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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Operatives: Most broken garbage balance ever.


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Even pyromancers in rift and fire wizards in warhammer didn't have stealth, just got out of a super fun game where an operative decided to camp me in spawn in huttball so I couldn't even get a single medal, he just sat outside my spawn and waited for me. I didn't even know the guy, but I could literally do nothing to him before I was killed in his 5 second knockdown out of stealth.


Good balance bioware, you made rift and warhammer look good.

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Even pyromancers in rift and fire wizards in warhammer didn't have stealth, just got out of a super fun game where an operative decided to camp me in spawn in huttball so I couldn't even get a single medal, he just sat outside my spawn and waited for me. I didn't even know the guy, but I could literally do nothing to him before I was killed in his 5 second knockdown out of stealth.


Good balance bioware, you made rift and warhammer look good.


cool story...next time dont forget the lube and maybe it wont hurt so much

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Yesterday I was killed by X class. It mad me sad.


Read what he wrote. Full pVp gear operatives are ridiculous on anyone not in full PvP gear. Not to say this particular Operative was not a complete A-hole.

Edited by richardya
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meh they aren't unstoppable they just have huge burst. If you pop your cc break on that first stun you can negate most of that burst. Use a knockback and a dot and kite them and they are all yours. BTW this is coming from a tank speced sith jugg, you just need to get some distance till their crap wears off them rip them to peices.
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Read what he wrote. Full pVp gear operatives are ridiculous on anyone not in full PvP gear. Not to say this particular Operative was not a complete A-hole.


Why does the class matter? Any class with a significant gear (and likely experience) advantage will have the capability to kill you as many times as it likes if you're alone.

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Not really sure what to tell you here. You're in Huttball with other players. When he jumps you, CC break and then stun/slow/whatever him and let your teammates help? How is it that you were repeatedly being 1v1'ed by this guy?


Doesn't work...unless you have a premmie you are toast since other players blindly don't notice others being attacked.


I had been healing my team at East end Alderaan when a Shadow jumped me...I ran to 3 of my team mates to shake him off and they simply would not peel him off- not one single attack against him. I would have been better off NOT expecting them to help.


Other players helping is not a God given right- it's a luxury...

Edited by Tourne
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what are you talking about the game is perfectly balanced , Ive only had the same pvp daily for 3 days because in 20 matches we havent won one .


that would have nothing to do with balance but more with team work.



i have seen a team with 50% of it being under 30 and only 1 lvl 50 win against teams with 50% being 50's al because of team work.....and i'm not talking huttball cause i dont play that one

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I do love the people coming out to defend ops and scrappers. The last excuse I saw is where are they all at... umm yea, last match I was ganked by three ops at the same time, the numbers have already jumped. Almost half a team operatives should speak volumes so please,s top defending the class.
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TLDR :: lowbie getting ***** by 50 operative because he runs off the same ledge over and over like a lemming without any teammates, ect


This really shows your 'level'.


I doubt very much whether your age is above your shoe size. Go and play BF3 with an aimbot with your few sad lonely friends.

Edited by Efir
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Operatives seem to be huge problem for anything under heavy armor , however while they dont bother me much as Juggernaut i do see them bursting sorcs and other soft targets in 5 seconds like others say. And that imo is not right , in mass pvp if healers are good they should not go down if they are not focused , if 1 single class can take them out alone , then something is deffinatly working wrong. My 5 cents imo and yes i dont have any problems with operatives as jugger , but i am heavy armor class...
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Operatives seem to be huge problem for anything under heavy armor , however while they dont bother me much as Juggernaut i do see them bursting sorcs and other soft targets in 5 seconds like others say. And that imo is not right , in mass pvp if healers are good they should not go down if they are not focused , if 1 single class can take them out alone , then something is deffinatly working wrong. My 5 cents imo and yes i dont have any problems with operatives as jugger , but i am heavy armor class...


I'm a bounty hunter. The different between medium and heavy armor mitigation is less than 10%. They also ignore 50% of armor.

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Operatives seem to be huge problem for anything under heavy armor , however while they dont bother me much as Juggernaut i do see them bursting sorcs and other soft targets in 5 seconds like others say. And that imo is not right , in mass pvp if healers are good they should not go down if they are not focused , if 1 single class can take them out alone , then something is deffinatly working wrong. My 5 cents imo and yes i dont have any problems with operatives as jugger , but i am heavy armor class...


The knockdown on Operatives lasts too long not to mention there are many who are abusing certain exploits and continuous delivering a high damage attack in a short amount of time. I know there are quite a few who will deny the possibility of that happening, but considering the fact how "great" BioWare has already proven at their PvP balancing act, it's funny these people will actually go out to defend this.

Edited by Silverspar
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Even pyromancers in rift and fire wizards in warhammer didn't have stealth, just got out of a super fun game where an operative decided to camp me in spawn in huttball so I couldn't even get a single medal, he just sat outside my spawn and waited for me. I didn't even know the guy, but I could literally do nothing to him before I was killed in his 5 second knockdown out of stealth.


Good balance bioware, you made rift and warhammer look good.


They are exceptionally broken. What's more broken is the idiotic defending of it.

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