i hate the jedi and sith due to i hate the idea of one man saving everyone(or killing everyone) and the smuggler i dont like due to the fact i would never do anything for money alone. story elements aside i like range dps, gun play, and the general look of the trooper. i have had my mind set on the trooper from the moment they said "trooper is playable class" so....


I'm only a level 14 Vanguard and I already easily see a difference in my tanking effiency. So its probably just you; I have a level 50 Commando and it was absolutely awesome. Just keep at it and you'll get better.

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I'm only a level 14 Vanguard and I already easily see a difference in my tanking effiency. So its probably just you; I have a level 50 Commando and it was absolutely awesome. Just keep at it and you'll get better.


wow someone is being positive on the internet i commend you sir lol

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ok one not troll was just stating what i was observing from my point of few and what i read on other websites. so if i am mistaken i am sorry for this thread plus i was a little pissed last night. so my bad i take full resposeablity for my actions on posting this. and two as it seems i have many a commando here can anyone tell me what the hell concussive round is used for the only thing i can think of is to stun one tango while i hit the others. but then the health regen comes in to play, call me confused.


I use concussive shot for exactly what you say. When I come to a group, I find the elite and hit him with concussive shot, putting them to sleep. If you hit them with it right away, the healing doesn't come into play, since he'll be fully healed anyway. Next, I kill everything else. Finally I wake up the elite by blitzing him down. I've been blowing through mobs with this strat, killing groups on my own that others say are "hard."


I've actually pretty much solo'd my way to 40. With Elara healing its been easy.

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Ok so you are obviously not trolling.

Honestly, I think alot of people simply thought you was here to ensure people frenzy.


Just keep practicing.


Check out some videos from Oozo and Taugrim, they have some nice ideas how to play this class, just as an example.


For PVE, our tanking strenght is that we have superious aoe damage to keep aoe aggro, and our ranged damage ensures we can keep aggro on ranged mobs without having to move to them, just sticky them up, fire a HIB on them and a few hammer shots and that usually does the trick, and if necessary, our taunt is 30m range, and if even more necessary, just harpoon them in to the fray.


We have so many options.

Vanguards is however not an easy class to play well. I think together with shadow warriors we probably come out with the most amount of keybinds you should have to properly play the class:-) Atleast thats my perspective of things.


All classes in SWTOR are good, there are no bad classes. You just need to find the right way to play the class. And some class mechanics simply dont fit in with how people can or are willing to either learn or is even motivated to play as.

Since you have both a commando and vanguard you have 2 really different options here, as they play very different from eachother.


If you like to remain stationary and be a great support trooper, with high damage, possibility to heal and in general keep a good overview of the game, then commando is a great class to play.

If you like to keep on the move 95% of the time, have melee attacks but also be able to perform good at range, use of damage over time attacks and be a general pain in the arse, then Vanguard is your class to play.

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Level 32 Vanguard here. Oh I made a right choice rerolling to a Vanguard from a lvl 22 Jedi Sentinel. Probably best decision I made. Playing Vanguard both PvE and PvP is a lot of fun. Got my first 9 medals from PvP match and I was happy.


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so i have found out over the past few weeks of playing, the trooper is a useless class compared to the jedi classes. i have rolled a van and commando, van is 32 and could not deal any kind of dps if my life was on the line (and it is most of the time), and the commando is 22 and has the same toughness as a 5 year old. and i have good gear. from my point of view and what i have read over many a website the trooper is one of the weakest classes, and everyone would just be better off playing a jedi or a sith.


I'm close to valor rank 60 and I'd have to say that as a full PvP tank-spec vanguard, I have an awesome time playing it. I still haven't managed to get 2.5k hit medals but I pull 8-11 medals every game because the class has that much survivability and steady damage output.

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I use concussive shot for exactly what you say. When I come to a group, I find the elite and hit him with concussive shot, putting them to sleep. If you hit them with it right away, the healing doesn't come into play, since he'll be fully healed anyway. Next, I kill everything else. Finally I wake up the elite by blitzing him down. I've been blowing through mobs with this strat, killing groups on my own that others say are "hard."


I've actually pretty much solo'd my way to 40. With Elara healing its been easy.


I levelled with my mate who plays shadow and we 2-manned heoric 4's the whole way. Both of us tank spec, one healer companion out and one DPS.

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