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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hood On/Off Toggle?


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I would also like to have a toggle for the hood.


I think they should also include the ability to toggle your companions head slot as well. Some of the helmets for Kira are soooo stupid looking, but I don't want to loose out on the stats so I keep it on.

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I would also like to have a toggle for the hood.


I think they should also include the ability to toggle your companions head slot as well. Some of the helmets for Kira are soooo stupid looking, but I don't want to loose out on the stats so I keep it on.


Oh yeah. I don't think there's even one soul that disagrees with this.

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Ok I don't have time to go through each and every one of these pages...Please tell me BW responded to this thread somewhere in these 43 pages????? If not I am embarrassed for them...


I agree this should have been taken care of already.


And the player customization is way too meager for an MMO.


I would also like to do some of the customizing at later levels just to spice things up. Not like you're switching classes, just HAIR, maybe some new battle scars ;) Right guys????

Edited by Clown_Envy
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There was a chest piece I found on the Empire side that was PERFECT. Level 50 modable, heavy armor, the robe with the hood down, armored pieces on the cloak, the Battlelord-ish chest piece underneath... I bought it on my alt so fast there was a lack of hair in the Imperial Fleet from how quickly I displaced it. I ran to Nar Shadaa, had a guildie come over on his Republic character and linked the chest in say so I could be SURE it looked the same.


Instead it's another hood-up chest piece. Nothing at all like what it shows on the Imperial side. So I've been wondering why not just re-color the stuff from the Empire's side (maybe 3-5 pieces) stuff it on special vendors across planets for various levels (moddable) and let people just buy the gear they want until there is a much later sweeping fix of the hood issue?


Recoloring a piece and adding it into, say, the heavy armor merchants on various planets for Guardians and Medium for Sentinels, and voila: You have a temporary fix for those of us who are furious about the hood and the goggles, and you have time to release something much better than a quick fix to sate the upset masses, and you buy yourself time to work on more important updates since there is a valid work around. I mean... that makes sense to me.

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I'm still wondering, and scratcihing my head over the fact that in my lower levels of being a JK I saw lot of differnet chest pieces, now that I'm past level 15, I see very few different chest pieces. Shouldn't your selection increase as you get into higher levels.
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I also looking hood down version for heavy armor, i only found 1 medium armor vest (orange) that has hood down.


So far i have seen lvl 11 blue heavy armor chest that had hood down. Really Bioware im shocked, how come there is no blue/purple/orange version high level heavy armor hood down for JK (armored robes) ?



After seeing pvp armor, it feels like Bioware really dislikes JK class as whole. Sith heavy armors are REALLY good.

Edited by Divona
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Were there hoodless or hood-down robes for guardian in beta?


Also, did anyone notice that the ONLY chest piece that will not drop in the Esseles is the Guardian chest? Nobody on my server (trask ulgo) has ever seen one drop.


The same thing is true for the Black Talon Juggernaut chest.


A bunch of armors were removed from the game at launch, and apparently these two were some of them.


Probably unrelated to the hood thing.


Probably related to the fact that they both looked flipping awesome and EA/BioWare wants us to pay for them in a cash shop instead.

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The same thing is true for the Black Talon Juggernaut chest.


A bunch of armors were removed from the game at launch, and apparently these two were some of them.


Probably unrelated to the hood thing.


Probably related to the fact that they both looked flipping awesome and EA/BioWare wants us to pay for them in a cash shop instead.


the day that happens i will be done with this game. already some dubious bait and switch of things from what i saw in beta (i know i know, not a finished product...but they totally led us on by inviting everyone to the beta too as a marketting ploy)


I had the guardian chest from esseles in beta. it was pretty much a white Vader chest with a cape and looked AWESOME. The control box on the chest had blue and yellow lights if i recall. I also had a purple lightsaber....

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One more vote for the hood toggle here.

Also, I want it to be so that when the hood is down it's still visible as in bunched behind your head. It's not enough for it to be either up or gone as it happens when you put on a helmet while wearing a hooded robe. A robe with it's hood completely gone looks very silly.

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This is why I use armor meant for a trooper and replaced the mods.


I hear if you're a twi'lek that your hood is down. The toggle should be easy; toggle hood down=treat your graphics as if you were twi'lek for your chestpiece.


No, the hood is not down for Twi'leks.


There is no hood at all.

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+1 vote.


I want my toons' hair back. I spent ages in the character generator making toons.


Now my jedi look as if they're part of some weird cult that makes them shave off their hair and wear a hood.


I'm keeping the low level chest pieces for RP purposes, but really, I spend more time out in the field pouncing bad guys than I do RPing...


An orange option sans hood would be easy enough to stick on a vendor. Or even a schematic.

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in an interview- Interview: BioWare’s Cory Butler and the Future of Star Wars: The Old Republic- found here: http://www.dualshockers.com/2012/01/26/interview-biowares-cory-butler-and-the-future-of-star-wars-the-old-republic/


he says:


G: Will there be more character customization options in the future? Are there any plans to implement some sort of barber shop or plastic surgeon that will allow players to change their appearance in game? Maybe a toggle for the hoods?


C: Do you want to be able to drop your hood and put it back up?


G: Yeah I’d like to drop my hood, because I play a Guardian and basically all our armor has hoods.


C: That’s definitely stuff we talk about often. We haven’t really announced any formal plans, but it’s very important to us to allow players to fullfill their own personal Star Wars fantasy and along with that we want them to be able to customize their character the way they want, so it’s something we’re currently taking feedback on and we’re making plans on how to address in the future.




so there we have it, they are aware, "taking feedback" and it seems it will be awhile before its addressed


I cannot believe what I read here :eek:

It only meens "we know you are upset by the hoods but we don't care about it"


If a real and clean hood toggle is hard to do (hmpf) then add an option in the social settings to remove the hood (using the twillek/helm code).

Edited by Hyrune
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I cannot believe what I read here :eek:

It only meens "we know you are upset by the hoods but we don't care about it"


If a real and clean hood toggle is hard to do (hmpf) then add an option in the social settings to remove the hood (using the twillek/helm code).


Or they could just add back all the hoodless armour we used to have in beta which they removed from the launch client. And then they won't need a hood toggle becuase we would have a choice again.

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This is why I use armor meant for a trooper and replaced the mods.


I hear if you're a twi'lek that your hood is down. The toggle should be easy; toggle hood down=treat your graphics as if you were twi'lek for your chestpiece.


^^^^ This. Pretty sure I suggested the same thing like 20 pages ago, but w/e.


For Twi'leks, the hood is indeed taken off. So why can't they just add a "Show Hood" option in the preferences next to "Show Helm" ? If the player checks yes, all you have to do is flag them as though they were twi'lek.


The hood isn't down though, it is completely removed. But it'd still be nice to have that as an option, until they make it so we can put hoods up / down properly.

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Or they could just add back all the hoodless armour we used to have in beta which they removed from the launch client. And then they won't need a hood toggle becuase we would have a choice again.


The fact that they removed armors with the hood down just makes me so angry I am on the verge of just cancelling my sub over this and never looking back. The person that made this decision should be fired, I can't be nice about this as it is just ruining my experience with the game.

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I am currently using an Orange quality chest made for a smuggler - I removed all the mods and put in my own. I imagine I'll use it until endgame. There are also some neat Smuggler head pieces that are available with commendations you can purchase as you level. Same deal: remove unwanted mods, replace as you level with wanted stats.


It results in a pretty cool Smuggler styled Sent. It is a shame though that Bioware doesn't deviate from the bathrobe/housecoat template for Jedi gear.


Everyone wants to look like the archetype they've been promoting all these years.


As a compromise - I'd be willing to accept this.


Dude, those smuggler headpieces, with or without the mods, contain integral smuggler mitigation mods which are usless to you - just as the jedi headpieces you have dispensed with contain integral jedi mods you are not taking advantage of.

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