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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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how about BW implement it for a week


and we compare number's of how many ppl used LFG, what average time it took for them


and then we look at number of players who complete dungeons overall, compare it to those who get into dungeon via LFG and if they are minoryty it's get removed

Edited by navarh
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For about level 30 to 50 I stopped waiting to do Heroics, I went through a planet doing my regular missions and as I was doing that I was shouting now and then "LFG for Heroic XYZ". Most of those planets I managed to catch a team for maybe 1 or 2 of those missions... in a few days of playing on that particular planet. I literally went through a couple of entire planets without ever getting a single team for a heroic. Most of those planets I finished up my missions and if I had unfinished heroics I just said screw it and moved to the next world, abandoning them from my mission list.


Yeah, I've had to buy gear upgrades and heal as DPS to get groups but it's proving difficult now. Is lvl 50 getting any better as more players are capping?

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I've been on a planet for over an hour trying to find a tank for a group quest. I'm debating begging a guildie but i don't want to bother him as he's short on time today and just wants to do his dailies and log so he can get back to the wife. How on earth am I lazy when I ask in /general every few minutes?



What i wrote doesn't apply to you, i presume that aren't so many people on your server in all level ranges and that the situation can be frustrating, so yes i understand fully why you want an option such is this one if this is the case.


What i wrote applies to the people can't even bother to look for group and are on servers where there is like 150 people per planet in one shard...trust me, plenty of those also.

In the last two days several people on general chat were complaining about how they cannot find a group and wonder why this game doesn't have a dungeon finder like some "other" certain games have, and they like haven't even asked, just started to whine.....then i look in the top left corner of my monitor and i see 160 people on the planet, what the **** is wrong here?!

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how about BW implement it for a week


and we compare number's of how many ppl used LFG, what average time it took for them


and then we look at number of players who complete dungeons overall, compare it to those who get into dungeon via FLG and if they are minoryty it's get removed

I don't think anyone would suggest that a LFD systen wont get people in and through dungeons more often.

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What i wrote doesn't apply to you, i presume that aren't so many people on your server in all level ranges and that the situation can be frustrating, so yes i understand fully why you want an option such is this one if this is the case.


What i wrote applies to the people can't even bother to look for group and are on servers where there is like 150 people per planet in one shard...trust me, plenty of those also.

In the last two days several people on general chat were complaining about how they cannot find a group and wonder why this game doesn't have a dungeon finder like some "other" certain games have, and they like haven't even asked, just started to whine.....then i look in the top left corner of my monitor and i see 160 people on the planet, what the **** is wrong here?!


Why should he suffer because of your vendetta against "lazy people"? Also why do you care if people want to be lazy or not, how does this affect you?

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Because it is a system for lazy people with no social skills who want everything handed to them instantly with a click of a button.


The fact of the matter is i am even not so much against a dungeon finder (if it will make some happy, no problem) as i am against some cross server version of dungeon finder that some people are mentioning.

The latter one is just a horrible idea that can ruin a server community.


Please do not make assumptions you can't prove.


I play on the Rebel side of Chunndar and have somestimes spend 4hrs or more running circles to find a group for hard modes and eventually just switched to an alt.


I am neither lazy or lack social skills but it is obvious that the faction imbalance effects every part of the game. There maybe 90 in the Rebel Fleet but 250 on Emperial Fleet.


I don't see how spending 30 mins with someone from a different server can ruin your community. There will always be people on server who treat people badly.


A dungeon find would a great addtion to the game and would prevent people being asked to stop spamming channels for tanks and healers.


Most of the time all they want is to take part in the games content.

Edited by EzoEo
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how about BW implement it for a week


and we compare number's of how many ppl used LFG, what average time it took for them


and then we look at number of players who complete dungeons overall, compare it to those who get into dungeon via LFG and if they are minoryty it's get removed


And for a week I'll be running around going "weeeeeeeeeee, I can play!" :p

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Yeah, I've had to buy gear upgrades and heal as DPS to get groups but it's proving difficult now. Is lvl 50 getting any better as more players are capping?


DPS always have more issues getting groups than tanks and healers, my experience as a tank is I get groups in 2 minutes for heroic flashpoints, most of these flashpoints have 60+ people in them during prime time.

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Yeah, I've had to buy gear upgrades and heal as DPS to get groups but it's proving difficult now. Is lvl 50 getting any better as more players are capping?


Not at all, that's why I'm here. All there is to do at level 50, after you have the daily mission grind gear, is hard mode flashpoints. And well, you've read all my experiences with not getting teams for those.

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Because it is a system for lazy people with no social skills who want everything handed to them instantly with a click of a button.


The fact of the matter is i am even not so much against a dungeon finder (if it will make some happy, no problem) as i am against some cross server version of dungeon finder that some people are mentioning.

The latter one is just a horrible idea that can ruin a server community.


Am I the only person who finds it funny that people who spend hours upon hours sitting on their butt pushing buttons are "not" the lazy people. I also find it funny that those of us who work, go to the gym, and spend time with our families are the lazy ones. Only in the mmo genre lol

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Please do not make assumptions you can't prove.


I play on the Rebel side of Chunndar and have somestimes spend 4hrs or more running circles to find a group for hard modes and eventually just switched to an alt.


I am neither lazy or lack social skills but it is obvious that the faction imbalance effects every part of the game. There maybe 90 in the Rebel Fleet but 250 on Emperial Fleet.


I don't see how spending 30 mins with someone from a different server can ruin your community. There will always be people on server who treat people badly.


A dungeon find would a great addtion to the game and would prevent people being asked to stop spamming channels for tanks and healers.


Most of the time all they want is to take part in the games content.



I know all about playing the Republic side on Chuundar because me and my friends still have characters there, we decided to re roll on a different server few days because of the faction imbalance mostly.


Like 75% of Chuundar is Empire i know, the sight of Republic Fleet there is just sad when you compare it to the packed Empire fleet.


So we figured that there is not enough Republic there for anything really, and on the other side we didn't want to join the Imp Zerg Hive so we changed the scenery.

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Am I the only person who finds it funny that people who spend hours upon hours sitting on their butt pushing buttons are "not" the lazy people. I also find it funny that those of us who work, go to the gym, and spend time with our families are the lazy ones. Only in the mmo genre lol


I know right? It's such a backwards notion.


I'm lazy because I work a full time job, go to night classes and try to fit in an hour of exercise per day so i don't get fat and lazy sitting around, then I'm lucky if I have 1 or 2 hours to play most days. All that makes me far lazier than people who sit in a chair all day.

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I'm gone for two seconds and we're back to "Get a guild lazy people!"


Can you people shaddup already and let the adults discuss a system that is coming regardless of how much nerd rage your spout on here over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

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Am I the only person who finds it funny that people who spend hours upon hours sitting on their butt pushing buttons are "not" the lazy people. I also find it funny that those of us who work, go to the gym, and spend time with our families are the lazy ones. Only in the mmo genre lol


Well i also don't have more than 3 hours of time per day tops to play due to obligations, still i am not complaining and making topics about this and that, besides who was talking about you?

I certainly wasn't, nor have i mentioned you.

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Well i also don't have more than 3 hours of time per day tops to play due to obligations, still i am not complaining and making topics about this and that, besides who was talking about you?

I certainly wasn't, nor have i mentioned you.


Since when is this your personal forums ... protip ... it's not. If you want to have private conversations then go to messages.


Also what you call complaining I call feedback. I will agree the swtor is horrible threads really need to go. The "feature I think would work well and here is why" threads are important pieces of feedback even if you don't agree with it.

Edited by Skaara
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Well i also don't have more than 3 hours of time per day tops to play due to obligations, still i am not complaining and making topics about this and that, besides who was talking about you?

I certainly wasn't, nor have i mentioned you.


Awesome strat. Make blind accusations to no one in particular and when they prove you wrong just say 'I wasn't talking to you.'


What the 'your being lazy' are really saying is 'be logged on more so you can create a social network to group from' and when we point out time restraints prevent this completely, they simply clam up or stick their their original argument of 'you are lazy.'


How about this: If we can't spend several hours a day dedicated to setting up friends/guilds just so I can run group content, and you don't want a LFD system in place, what do you propose we do? I await your answer.


PS: if your answer is' this game isnt for you' or 'quit' take that over to BioWare and see how well that strategy goes over.

Edited by Neiloch
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I'm gone for two seconds and we're back to "Get a guild lazy people!"


Can you people shaddup already and let the adults discuss a system that is coming regardless of how much nerd rage your spout on here over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.


Nerd rage is the reason you think its coming in the first place. Acting like your an adult and somehow above anybody else here is a fallacy to yourself.


They have never said its absolutely coming, this thread is a spawn of nerd rage to get it out. Realize what it is and don't try to sugar coat it because you're pro-LFG.

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They have never said its absolutely coming, this thread is a spawn of nerd rage to get it out. Realize what it is and don't try to sugar coat it because you're pro-LFG.


Page one:



Originally Posted by DamionSchubert

"Improving our LFG system is high on the list of features that Systems Design wants to add to the game. We want this to be good not just for helping people find Flashpoints and Operations to run, but also other multiplayer content like heroic missions. A key emphasis will be on advertising for specific role needs (healer, tank, DPS). This feature is currently in the design stage, and once this feature has moved beyond this to a development stage and has a firm ETA, I'll be coming back to you guys to give more details.


We've known we would need to revisit this feature for a while. In the level-up game, finding players isn't too rough because, with few exceptions, everyone in that level band is either on your planet or on the fleet. Once more and more players hit endgame, and are spending their time in more places, the need for this feature is going to increase. Note that right now, high level players have the opposite problem - there aren't enough other players up there to group with. This problem will dissipate as the game ages, and more players reach the later levels.


That being said, our design team doesn't philosophically believe that cross-server Flashpoints are good for the game at this stage in the game's lifespan. There is huge social pressure to not be a jerk that goes away when the odds that you will never see these people again is high. I'm not saying never - there may come a time in the future where we reevaluate this - but at least in the short term, we believe this will cause more damage to the community than good."

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Also, might I add, these 'make friends/guilds' people are basically advocating the entire idea of PUG's be abolished since it is next to impossible to put one together in any efficient matter as the system stands. People not being able to efficiently interact with strangers sounds like an AWESOME community. Wait, it sounds more like an elitist cult. My mistake.
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Page one:



Originally Posted by DamionSchubert

"That being said, our design team doesn't philosophically believe that cross-server Flashpoints are good for the game at this stage in the game's lifespan. There is huge social pressure to not be a jerk that goes away when the odds that you will never see these people again is high. I'm not saying never - there may come a time in the future where we reevaluate this - but at least in the short term, we believe this will cause more damage to the community than good."


You people are quite delusional if you think that means its coming. This is a statement that retains their "never say never" philosophy while at the same time acknowledging that cross-server dungeon finders are bad for games. They specifically say that, let me point that out for you.


There is huge social pressure to not be a jerk that goes away when the odds that you will never see these people again is high.


That right there is the main reason why cross-server dungeon finder is a horrible idea. They know this. The entire rest of the statement is the "never say never" philosophy because if they say it will never come and then come back around and say its coming, they'll be eaten alive. All it is is PR padding.


Whether they add a dungeon finder in a week or in 8 months, its still going to kill this game in the same way they pointed out here.


I'm shocked that THIS is the statement that you people are basing this entire thread around.

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Also what you call complaining I call feedback. I will agree the swtor is horrible threads really need to go. The "feature I think would work well and here is why" threads are important pieces of feedback even if you don't agree with it.


Fair enough, with this i agree completely.


You have to admit though, people are very divided when it comes to this feature, it has it's pros and cons that were stated many times in this and other discussions.


In my opinion if they implement a regular dungeon finder not many people will be against it at all, but on the other hand the cross server version of it would have a much larger opposition judging from the debates about it.

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