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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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Did I say you had to make friends? If playing with an actual group, which an LFD is not, in group content is not your goal, please ask BW to remove group content or allow you to use NPCs. But don't pretend that you are doing something noble by wanting an LFD.


Are you under the assumption that trying to restrict a LFD tool is doing 'something noble'? Pray tell, how is a group made by spamming Fleet general more of a group than using LFD?

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A serverwide LFG tool, automated or not, would be a great addition. I would prefer to not have it cross-server though - I make most of my friends through those groups and WoW's system did indeed ruin my gaming experience as now my potential friends were scattered across different servers.


And yes, I play a massive multiplayer online game to make online friends. I even end up meeting some of them outside the game when I'm on vacation and happen to travel close to their home.


That said, there's a well-populated custom channel that spread from friend to friend among our 50 population so finding someone to play with hasn't been a problem for me.

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I don't understand what the problem is.


If there is a cross-server LFG tool implemented, nobody is making it mandatory. All of those against it are perfectly free to form their own same server group the old fashioned way.


It's an option. Nobody is going to make you use it, if that's not your thing.

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A serverwide LFG tool, automated or not, would be a great addition. I would prefer to not have it cross-server though - I make most of my friends through those groups and WoW's system did indeed ruin my gaming experience as now my potential friends were scattered across different servers.


And yes, I play a massive multiplayer online game to make online friends. I even end up meeting some of them outside the game when I'm on vacation and happen to travel close to their home.


That said, there's a well-populated custom channel that spread from friend to friend among our 50 population so finding someone to play with hasn't been a problem for me.


Did you know...


You could get their battle.net id and put them on your friends list and then queue up for dungeons together even if they were on different servers?

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Here's my idea for an LFG tool.


A Menu where you pick your role (Tank, Caster, Melee, Healer). This setting is saved until changed.


You can select which instances you're interested in, possibly even prioritizing them in an order. It should allow room for at least 5 or more choices.


Then a single button on your main-screen to toggle your LFG on/off.


When on, the system will automatically group you with 1 Tank, 2 DPS and 1 Healer who are interested in running the same dungeons as you are. From then on, things commence as usual.


Additionally, the LFG button will blink subtly once every ~10 minutes to remind you of it.


One click is all you need to mark yourself as LFG. One click to turn it off. Simple.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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one Selfish group vs another Selfish group.


LFG Tool

Faster group finding

No requirement to interact with humanity in a social manner

Solo play as no communication is required as assumptions are made that anyone in the group is already familiar with what to do.



Slower group finding

requires people to interact with humanity before the dungeon

Opportunity to get out what's expected(quick runs, no FP experience)


Personally if you can find someone to interact before hand. Then they are more likely to be a more social able person in the dungeon. Both have their pro's and con's.

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This game does need an LFG tool very, very badly. Not just for Flashpoints, but for the Heroic content.


What I can't understand and is beyond me is why they even thought they should do the Heroic content. It's been proven to fail in other games, it rarely gets seen, so it's often wasted content. This content could be harder, but make it doable by a player with their companion. Trying to force gamers to group up doesn't work, that's been shown in the past.


So currently, the developers have worked hard on a lot of content that a lot of players will never see just because it's too hard to get a group together or they are just too lazy. Group content has been shown to fail in every single other MMO. It's just wasted content that should get seen. So change things, because I'm upset there is a lot of great content that might not be getting seen.

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i also prefer lfg tools. i would deal with a server wide lfg channel...but that did not really work with rift, i dunno why bioware thinks it will work for them. i would settle for a server wide lfg tool though if they do not want cross server stuff.


however, people will be jerks period. that is a hazard of PUG's. but if you want to PUG then having an lfg tool is the way to go. it has been proven in EVERY SINGLE MMO TO DATE. i am sorry bioware, you are not immune to this.

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I work anywhere from 40-80 hours a week. Sometimes I work weekends. Someimtes I have to travel for days, somtimes weeks at a time. This makes maintaining guild affiliation, or a friends list with people vaguely my level, exceptionally difficult. An LFD tool would make make getting into instance runs a lot easier.


Dont get me wrong, I like community. I played orginal EQ and WoW from release and raided heavily, but that was in college and grad school. The real world makes that kind of time investment impossible.


TLDR - I work too much, LFD tool please.

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So apparently the devs won't let me make my own topic on it, shame really. My post could cut to the chase so quickly for a lot of people :( Oh well!


On a fun note, I was having a discussion with someone in another thread about people being lazy. He vehemently believes everyone who wants a LFD is just lazy, when explained to him how is spending an 1 hour on a republic ghost town lazy he told me i'm not doing it right. Always changing their arguments, never willing to listen. The sad part is they're just shooting themselves in the foot, they need our business to make this game enjoyable for them one way or another.

Edited by Touchbass
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i also prefer lfg tools. i would deal with a server wide lfg channel...but that did not really work with rift, i dunno why bioware thinks it will work for them. i would settle for a server wide lfg tool though if they do not want cross server stuff.


however, people will be jerks period. that is a hazard of PUG's. but if you want to PUG then having an lfg tool is the way to go. it has been proven in EVERY SINGLE MMO TO DATE. i am sorry bioware, you are not immune to this.



Why did Bioware launch without a LFD?


Bioware didn't need to launch with a LFD tool as noted by my ability to post this from purchasing said game. There wasn't enough time to implement the feature at launch and they are relying on the inertia of this being a new shiney mmo to buy them time to make a development time decision. If you people think for one second that EA sports would let Bioware not include a LFD to "protect the community" if it meant a reduction in concurrent subscriptions then you're insane, plain and simple. If you go by the offical statements from bioware developers that they are "observing trends and going to make a decisi ... " yadda yah i can't even finish that hogwash; they don't have time to implement a LFD unless it's dire. They are so backlogged with so many game play altering bugs that it's not feasible for them to have an improved LFD feature ready anytime soon. I'm not a programmer but based on my observations of other games it'd be at least 3 months before we see a working tool; which is going to be really late for a lot of gamers with these spread out populations.

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I've always been against dungeon-finders and group-finders....


but in this game, with the way it's designed, I think you need it.


I would've never wanted something like that in EQ, but EQ wasn't full of instanced zones. You could actually walk into a dungeon and shout for groups because people didn't just run through it and then move on. They would spend time there and the barrier to having all of the people in the best dungeons was a max feasible capacity and the time to run to places. That way everything worked itself out.


But here, where everything is instanced, and it's very hard to get people together, they just need to add a LFD.

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I don't understand what the problem is.


If there is a cross-server LFG tool implemented, nobody is making it mandatory. All of those against it are perfectly free to form their own same server group the old fashioned way.


It's an option. Nobody is going to make you use it, if that's not your thing.


They're afraid that everyone will use the tool and they won't be able to form a group the "normal" way. Therefore proving that they're the minority, and most players WANT the LFD tool.

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I don't support cross-server LFD in any way, shape, or form.


I am currently enjoying this game because of the lack of cross-server in both pvp and pve dungeons. I can actually make friends, bonds and recognize people. I know who the filthy Pubs are, there's a certain reputation and fame that goes to it.


And I have some guildies who are already server e-famous and stuff. It's a nice feeling.


This goes away when there's cross-server anything.

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I don't support cross-server LFD in any way, shape, or form.


I am currently enjoying this game because of the lack of cross-server in both pvp and pve dungeons. I can actually make friends, bonds and recognize people. I know who the filthy Pubs are, there's a certain reputation and fame that goes to it.


And I have some guildies who are already server e-famous and stuff. It's a nice feeling.


This goes away when there's cross-server anything.


Once again, this is your community here. All this guy/gal does is like stretching his ego and putting others down from the looks of it. E-famous in SWTOR????

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All LFD does to a game is breaks it down to being nothing but a lobby+ dungeons. And not to mention having it cross realm, everyone acting like an idiot because they can.


The entire game is a lobby game right now if you haven't noticed, allowing a LFD will the game to open up and become more immersive since we aren't all stuck in a spot together

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All LFD does to a game is breaks it down to being nothing but a lobby+ dungeons. And not to mention having it cross realm, everyone acting like an idiot because they can.


Hey guess what happens as you are leveling? You are instanced off from the rest of the population via group quests and story quests?



Hey guess what happens at level 50!? You sit at the fleet spamming LFG for hard mode flashpoints or go and do your dailies on Ilum and Belsavis. Then you do operations!


Are you sure it's not already a lobby game?

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They're afraid that everyone will use the tool and they won't be able to form a group the "normal" way. Therefore proving that they're the minority, and most players WANT the LFD tool.


I think there's a lot of truth to this. It still doesn't stop them from refraining from using the automated tool however and attempting to use their same methods for forming groups so I still don't see what the problem is?

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Then add LFD but please no cross realm stuff. I like server communities and I like how poeple are known, infamous, good at PvP, poopsockers. You add crossrealm to this and all that goes away. Everyone is now just 1 out of 2 million.
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I have never in all my years of playing mmorpgs had as much difficulty finding groups as I did in this game on the server I chose and going Republic. Especially considering how new the game is that makes it all the more frustrating and frankly rather alarming.


Since then I chose a new server and went Imperial. The difference is like night and day. Tons of players and it is insanely easy to find groups. So I get why some say lfg mechanics aren't needed. They would be wrong. Just because they aren't experiencing any problems that does not mean the problem does not exist. Still, I can see why they would make that assumption.


They really better do something because if it is already this bad on some servers especially if you roll Republic god help newer players that might start a few months from now.

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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Then add LFD but please no cross realm stuff. I like server communities and I like how poeple are known, infamous, good at PvP, poopsockers. You add crossrealm to this and all that goes away. Everyone is now just 1 out of 2 million.


I'd love to know the poopsockers of your server

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I think there's a lot of truth to this. It still doesn't stop them from refraining from using the automated tool however and attempting to use their same methods for forming groups so I still don't see what the problem is?


People would rather be a unique snowflake and impose their will on people rather then helping people who are just asking for a tool so they can experience the game, read the the post a couple above your orginal to get what i mean

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