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Top 10 most powerful Sith and Jedi


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Vitiate one reason: Although he only destroyed one planet he was so powerful he was able to create a blackhole like effect in the force and consume everything on that planet. Had he made a few choices diferently he could have destroyed the galaxy and essentially the force with it.


It was not a black hole. It was a Force Storm. And it wasn't as powerful as Sidious. Sidious's Force Storm created a wormhole. And it had the capability of destroying the entire New Republic Fleet.


And he never could have destroyed the galaxy, it was just his goal.

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for the darkside i'd have to say the emperor form swtor on top since he's immortal or whatever then it'd be: revan, kreya, malak, bane, lord scourge, vader, palpatine(he just tricks people really), maul, nihilous, that miraluka from kotor 2


lightside i'd go: yoda, yoda, yoda, revan, yoda, quai gon jin, mace windu, obi-wan, the exile, luke


my two cents


EDIT: o ya jam naga sadow and marka ragnos in there somewhere too



Your darkside choices are mostly from KoToR!


Jokes aside, You should really read the Dark Empire series of books. You'll see that not only did Palpatine trick people, he had immense power with the force (We can see that in the movies too, Fight with Yoda). He creates wormholes, fries planets with lightning, destroys starfleets, drains billions of lives AND he was immortal. He could transfer his essence from one body to the next without dying making him immortal, without the help of other sith lords, talismans etc.


Your list really seems subjective, as in who stood out to you most in the terms of coolness.



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1. Darth Sidious.

2. Darth Vitiate. (SWTOR new addition).

3. Darth Nihilus

4. Darth Vader.

5. Wrath of the Emperor (SWTOR new addition).

6. Marka Ragnos

7. Darth Sion.

8. Darth Bane.

9. Naga Sadow.

10. Darth Nox (SWTOR new addition).


1. Luke Skywalker.

2. Anakin Skywalker.

3. Yoda.

4. Unnamed Jedi Knight Hero (SWTOR new addition).

5. Unnamed Jedi Consular Hero (SWTOR new addition).

6. Reborn Revan (during KOTOR Revan).

7. Kyle Katarn.

8. Mace Windu.

9. Ben Kenobi

10. Jedi Exile.


1 Bugsbunny 2 Jarjar 2 Captin planet. 4 popa smurf 5 Bruce lee 6 megatron 7 The guy from saw 8 Scot pilgim 9 Scrooge Mcduck 10 Cortana.

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It was not a black hole. It was a Force Storm. And it wasn't as powerful as Sidious. Sidious's Force Storm created a wormhole. And it had the capability of destroying the entire New Republic Fleet.


And he never could have destroyed the galaxy, it was just his goal.


This is what messed up SW. makeing sith/jedi into DBZ toons. Palpatine blocks vegitas big bang att. He then punches vegita sending him flying across space into the black hole he made. I like high fantasy but SW is a bit better than that.Used to be till garbage like blackholes created with the force came out.

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This is what messed up SW. makeing sith/jedi into DBZ toons. Palpatine blocks vegitas big bang att. He then punches vegita sending him flying across space into the black hole he made. I like high fantasy but SW is a bit better than that.Used to be till garbage like blackholes created with the force came out.


the difference is that DBZ is about introducing new characters that continually up the bar, which then makes the existing ones being made to do the same thing.


Palpatine/luke are not newly introduced and the books with their powers are well before KOTOR's concept stage as an IP. Vitaite is someone new, and therefore SW doesn't follow DBZ policy, if it did vitiate would be introduced as being stronger than any character in the franchise forcing the older characters to get newly added media to make them stronger.


Palpatine and luke were force gods during the 90s,


Its the 2010s and not a single new character IP comes close outside of Galen marek, abeloth, and Cade Skywalker to surpassing either of those two in terms of power.

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For Jedi.


1. Luke Skywalker - His father's potential realized. Most powerful Jedi ever.

2. Yoda - Most powerful Jedi up to the rise of the Empire.

3. Jacen Solo - before his fall, he possessed great strength and wisdom.

4. Kyp Durron - Originally more potential than Luke but retconned later. Still powerful.

5. Mace Windu - Master duelist, one of the few to fight Sidious and "win".

6. Jaina Solo - Sword of the Jedi. Very non traditional, but very skilled.

7. Mara Jade Skywalker - Former emperor's hand, strong with the force.

8. Ben Skywalker - Luke and Mara's son. Only a teenager but amazing powerful.

9. Obi-wan Kenobi - Wisdom beyond his years. Obi-wan overcame great obstacles.

10. Anakin Solo - Before his untimely death he was considered one of the most Powerful jedi in modern times.


For Sith.


1. Darth Sidious - The culmination of a thousand years of teachings. The Dark Side in human form.

2. Darth Plagius. - Master of midichlorians and life. Twisted the force to suit his needs.

3. Darth Vader - The chosen one.

4. Darth Caedus - Jacen Solo as a Sith. All the power, all the rage.

5. Darth Krayt - Former Jedi of the clone wars, usurpers of the galactic empire.

6. Darth Tenebrous - Plaguis' master, sought the same, was killed before he could succeed.

7. Darth Zannah - Bane's apprentice, master of Sith sorcery.

8. Darth Bane - Founder of the Rule of Two

9. Vergere - Fallen Jedi, partially responsible for Jacen's corruption.

10. Lumiya, Dark Lady of the Sith. - Fought Luke to a standstill. Jacen's teacher.


Canonically speaking, the most powerful should be the ones closes to the movie trilogy, since that is when the Jedi were at their peak, the Sith as well.


Power creep has happened during the EU novels, but the list is sound.

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Your darkside choices are mostly from KoToR!


Jokes aside, You should really read the Dark Empire series of books. You'll see that not only did Palpatine trick people, he had immense power with the force (We can see that in the movies too, Fight with Yoda). He creates wormholes, fries planets with lightning, destroys starfleets, drains billions of lives AND he was immortal. He could transfer his essence from one body to the next without dying making him immortal, without the help of other sith lords, talismans etc.


Your list really seems subjective, as in who stood out to you most in the terms of coolness.




Then why did he need a death star ?

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Then why did he need a death star ?


Firstly, It was meant to scare the galaxy into submission, it's actual effectiveness was minimal, militarily, the Eclipse Super Star Destroyer was far more impressive than the Death Star.

Secondly, those powers Sidious gained he only gained through inserting his soul into a much younger body, his old frail one limited his power's output.

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Why are people putting the Exile in their lists? After the Revan novel,

she's revealed to be nothing more than an average Jedi with the power to inspire those around her and make them more than they are.


Nifty power,but utterly pathetic if she is isolated if you ask me,oh and forget the "wound in the force" thing,that's out.


Edited by Temeluchus
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Why are people putting the Exile in their lists? After the Revan novel,

she's revealed to be nothing more than an average Jedi with the power to inspire those around her and make them more than they are.


Nifty power,but utterly pathetic if she is isolated if you ask me,oh and forget the "wound in the force" thing,that's out.


Actually everything you just stated is wrong, read her wookieepedia page, the Revan novel does not once talk about her level of power or the wounds in the force in any capacity.

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Take for example Darth Plagueus. Before the release of the novel in January, people would be hard pressed to describe his power and accomplishments. After the novel, it is clear he was one of the most powerful Sith Lords ever.


Its fun to debate, but ultimately pointless.


Lucas himself puts Plagueis' force powers above Sidious (by means of the need to kill him while he slept), so unless Palpatine became measurably stronger after his death, he never was his equal.


but the whole powerful thing, seems to be mistaken, we call the US president the most powerful person on earth, not because of his martial prowess, but his political/military power.


Only one sith lord ever ruled the whole galaxy.

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Lucas himself puts Plagueis' force powers above Sidious (by means of the need to kill him while he slept), so unless Palpatine became measurably stronger after his death, he never was his equal.


but the whole powerful thing, seems to be mistaken, we call the US president the most powerful person on earth, not because of his martial prowess, but his political/military power.


Only one sith lord ever ruled the whole galaxy.


Are you for real? The Plageuis Novel goes into descriptive detail on "Killing in the sleep".

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Lucas himself puts Plagueis' force powers above Sidious (by means of the need to kill him while he slept), so unless Palpatine became measurably stronger after his death, he never was his equal.


but the whole powerful thing, seems to be mistaken, we call the US president the most powerful person on earth, not because of his martial prowess, but his political/military power.


Only one sith lord ever ruled the whole galaxy.


Doubt it, since there is Palpatine, and the fact lucas has stated that the Sith Knights ruled for a very very long time in the movie sags universe.

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When reading it you get the distinct impression that Drew really did not want to be the one to actually solidify her powers and that he didn't even understand the character he was writing about, felt a lot like the Karen Traviss treatment of Jaina Solo.


My vision temporarily went red when I read that. That is easily the thing I hated the absolute most about that series.

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Actually everything you just stated is wrong, read her wookieepedia page, the Revan novel does not once talk about her level of power or the wounds in the force in any capacity.


meh,there is what the novel says about her then there is people's interpretations of her and her powers that they then share with Wookiepedia. I loved the Exile,but she wasn't as powerful as people make her out to be,neither was....gasp...Revan.



I'll have to go back and reread the novel but from what I recall she was never a "wound in the force",the physical and emotional pain plus feeling everything dying at Malachor V from the MSG caused her to deafen herself to the Force in order to cope.


Her main power was and always has been her talent at forming bonds with people and influencing them,which can be a powerful ability but is also a glaring weakness as seen when she walked the exile path and isolated herself.


Plus she died like a true noob.



Like I said, I loved the Exile character and wish that Drew had expanded upon her and really developed her,but she doesn't belong on a Top Ten imo.

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meh,there is what the novel says about her then there is people's interpretations of her and her powers that they then share with Wookiepedia. I loved the Exile,but she wasn't as powerful as people make her out to be,neither was....gasp...Revan.



I'll have to go back and reread the novel but from what I recall she was never a "wound in the force",the physical and emotional pain plus feeling everything dying at Malachor V from the MSG caused her to deafen herself to the Force in order to cope.


Her main power was and always has been her talent at forming bonds with people and influencing them,which can be a powerful ability but is also a glaring weakness as seen when she walked the exile path and isolated herself.


Plus she died like a true noob.



Like I said, I loved the Exile character and wish that Drew had expanded upon her and really developed her,but she doesn't belong on a Top Ten imo.


Actually you would be incorrect there, here are her canonical abilities via KotOR II:


Moving Battle Meditation, which she learnt from rebuilding and restoring T3-M4.


Atton's natural ability to cloud his mind.


Visas Marr's ability to see the truth of her opponents.


Mical taught her an advanced version of battle meditation.


Kreia taught her a very strong form of mind reading which she learned very quickly.

All through her ability to form bonds.


Most importantly she learned Force Enlightenment, a very rare ability amongst light side practitioners where one learns and naturally understands the Light Side of the force in a much deeper way than most, making Light Side abilities much easier to apply.


She had the ability to train six padawans at the same time, all of them becoming powerful historians/council members/masters of the rebuilt Jedi Order.


Her natural abilities with the Wound in the force she carried, were the reverse of Nihilus, she expelled force energy, into her lightsaber and her students.


She was one of the only Jedi to ever use Dun Moch and convinced Darth Sion, an immortal Sith Lord that had killed Jedi ever since the Exar Kun War, to let go of the dark side rage sustaining him.


She had also learnt Lightsaber Forms from Jedi Masters Zez-Kai Ell, Kavar and Lamar, specifically Soresu, Ataru and Makashi, Masters Zez Kai-Ell and Kavar considered her proficiency with those forms exceptional and natural, which is evidenced by her ability to duel Traya, Nihilus and Sion even winning those duels.


This is further proven by her ability to fight five masters of the Echani fighting styles and win, as well as become the champion of the Clan Ordo battle circle, facing the greatest Mandalorian fighters and duellists and defeating every single one of them, something Canderous considered exceptional, even for a Jedi.


Revan also considered her to be one of the most powerful Jedi he had ever met, stating so numerous times.


Kreia also considered her to be the greatest student she had ever trained.


None of these things are selected by the player, she is a Light Side Jedi, these are the abilities she learned in the story, not what the player could select in the level up menu, they are all canon abilities.


Also, nothing in 'Revan' contradicts KotOR II, it merely does not mention the things in it or muses upon them but does not directly contradict the events.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Actually you would be incorrect there, here are her canonical abilities via KotOR II:


Moving Battle Meditation, which she learnt from rebuilding and restoring T3-M4.


Atton's natural ability to cloud his mind.


Visas Marr's ability to see the truth of her opponents.


Mical taught her an advanced version of battle meditation.


Kreia taught her a very strong form of mind reading which she learned very quickly.

All through her ability to form bonds.


Most importantly she learned Force Enlightenment, a very rare ability amongst light side practitioners where one learns and naturally understands the Light Side of the force in a much deeper way than most, making Light Side abilities much easier to apply.


She had the ability to train six padawans at the same time, all of them becoming powerful historians/council members/masters of the rebuilt Jedi Order.


Her natural abilities with the Wound in the force she carried, were the reverse of Nihilus, she expelled force energy, into her lightsaber and her students.


She was one of the only Jedi to ever use Dun Moch and convinced Darth Sion, an immortal Sith Lord that had killed Jedi ever since the Exar Kun War, to let go of the dark side rage sustaining him.


She had also learnt Lightsaber Forms from Jedi Masters Zez-Kai Ell, Kavar and Lamar, specifically Soresu, Ataru and Makashi, Masters Zez Kai-Ell and Kavar considered her proficiency with those forms exceptional and natural, which is evidenced by her ability to duel Traya, Nihilus and Sion even winning those duels.


This is further proven by her ability to fight five masters of the Echani fighting styles and win, as well as become the champion of the Clan Ordo battle circle, facing the greatest Mandalorian fighters and duellists and defeating every single one of them, something Canderous considered exceptional, even for a Jedi.


Revan also considered her to be one of the most powerful Jedi he had ever met, stating so numerous times.


Kreia also considered her to be the greatest student she had ever trained.


None of these things are selected by the player, she is a Light Side Jedi, these are the abilities she learned in the story, not what the player could select in the level up menu, they are all canon abilities.


Also, nothing in 'Revan' contradicts KotOR II, it merely does not mention the things in it or muses upon them but does not directly contradict the events.


She still died like a noob.


You cite a lot of information and make a interesting argument. Kudos.


My overall hesitation on putting the Exile on the list is because of the level of canon she is associated with and what it entails. You provided a list of her powers and abilities,which do appear in the game however,the overall events of the game,Meetra herself,the light side ending etc are considered a level of canon, not each and every aspect of the game.

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