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The logic behind star wars needs an explenation


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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?

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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?


  • The bang part
  • Because they did it in the movies for immersion, most people don't realize that silence is correct and it comes off odd for them.
  • They are programmed that way.
  • There are only so many starships but there are BILLIONS of star systems.
  • I'm not sure how it works, but I've always had the impression that people see 'forward' when using them.
  • The whole corruption and light/dark system is stupid.

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SW was never intended to be "quasi-credible science fiction" like Star Trek. It's basically fantasy crossdressing as science fiction -- that is, a fantasy story and idea cloaked in sci fi garb. Therefore, you don't get too technical when looking at SW science fiction elements -- at the end of the day, the thing is mostly about folks in cloaks swinging light swords and using magic (which they even use to pilot their ships). The premium was always on excitement and visuals rather than plausibility, at all levels, really.
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I like my ship, but where's the toilet? Seriously. Been going in the holoterminal.


How come knights/warriors can only force leap to a target? Why not to a datacron?


How come I can't travel to an "undiscovered" taxi hub?


Why does it take 14 levels to learn how to sprint?


This is fun!



Don't look down

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SW was never intended to be "quasi-credible science fiction" like Star Trek. It's basically fantasy crossdressing as science fiction -- that is, a fantasy story and idea cloaked in sci fi garb. Therefore, you don't get too technical when looking at SW science fiction elements -- at the end of the day, the thing is mostly about folks in cloaks swinging light swords and using magic (which they even use to pilot their ships). The premium was always on excitement and visuals rather than plausibility, at all levels, really.



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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
    Very loud bang maybe...
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
    Because it's cool! Really there's no other justification :)
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
    Because they've been programmed that way to facilitate communication with meatbags - I mean sapients.
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
    It would still be hundreds of billions of light years across... Plus different weird space anomalies and interferences, I guess
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?

    I guess the holo projector is an area of effect sort of thing, meaning the person on the other end could see a short distance within a 360 degree arc.
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?

    What? That happens to player characters? Still, it can be turned off in the UI so O guess you can just ignore it. Or, they are in regular contact with some corrupt Sith lord whose influence extends to those around him (like the Exile in KOTOR 2)


Responses in red :D

Edited by archifikoss
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How in the hell did everyone in the entire galaxy NOT see through Palpatine's "master plan"?


Light SF is like a woman - it's awesome when the lights are off and it's "go time", but it does nothing but annoy and confuse you if you start thinking about it all day.

Edited by Bekkal
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I think an even more pertinent question is, "What is the logic behind people posting threads like this on the SWTOR forums?".


Do you really expect a knowledgeable, advanced theoretical physicist to pop in and write up a thesis reviewing each of your questions with replies given by George Lucas and the LucasArts team? Where is the logic in that?


I'd much sooner believe that navigational difficulties prevent some areas of the galaxy from being explored with the use of a hyperdrive than to think G.Lucas and friends are going to have a satisfactory debate on this in these forums.

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How in the hell did everyone in the entire galaxy NOT see through Palpatine's "master plan"?



The same way no one saw through George W. Bush's master plan!


Anyway, my big question is wireless networking. Where is it and why doesn't it exist?

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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?


Propositional Calculus (even simple claims and truth tables lol,) will answer all of your questions.


Why does sound and fire exist in space?




Fire cannot exist in a vacuum (T)


Sound should not be heard in the vacuum of space (T)


SWTOR is a game (T)


SWTOR does not follow all of the rules of physics and universal mechanics (T)


in SWTOR, Fire exists in space (T)


in SWTOR, Sound exists in space (T)


SWTOR is not reality (T)


SWTOR is a game people based in reality play




SWTOR has fire and sound in space because it is a game that does not follow the governing rules of physics and universal mechanics that the realm of reality must adhere to.


Since every premise is true, and you stated no conclusion that could be set to false, the argument is invalid, it is not sound and I am not sure what the point of the post was.


Unless people are being mislead to believe that sound and fire could exist (how SWTOR depicts,) in space, in which case I could set the premise or conclusion to false and make a valid argument and claim from it.


This is just one of the claims you make, PC can be utilized to answer and address every claim you made.

Edited by Bodypull
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Why do I have a handset that can receive a holographic projection from across the galaxy letting me carry on a real time conversation with my Jedi Master, but that same handset can't receive an email letting me know my Resolve Hilt 14 was sold on the GTN to Bob The Sage for 1499 credits less the GTN's commission?
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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?

There, I marked your problem for you.


Star Wars is, and never was, Science Fiction. At it's most basic core, it all started as a classic fairy tale, dressed in a futuristic setting. Because it was the cool thing at it's time to do.


"Long ago, in a land far far away, an empire ruled by the evil wizard Palpatine reigned everyone and everything with terror and fear. His army, led by the black knight Vader, roamed the lands to wipe out the rest of the opposing rebellion.


A young farm boy named Luke Skywalker, who doesn't know much of the world, gets hold of an urgent message. Princess Leia Organa, leader of the last survivors of the rebellion, needs the help of an old friend of her, Ben Kenobi. Luke finds out that this person, who he knows as the old hermit, is in fact Obi Wan Kenobi, the last of a long wiped out order of white knights who fought together with Lukes father in the last big war.


Together they went on a most adventurous journey through the land, met some new friends, freed the princess and helped the rebellion to defend themselves. Luke got taught by the old knight how to wield his father's old magic sword, and how to tap into the source of magic that surrounds every living thing.


Dark knight kills white knight in the process, Luke and friends angry, empire tries to wipe out rebellion once and for all with a mighty super weapon, Luke uses magic to destroy it, yada yada battle won, end of the first part of the fairy tale."


Star Wars is Future Fantasy, and NOT Science Fiction.

Edited by Scyo
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The semi-official reasoning as to why there are still undiscovered planets is that you can't just go from point A to point B, there are hyperspace lanes, otherwise you die. So when a new planet is discovered, really what that means is that someone has found the path through hyperspace to that planet.



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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.


  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?
  • Why is there sound and fire in space?
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?


Do you actually think a finite beam of light (light saber) is possible? Go take a physics course, you will be astounded.

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  • Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka? Gameplay balance
  • Why is there sound and fire in space? Because Silence is Boring
  • How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI? To make them interesting.
  • With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown? Because Hyperspace Travel is really a series of straight Jumps that have to avoid hazards, some places are more Hazardous, there's a rift in the middle of the galaxy that makes Hyperspace travel difficult.
  • In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine? Shrug
  • Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds? Everyone can be bad.

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I realize this is a fantasy, but it is meant to be a sci fi as well, some of these really irk me.



[*]Why does flashbang grenade blind the Miraluka?

The 'bang' part doesn't just affect your hearing. Your ears contain sensory organs used to help you maintain your balance: them getting screwed up is why you get dizzy if you spin around a lot, and the signals from them not matching the signals from your eyes is what causes Motion sickness.


The massive overpressure would disrupt these organs as well as the hearing. They wouldn't be blind(er), but they'd be extremely disoriented.


[*]Why is there sound and fire in space?

Mohs Scale of Science Fiction Hardness. Star wars is pretty far down at the 'soft' end.


[*]How, or why doe some droids act like they have feelings/personality when they are simply an AI?

It's a fairly frequent sci-fi staple that artificial intelligences acquire a personality. Emotions are a mixed bag; sometimes you see it, sometimes you don't.


Star Wars in particular notes that these 'higher' functions generally only occur in any substantial way if the droid isn't memory wiped for a long period of time (IE: R2D2).


[*]With hyperdrive/FTL travel, how come there are planets/star systems that are still uncharted and unknown?

The hyperspace system Star Wars uses contains a feature known as 'Mass Shadows'. Massive objects affect hyperspace around their location, and attempting to pass through a region of hyperspace containing a massive object results in the destruction of your ship. The hyperdrives contain a mechanism that automatically drops the ship out of hyperspace if it detects a mass shadow coming up, but this causes you to come out very very close to the object in question. Very bad if it's a Star.


This means that accurate maps are required in order to plot a hyperspace jump that won't likely result in the destruction of the ship. Someone has to go out and map out everything in an area and send you the data before you can safely hyperjump into it. Black Holes are a particular complication, as they're difficult-to-impossible to detect from afar if they aren't sucking something up.


[*]In one scene, an npc was talking with an individual in a holo recorder, I approach the recorder from the other side, the individual who was being recorded had to turn around to be able to see me, and speak with me, how on earth does that work, was he in some kind of 3D spectrum machine?

Holograms are 3 Dimensional, that's kinda the point of them. Him having to turn around doesn't make much sense, but you could hand-wave it as the holo-projector turning his image around to face in the direction the holocam is facing. The fact that he animates turning you can put down to game mechanics, because it does in fact make no sense.


[*]Force corruption on everyone that do evil deeds?

Game mechanics, obviously. There's a reason there's a 'turn off sith corruption' button.

Edited by Tiron_Raptor
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Why is it that they bring me to train on Korriban or Tython and then charge me for skills? What if I don't have the money to pay? Will they just not train me in the ways of the force?


It's called a Money Sink.


Most MMOs use an 'open economy'. Unlike the real world, there isn't a limited supply of money that everyone has to share. The whole NPC side of the economy isn't even simulated: every time you get credits from NPCs, the server just whips them up out of thin air. Similarly, every time you pay NPCs, it destroys them.


If it just went on and on creating credits without destroying any, you'd get massive inflation as the money supply grew larger and larger. Games consequently include 'money sinks' to eat up cash to try to control the inflation.


In short, game mechanics. Nothing to do with the story.

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