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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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It's quite easy to find groups if you use the LFG system in place. I never fail to have people invite me to groups if I put my objective in my LFG comment. I don't even need to spam general. It might not be immediate, usually about 5-10 min., but while questing/crafting does it really need to be?
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It's quite easy to find groups if you use the LFG system in place. I never fail to have people invite me to groups if I put my objective in my LFG comment. I don't even need to spam general. It might not be immediate, usually about 5-10 min., but while questing/crafting does it really need to be?


That doesn't work for everyone, do you honestly think people are writing all these messages on the forums cause it's so easy for them in game? Read my LARGE early post on this thread and it'll educate you on a lot of the issues people are facing

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Once again adding my support for a lfd tool and preferably a cross server one!

I want a tool that helps me to meet more people in game. I like being social!

No i do not require that i could meet some one again to be social. I am perfectly social even if i never meet the person again,

Funny how the pro lfd people are the ones labeled anti social when they are the ones wanting to meet and play with more people and the anti lfd people are social yet they put requirements on meeting people like must have the ability to meet the people again and must have the chance to make lasting friends.

IMO its the anti lfd people at are truly anti social!

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That doesn't work for everyone, do you honestly think people are writing all these messages on the forums cause it's so easy for them in game? Read my LARGE early post on this thread and it'll educate you on a lot of the issues people are facing


Sorry dude, there are 18+ pages in this thread. I glanced through the first 3 and didn't see any large posts. I'm not hunting through them all to find what your definition of early, or even large, is.


All I can make observations on is my own experience. In my experience, if people actually use the LFG tool, it works. Most people don't bother then complain they can't find groups.

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I don't support cross-server LFD in any way, shape, or form.


I am currently enjoying this game because of the lack of cross-server in both pvp and pve dungeons. I can actually make friends, bonds and recognize people. I know who the filthy Pubs are, there's a certain reputation and fame that goes to it.


And I have some guildies who are already server e-famous and stuff. It's a nice feeling.


This goes away when there's cross-server anything.


OMG. D0oOd. Unplug. Take a break. Eat something. Go outside. It's a video game. If you think you or anyone else are accomplishing anything by playing this game besides entertaining yourself then you need to maybe take it down a notch.


Playing a video game doesn't make you "hard core" or "e-famous" (<--OMG LOL) or "tough" in any way. Not in any context. Never. Ever. Period.


This is just disturbing.


Wanna be "Hard Core"???? Go Here --> https://www.marines.com/rmi

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Sorry dude, there are 18+ pages in this thread. I glanced through the first 3 and didn't see any large posts. I'm not hunting through them all to find what your definition of early, or even large, is.


All I can make observations on is my own experience. In my experience, if people actually use the LFG tool, it works. Most people don't bother then complain they can't find groups.


Thank you for posting your experiences that you're able to find groups relatively easy. Also thank you for highlighting the main problem with the current LFG tool (nobody uses it).

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That doesn't work for everyone, do you honestly think people are writing all these messages on the forums cause it's so easy for them in game? Read my LARGE early post on this thread and it'll educate you on a lot of the issues people are facing


Don't bother. Its a rather long diatribe that tries to rationalize LFD using guesswork and unique situations better fixed by other methods. Don't worry though, I'm sure he'll post it again...and again...and again.


LFD intraserver is fine. Leave the cross server crap out of it please.


P.S. Attacking someone for "imposing his will on others" is very funny coming from someone who wrote a manifesto on why his will should be imposed.

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Sorry dude, there are 18+ pages in this thread. I glanced through the first 3 and didn't see any large posts. I'm not hunting through them all to find what your definition of early, or even large, is.


All I can make observations on is my own experience. In my experience, if people actually use the LFG tool, it works. Most people don't bother then complain they can't find groups.


It was on page 6, someone made a repost of it from another thread. For someone advocating effort in-game, you could of put a bit more on these topic, it only takes 20 seconds to cycle through a page if that :)


If you are on the wrong faction is does NOT work, if you are on a low population server it does NOT work, if you have to make a group imediately due to playtime restrictions it does NOT work, if you are outside of the player bubble it does NOT work, if you play outside of regular gaming hours due to work/rl obligations it doesn't WORK WELL, if you play a dime a dozen dps class it doesn't WORK WELL


Hope you get the point, read my thread on page 6 for more info! Cheers

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OMG. D0oOd. Unplug. Take a break. Eat something. Go outside. It's a video game. If you think you or anyone else are accomplishing anything by playing this game besides entertaining yourself then you need to maybe take it down a notch.


Playing a video game doesn't make you "hard core" or "e-famous" (<--OMG LOL) or "tough" in any way. Not in any context. Never. Ever. Period.


This is just disturbing.


Wanna be "Hard Core"???? Go Here --> https://www.marines.com/rmi

This reply was totally uncalled for,he is well within his right to do such things and say them on here,don't tell people how to live.On topic,if they do introduce a LFD tool then it will HAVE to be realm specific,no cross realm rubbish.That will kill the community and give idiots more reason to act like.....well.... idiots. So yeah,realm specific or not at all for me tbh.

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Don't bother. Its a rather long diatribe that tries to rationalize LFD using guesswork and unique situations better fixed by other methods. Don't worry though, I'm sure he'll post it again...and again...and again.


LFD intraserver is fine. Leave the cross server crap out of it please.


P.S. Attacking someone for "imposing his will on others" is very funny coming from someone who wrote a manifesto on why his will should be imposed.


Yeah, I just saw it. Jesus! I'm going to have to wait to get home from work before I even attempt to read that novel. I can support single server LFD, cross-server though is a big part of why I left other MMOs. Once you lose that accountability tied to people's character names, you lose the community.

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Don't bother. Its a rather long diatribe that tries to rationalize LFD using guesswork and unique situations better fixed by other methods. Don't worry though, I'm sure he'll post it again...and again...and again.


LFD intraserver is fine. Leave the cross server crap out of it please.


P.S. Attacking someone for "imposing his will on others" is very funny coming from someone who wrote a manifesto on why his will should be imposed.


Hello SlickDevian we meet again! You aren't too slick though cause you would of noticed I didn't post it, someone else took the initiative and posted it for me. This guy is a notorious anti-LFD poster, yet he won't tell me why my individual thoughts are wrong. You seem like you have a handle on the issue and you disagree, would you provide your reasonings or link me to someones work that is constructive on the matter? If I am missing something I'd like to know it, till we meet again.




You mentioned other methods, what methods would you recommend? I'd 100% support no-LFD measures if there was another way of accomplishing it. Please share.

Edited by Touchbass
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You mentioned other methods, what methods would you recommend? I'd 100% support no-LFD measures if there was another way of accomplishing it. Pleasure share.


Quoted because I too would love to see what other methods SlickDevlan is referring to.

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Change title to: Need help making friends badly.


If you are too lazy or socially inept to make friends with people in an mmo then creating cross server dungeon finder so you can bare to play an mmo for a little while longer while ruining everyone elses community is not what I consider a good move for any game.


Try being social, talk to people, that guy you see questing beside you is not an npc you can talk to him and maybe even share some of the same interests and possibly even become friends, it even gets easier after the first time.

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Not my post, but it explains how I feel about this matter....


I know it is a touchy subject, and everyone has their own views on it, but I want to bring up LFD/LFR tools real quick. I was a huge fan of LFD when it came out in WoW. It made it so I went from doing like maybe 1-3 dungeons a day to 12+ if I wanted to. When Rift launched without it I gave Trion endless amounts of **** for not putting it in their game for launch. I have posts in the Rift thread claiming it should now be a permanent MMO feature.


I just want to go on record as saying that I don't feel that way anymore. Not even close. I am sure it is what people would call a "quality of life" feature. It does make the physical act of just running dungeons easier, but it is pushing us down a road that I no longer think is for the best. I think it is sad how lost some people are because the game won't build their groups for them. I have witnessed a well balanced group of people all just sit there shouting for a group in general chat. Tank, heals, and dps all looking for a group and no one doing the invites. It's *********** pathetic. Why exactly do people want to play a social game, but go out of their way to not socialize with anyone?


On top of that I have seen what WoW is turning into. A waiting room where everyone sits around the bank waiting for a pop-up for their Dungeon, raid, battleground, summon, etc. I have friends who still play the game who claim to not leave Stormwind for weeks at a time. You can mass summon your entire raid now, so even then you just have to wait for your pop-up, do your raid, and hearth back to Stormwind/Org to get back to the business of waiting for more pop-ups. You can literally play the entire game solo from Stormwind/Org now. No need for even a guild unless you want to do heroic raiding. That is what happens when "quality of life" changes start to get out of hand.


It is a effort vs reward problem. When everything is quite literally just laid out in front of you on a silver platter what the **** is the point? When there is no effort, there is no reward. Diablo 2 is one of the most boring *********** games on the planet if you go out and grab a trainer program for it. Give yourself all the gear you want without any effort and the game loses any and all meaning. Running dungeons/raids when all effort if taken out of your hands has the exact same effect. The problem is that people keep screaming "Make it easier for me!", but also keep screaming "Why the **** am I so bored!?". They do go hand in hand.


I am sure they will end up adding it just because the masses want it. I'm telling you though I really do believe that the mantra of "easier is better" is getting way out of hand and is going to end up demolishing this entire genre for most of us. Even for the folks who support things like LFD/LFR.

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I'm actually really intereted in also hearing which of these arguments are guesswork:


1) Low population Servers


2) People wanting to do low level dungeons in the upcoming months


3) Server imbalance


4) People who play off peak times with an indesirable role perference


5) People whose play sessions are short and don't have time for manual group formation


My post pretty much relies on those as tenets, if you disprove those as being valid then you'd win.

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The LFG tool was quite nice in the last MMO I played. I found it enjoyable because I could quickly find a group for Heroics and Instances/Flashpoints.


Spamming general chat is not very interesting, and doesn't add a "social" aspect to the game. Adding a LFG tool does not take away from players that enjoy forming groups outside the tool, but simply enables players that choose to use it find similarly minded players quickly.


I know that with my group of friends, we all catered our classes to assemble a balanced 4 man group. But when I don't have that, I enjoy the benefit of having a tool that can help find a tank, dps, and healers to run Flashpoints or Heroics.


It's a time thing. I wish I could sit and spam chat channels to find a group, but I don't have an unlimited time budget and would still like to enjoy group aspects of the game when members of my guild aren't online.


TL;DR: I support the idea of a LFG tool, it's an optional tool, no one is forced to use it.

Edited by bsmolke
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This is a silly argument.


Nothing is preventing you from being friends and socializing with people AFTER you are in a group together. If anything - adding a group finder makes it much easier to socialize with one another - because it places you into a group setting where you have to communicate to succeed.


I see no problem with adding a group finder to this game. Would be a fine addition.

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What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.

2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.

3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.




1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.

2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.


I hate to say it; but, I'm with the OP on this. I've been against dungeon finder tools since WoW; but, only because they did the whole cross server garbage. If Bioware kept it localized to the same server for the first year or so of the game it wouldn't be an issue for me at all. I understand that when a game has been out for a long time, you don't have a regular stream of players going through the low level content; so it makes it hard to find groups for things outside of spamming chat, sometimes for hours. At end game I don't really see same server queuing as an issue seeing that everyone is usually all doing the same thing anyways, so not hard to find groups.


I really believe that dungeon grouping tools belong in next gen MMO's they just need to be handled delicately or they end up creating a horrible HORRIBLE community.

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Not my post, but it explains how I feel about this matter....


I know it is a touchy subject, and everyone has their own views on it, but I want to bring up LFD/LFR tools real quick. I was a huge fan of LFD when it came out in WoW. It made it so I went from doing like maybe 1-3 dungeons a day to 12+ if I wanted to. When Rift launched without it I gave Trion endless amounts of **** for not putting it in their game for launch. I have posts in the Rift thread claiming it should now be a permanent MMO feature.


I just want to go on record as saying that I don't feel that way anymore. Not even close. I am sure it is what people would call a "quality of life" feature. It does make the physical act of just running dungeons easier, but it is pushing us down a road that I no longer think is for the best. I think it is sad how lost some people are because the game won't build their groups for them. I have witnessed a well balanced group of people all just sit there shouting for a group in general chat. Tank, heals, and dps all looking for a group and no one doing the invites. It's *********** pathetic. Why exactly do people want to play a social game, but go out of their way to not socialize with anyone?


On top of that I have seen what WoW is turning into. A waiting room where everyone sits around the bank waiting for a pop-up for their Dungeon, raid, battleground, summon, etc. I have friends who still play the game who claim to not leave Stormwind for weeks at a time. You can mass summon your entire raid now, so even then you just have to wait for your pop-up, do your raid, and hearth back to Stormwind/Org to get back to the business of waiting for more pop-ups. You can literally play the entire game solo from Stormwind/Org now. No need for even a guild unless you want to do heroic raiding. That is what happens when "quality of life" changes start to get out of hand.


It is a effort vs reward problem. When everything is quite literally just laid out in front of you on a silver platter what the **** is the point? When there is no effort, there is no reward. Diablo 2 is one of the most boring *********** games on the planet if you go out and grab a trainer program for it. Give yourself all the gear you want without any effort and the game loses any and all meaning. Running dungeons/raids when all effort if taken out of your hands has the exact same effect. The problem is that people keep screaming "Make it easier for me!", but also keep screaming "Why the **** am I so bored!?". They do go hand in hand.


I am sure they will end up adding it just because the masses want it. I'm telling you though I really do believe that the mantra of "easier is better" is getting way out of hand and is going to end up demolishing this entire genre for most of us. Even for the folks who support things like LFD/LFR.


You mention in your post about usually running 1-3 dungeons a day to 12 if you wanted too, for some of us went from being able to run none to maybe 1 dungeon a day to being able to do 2-3 a day. Personally I couldn't do more then 3 dungeons a day before I experienced 'burn out', maybe that is your issue?


You seem to like this word effort a lot, lets discuss this further. There are some people that are putting an A+ for effort out there and recieving no results, so you can't make a blanket statement that people aren't putting in any effort. You ask 'What is the point when laid out'? Don't use those tools then? For some of us, LFR was the first time I was able to kill a end game boss when he was relevant, the boards were fill of people overjoyed to finally do it, why would you take that away from them/us? No one was forcing you to use thsoe tools, save them for the people who want to use them. It sounds more like MMORPG burn out that is being attributed to WoW's LFD system.


Thank you for taking the time to post your thoughts though, all opinions matter on the subject

Edited by Touchbass
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I don't support cross-server LFD in any way, shape, or form.


I am currently enjoying this game because of the lack of cross-server in both pvp and pve dungeons. I can actually make friends, bonds and recognize people. I know who the filthy Pubs are, there's a certain reputation and fame that goes to it.


And I have some guildies who are already server e-famous and stuff. It's a nice feeling.


This goes away when there's cross-server anything.


These "community" supporters are not only like religious people, cannot see logic and inevitibility to save their life. But they are like bad tv movie high school football players and cheerleaders. Only "the chosen few" can play football or make it on the cheer squad and **** those damn non-jocks who dare want to play the game, too! I like being the most popular kids in the school and Bioware better not take away my elite status!

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The entire game is a lobby game right now if you haven't noticed, allowing a LFD will the game to open up and become more immersive since we aren't all stuck in a spot together


For those concerned about community, perhaps they could require that you be at the Imperial or Republic fleet in order to use the LFD tool?

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These "community" supporters are not only like religious people, cannot see logic and inevitibility to save their life. But they are like bad tv movie high school football players and cheerleaders. Only "the chosen few" can play football or make it on the cheer squad and **** those damn non-jocks who dare want to play the game, too! I like being the most popular kids in the school and Bioware better not take away my elite status!


I'm glad I'm not the only one who could read through the lines with that one, jeesh.

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I won't lie, I'm against it. I can see the appeal, easier to get groups, etc... But I was there at the implementation of LFD in WoW and saw the last nail in the coffin for me. He server I was on died rather quickly, sure I had some pre-LFD friends for that character but had I tried an alt I would lose that. Tried making groups the usual way a few months after implementation and it took way longer than before.


In addition, ninjaing became a nonstop problem. Pre LFD I would run into a ninja a month, post I was running into at least one every other run. Sure you can alter the need/greed system but taking away accountability from the server further removes social aspects from the game.


Furthermore, finding a group took far longer with the implementation. Queuing as a healer was rather quick, tank wasn't TOO bad, but finding a group as DPS could take up to 2hrs for me. Often I'd play forgetting I was que'd.


I dont understand the complaints about taking too long to find a group w/o LFD. Is "(role) LFG "flashpoint X"" really not working for others? The longest I've had to wait even as a dps is 30min and that was unusual.


Again, it was the last nail in the coffin for me in WoW similar nail for me in Rift and most probably the same nail in SWTOR... Gl hf

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