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Worth of continue Subscription?


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Hey!(This is not troll post and I really have question for I need answer) I Would like to know thoughts from others is it worth of continue Subscription?

For me this game has been really nice and I loved lvling and it really has been worth of money since I have played +150h. But this game some how felt and still feels single player game and I am not those who roll other character I just lvl up 1 guy and that's it. And somehow I got feeling now that I have completed this game.


I am not sure do I have time for pve? (I had a lot free time when was Christmas) but now irl stuff just takes so much time... that I am not sure will happen same that happen in wow for me that I never really got in guild raids since I was always out geared cos I really didn't have time for playing and I just played pvp (bg's and arena)


How is it... will it take much time to get gear? can really casual player keep going with his guild? since just paying for pvp in this game doesn't really seem worth of it :(

(and only reason why I continued playing wow was cos of friends, but none of my mates bought this game, well 1 played but he stopped playing:S)


And I still somehow Like this game but I am not just sure do I have time for it.. :(


I am really glad if someone knows what I should do :)

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I think that when they get around to fixing all of the problems, I might get around to re-subscribing. I'm probably going to try one month after the "free with purchase" month and then call it quits for a while. Then I'll probably re-sub for about a month and then quit for good.



Really, this level of quality is what I've come to expect from EA, so I'm not getting my hopes up with their fixes.

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No-one can tell you whether your money is well spent.


..but he's wondering if his moneys worth spending. People can let him know what the end-game content is like(if OP hasn't gotten their yet) which can be big deciding factor to whether or not to subscribe. As well as knowing about what needs to be fixed and when it will be.

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..but he's wondering if his moneys worth spending. People can let him know what the end-game content is like(if OP hasn't gotten their yet) which can be big deciding factor to whether or not to subscribe. As well as knowing about what needs to be fixed and when it will be.


Well to answer that, end-game is boring.


Bosses are buggy as hell, for the most part a joke and you get gear super fast. You may think getting gear fast is great, but it really lowers your enthusiasm to log on.


PVP is crap, mainly because there are only 3 Warzones and Ilum is broken 90% of the time, at least on my server. (Also next paragraph explains another reason why PVP is bad)


The game engine is terrible, bad textures, bad shadows, poor optimization and laggy ability queues. I can't recall how many times I couldn't use an ability no matter how many times I spammed it and no it was not internet lag. Yes my ability queue is set to 0. I also can't recall how many times my "instant" abilities took more than 2 seconds to go off, or how many times I watched a cast bar of an ability go off, but nothing happened.


The only good professions right now are biochem.


Uh..I'm probably forgetting a lot but w/e. My opinion? Save your money. Wait for GW2, at least it's free to play.


You already have the game so I would wait until 1.1 hit's on Tuesday, see if a lot of things get fixed or just stay broken like they have been.

Edited by Slomoshun
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People say they will come back when things are things are fixed..



Some major Bugs and problems i've heard have been there since early beta. And with the sectioned off feel of planets, with -for me long loading screens..


I dont think they can fix these problems, if they could why are they bring in new contents--

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If you enjoy simple, linear undeveloped games with no content worth playing after you hit 50 and loot of broken parts then you should subscribe.


I personaly sugget to wait few months and play when game will be fixed. Right now there is no point playing it.


Of course you can always be one of those people who enjoy leveling 10 chars from lvl 1 to 50 playing same content over and over again with no choice at all.

Or you can spend all your time in bugged warzones playing PVP matches against imperium (since republic is a minority).


Check if half a year I say.

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The game is so far behind games made in 2007 it sad, so much potential but will be in the pile of failed mmorpgs.

I really thought this was going to be the one to dethrone wow , too bad it cant even compare to Rift its missing so much.

Come back in a few months and see if Bioware puts some effort into the patches , as of now what they've shown in the game the took shortcuts on mostly everything.

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I like this game a lot and I trust in my fellow Austinites to keep making this game even better. I can't tell you if it's worth your money, you should keep playing and decide yourself, not rely only on the negativity on these forums. Remember that a lot of people get on here to complain or b**** about something they don't like, so take it with a grain of salt. Don't waste time getting wrapped up in someone else's bad experience, play and enjoy the game for what it is and then decide if you want to continue playing.
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Hm... If this game works like other EA titles, then they will release a $40 expansion which they will claim has bug fixes, but won't actually fix all of the bugs and will break other things. Their response will be to release a trickle of patches and claim that the major bugs will be fixed in the next $40 expansion.
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I agree with Slomoshun's take on endgame content.


My advice: cancel your subscription, then see how you feel/what time you have later. If you really want to play or suddenly have time, restarting your subscription shouldn't take longer than a few minutes normally.

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No not worth it. I canceled my sub last night until they fix. If they dont, they wont have me back. If they do fix Ill be back in a flash.


I cancelled my sub as well. Chances are, they won't fix much at all, and I won't be back. They're just going into damage control mode.

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