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Does this make you cringe when you see it?


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This is the problem, the took out the leveling grind, but have the grind in timesink in a sense so it makes the whole game still feel like your grinding, I'm serious, I feel like I've done to much even if it's one quest and the sheer fact of doing it again is not fun. Mainly when the world and what not is lifeless, I can't just admire a stale *** planet or should I say zone. I apalogize that this sounds harsh but it is a what it is, a timesink. Edited by Ryzerion
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Gheeze. Anyone who would leave a game over somthing like the this is....well...looking for a reason to quit. IF it was'nt something silly like this..it would be some other lame excuse.


Wasting time, tedium, watching Tv while on autorun...that's not a little thing. You are the one looking..to dismiss the valid complaint about the travel in this game.

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planet - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - shuttle ship - loading screen - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - ship - loading screen - fly to new planet - get off ship - loading screen - walk - elevator - loading screen - walk - shuttle ship - loading screen - planet!


For the first time in my life i am leaving a game because of something so small. Thanks Bioware


I never get loading screens for elevators. For me, it is more like:


Planet -> Walk -> Elevator -> Walk -> Shuttle Ship -> Walk -> Elevator -> Walk -> Ship loading (5 seconds tops) -> Fly to new planet -> Get off ship -> loading screen (20 seconds tops for huge planets) -> walk -> elevator -> walk -> shuttle ship -> planet. Takes very quickly and usually I just quick travel to the spaceport and I'm in a new planet within 2 minutes.


If you have loading screens for elevators... get a new hard drive or something. Or you are lying. There's only a loading screen when you switch shards or when you switch planets / ships / fleet.

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Loading screens? <15secs with an SSD :) Best upgrade ever!

But the unneccasery walking gets frustrating idd...


Even with a SSD and a high end rig you got loading times.

Just like this game doesn't like me to alt tab for some reason.

I find this beyond annoying, but hey I guess they wanted to make it as tedious as possible.

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There needs to be an EAware employee that lurks around the offices, during meetings, game planning, and development.


This employee needs to carry around a foam bat.


Every time this employee hears the word "elevator" or sees an elevator in gameplay, this bat-wielding employee needs to flog the nearest person responsible for the elevator, until the elevator is removed and never spoken of again.


I'm kind of shocked that Dragon Age wasn't riddled with elevators.

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If you watch the SW movies you'll notice that folks land their ships on planets all the time. If you play a SW video game, well swtor, you'll dock your ship at some stupid space station and take a shuttle to planet side. Not only does it not line up with the movies and books but also breaks the immersion of being a smuggler.


I'm also tired of hearing this crap about swtor being BW first MMO so cut them slack. They had an alpha, close beta, open beta and early access to get all the feedback they need to make changes.

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Ritalin is an underutilized drug, apparently. There seem to be many ADHD sufferers here. Oh, and loading screens don't bother me. I have this little thing called patience. You may want to check into that.

When real life intrudes and play time isn't unlimited, being presented with time sinks quickly becomes an irritant--particularly in an MMO where you're re-playing content.



I'd prefer to not spend those 30 minutes a night running back and forth through useless space ports (or fighting my way back out the tunnel I just spent 30 minutes clearing to get to the short quest encounter at the end).

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All the commendation vendors are already on the fleet. I only use the planet vendors when I'm on the planet to start with. Otherwise, I stop by the fleet. They are conveniently close together there.


Space combat is fine, except for being blinded by bright blaster fire in heavy forward ship to ship attacks. Personally, I think our shields should be tougher pre-epic gear.


I don't want to see space combat removed but rather made co-op where other players in the group/raid follow slightly different rails. I also would like space combat to have some missions in 1st person mode.


I'm fine with more mini-games like Pazaak and swoop/pod racing.




I thought our ships would be larger than they are - the size they currently are, I see no real reason why they cannot land on the planet themselves. I would rather the orbital stations be taken out entirely and just let us take the invisible shuttle from our ship to the surface. Our ship should be big enough to have a 2-man shuttle anyway, like ME2's Normandy was.


Okay, so I agree with the commendation vendors on the orbital stations being useless...I'm just grasping at straws here. But glad to see people agree with more mini-games, and using the orbital stations as staging points for these. I can't remember because I run through them so quickly, but are there cantinas on the stations? If not, there should be, complete with Pazaak or Sabaac tables and such. Maybe some station-specific games like a space-race mission, or like I mentioned before, turret defense. I also think they could add NPCs for social specific quests. Talking to them, and doing small things around the stations themselves (possibly ridiculous or "embarrassing" things in public for the sake of humor) could be used to raise social ranking slightly for the people who aren't too keen on grouping all the time. Heck, the missions don't even have to do anything or even raise social ranking, but they could just add flavor to the stations. Just little things, but enough little things to make the individual orbital stations worthwhile to visit from time to time.

Edited by photometrik
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Being patient is fine, but when it's CONSTANT loading screens,, it starts to wear down...one or two is fine, not five in only a few feet of each other.




What are you doing, just going back and forth between the planet and your ship over and over and over?

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Okay, so I agree with the commendation vendors on the orbital stations being useless...I'm just grasping at straws here. But glad to see people agree with more mini-games, and using the orbital stations as staging points for these. I can't remember because I run through them so quickly, but are there cantinas on the stations? If not, there should be, complete with Pazaak or Sabaac tables and such. Maybe some station-specific games like a space-race mission, or like I mentioned before, turret defense. I also think they could add NPCs for social specific quests. Talking to them, and doing small things around the stations themselves (possibly ridiculous or "embarrassing" things in public for the sake of humor) could be used to raise social ranking slightly for the people who aren't too keen on grouping all the time. Heck, the missions don't even have to do anything or even raise social ranking, but they could just add flavor to the stations. Just little things, but enough little things to make the individual orbital stations worthwhile to visit from time to time.


I think the "reason" for orbital stations was primarily because there isn't supposed to "be room" for 200 spaceships to park on the planet. Not all of the planets have a "massive spaceport" structure on the surface. With the number of people playing the game, it wouldn't make sense to just land the ship in a clearing like the movies do - the story in that case is revolving around one ship alone, there are obviously many other ships in play in TOR - player and NPC alike.


Regarding mini-games on orbital stations - I'd have to say no. It is a good idea, I'll give you that, but with the nature of video games - if you throw down mini-game tables in the most backwater places ever, you are just insuring they will never get used. Who is going to just sit in the Voss orbital station waiting for someone to just happen by that wants to play pazaak. While yes, interlinked tables would be nice - I think they are better served by placing them in a central hub - like on the Fleet or on Coruscant.


Honestly, I'd rather just see the orbital stations removed and let us shuttle directly from our ship to the surface.

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