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People, give SWTOR a chance!


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Well, believe me, OP, I really really wanted to like this game. I mean, an MMO with STORY! I was so psyched that leveling might become fun rather than a grind. I was happy that I could supplement my leveling XP with warzones, since PvP in an MMO is something I love. I also thought the idea of Ilum as an open world PvP objective would be a blast.


Sadly, this game has failed me on all counts.


Instead of story, I got voiceovers. Yes, I'm sure many of you are happy with class stories as-is. I personally feel they are mediocre at best, and I've tried several already. The lack of story-telling mechanics is glaring. The plots simply are not cohesive; they border on attention-deficit. With each chapter, the story goal changes, as does the villain. There is no theme (e.g., a lesson the character must learn to overcome his weakness and defeat the villain/accomplish his goal). Various turning points present in all novels/movies are missing. Sure, there are moments with some good turning points in the story here and there, but for the most part, I'm not exactly riveted in suspense. Instead of chomping at the bit to see what happens next, I find myself feeling like it's a chore to do any of my characters' class stories.


Likewise, the flashpoints don't have much story. They're just there, with virtually no connection between them. If they had daisy-chained them into a story arc, I would have been much happier. The world story arcs also suffer from the above lack of story mechanics.


At first, I had wanted to enjoy the voiceovers. Now I find myself skipping through them, because what the NPCs have to say is meaningless. I would rather have had text to read and a well-written story, than full voiceovers with next to no real story.


Despite all the issues with PvP, I would have stayed subbed and waited for the PvP to become at least bearable just for the sake of experiencing the story. With no story, I have no reason to stay. Needless to say, I am very shocked that this is the same company that produced KOTOR 1. That game had all the story-telling mechanics present in movies and novels. No, I wasn't expecting a huge, mind-blowing "gotcha" moment like KOTOR 1 had, but I did expect basic story-telling mechanics to be in place, especially for a game that advertised there were tons of novels worth of story in the game. Alas, it seems BioWare has really lost its touch.


And to add insult to injury, when I posted a thread about these very same issues in General Discussion to explain why I was leaving, a BioWare moderator closed my thread because my original post wasn't "constructive" enough in its criticism. Tell me, what about the above isn't constructive? I listed these exact same points in that thread. I said where they went wrong. I didn't say "this game sucks I'm leaving." I said "I'm leaving for these reasons, and here's where it went wrong." I'd have put in suggestions as to how to fix it, but story-wise there's no fixing this. They spent too much on voiceovers. They're not going to redo all the class stories to tighten the plot. It's too late. So instead of taking my constructive criticism (albeit very negative) and at least learning from it for the future, BioWare is going to shut such posts down. Even Turbine doesn't shut down threads with negative criticism!


I'm sure plenty of people like the "story" in this game, but I'm afraid it's not my cup of tea. However, for those of you who are having fun, I'm glad you are, and I hope you have fun in this game for a long time to come. :)

Edited by Catahoula
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Just wait, all the QQ's will be gone soon.


What you have actually is paying players (myself) who are unhappy about issues.


The graphics issue is my main gripe, i paid for a game how it looked in beta and from the advertising (theres no QQ whatsover) that is abound, what im playing isnt reflecting that.

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What you have actually is paying players (myself) who are unhappy about issues.


The graphics issue is my main gripe, i paid for a game how it looked in beta and from the advertising (theres no QQ whatsover) that is abound, what im playing isnt reflecting that.


I agree and so does all the ppl in this thread:



They really need to address this fast... I'm not playing atm cuz I don't wanna miss out on the last 9 levels of story I have before hitting 50 with these graphics.

Yes it might screw with some peoples machines (use a lower setting? how hard is that really?) but us high end users (well me at least), have in many cases spent alot of time on building a great rig. When they strip of us the opportunity to push them to the limits with their game we get dissapointed.

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You only get one shot to make a first impression, there are no second looks in the MMO industry. Ask AoC, WAR AION etc.


Tough break, but it's a cold industry. I'm sure people will flock back if they release a super-patch. Month isn't over yet either, some people subbed for 3 or more right away.

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how is swtor not a wow clone? Story, voice over and better graphics aside. Everything that swtor is trying to fix or improve now, WoW has it and does it better. You dont release an inferior product and then play catch up. Yeah i know SWtor is a new game, but people expect more nowadays because WOW has set a high standard bar.


Story and voice over can only hold a person attention until max level. Then he will focus on the gameplay and expect higher standards.


I quit wow for a long time but playing swtor makes me feel like going back. Combat responsiveness, AH, crafting, fun battlegrounds, better dg/raids, LFG tools, more alive worlds..etc

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how is swtor not a wow clone? Story, voice over and better graphics aside. Everything that swtor is trying to fix or improve now, WoW has it and does it better. You dont release an inferior product and then play catch up. Yeah i know SWtor is a new game, but people expect more nowadays because WOW has set a high standard bar.


I quit wow for a long time but playing swtor makes me feel like going back. Combat responsiveness, AH, crafting, fun battlegrounds, better dg/raids, LFG tools, more alive worlds..etc


I agree with everything but alive worlds.... the only areas really alive is ogrimmar and sw thats it lol.


But if by alive you mean mobs that dont just stand there along with npcs then yes I agree.


I find it rather odd how none of the mobs move lol they are always in the same spot same formation every time never fails.


At least in wow stuff you know.... moved.

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I agree with everything but alive worlds.... the only areas really alive is ogrimmar and sw thats it lol.


But if by alive you mean mobs that dont just stand there along with npcs then yes I agree.


I find it rather odd how none of the mobs move lol they are always in the same spot same formation every time never fails.


At least in wow stuff you know.... moved.


i dont know how to explain in words. But it just feel different roaming in WoW and swtor.


Mobs in swtor are too static. Everyday you pass by that area. The same mobs standing at the exact spot.

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You only get one shot to make a first impression, there are no second looks in the MMO industry. Ask AoC, WAR AION etc.


Tough break, but it's a cold industry. I'm sure people will flock back if they release a super-patch. Month isn't over yet either, some people subbed for 3 or more right away.


All those MMORPGs are still active. Aion is the most played online game in Korea. That is its main market :p

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If Blizzard gives WoW a major graphic overhaul, i tell you WoW will last for another 10 ten years with even more subs.


Some people can hate WoW by all means, but you cannot deny the staggering number of features and high polish WoW has brought into a mmo.

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If Blizzard gives WoW a major graphic overhaul, i tell you WoW will last for another 10 ten years with even more subs.


Some people can hate WoW by all means, but you cannot deny the staggering number of features and high polish WoW has brought into a mmo.


They already did give it a big graphics update through each expansion.


WoW on ultra looks amazing.








Hell ,it looks better than swtor

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Patch 1.1 delayed.


Many people are already unhappy with 1.1 not addressing many of the core game issues. And now delayed.


Thats it lol. Nail in the coffin.


Really ? you truly believe thats the nail in the coffin ?


I guess you could have meant for yourself ?


I hope thats what you meant , chicken little.

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No, I want these idiots that are ************ and moaning to get the hell out and don't come back.


Don't need that kind of community here that whines about every little damn thing about a brand new mmo.




Real helpful buddy. You must be one of those blokes who still play Warhammer Online with other 50 people on the whole server and call it a success.


A lot of people complain because they want the game to succeed, they want to stay and play thus giving life to this game.


Then there are the fanboiz who'd be happy with being the only person on the forum and go nuts over any complaint, valid or not, and let me tell you, all things considered, many if not all of the complaints are perfectly justified.

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Honestly, for how long has this game been out? Not that long.

And haven't all mmos(and games for that part)been having bugs and stuff like that at launch?

Guess what, Bioware is working their *** off trying to sort things out, really it's to early to say this game sucks or anything or that the game will fail, Bioware need a bit time to sort out the bugs and stuff that might cause issues ingame e.t.c


Allright, the game isn't ''perfect'', no game have been at launch, and it is not WoW, and was it intended to be a wow copy as many of you claim? No, it wasen't. This is SWTOR, not WoW, and many of you complain to much, i've played on a Sith Marauder and currently allmost reaching lvl 35 but it is by no way easy(i'am not a crap player getting used to the mechanic of playing and that stuff at the moment and i enjoy the game alot), i'am sure Bioware will fix the bugs people are having and that they will expand the content but.. It's enjoyable and good imo as it as even now. Great game!


Give Bioware a chance, this is a fresh game, you can't demand the game to be absolutely perfect in all it's meanings and expect it to be as polished and filled with a game that's been out for over 6 years of updates and expansions, really you can't.


And again, this is NOT a WoW clone, it was never mean't to be that, enjoy it, have patience they will solve the ingame issues and relax, enjoy the game :)


There is no ''perfect'' game :)


Give Bioware a chance and this game will shine :D


They've been given chances



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There's really no point in trying to convince those that are leaving to stay. The people leaving were never going to stay in the first place.


For real? You think we threw away 60 bucks to plan on leaving? I have read some pretty idiotic things on these boards.... I will leave it at that... After all, I don't know how many of them you wrote besides this one.

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I wouldn't worry too much about people leaving TOR. It sucks I mean I wish they wouldn't, but the simple fact is someone new will take their place.


Plus the fact that there is simply nothing else to play right now. Everyone is quitting WOW to come here.

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No, I want these idiots that are ************ and moaning to get the hell out and don't come back.


Don't need that kind of community here that whines about every little damn thing about a brand new mmo.


Wow, you sound a lot like all the SWG people just before they got kicked off their game because of this one... :eek:

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I wouldn't worry too much about people leaving TOR. It sucks I mean I wish they wouldn't, but the simple fact is someone new will take their place.


Plus the fact that there is simply nothing else to play right now. Everyone is quitting WOW to come here.


This week I have actually considered going back... I know... these are sad times...

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yeah i love the game so far and i think there is quite alot of content atm.. what i do.. level alts, play daily pvp and pve quests, look for datacrons, crafting, raiding... and thats alot for a new game, you can also do the spacecombat missions if you like them..but the thing is they are already working on a new raid and thats really fast.. like WoW dosnt even come out with new raids (content) that fast.. so give them some love instead of all the QQ and if all you wanna do in an mmo is PVP allday every day then you will get bored in anygame.. (wow arena might be abit more fun then just BGs but ive heared rumors about some sort of arena/competetiv pvp comming to SWTOR so lets wait and see peple...


sorry for my bad english btw <3

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