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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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There will always be complaining. Every MMO ever released has complaints on their forums, you think this will be any different?


I think that even though there are whiners in MMOs, there's far too many here. I personally eagerly await the 19th-22nd, because even though I want this game to succeed, there are just some people who are beyond redemption (not including you, you're at least somewhat constructive whereas a lot of people just rage at people who enjoy the game, though I think you constantly creating threads that ONLY focus on the negative aspects of TOR is annoying).


EDIT: Take this for example, instead of calling the thread "Worst thing about SWTOR", you could call it "What thing could TOR most improve upon?". It doesn't have the negative connotation, and it really makes people who like the game more willing to talk about it.


I want the game to succeed, but I'm tired of coming to the forums every time and hearing why another person thinks "tor will fail", people can be constructive without predicting doom every because of every single negative feature they find.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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For me, the worst thing about the game is not one thing in specific but the overall feel of the game. Or rather a certain feeling of inconsistency that drags the overall awesome feeling of the game down.


For example, the three most obvious inconsistencies in the game:


Republic - Empire imbalance


Jedi/Sith - other classes imbalance (especially Sorcerer. I mean one class played 4-5 times as much as Powertech or Sniper. This is ridiculous and maybe nobody is at fault here, doesn't change the detrimental effect it has on the perception of the game - for me and I know many others)


Mirror ability imbalance

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SW:ToR fanboys QQ'ing that there are people with serious issues encountering obvious bugs that are complaining about the game, and both groups bashing each other.


I have great laugh reading all this crap, thanks. :D

Edited by Kelcior
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The forum community is at the top of my list -- and don't get me wrong, I have "gripes" about this game too... but some of you are the whiniest bunch of entitled losers I've seen since the WoW forums.


Most of you seem to have joined the mmo genre about halfway through WoW and have no idea what that game was like at launch. The scope of making an mmo is broad -- there are SO many things that you implement, and even at release, the game is always improving. WoW used to have all kinds of issues (and was buggier towards the end of the game and had minimal endgame content initially -- sound familiar?).


The point is, there are constructive ways of getting your opinions heard, and then there is the waaaahh wahhh everyone wants it my way, this game sucks, I hate this game, I'm going back to WoW threads.


Guess what -- this is one of them.

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I think that even though there are whiners in MMOs, there's far too many here. I personally eagerly await the 19th-22nd, because even though I want this game to succeed, there are just some people who are beyond redemption (not including you, you're at least somewhat constructive whereas a lot of people just rage at people who enjoy the game, though I think you constantly creating threads that ONLY focus on the negative aspects of TOR is annoying).


EDIT: Take this for example, instead of calling the thread "Worst thing about SWTOR", you could call it "What thing could TOR most improve upon?". It doesn't have the negative connotation, and it really makes people who like the game more willing to talk about it.


I want the game to succeed, but I'm tired of coming to the forums every time and hearing why another person thinks "tor will fail", people can be constructive without predicting doom every because of every single negative feature they find.


I actually don't want this game to succeed because uninnovative two faction WoW clones that are actually Warhammer Online clones need to die yet another horrible, meaningless death for the industry to get the idea that we all want to move on from the mechanics WoW introduced us to; otherwise, we'd still all be playing WoW, and that you can't beat the top dog in the industry by offering nothing new besides story and voice overs for every meaningless little insignificant quest that you run.

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-Abillity Delay (due to engine, difficult to fix).

-PvP experience suffers due to lack of level brackets (putting 40's versus 20's).

-Lack of world pvp while leveling on even the most populated pvp servers.


Tor is essentially a kotor game with 20 times the grind between between conversations/plot developments. That's not necessarily a bad thing per se, but what happens when you finish the excellent storyline? Not all that much left to do really. Sadly, a new flashpoint and arena wont do too much to fix that.

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What do you think is the single worst thing about swtor?


I have a HUGE list, personally.. but if I had to name one:


Combat mechanics.. far too clunky.


Your turn :)


You and your troll baits. followed by the other hateful trolls who make post comparing this to WoW.

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I actually don't want this game to succeed because uninnovative two faction WoW clones that are actually Warhammer Online clones need to die yet another horrible, meaningless death for the industry to get the idea that we all want to move on from the mechanics WoW introduced us to; otherwise, we'd still all be playing WoW, and that you can't beat the top dog in the industry by offering nothing new besides story and voice overs for every meaningless little insignificant quest that you run.


You want everyone who spent money on this game, to have wasted their investment? You want everyone who worked on this game, to have a permanent black spot on their record? You want certain people to lose their jobs or source of income? You want people to not be able to enjoy this game? You're either a horrible person or... I don't even know what the alternative is.


This is why I wait EAGERLY for the 19th-22nd, so very eagerly.

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What do you think is the single worst thing about swtor?


I have a HUGE list, personally.. but if I had to name one:


Combat mechanics.. far too clunky.


Your turn :)


The worst thing is that the game is so good even the people who don't like it hang around the forums and keep posting.

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The world design is my number 1 gripe and reason for leaving.


1/ Planets and travelling between them is so tedious.


2/ There are no open worlds where you could be running into the opposite faction at any levels from 1 to 50, or maybe crossing other adventurers of different levels just passing through.


3/ How the individual planets are so small and so "corridory", not only Coruscant/Nar Shadda, but also Tythos, Taris, Tatoine - they are so full of obstacles and "corridors" you have to run even Tatoine...


4/ Finally the non-clickable NPCs that are frozen in time it seems, and after you go past them a few times it becomes so old.

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There has to be one feature that you find worse than the others, even if they are all great (According to you), there HAS to be one that isn't as great as the others.


Which one would it be for you?


Can you not read?


Threads. Like this one. The one you started. Asking about the worst thing in SW:TOR.


Threads like this one are the worst thing about SW:TOR.


The game is not perfect. But there's nothing in there that is even remotely as annoying as the constant barrage of threads like this one.


Threads like this one. On the forums. They are the worst thing about SW:TOR.


I've played a lot of MMOS, several from launch, and none have been as good as SW:TOR.


For some reason, they also did not attract so many annoying threads. Annoying Threads. Like this one. Constant, whiny, nit-picking, hating, snivelling, ignorant, buzz-killing threads. Like this one.


Annoying threads like this one are the worst thing about SW:TOR.


Why do people feel the need to post them? They do no good. They are just annoying threads. Like this one.


To all those people - like you - who post them, I say: Go. You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!


Stop posting annoying threads. Annoying threads like this one.


Because (Altogether now) 'Threads like this one are the worst thing about SW:TOR.'



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I actually don't want this game to succeed because uninnovative two faction WoW clones that are actually Warhammer Online clones need to die yet another horrible, meaningless death for the industry to get the idea that we all want to move on from the mechanics WoW introduced us to; otherwise, we'd still all be playing WoW, and that you can't beat the top dog in the industry by offering nothing new besides story and voice overs for every meaningless little insignificant quest that you run.


That's typically what people who have only played wow would say. For others we realize wow was just a light polish on previous MMO's and SWTOR goes even further.


Welcome to the evolution of video game genres. shooters have been the same for 2 decades

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For what? To see all the servers Light populated?

Or you already waiting for the game to turn free 2 play?




To see horrible people who want everyone to be miserable (like the person I quoted originally) GONE. The game will not be full of light populated servers after one month, and it will also not be free to play.


Your post seems lacking something... Thought perhaps?

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The sharding mechanics and the lack of guild orientated RvR.


Sharding denies the latter and its presence is highly damaging to certain aspects of the community, namely the Open World PvPers and accomplishment and competitively driven guilds. Does not matter whether you're part of a large or small guild, the lack of RvR denies you any venue to carve a name for yourself in the gameworld and the sharding denies those larger guilds their larger numbers in a battlefield situation. By not having this, you nulify any form of interguild diplomacy, be it friendly or hostile. Community suffers as a result.


This is my big gripe. I remember debating extensively prior to beta on this very subject and even the most rabid of fanbois refused to acknowledge that shards would be as low as 200.


'Nah, 500, maybe even 1000!' they said.

'Sharding will only last for a week or so. When the initial surge is over it will dissappear!'.

'They have Mythic working with them. DAOC, WAR!. Don't worry hater, Open PvP will be AWESOME!!'

Edited by Gryffin
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For mass quits and to see all the servers Light populated?

Or you already waiting for the game to turn free 2 play?




Funny all the west coast servers where at heavy pop on the weekend and i was waiting in the queue.


If you mean it's lower pop during the day when those of us that have a life work or go to school, i guess you're probably right.

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To see horrible people who want everyone to be miserable (like the person I quoted originally) GONE. The game will not be full of light populated servers after one month, and it will also not be free to play.


Your post seems lacking something... Thought perhaps?


I'll give this game 6 months until it turns free 2 play, remember my words. :cool:

Also there is not even 18th yet and the population is dropping like crazy.

Guess why? When you'll hit 50 there is nearly nothing to do, except grinding dailies and few same flashpoints all over the day.

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Can you not read?


Threads. Like this one. The one you started. Asking about the worst thing in SW:TOR.


Threads like this one are the worst thing about SW:TOR.


The game is not perfect. But there's nothing in there that is even remotely as annoying as the constant barrage of threads like this one.


Threads like this one. On the forums. They are the worst thing about SW:TOR.


I've played a lot of MMOS, several from launch, and none have been as good as SW:TOR.


For some reason, they also did not attract so many annoying threads. Annoying Threads. Like this one. Constant, whiny, nit-picking, hating, snivelling, ignorant, buzz-killing threads. Like this one.


Annoying threads like this one are the worst thing about SW:TOR.


Why do people feel the need to post them? They do no good. They are just annoying threads. Like this one.


To all those people - like you - who post them, I say: Go. You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!


Stop posting annoying threads. Annoying threads like this one.


Because (Altogether now) 'Threads like this one are the worst thing about SW:TOR.'




The rage is strong in this biodrone. HTFU and tell us what you think is bad about TOR. You obviously like threads like these since you reply to them.

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Can you not read?


Threads. Like this one. The one you started. Asking about the worst thing in SW:TOR.


Threads like this one are the worst thing about SW:TOR.


The game is not perfect. But there's nothing in there that is even remotely as annoying as the constant barrage of threads like this one.


Threads like this one. On the forums. They are the worst thing about SW:TOR.


I've played a lot of MMOS, several from launch, and none have been as good as SW:TOR.


For some reason, they also did not attract so many annoying threads. Annoying Threads. Like this one. Constant, whiny, nit-picking, hating, snivelling, ignorant, buzz-killing threads. Like this one.


Annoying threads like this one are the worst thing about SW:TOR.


Why do people feel the need to post them? They do no good. They are just annoying threads. Like this one.


To all those people - like you - who post them, I say: Go. You have sat too long for any good you have been doing lately... Depart, I say; and let us have done with you. In the name of God, go!


Stop posting annoying threads. Annoying threads like this one.


Because (Altogether now) 'Threads like this one are the worst thing about SW:TOR.'




I don't think you comprehend what I'M saying xD


I mean exclusivley in game:




leveling , etc.


Which one of those features to you is the worst one? There has to be one.


Let me give you an example since you don't understand:


*random swtor fanboy ratings:*


Pvp 10/10

Pve 10/10

Leveling 9/10 <--- 9 is less than 10, thus, this would be the worst feature for said fan boy.


Do you understand now?

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I'll give this game 6 months until it turns free 2 play, remember my words. :cool:

Also there is not even 18th yet and the population is dropping like crazy.

Guess why? When you'll hit 50 there is nearly nothing to do, except grinding dailies and few same flashpoints all over the day.


STO lasted 2 years before F2P, it was far less popular at launch and it only draws a very specific audience (trekkies), whereas TOR is not too hard to get into for anyone. So what I'm going to do is this: I'm going to write your quote in notepad, with a reminder to post it on the public forums 6 months from now, fair?


Second, population dropping after Christmas when EVERYONE was on break? Population dropping after some people decided they didn't like the game? Population dropping after people have played but have slowed down their gaming? No way.


I have two 50s, so I already have hit 50. Also, you're forgetting Datacrons, Operations, HeroicWorld Bosses, PvP, and Codex.


Bottom line, the guy I quoted that I wanted gone said "I WANT THIS GAME TO DIE", I don't even want people like YOU to leave, because you seem to at least not be a complete jerk. But if you want me to wish people like him would stay here, then sorry but I refuse.

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So what's worst about the actual game? (Aware that community is an integral part of the game).


There has to be something even slightly worse than the other features in game for you.


If I was forced to pick the least favored feature in game, I would probably say lack of Variety in pvp maps. It wouldn't have been that difficult to create another 2 or 3 maps. I also understand why they didn't though, can't release everything right away, if you do what will you have to give people later?

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