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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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While I agree on your point, Touch. I'm very curious to see what Bioware pulls out of their hat with their LFG tool. Since they included group quests as one of the things they want to improve in the tool. Personally, and this is just off the cuff, I would love to see a full LFD-like tool for group quests: get quest from quest giver, queue by specific quest/s, teleports you there, do quests with group, teleports you back to where you were.


I don't mind traveling to those quests cause they are in the realm of regular quests, just want an easy method of collecting groups for them. People are just ignoring them now :(

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While I agree on your point, Touch. I'm very curious to see what Bioware pulls out of their hat with their LFG tool. Since they included group quests as one of the things they want to improve in the tool. Personally, and this is just off the cuff, I would love to see a full LFD-like tool for group quests: get quest from quest giver, queue by specific quest/s, teleports you there, do quests with group, teleports you back to where you were.

I've actually traveled back to planets that have grey quests just to help out on these. It would be interesting to see if they do add something in the LFD tool for that.


They are ignored, which is sad, because some of them have some very good rewards that're guaranteed for you while leveling - something you don't get from the chance drops in dungeons.

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Just thought I would check in here. Earlier in this thread I stated that I was mostly a solo player but that I supported a LFG tool.


However I was curious to see just how bad all these claims were about not being able to find groups during leveling content. So I rolled a Tank alt. Sith warrior wich is now level 25.


And yep. They were right. Its like pulling teeth with a toilet plunger when trying to find groups.


I still have group quests on Balmorra and even DK that I havnt finished because I couldnt find a group and Im easily more than half way done with Nar Shadda. I dumped the DK ones because I cant get any xp for those anymore now anyway.


I still go back to Balmorra from time to time and sit in /1 and spam: Tank LFG <insert whatever quest> for atleast 1 hour before getting bored and moving back over to Nar Shadda, but I suspect I will be dumping the Balmorra quests too. In the time I spend sitting around spamming /1 on Balmorra, I could be level 30 if I just moved on.


I think a lot of people do this. They finish thier normal quests and then try and find a group by spamming /1 to find a group. But they dont want to waste All thier time standing around spamming /1 so they run off to the next planet. And since they are unable to see the last planets /1 chat, they miss any chances at seeing other people looking for groups.


And the /who command to find groups only works if your on That planet. So it does no good if you decide to go on your way and hope to find groups for the planet you just left.


So Im glad BW is looking into creating a LFG tool. Now that Ive actually expierenced how difficult it is right now to find groups, I feel it is definately needed.



Your experience is an echo of a great many people that have posted their desire for a working LFG tool. Unfortunately it appears BW isn't really reading the posts from people like yourself. It would seem they've decided to only really read posts from a very small sub-set of mmo gamers regarding this issue, and other issues for that matter.
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Bioware dropped the ball on all these group quests on planets, it's been shown that group quests don't work very well in leveling content.


EDIT: I covered a few topics in this post, so I labeled the paragraphs with their topics for the "TL;DRs"


Comparison to the teaming systems in City of Heroes: I disagree with you Touch, saying that team content during leveling doesn't work. Maybe in WoW they separated the experience into solo leveling vs. grouped up end game, but not all games are like this. In some games you can easily run with a team through most of the leveling content. Like I've said before, it depends on the game. In City of Heroes (I know I always talk about CoH), I have leveled entire characters from 1 to 50 playing with a team 95% of the time. Because the game encourages team play with simple systems for people of any level to team together, for sharing quests, for no-dispute looting, and with tons of incentive to play with a team. That game is soloable, but except for the people who just hate teaming in any game, there's no reason for anyone to opt for soloing if they prefer team play. The structure allows team players to always play in a team. There is nothing to make team players say "it's too much of a pain in the *** to team up, so even though I would rather be running with a team right now, I'll just settle for soloing". Team content in that game at all level brackets is available, doable, fun, and profitable.

[City of Heroes is alive and active still after 7 years running.]


Team players like to team for everything (and Anarchy Online comparison): I think having tons of team content throughout TOR at all levels is a great idea, the problem is that the structure of the game does not support that content. I'm such a team player that I would love to see the game consist of all team content, but, unlike some people, I'm not going to try to force others to play my way. In Anarchy Online, the MMO I played most before CoH, virtually everything was done in team for one rather hardcore reason... most of the game couldn't be survived without a team. Again, that's kind of forcing people to group up, but as a team player, I personally loved it. Not that I'm saying that it should go that way in TOR, but incentives like in CoH would be great. Not to mention that in Anarchy Online, most of the game was spent in the "leveling phase", max level was 220 and those levels took a while to get. If you separated the game experience into solo leveling vs. endgame team play, you would be spending a very long time playing solo.

[Anarchy Online is alive and active still after 9 years running.]


LFG tool would make possible much more team play, not just for end game, and not just for FPs/Ops: An LFG tool I believe would make team content at all levels and at endgame much more accessible. Since there are limited players online on one server, on the same planet, who have the same missions in their mission log, it would be awesome if the LFG tool worked cross server to team up for the heroics on all planets also, not just flashpoints and ops, opening up access to much more available players to team up with to do these missions. At least for the indoor instanced heroics, I understand it would be hard to do that with the outdoor missions on the world map. If the options were available I would even use the team tool to find people to share all the normal "solo" missions with too. I think any mission where you enter an instance through a "green door", "solo" or "heroic", should be sharable cross server. I would do everything with a team. It would be great if more of the missions were instanced to allow for cross server mission sharing.


Cross-server open world PvP: And on a another note: I don't think anyone would really disagree with this idea... Cross server open-world PvP zones would be awesome as hell. There would be more people involved, and better chance of balanced sides. They could make them instanced with pre-formed ops groups through the LFG tool, with equal players on each side, and just have a free for all war for as long as those teams hold together, filling in the gaps in the teams as people leave. You might see a war last for a week lol. (Especially if they add objectives.)


More team play = Much more socializing: For the "don't kill community" crowd... how would any of this, any system that encourages people to solo less and group up more, result in less socializing? The way I see it, more team play = more socializing. (I absolutely want cross server friends list and cross server chat to go with the LFG tool too.)


There's my essay post for today.

55 days of payed game time left, 8 days of it wasted with me unable to play the endgame content I want to play.

55 days left to make the LFG tool available and keep me subscribed to this game.


To all the people trying to take LFG tool away from me: Leggo my Eggo!

Edited by AeonWeapon
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Yeah I have to agree with you, I'm all down for grouping but it has to be done in a way that makes sense and doesn't cause discomfort. Last night (i'm staying up late to adjust to nights for work) around 2am I couldn't find a group for the life of me on Alderan (however you spell it). This is the 3rd planet in a row where I haven't completed the group quests.


As you've already stated, they need to remove the barriers to group. Downranking players would help for sure :) I'd like to see a planet teleport if you group with someone on another planet, this would be supported with a LFG channel to make heroics easier. All good stuff Aeon.

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Posting here again to show my support for a cross server lfd tool!

Please add a cross server lfd tool. These tools allow my to be social with more people.

Even if i may never meet them again they are people to play with and have fun with.

I do not ignore people in real life i may never meet again why should i ignore players that i may never meet again.


While your at it BW give us cross server friends list and whispers!

Allow us to move beyond these limits of single server!

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Because the previous thread has exceeded our normal threshold for thread length, we've started this new thread for the community to discuss this topic.


LOL... so the prior thread of just 28 pages was 'too long' when this thread is breaking the 100 page mark. Stupid reason is stupid.


Regarding the topic though: Heck no. I am against ANYTHING "cross-server". They made servers for a reason. Live with it. They ain't changing it.

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Regarding the topic though: Heck no. I am against ANYTHING "cross-server". They made servers for a reason.


The only reason why games have the player population separated into servers is because current computer technology cannot easily support having all players in the same world. The ultimate evolutionary goal of the MMO world is to eventually have all players able to interact in one massive online world, forming one massive community and all interacting with eachother.


The reason for having different servers is not to spread out the player base and to keep us segregated into small groups just for the sake of itself. It is purely a technological limitation.

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Regarding the topic though: Heck no. I am against ANYTHING "cross-server". They made servers for a reason. Live with it. They ain't changing it.


Ummm. They made servers because current tech only allows so many people in any one area before a player's PC melts down (and the servers melt down). Pretty sure it wasn't for people to be ******es. Willing to try same-server LFG tool (but know from experience/other MMO's, it won't work).

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LOL... so the prior thread of just 28 pages was 'too long' when this thread is breaking the 100 page mark. Stupid reason is stupid.


Regarding the topic though: Heck no. I am against ANYTHING "cross-server". They made servers for a reason. Live with it. They ain't changing it.


Ok so please enlighten us all as to why YOU thing they made servers.

Myself and others here know it had nothing to do with community and every thing to do with hardware limits. Those hardware limits from long ago still exist but a few games are finding ways around those limits.

While i have never played Eve it is my understanding there is only one massive server.

World of warcraft is finding ways around the limits via cross server listing and chats and instancing.


Also as a FYI since you are so hung up on single server. I hope you realize that most games when you enter a instance it takes you off your server and puts you into a instance server. So you really have already left your server once you zone into a instance.


i know 2 games that do this and i know for a fact they do because of glitches that happened over the years.

First was eq2 There was a glitch that allowed us to talk to every one in the raid zone. Was a trip when we found out that there were people raiding that zone from 6 different servers at the same time were were (couldn't see each other but could talk)


World of warcraft. Last year i remember a bug that changed you ui clock time to the instance time and we go from est to pst every time we zoned into a raid. Clearly reflecting that our data was no longer on our play server but instead on a instance server.


All this tells me that the tech for working around single server communities is out there and game companies need to break the mold of single server communities and thing big box player base communities!


Some of you call use cross server people anti social with is crazy. We the cross server players want a community that is the entire player base. The anti cross servers want to limit the communities to a small sub set of the player base..


Now just who are the anti social ones?

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.... They made servers for a reason. Live with it. They ain't changing it.

You know, at what point do BW start looking at responses like this and finally realize that the people that have been telling them "no, we don't need it!" are the types of people that have absolutely no clue what a modern mmo needs? I know that reads mean, but there's simply no way around saying it anymore.
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Simply put, those people are anti-progressives, and if they have their way, they will hold back MMOs from the next stage of evolution. Like I said in my last post, the ultimate goal of a massive multiplayer online game is to have the entire community able to interact in one massive world. Technology limits that, but MMO developers are finding ways around these limitations, and that's awesome, it's a step in the direction of having a truly massive world, with the player base no longer separated, but fully interacting in the same world.


In every stage of technological progress there were people who were afraid of change and tried to hold back progress... don't listen to the Luddites!


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Simply put, those people are anti-progressives, and if they have their way, they will hold back MMOs from the next stage of evolution. Like I said in my last post, the ultimate goal of a massive multiplayer online game is to have the entire community able to interact in one massive world. Technology limits that, but MMO developers are finding ways around these limitations, and that's awesome, it's a step in the direction of having a truly massive world, with the player base no longer separated, but fully interacting in the same world.


Couldn't agree more. Now I personally don't like the game Eve, but I love the idea that EVERYONE who plays is on the same server. And Aeon as you've mentioned in City of Heroes and now with WoW making Battle Tags and cross-server everything, the future is one massive world. Would love to see Bioware make a step toward that and perhaps move beyond.

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Simply put, those people are anti-progressives, and if they have their way, they will hold back MMOs from the next stage of evolution. Like I said in my last post, the ultimate goal of a massive multiplayer online game is to have the entire community able to interact in one massive world. Technology limits that, but MMO developers are finding ways around these limitations, and that's awesome, it's a step in the direction of having a truly massive world, with the player base no longer separated, but fully interacting in the same world.


In every stage of technological progress there were people who were afraid of change and tried to hold back progress... don't listen to the Luddites!



I was going to post something similar to this but since this is so much put better than I could do I'm just going to quote it. Well said.

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Simply put, those people are anti-progressives, and if they have their way, they will hold back MMOs from the next stage of evolution. Like I said in my last post, the ultimate goal of a massive multiplayer online game is to have the entire community able to interact in one massive world. Technology limits that, but MMO developers are finding ways around these limitations, and that's awesome, it's a step in the direction of having a truly massive world, with the player base no longer separated, but fully interacting in the same world.


In every stage of technological progress there were people who were afraid of change and tried to hold back progress... don't listen to the Luddites!



I also agree.

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Simply put, those people are anti-progressives, and if they have their way, they will hold back MMOs from the next stage of evolution. Like I said in my last post, the ultimate goal of a massive multiplayer online game is to have the entire community able to interact in one massive world. Technology limits that, but MMO developers are finding ways around these limitations, and that's awesome, it's a step in the direction of having a truly massive world, with the player base no longer separated, but fully interacting in the same world.


In every stage of technological progress there were people who were afraid of change and tried to hold back progress... don't listen to the Luddites!



100% agree!!

Thinking more on this.. Swtor already has phasing tech to keep from having to many players in one zone at one time. So they could use this tech to allow for full cross server interplay. Allow cross server chat, friends and guilds.

Then we can use drop downs on the map to port to the server/instance that our friends are currently playing in. When we are done it can port us back to our single server.


If i remember right years ago when daoc had server pop issues they took a different route than server merges.. They some how clustered groups of servers together. While keeping single server status you could port yourself to any of the servers in your cluster.

This shows that even years ago there was work arounds for not limiting players to single servers.

I also sort of remember in swg when i went to enter a instance there would be a long list of instances to choose from. So i had a choice on a low pop instance or a high one depending on what i wanted to do.

Seems to me that there are plenty of tools out there to break this single server mold we are in. It is just going to take a company that can think outside the box to put them all together!


Myself and my wife are both long time gamers. I am home bound disabled and she is my stay at home nurse so to speak. We have tons of time on our hands and this topic is talked about a lot between us. We are both confused as to why some one has not found a way to break out of the single server mind set.

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Simply put, those people are anti-progressives, and if they have their way, they will hold back MMOs from the next stage of evolution. Like I said in my last post, the ultimate goal of a massive multiplayer online game is to have the entire community able to interact in one massive world. Technology limits that, but MMO developers are finding ways around these limitations, and that's awesome, it's a step in the direction of having a truly massive world, with the player base no longer separated, but fully interacting in the same world.


In every stage of technological progress there were people who were afraid of change and tried to hold back progress... don't listen to the Luddites!



Bioware should listen to the MMO Overlords (that's Blizzard) and learn from them:




Q: What do you think the most successful aspect is? (Patch 4.3)


DK: Right now? So far for me it seems to be Raid Finder. I know there are a lot of players that really wanted to see that content, and they really wanted to ramp up their character and then have a real challenge of fighting a raid boss but the logistics of getting together with a guild where everyone was available at the same time to raid – not everybody can do that. So Raid Finder opens up a whole lot of content for a whole lot of people and we definitely want to do it with this patch because it's our most epic raid fight we've ever done.


No wonder theses guys have 10m subscribers.

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Bioware should listen to the MMO Overlords (that's Blizzard) and learn from them:




Q: What do you think the most successful aspect is? (Patch 4.3)


DK: Right now? So far for me it seems to be Raid Finder. I know there are a lot of players that really wanted to see that content, and they really wanted to ramp up their character and then have a real challenge of fighting a raid boss but the logistics of getting together with a guild where everyone was available at the same time to raid – not everybody can do that. So Raid Finder opens up a whole lot of content for a whole lot of people and we definitely want to do it with this patch because it's our most epic raid fight we've ever done.


No wonder theses guys have 10m subscribers.


Thank you so much for posting this, in one post you just completely debunked every single post from the anti-LFG camp saying nonsense things like "ask Blizzard what they think their biggest mistake was and they'll say it was the LFD tool", and you also likely just obliterated anyone's argument that these tools killed WoW.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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Bioware should listen to the MMO Overlords (that's Blizzard) and learn from them:




Q: What do you think the most successful aspect is? (Patch 4.3)


DK: Right now? So far for me it seems to be Raid Finder. I know there are a lot of players that really wanted to see that content, and they really wanted to ramp up their character and then have a real challenge of fighting a raid boss but the logistics of getting together with a guild where everyone was available at the same time to raid – not everybody can do that. So Raid Finder opens up a whole lot of content for a whole lot of people and we definitely want to do it with this patch because it's our most epic raid fight we've ever done.


No wonder theses guys have 10m subscribers.


I couldn't agree more.

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Bioware should listen to the MMO Overlords (that's Blizzard) and learn from them:




Q: What do you think the most successful aspect is? (Patch 4.3)


DK: Right now? So far for me it seems to be Raid Finder. I know there are a lot of players that really wanted to see that content, and they really wanted to ramp up their character and then have a real challenge of fighting a raid boss but the logistics of getting together with a guild where everyone was available at the same time to raid – not everybody can do that. So Raid Finder opens up a whole lot of content for a whole lot of people and we definitely want to do it with this patch because it's our most epic raid fight we've ever done.


No wonder theses guys have 10m subscribers.


The LFG/LFR is a success today in 2012 yes because the players mentality has changed. The whole "If I wanna work i'll wake up in the morning bla bla bla" attitude has made it a success.

They would never have worked out the same way in Vanilla-WoW for instance.


Personally I agree that it shouldn't be implemented and the people thinking that they don't wanna play a game to have to work should go play a console game, FPS or arcade game instead and cetainly not an MMO which is "usually" a game where you put some effort into developing your own gameplay experience.


I know very well a lot of people don't share my opinion but that's what makes us all unique. I still doubt very much it would have worked in 2004/2005.

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The LFG/LFR is a success today in 2012 yes because the players mentality has changed.

They would never have worked out the same way in Vanilla-WoW for instance.


I still doubt very much it would have worked in 2004/2005.


Yeah and if you showed a cell phone to someone in the 1400s they would have burned you for practicing witchcraft. Primitive minds evolve and progress with time... look forward and move forward... and don't hold the rest of us back.

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The LFG/LFR is a success today in 2012 yes because the players mentality has changed. The whole "If I wanna work i'll wake up in the morning bla bla bla" attitude has made it a success.

They would never have worked out the same way in Vanilla-WoW for instance.


Personally I agree that it shouldn't be implemented and the people thinking that they don't wanna play a game to have to work should go play a console game, FPS or arcade game instead and cetainly not an MMO which is "usually" a game where you put some effort into developing your own gameplay experience.


I know very well a lot of people don't share my opinion but that's what makes us all unique. I still doubt very much it would have worked in 2004/2005.


Welcome to 2012. People should play whatever game they feel like, however way they want. Who are you to tell otherwise?


Go play Vanilla WoW on a "non-official" server if that's the experience you want to have.

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