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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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How about this solution for the supposed ninja problem. Get rid of the bosses dropping actual loot, and just have them drop commendations. And when you finish a Flashpoint, each player gets a bag of loot, that has a random chance to drop a blue item. No chance for anyone to Need an item for your class.


Also, just like in the Warzones, how about giving out extra commendations when you do x amount of damage as a dps, or healing as a healer, or take x amount of damage as a tank. This way you passively reward people for trying to do better at their role.


This is way oversimplifying but it should get rid of the "ninja problem".

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I find myself wanting to log on Rift just to use its DF tool for some sort of satisfaction when it comes to grouping tools.

I got sick of trying to find a team in TOR earlier and logged into my City of Heroes account to get together a group of 8 people and do a strikeforce (flashpoint equivalent in that game) for some group fun.

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How about this solution for the supposed ninja problem. Get rid of the bosses dropping actual loot, and just have them drop commendations. And when you finish a Flashpoint, each player gets a bag of loot, that has a random chance to drop a blue item. No chance for anyone to Need an item for your class.


Also, just like in the Warzones, how about giving out extra commendations when you do x amount of damage as a dps, or healing as a healer, or take x amount of damage as a tank. This way you passively reward people for trying to do better at their role.


This is way oversimplifying but it should get rid of the "ninja problem".


A MUCH easier solution would be to have it set up so people can only need on items that their character can wear and that have their primary class stat.


Another possible system: One thing I LOVED about city of heroes is there was NO looting, no need to even click on bodies and stop the flow of gameplay. Items that dropped were automatically deposited into your inventory, and automatically distributed among the team members, without notice to anyone else, it was totally independent and private. And more loot was dropped with more team members, so it was always distributed fairly.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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A MUCH easier solution would be to have it set up so people can only need on items that their character can wear and that have their primary class stat.


Another possible system: One thing I LOVED about city of heroes is there was NO looting, no need to even click on bodies and stop the flow of gameplay. Items that dropped were automatically deposited into your inventory, and automatically distributed among the team members, without notice to anyone else, it was totally independent and private. And more loot was dropped with more team members, so it was always distributed fairly.


Having it take the same method as Ops wouldn't be too terrible, as long as the loot actually went where it was supposed to (got a Merc OH on my Sorc the other night).


Still not a fan of dungeon finder, though. I prefer looking for people and sending tells and whatnot.

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A MUCH easier solution would be to have it set up so people can only need on items that their character can wear and that have their primary class stat.


Another possible system: One thing I LOVED about city of heroes is there was NO looting, no need to even click on bodies and stop the flow of gameplay. Items that dropped were automatically deposited into your inventory, and automatically distributed among the team members, without notice to anyone else, it was totally independent and private. And more loot was dropped with more team members, so it was always distributed fairly.


Never played City of Heroes but that loot system sounds awesome. I've always been jealous of console games because you never loot in those games. If anything there's a little glowy thing that floats above the enemy's corpse and you just have to be near it to absorb the loot (think DCUO does that?). Was hoping SWTOR would do something other than clicking corpses. So bad for my carpel tunnel.


Yeah, for later dungeons, WoW puts in a system where only if you have the correct spec can you roll Need, and I was assuming SWTOR would put something like that in, at least. But even then people complain.

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A global LFG (a la FFXI) would be nice. An autogrouping tool that just stick you all together and ports you to the dungeon would suck. I like control over who I group with and the current system or a manual system gives that in a way that an automatic system just does not. Vote to kick was/is a piece of garbage system. With only 3 people voting it's even worse because either 2-1 votes (i.e. 1 guy and his friend) are enough to kick you or you need unanimous votes (which is a completely different headache).


Yes. I'm an elitist *****. And because I'm such a horrible person I enjoy being able to kick the tank that doesn't hold aggro, the healer who doesn't keep everyone up or the DPS who just can't manage to beat an enrage timer. I enjoy meeting new people. I enjoy grouping with pugs. I enjoy adding people to my friend's list so I can message them about FPs later. I just also enjoy kicking the scrubs out and marking down their name so I never have to group with them again.

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U kno wat really does my head in is that there is a LFG SYSTEM ffs an nobody bloody uses it??? spam general for a group cuz ppl decide in beta this would b the best way? r ppl even serious anymore or jusy silly gamers?

maybe try using the system that BW wanted to use? i dont get it, plz tell me why, maybe i just high all the time? :o high means nothin btw, stoned is old term for bein drunk xD

BTW im not in for the LFG finder macros etc, i dont thk they should b put ingame.

Edited by Tythus
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U kno wat really does my head in is that there is a LFG SYSTEM ffs an nobody bloody uses it??? spam general for a group cuz ppl decide in beta this would b the best way? r ppl even serious anymore or jusy silly gamers?

maybe try using the system that BW wanted to use? i dont get it, plz tell me why, maybe i just high all the time? :o high means nothin btw, stoned is old term for bein drunk xD

BTW im not in for the LFG finder macros etc, i dont thk they should b put ingame.


Fail tool is fail. Hmm, I seem to remember some other game that went through a similar process. Maybe something like this:


"With the release of the Burning Crusade expansion and Patch 2.0.1 came the release of the new Looking For Group interface pane as well as the conversion of Meeting Stones from a queuing system to a summoning mechanism. At this time, the LookingForGroup channel was completely removed, since the interface was intended to replace it. Instead, players began to use the Trade channel for LFG, guild recruitment, and general global chat. Blizzard responded by hotfixing a rate limit of so many messages per minute. However, this was eventually lifted, and Trade channel continues to be a mixture of trade and other uses even today. After much community feedback, in Patch 2.1.0, the LookingForGroup channel was restored, although it was only available while actively using the Interface Tool.

In Patch 3.1.0, after the release of Wrath of the Lich King, the Looking For Group panel was improved to include the role which your currently logged character is able to fulfill (tank, damage, or healer), specify leadership, and identifying groups or individuals via the Looking for More pane.

First announced at BlizzCon 2009, Patch 3.3.0 saw a new cross-server Looking For Group (and Looking For Raid) system. This is the second cross-server feature Blizzard has added to the game, after Battlegrounds. Cross-server features are generally used to help users on low-population realms find groups, which was previously nearly impossible any time other than peak hours." http://www.wowpedia.org/Dungeon_Finder#History

Edited by BlueSkittles
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I use the LFG system all the time. Any time I am LFG I have my tag up with a note in it. Only time I ever gets tells is seconds after I do a 'LFG' in general in the imperial fleet. I look up level 50's who are LFG but I have yet to see a viable group in that small pool.


A global LFG (a la FFXI) would be nice. An autogrouping tool that just stick you all together and ports you to the dungeon would suck. I like control over who I group with and the current system or a manual system gives that in a way that an automatic system just does not. Vote to kick was/is a piece of garbage system. With only 3 people voting it's even worse because either 2-1 votes (i.e. 1 guy and his friend) are enough to kick you or you need unanimous votes (which is a completely different headache).


Yes. I'm an elitist *****. And because I'm such a horrible person I enjoy being able to kick the tank that doesn't hold aggro, the healer who doesn't keep everyone up or the DPS who just can't manage to beat an enrage timer. I enjoy meeting new people. I enjoy grouping with pugs. I enjoy adding people to my friend's list so I can message them about FPs later. I just also enjoy kicking the scrubs out and marking down their name so I never have to group with them again.


You could actually do ALL of that with a server FP finder, just rather than booting someone you would have to drop and take anyone with you that might agree. Same result, different method. and thats only if the vote system doesn't work out in your favor in the first place.

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A MUCH easier solution would be to have it set up so people can only need on items that their character can wear and that have their primary class stat.


Code-wise, that a much harder solution, probably. And forces a particular looting philosophy (especially when you factor in companions) that many probably wouldn't agree with.


But then, I don't think "ninja looters" are a problem worth addressing in code, myself. You can't really programmatically make people stop being jerks, nor can you stop some people from flipping out when they do it. It's a losing battle.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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Code-wise, that a much harder solution, probably. And forces a particular looting philosophy (especially when you factor in companions) that many probably wouldn't agree with.


They were able to do it on Vanguard. And if you don't know of the MMO Vanguard that only goes to prove my point it's not exactly rocket science to make it so only the class that can use something can roll need.

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A global LFG (a la FFXI) would be nice. An autogrouping tool that just stick you all together and ports you to the dungeon would suck. I like control over who I group with and the current system or a manual system gives that in a way that an automatic system just does not. Vote to kick was/is a piece of garbage system. With only 3 people voting it's even worse because either 2-1 votes (i.e. 1 guy and his friend) are enough to kick you or you need unanimous votes (which is a completely different headache).


Yes. I'm an elitist *****. And because I'm such a horrible person I enjoy being able to kick the tank that doesn't hold aggro, the healer who doesn't keep everyone up or the DPS who just can't manage to beat an enrage timer. I enjoy meeting new people. I enjoy grouping with pugs. I enjoy adding people to my friend's list so I can message them about FPs later. I just also enjoy kicking the scrubs out and marking down their name so I never have to group with them again.



I am with Loki on this. I do want to control who is in my group. I also feel that players should be accountable for their game time. A LFD tool takes this away. The only reason people do not use the LFG tool now is because it is not a 1 click solve my problems catch all. That means if they flag themselves in the LFG tool they need to go and find others LFGs. Yes Leveling and finding people can be a HUGE pain in the ***. The Solution is MAKE FRIENDS, JOIN A GUILD, BE ACTIVE IN THAT GUILD. Before you know it if you conduct yourself with maturity and respect others, you will rarely have problems finding a group. Sitting in the corner complaining that no one helps you and you never ask for help or offer help is no conducting yourself properly in a guild. Often times these are the people that want a automated LFG tool because they do not have to act as a person.


Yes I am pointing my finger at these people. Why I have been an officer or lead guilds since 1999 back in UO. It happened just the other day with a member in my guild. We had 10 people on 8 were in 2 different Flashpoints running stuff, 1 was a level 4 (new player) he was a level 23 player asking for help running Heroic Quest. No one offered to help him right then and there. I give him credit for asking, the comments that came up in guild chat were, we can try after our Flashpoint, or catch up with me tomorrow after this run I have to log I need to work in the morning. What does this member do, ***** about the guild not willing to help him and this is why they need a LFD/G tool then leaves the guild. I **** you not. These are the players who cannot conduct themselves accordingly. Yes Life sucks you needed to wait an hour or a day and would have had help, but no because you want to be a Drama Queen you need a LFD/G tool to do it for you. Is that simple people.

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Code-wise, that a much harder solution, probably. And forces a particular looting philosophy (especially when you factor in companions) that many probably wouldn't agree with.


But then, I don't think "ninja looters" are a problem worth addressing in code, myself. You can't really programmatically make people stop being jerks, nor can you stop some people from flipping out when they do it. It's a losing battle.


No, it's not that hard. Blizzard did this, albeit much simpler with just only checking the armor type and character class. An improvement Bioware could make is to restrict gear based on class, armor proficiency, stats, and of course, the role people queued for. This way we won't have, let's say, DPS rolling on Tank gear, Juggernauts rolling on Marauder gear, or people getting gear of the same item level as theirs.


Now, on companion gear: If everyone inside the Flashpoint doesn't meet the gear requirements for the dropped item, then they may roll on a second "Companion" category only if their Active companion (highlighted in yellow on your Crew Skills) needs it (meeting the same criteria players do), then roll for it. If not, a third Greed option allowing everyone to roll on should kick in.


And the last part: Bind on Equip gear should be Greed only. This way, ninja-looting shouldn't be an excuse anymore for not having a xserver or simple server LFD.

Edited by Orisai
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Did some questing/leveling on an alt today and got bored after a while so I decided to run some Warzones (not usually into PVP but it's actually really fun in SWTOR). Had some blasts for a while but then got bored/too much excitement for me so I stopped that. Tried questing again got bored again but even faster and wondered why.


Then I realized (duh) that in order to break up questing I would normally be running some Dungeons/Flashpoints. Dungeons/Flashpoints for me have the right amount of excitement (fights then pauses then fights again) without being too crazy like Warzones tend to be (non-stop fighting). And having new people to run with each Flashpoint would make it less "boring" than questing even if I've run the same Dungeon/Flashpoint for the fiftieth time.


Just my daily experience for the Bioware devs to ponder while they decide the priority of an improved LFG tool (if they even read/see these posts). And by tomorrow questing will be fun again (or I'll start/play a different alt) so I'm not saying I'll quit or anything anytime soon. Still love the game!

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Once again, wanting to do Maelstrom Prison as a healer, on what has been one of the highest populated servers, on a Saturday afternoon.


45 minutes to finally fill the group, 10 minutes for everyone to be ready and at the instance entrance. We do really well downing the first boss, and suddenly the tank is standing there and not moving. We wait for 15 minutes, then I ask if people want to go out and find another tank. Everyone says no it'll just take too long, and they leave group.

Yesterday evening. not one of the highest populated servers. Wanted to do Battle of Ilum.

Found healer thanks to LFG commentary. Sent him to planet, stayed at the Fleet myself.

Healer found DPS, I found tank.

Everything went just perfect, killed 1 boss, then died on the second just because accidentally there was an Elite nearby. Tank blames one of DPS and quits.

I go back to Fleet trying to find a replacement. No luck, then healer decided that we wont find anyone. Group is broken.

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I keep repeating this...


For all the people who say LFG is bad because they want to be able to choose who they team with...




Just form a team, then queue up for the FP, now you're teamed with just your friends or server pugs, whatever you want... just like a premade warzone.


You can let those of us who want quick, random teams to jump into FPs have our way, and you can have your way too. We can ALL be happy! You don't have to kill our fun to keep doing things the way you want to!

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A global LFG (a la FFXI) would be nice. An autogrouping tool that just stick you all together and ports you to the dungeon would suck. I like control over who I group with and the current system or a manual system gives that in a way that an automatic system just does not.
As so many are saying already, then form your group manually and que as a group. Anyone that doesn't want to use the auto group doesn't have to, and those that do can.


Right now we have a few people stomping their feet and being stubborn and essentially saying "I don't like it, and even though I wouldn't have to use it if I didn't want to, I don't want anyone else to have the option."

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I keep repeating this...


For all the people who say LFG is bad because they want to be able to choose who they team with...




Just form a team, then queue up for the FP, now you're teamed with just your friends or server pugs, whatever you want... just like a premade warzone.


You can let those of us who want quick, random teams to jump into FPs have our way, and you can have your way too. We can ALL be happy! You don't have to kill our fun to keep doing things the way you want to!


You dont need a LFD tool. I makes people lazier then they already are. Join a guild, make friends problem solved.


Here Read. http://www.machiavelliscat.com/lioreblog/2011/12/28/the-cast-against-lf/

Its all FACT. You do not need it.

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You dont need a LFD tool. I makes people lazier then they already are. Join a guild, make friends problem solved.


Here Read. http://www.machiavelliscat.com/lioreblog/2011/12/28/the-cast-against-lf/

Its all FACT. You do not need it.


Not going to read it, you're wrong... don't tell me how I should play. You play your way, I'll play my way. Don't tell me what I need, I'll decide that for myself.


And guess what? I'll repeat this again... Bioware already said they're working on adding the LFG tool. You naysayers can say what you want, it's going to be in the game. I'm just here saying we need it ASAP, because I'm not having fun anymore when I'm having so much trouble getting teams going, and wasting my time.

Edited by AeonWeapon
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You dont need a LFD tool. I makes people lazier then they already are. Join a guild, make friends problem solved.


It solves absolutely nothing. The "just make friends or just join a guild" myths have been shattered here in the various iterations of this thread over and over and over. It's stuff that people think sounds good in their head, but the complete and utter ineffectiveness of both of those solutions quickly comes to a head under the light of reality. It's a pat answer for people with closed minds that are too lazy to really think.
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I'm in a guild and I have friends. I ran 3 HM FP's successfully last night. And I STILL think we need a LFD tool.


I really don't know how else to say this but I'll try again.


Just because it's:

A. technically possible to group without a LFD tool and

B. You have successfully done so


Does NOT justify not having a LFD tool. Plain and simple. YOU not needing a LFD tool doesn't mean NO ONE should. Perhaps it justifies it for YOU, but that's it. Personal experience is not tantamount to fact. If you haven't noticed this isn't UO, AC, or EQ1 nor the year those games were popular, so your experiences there in regards to these issues isn't terribly relevant.


Good for you doesn't mean good for everyone else.If you think OTHER people needing/wanting something gives it no weight in if it should be done or not, you are terribly inconsiderate of other people and lack the ability to empathize appropriately.


Now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum, What might be right for you, may not be right for some. Get it?

Edited by Neiloch
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I agree there needs to be a lfd (LFF?) tool. I don't have time to spam lfg into chat. Plus that is in no way entertaining or fun. Does this make me less hardcore? Probably, but the majority of players aren't going to be hardcore players. If you want to be hardcore and a larger part of a community there is always guilds and raids. Also I enjoy the lazy argument. Yes, I do in fact want to be lazy while I'm using a small amount of my down time to enjoy a game.


Furthermore lower level flashpoints are going to be harder and harder to find groups for as time goes by.

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Yeah really, the "work at it" arguments about ANYTHING in the game is ridiculous to me. I can tell you this, if a game starts to feel like work, I stop playing it. I already have a job, I play a game for fun, not for work. I want simple functions like getting a team together and getting into group content to be easy, simple, fast and convenient, not to waste and hour of my 2 hours of play time.
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