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No patch on 1/17/2011


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I am pretty disappoint that BioWare have decided last minute not to release patch 1.1 tomorrow as scheduled. I realize that issues arise within development that can delay this sort of thing, but I was looking forward to not having to deal with the stupid green glow from companion healing. Not to mention that it would be really nice if we Jedi Knights who have been with you since launch could progress our storylines with Kira Carsen. She's been bugged from the beginning for me.



What's even more funny? It was also supposed to be released last week.

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Thats some of the most idiotic garbage ive read in quite a while, adults don't rant, ramble, get annoyed, go to war, kill each other etcetc catch my freaking drift?


I got news for you, we are all kids then, cause we all have moments that anoy us, and make us voice our opinions, if you don't have those moments, then I would be worried, cause all that built up anger will bite you in the *** sooner or later.



They waited until 5 hours before patch to announce it was post poned, Its just straight out unproffesional, and foolish.


Have spent the better part of the night "torturting" my self to get biochem to 400 again so I would be able to use my rakata stims etc when patch hit, now I find out I could have continued tryin got crit my relic trough theyr horribly broken crafting system, or even better gone to sleep.


They want to postpone? FINE! But don't drop it on people like a big *********** happy suprise, inform us in advance !




Thanks for answering that for me.



All my other concerns in other posts were true concerns as a player. I do WANT a

Star Wars MMO to succeed. I won't say this game is going to fall into ruin or that it is

going to "pwn" WOW. But I can only say "I" as a player am disappointed with the

series of stunts they are pulling through and because of that I worry for the future of

the game.


However, this is all clearly my opinions, I do not think or speak for anyone else..

and in my opinion there should be some who share it, I hope ^.^

Edited by Esauru
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I hope like heck they patch bugs anyhow and just delay the new content.... I am really getting ready to just unsub for a few months and come back when they have their act together... I don't pay for a game that doesn't work and right now combat (the whole point of this game) isn't working really well... at least on the Jedi Knight it isn't... and now I am wondering if all the time I spent working on synthweaving is really worth it too... I wish they would state somewhere what benefits each prof will have at end game... so we can make informed decisions.
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The way some of you are talking its a wonder why this thread is not closed. And using cute colorful words will really get this thread closed or.. I would just ban the person for a day from the forums.. grow up guys and give the mods a break


And we all know they want to put the patch out before free month is over to try to keep those that want to leave.. so get real.

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LMAO, if you actually believe this then I have nothing to say.


That game had very little bug wise and almost nothing directly relating to gameplay bugs. Infact at launch i never once thought about bugs.


That is what you want in a MMO. Of course certain companies have quality control at the top of production. Bioware isn't one of these.

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Agreed. Infact, i've cancelled my subscription until Bioware starts pulling through with their promises. Sure, i'll reactivate. I already know i will. But i refuse to pay them for the time that they're not coming through with promises. Hell, on that note i'm glad that they picked this date to postpone their big patch. Means i actually get to not pay since it's at the end of a month.


yeah i thought that since today "was" the last day till 50's got shoved into a hole that i would pvp a bit and have some fun.


i have been playing in wz's off and on all day and ive won about 1 out of 100. its either rep premades or empire premades smashing the **** out of anyone that isnt battlemaster geared


*sub canceled*

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LMAO, if you actually believe this then I have nothing to say.


Umm, yeah, I do. I'd guess he vast majority of people who played Rift at launch would, too. It was, by far, the cleanest launch I've ever experienced, and I've played a LOT of MMOs.


And I'm not even a Rift fanboy. I didn't even like the game. But the launch was pretty spotless.

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The thing that angers me is that they didn't even really explain why they decided to delay the patch. I think if they gave us the parts that aren't broken(I.E. the 50s bracket) and told us we'd have to wait on things that'd take more ironing we'd be fine. Or if they release the patch saying they knew of bugs and would fix them, we'd be fine. Most of the MMO community that actually follows these things is understanding. They just refuse to give us anything.
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The way some of you are talking its a wonder why this thread is not closed. And using cute colorful words will really get this thread closed or.. I would just ban the person for a day from the forums.. grow up guys and give the mods a break


And we all know they want to put the patch out before free month is over to try to keep those that want to leave.. so get real.



Yup let them. That will be 2 unsubbed accounts for them. I can handle being pushed, called names and even be fooled, but I will not be mouthcapped by BW/EA without actions!

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The thing that angers me is that they didn't even really explain why they decided to delay the patch. I think if they gave us the parts that aren't broken(I.E. the 50s bracket) and told us we'd have to wait on things that'd take more ironing we'd be fine. Or if they release the patch saying they knew of bugs and would fix them, we'd be fine. Most of the MMO community that actually follows these things is understanding. They just refuse to give us anything.


Another part of the reason I unsubbed.............very bad customer service and communication.

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I like how they worded the message.



BECAUSE WE CARE.... to bad they didn't have that saying back during beta phase when these issues were already bugged and talked about lol w/e


This bugs me because I didn't have beta access. Everyone says "Reported in beta, never fixed"


I don't understand how both ability lag and the default UI made it to live without the entire beta forums being FLOODED with complaints. Either the testers didn't raise as big of a fuss as they should have, or their work was for naught.

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I don't understand how both ability lag and the default UI made it to live without the entire beta forums being FLOODED with complaints. Either the testers didn't raise as big of a fuss as they should have, or their work was for naught.


People were ************ about the UI a lot in beta. Not so much about ability lag. I can't really recall it coming up before launch.


Not that I'm saying it didn't, but I don't remember seeing it, so it wasn't as well-known at that point, at least.

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Umm, yeah, I do. I'd guess he vast majority of people who played Rift at launch would, too. It was, by far, the cleanest launch I've ever experienced, and I've played a LOT of MMOs.


And I'm not even a Rift fanboy. I didn't even like the game. But the launch was pretty spotless.




FPS issues.

Hacking through Rifts servers to hack peoples accounts (A Rift player had to find it).

Server downtime a lot. (With crashes)

Too much lag when people were in the zones.


Need I go on?

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FPS issues.

Hacking through Rifts servers to hack peoples accounts (A Rift player had to find it).

Server downtime a lot.

Too much lag when people were in the zones.


Need I go on?


My FPS was fine

Never been hacked

Servers were down because THEY WERE FIXING BUGS! (something this game doesn't do)

Never experienced lag.........maybe get a better PC?

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This bugs me because I didn't have beta access. Everyone says "Reported in beta, never fixed"


I don't understand how both ability lag and the default UI made it to live without the entire beta forums being FLOODED with complaints. Either the testers didn't raise as big of a fuss as they should have, or their work was for naught.


In beta you had survey's around every corner and most of us took those very serious. For bugs we were actively reporting them ingame way it was supposed to. Sure bugs were mentioned in forum too, but those are pointers. The bugreport was enough, it was linked to the info of hardware you were playing with, place you were on server , what happend and how. There is hardly a way to reproduce many bugs just by reading the posts on a forum.

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My FPS was fine

Never been hacked

Servers were down because THEY WERE FIXING BUGS! (something this game doesn't do)

Never experienced lag.........maybe get a better PC?


Just because it never happened to you doesnt mean it didnt happen.


I couldnt click on quest givers in the 1st two zones it was really laggy.


I have a fine PC thank you.




Dont be naive, look at the patch notes. Dont tell me they havent fixed any bugs:rolleyes:

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People were ************ about the UI a lot in beta. Not so much about ability lag. I can't really recall it coming up before launch.


Not that I'm saying it didn't, but I don't remember seeing it, so it wasn't as well-known at that point, at least.


Ah, fair enough. Depressing.

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If you have run out of things to do already, then you skipped a wack of content. Go back and play it till 1.1 comes out. It's not a big deal. Rather wait till BW is ready and not rush content. Keep up the good work BW.


It's not the content we're angry about. It's the fixes. They could still do the fixes. 50s bracket is a HUGE concern right now, and Kira is WAY overdue, not to mention the simple ability to abandon quests, and companions ability bars not resetting every 3 minutes and them not telling you they want to talk for no reason. These are the fixes we want YESTERDAY, content be damned.

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Just because it never happened to you doesnt mean it didnt happen.


I couldnt click on quest givers in the 1st two zones it was really laggy.


I have a fine PC thank you.


Heeeeeeeeeeeey guess what, that's the same crap you guys say to us who are experiencing things in THIS game "It never happened to me, get a better PC lawl wow fanboi!" shoes on the other foot huh lol


**Edit** yeah, great fixes on those unharvetable nodes, I have experienced quite a few even some invisible ones!

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