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Worst thing about SWTOR?


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I feel the community in general is great. It just gets tarnished by a handful of legendary ex-othergamers who truly believe that their wants are gospel, that their opinion is law, that opposition is beneath them, and that fantasyland is theirs to pwn. A source of endless entertainment! :eek:


There's more than one side to all of this.


Haters, fanboys, everybody else.


So 3 groups :)

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There's more than one side to all of this.


Haters, fanboys, everybody else.


So 3 groups :)

You're right, thank you. The vast majority who play TOR are ex-othergamers who the players new to MMOs are wanting to rely on for help and guidance. I probably should have just made that assumption and omitted it altogether. It's the "legendary" sarcasm part I really wanted to emphasize. Fixed. :) Edited by GalacticKegger
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Forums trolls - the 20th can't get here soon enough


There will always be complaining on the forums. Look at every MMO that's been released in the last decade.. go to their forums and you'll find complaints.


Just how the world works my friend.

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The forums and the community


The entire community




Did you just bash us all? Are you an EA employee?


No, just that the forums are seeping with trolls, along with the empire chat channels too. How many threads get started a day that the game will fail?

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my worse 1: Grafix are not shiny and stunning, same colors then WoW

my worse 2: Instancing as a solution to lag out of a crowd - caveman development


Name a engine after a lousy game can only be a lousy engine too.

Proof is now.


What the eff are you talking about? Also, work on your English, please.

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BF3, Skyrim capped at 60fps @ 1680x1050 with high settings, also with the overclock i'm on pair with stock non OC'd 560's performance wise (not Ti).


Try again.


Ummm... False. I doubt that highly. With that card there is no way. You would have to overclock it to the moon and like, liquid nitrogen cool it.

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It's very linear.


Outside of the voice acting, there is very little immersion.


The pvp reward system is terrible.


There are only 3 warzones.


There is no open world pvp or incentive to do so.


Other than biochem, crafting provides little reward at max level.


At lvl 50, SWTOR feels very much like every other MMO (dailies).


My guild is the only thing keeping me subbed in this game.

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It's not rocket science, my CPU is bottleneck as the game engine is garbage.

No matter what graphic settings i set there is no fps improvement, which proves my theory.


Ummm, your cpu is a bottleneck because the game engine is garbage? How bout your cpu is bottleneck because your cpu is garbage? hmmm? That makes more sense to me.

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Republics on my server refuse to world pvp!!!


On my server the imps get so mad when I open world pvp...usually since I win.:cool:


Seriously, when one republic draws in 10 lvl 50 imps you know you are getting on someone's nerve. Just for killing same lvl imps too. :D

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Warnings: 13 Infractions: 8 . . . interesting sig.


Got an infraction for talking about REAL ID, one for saying Bioware was lazy, one for looking at my cat wrong, one for drinking before 6:00pm, and a few more for not letting the wookie win.


The moderation is funny enough to warrant the signature.


Still stand by my post; releasing a game like this with another IP would've resulted in a drastically different launch and current state.

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