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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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Darth, I don't understand how you cannot form relationships with people if the LFD feature is introduced. Simply stand in fleet (as we do now) or any appropriate zone with a lot of traffic and /ask for members. The LFD tool is not meant for you, it's meant for access, which is a huge difference. Do what me and others did in WoW, get either a tank or heals which are core components of a group and ask in /trade, it'll fill quickly.


As it stands right now it's not needed atm, but it will be soon. Once the inertia of leveling wears it's going to be required as new players are going to be turned off from not being able to access lower level dungeons at all. On my other alt it's a freaking pain trying to find a group, i've given up. I could go on but you know my stance :)

I said with a fully automated cross server system you can't do this. How can you add that super awesome tank to party with again when he's from another server?

What about new people who don't already have some of these relationships established before the fully automated system is in place. How can you invite them when you don't know they were tanks in the first place or how good they are.


Currently you get a party with a bunch of strangers just like a fully automated system but now I can find out who's good so for a later date I see him needing a party or sometimes he's not I can whisper him and find out if he is willing to go.


I am not against a fully automated system. I am just against a cross server one and I also believe a fully automated system isn't necessary now even on lower pop servers. FYI I have characters on one on the lower pop faction so I know.

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I said with a fully automated cross server system you can't do this. How can you add that super awesome tank to party with again when he's from another server?

What about new people who don't already have some of these relationships established before the fully automated system is in place. How can you invite them when you don't know they were tanks in the first place or how good they are.


Currently you get a party with a bunch of strangers just like a fully automated system but now I can find out who's good so for a later date I see him needing a party or sometimes he's not I can whisper him and find out if he is willing to go.


I am not against a fully automated system. I am just against a cross server one and I also believe a fully automated system isn't necessary now even on lower pop servers. FYI I have characters on one on the lower pop faction so I know.


Afternoon Darth :D


I actually made a lot of friends with the LFD system, I did a couple back to back instances with different,had a few laughs and we added each other on the Real ID system so that we could regularly queue together. All it took was me socialing and putting a little effort into it and I had lots of positive results.


I understand your notion of 'needing the glue to bind' for servers and people to network and that is why I don't expect it off the bat. But how much time is really needed? 3 years, 5 years? 6 weeks? I think the issue is really what dungeons represent. Dungeons mean a hell of a different thing to a level 50 doing HM's versus a leveling character. Just make it so HM's aren't puggable either by design or difficulty so people can fordge relationships that way.


You say you are against it on low population servers but people are unable to find groups at off peak times. Lets not argue about time zones and all that nonsense, it's a fact that certain people are having a very difficult time organizing groups off peak hours.

How many and what hours we don't know, probably will never know for sure but it's been voiced publicly and I've seen people asking for groups for an obscene amount of time so I know it's not an isolated incident. Sometimes it's just impossible to find a group as none of them are going on at a particular time, I know you find that acceptable but an increasing portion is saying 'to hell with it'.


That being said ... I still like your server only non-automated advanced tool idea. I'd have to see how practical it is in application (through the PTR or in-game) before I denounce my opinion of a LFD is going to be mandatory mantra.

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Afternoon Blue, how ya doing?


Yeah, it seems that way. Due to my odd hours of play this past week I've stopped running flash points cause no one is around. I can't imagine anyone sitting around the fleet at this hours looking for a leveling instance cause no one is available on a pratical basis.


Afternoon Touch! Doing well, and you? Can't wait to log in and attempt to get a FP. lol j/k I've given up on getting FP runs at this point. ;)

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Not really. I like the need of talking to people to group up.


Man, you'd love this guy on my server. He loves talking ... in fact he talked for about 2-3 hours last night in the fleet. Only problem is his vocabulary isn't very strong, kept saying DPS LFG. Maybe you can talk with him?

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Afternoon Touch! Doing well, and you? Can't wait to log in and attempt to get a FP. lol j/k I've given up on getting FP runs at this point. ;)


Yeah, i've reconciled myself with the notion that I may not get anymore groups on the way to 50. I'm a dime a dozen dps but I'll go heals at 50, now if Bioware was smart and at least put dual spec .... n/m don't get me started on that.

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Found this great comment on videogamer.com (http://www.videogamer.com/pc/star_wars_the_old_republic/news/what_bioware_has_planned_for_star_wars_the_old_republic.html):


"One thing they need to do is make grouping for Heroics - Instances - easier, at the mo you have to semi-spam general chat or hang around the entrance like a street walker :0("


Perfect analogy to the current system. Gotta sit in front of the instances, hike up my skirt, put on a tube top, and walk up to people's speeders: "Hey baby, need a good time? I've got 2k dps. And I'm Biochem so I can keep the party going ALL NIGHT."

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For crying out loud, the link is the players crying until they get what they want. It is observable, It happened with plenty of extremely obvious staring you in the face evidence to anyone who isn't willfully ignoring it.
At best you are showing correlation; that's not the same thing as causation. Unless you show show some sort of causation, you're making an argument based on a slippery slope fallacy.


Around and around you go dancing around it and deny some more.
Around and around you go dancing around it and evade some more.
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It is not needed and I hope it's never implemented.


Get a guild = do flashpoints.

that doesn't solve the problem, which is that I like pugging and want a more efficient way of putting together pug groups, preferably with the same sort of short queue times that the one in wow has.
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Now please explain in similar detail why a non-cross-server LFD tool would cause any of this to happen?
You should really ask for more detail, since he doesn't actually back up any of his assertions


He asserts that it destroyed the wow community; I really don't understand how someone can be delusional enough to really believe that. I'm really convinced that these people weren't pugging before lfd and as such are totally out of touch with the reality, which is that pug groups were the same before lfd as they were after.


Very few actually want cross-server LFD, so issues caused by that are not exactly even on topic since it is a different matter altogether.
I'm fine either way but I think single server is going to fail for most servers on the republic side, especially at low levels as people hit the level cap


I think it will be even worse for both sides at off peak times. I saw how useless a single server lfg tool is on underpopulated servers in rift (where I had multiple 8 hour unsuccessful queues as a healer, and I heard worse stories on the forums); tor servers seem to be populated even lighter than rift was...

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I'm fine either way but I think single server is going to fail for most servers on the republic side, especially at low levels as people hit the level cap


Yeah I have to tend to agree with this as why I really want a cross server. I think the people opposed to coss server are players that play during peak times and don't get to really see the other side of the coin. I work a spilt night/days work week and even on a populated empire server it's really hard finding groups around 3am onwards when I'm off work.


Once this game matures it's going to be near impossible to find a group leveling up unless you coerce someone to power you through it

Edited by Touchbass
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I liked DDOs group finder, still made you run to the places to zone in. Been a while since I played but don't think they had many servers, mostly had instances like what they have here when a zone gets full, another is created.


Anyway, they allowed you to open a tool to either start a group up or to search existing groups that still needed more members. You picked which dungeon you wanted to run, & could select all class types or uncheck ones you didn't want or already had enough of.


Even had a comment box (I think) which you could say if you needed a tank, healer, etc or just add some details like zerg run or full clear with optional stuff and so on.


It was a means to find groups easier but still makes you run to the locations to zone in.


I don't see a need for cross realm grouping at this time because it would cause griefers to become more anonymous and more frequent which is mainly why most are against a LFG tool.

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This is my #1 wish for the game. If they implement it well, which includes the ability to port to the instance just like we port to Warzones, it will be their best chance of getting me to subscribe.


The major issue is the flashpoints are 4 mans and things will likely be worse for DPS than they were in WOW. This needs to get in game ASAP!

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I liked DDOs group finder, still made you run to the places to zone in. Been a while since I played but don't think they had many servers, mostly had instances like what they have here when a zone gets full, another is created.


Anyway, they allowed you to open a tool to either start a group up or to search existing groups that still needed more members. You picked which dungeon you wanted to run, & could select all class types or uncheck ones you didn't want or already had enough of.


Even had a comment box (I think) which you could say if you needed a tank, healer, etc or just add some details like zerg run or full clear with optional stuff and so on.


It was a means to find groups easier but still makes you run to the locations to zone in.


I don't see a need for cross realm grouping at this time because it would cause griefers to become more anonymous and more frequent which is mainly why most are against a LFG tool.



Something like this is about all that i want and all that is needee to effectively form groups. Much more than this and now the game is making choices and doing things for you.

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Something like this is about all that i want and all that is needee to effectively form groups. Much more than this and now the game is making choices and doing things for you.


The issue is not the game doing thing for it's about access. As it stands finding a group is difficult for some people off of peak server times. People should spend upwards of 2 hours trying to assemble a group, that's madness. Read my post on page 30 of this thread to give yourself some more insight into the issue. Cheers

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I don't really see the problem. In wow, when lfg came out with deathwing, for a dps class waiting times were over an hour - and that was peak time.


Here is my suggestion to you whiners: go to the fleet and try to find 3 able people. Since everyone is having the LFG instead of the LFM mentality this shouldn't be that hard. Once you found your group, and you enjoyed playing with them, use the friend tool. Or ask them if they are recruiting for their guild, or make one yourself.


There are a lot of social guilds out there, that cater to the casuals, instead of the real gamers, you might want to join one, and find your group there.


This game is built around social interactions, and you basically want a tool, that removes that, and even your ability to chose the people you run your flashpoint with... GG

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This game is built around social interactions, and you basically want a tool, that removes that, and even your ability to chose the people you run your flashpoint with... GG

What mmo isn't built around social interactions? SWTOR is absolutely nothing special in that regard.


If you're so hyped on social interaction, why are you against a tool that would allow players easier access to the ONLY content in SWTOR that's designed to be done socially? That's all a LFD tool does. It makes it EASIER for players to be social.

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What mmo isn't built around social interactions? SWTOR is absolutely nothing special in that regard.


If you're so hyped on social interaction, why are you against a tool that would allow players easier access to the ONLY content in SWTOR that's designed to be done socially? That's all a LFD tool does. It makes it EASIER for players to be social.


Finding the right people with your own sweat will make you value them more, and instead of just kicking them out for being a badie and wait for the tool to give you fresh meat, you will try to help him out. Want more reasons?

Edited by Rynra
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Finding the right people with your own sweat will make you value them more, and instead of just kicking them out for being a badie and wait for the tool to give you fresh meat, you will try to help him out. Want more reasons?



You're confusing the issue, it's not that people are lazy, in fact people are working MORE then they should be to find a group with sometimes little fruit from the tree. Sometimes it can up to 2 hours to form a group of literally doing nothing in game.


You say it takes an hour at peak time with WoW, that is lies and misrepresentation. It takes 30 minutes max for a high level heroic, 15 minutes max for a regular heroic. Leveling dungeons take 10 minutes if that. I've seen those times skyrocket down, the only time they ever go up is at 4am maybe and if too many people are playing and the ratio's get whacked out of balance.


You say earlier of finding friends, well I have news for you I have a life outside of this game and I don't play everyday 4-5 hours and either do my online friends. The friends I've made we mostly chat cause we aren't online at the same time as another most of the time. Also due to varying level speeds most of my friends and I are at completely different levels, so again this doesn't work very well.


Read my post on page 30, educate yourself on the issues and why people are clammering for a change

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i dont get the point of people who are against it , it would ruin the social aspect of the game realy ??? ... realy ???


the only thing that would be filtered out the chat for 50 - 70 % is LFG BT , LF2 MORE BT LF 1 more Last spot ! BT ??? ... oke so how would that ruin social aspect ...


and if it gets implemented you dont have to use it if you dont want ... and from my experience some people wont even and still would go to fleet and spam general for group ... but realy .. if you think its fun to /yell the same shortcutted comments on general chat and that is conciddered being social , dunno , your all stupid by saying that imo .... also the being lazy comment is old to ... nothing to do with lazy ...


i'm here to play a game i wanna quest i go quest wanna pvp i pvp , if i wanna do a flashpint/operation i want to find people for it fast without the need for me t o spam copy paste a message in general chat , a LFD tool would do this for me , not giving me the feeling i always have to wait just for that 1 last healer that we still need or tank whatever for half a ahour , hour,


i can go browse galactic trade in the meanwile check up on my crafting anything you do when you not questing or pvp'ing making also the rest of the game more efficient yes ??


so i dont get it ..realy dont get it why some people are so against it ... i say again ... your just being plain stupid and selfish for that matter why would you denie someone this wile you dont profit or would lose anything from it realy , more then i nice cleaner general chat so it can be used to troll like all other mmorpg's :p , nah kidding but , common people , have a brain



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You're confusing the issue, it's not that people are lazy, in fact people are working MORE then they should be to find a group with sometimes little fruit from the tree. Sometimes it can up to 2 hours to form a group of literally doing nothing in game.


You say it takes an hour at peak time with WoW, that is lies and misrepresentation. It takes 30 minutes max for a high level heroic, 15 minutes max for a regular heroic. Leveling dungeons take 10 minutes if that. I've seen those times skyrocket down, the only time they ever go up is at 4am maybe and if too many people are playing and the ratio's get whacked out of balance.


You say earlier of finding friends, well I have news for you I have a life outside of this game and I don't play everyday 4-5 hours and either do my online friends. The friends I've made we mostly chat cause we aren't online at the same time as another most of the time. Also due to varying level speeds most of my friends and I are at completely different levels, so again this doesn't work very well.


Read my post on page 30, educate yourself on the issues and why people are clammering for a change


I typed up a long post, but i changed my mind. I don't care. I don't do pugs. I won't do pugs, i'd rather stop playing than do a pug. I'd have to play with *******, and i'm used to the perfectionism that is in my guild. It's not the kick you if you make a mistake type of perfectionism, it's the what could we do, to make x even better at the game type of perfectionists. If you don't have friends or a guild like that, then you don't really have friends or a guild.


If you get tossed in with people from 3 random servers because you play in a retarded timeframe, and you really enjoyed playing with them, good luck with making a group later, or adding them as friends.

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dungeon finder is far from need. Work on you're social skill and you will make connection quickly if you're good. Never had much problem finding a group. Everytime i was teaming whit someone good, i was adding him to my friend list. Just send a tell to them and bam you have a group in 5 min. Realy not that hard. Who knew being social in a mmo could be that usefull... ;)
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