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Hey Imps, reroll Republic...no really


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That happened on Aion. At launch (North America & Europe) Asmo greatly outnumbered Elyos, Now they have in game incentives for people to roll Asmo ro balance the servers.


1) Wait for people to leave the game.

2) ???

3) Profit.


now aion f2p in eu, soon in the u.s.

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The more imperials, the merrier. We just ROFL stomped Ilum on Twin Spears and held it for an hour. Pushed all Imperials back to their base or off the planet. Just goes to show you where the talent is.




Agreed. Myself and my guild find it enjoyable. Travel in groups of four or more and they're deterred easily

Edited by Elyons
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I tried a republic alt on the Fatman server. Even there, on the most-populated PVP server, I stopped at level 11. When I got to the Republic fleet and saw how few people were there I just stood still and couldn't believe it. A ghost town. Right then I logged out and went right back to my Imp char. No thanks.


This game is solo-ish as it is enough with all the instancing but to see it totally empty like that means I'd never find groups for heroics, quests, flashpoints, and so on.

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I have tried several times to reroll and I just can't do it. I never get past Coruscant and do you know why? Because republic is *********** dull. Satele Shan instantly makes me go back to Empire. If she doesn't then I just run into some annoying alien speaking gibberish and that does it.
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I am going to wait about 6 months to play a republic toon, but I have played a Knight to level 10, and tbh, I like the Republic side better so far. Better planets, quest givers are a lot

more diverse (not just imperial humans), etc. the only problem is all my friends are playing Empire.

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I tried republic


I saw a whooping 30 people in the start zone compared to the imp side on the same server of over 100 in the start zone.


Thought well maybe fleet will be better get to fleet.... 43 people at prime time compared to imp side which was at 219 people in fleet on the same server lol.


Sorry I like to have a chance at running content and socializing I will never go republic unless bioware forces balance.

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My first lvl 50 was a Republic and I rolled it to help faction balance. The problem is Bioware always do the same thing, you have the choice to act like a saint or satan himself. Out of these two extremes one is fun the other can be really boring. And about that...I played as a Dark Jedi but it felt totally out of place and didn't really fit the story. Its sad because playing a Light Sith works well. Anyway I understand why people are Empire and I'm having fun on my alt.
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Yeah, like others have said the voice acting and storylines are better on the Imperial side. Plus they have the gear that's the black with little red lights all over it and nerds love that stuff.


I'm currently leveling a Sage and it's barren on the Republic side. During peak hours there are only about 90-110 players on the Republic Fleet, the market is severely lacking compared to that of the Imperials, and the population on the mid range planets are depressing. I thought it may be because of my server name, Shadow Hand. It's probably more alluring to people going Imperial. I personally chose it because it was the only east coast server at the time with a heavy population.


I mean look at the smuggler, worst voice acting in the game. It's hit and miss, but I count far more misses. Trooper male, Sage male, completely lackluster. Sure Jedi may shun emotion to a degree but they're not drones. I actually like the Sage storyline, but it's a slow starter and it really doesn't grab you. The only advantage they have are some of starter locations they get on some of the worlds are far better in appearance and feel more "iconic"; Anchorhead for example.


And before that guy comes around like in all the other threads and says "That's just your opinion", I'll say yes it's my opinion.

Edited by alkanterah
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Problem is that I really don't like that heap of metal called Coruscant. I made a sage to level 11 and just stopped. The initial view of Coruscant when arriving is great. Once you get inside, it's dull dull dull....


tell me does Coruscant get better or is it really just all steel walls inside buildings? Because that's seriously what's keeping me from playing rep alts.

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Problem is that I really don't like that heap of metal called Coruscant. I made a sage to level 11 and just stopped. The initial view of Coruscant when arriving is great. Once you get inside, it's dull dull dull....


tell me does Coruscant get better or is it really just all steel walls inside buildings? Because that's seriously what's keeping me from playing rep alts.


Coruscant was a bit bland to me as well.


You can just do the class story and skip the other stuff. Maybe BW should add some more surface/upper lvl content there.

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Problem is that I really don't like that heap of metal called Coruscant. I made a sage to level 11 and just stopped. The initial view of Coruscant when arriving is great. Once you get inside, it's dull dull dull....


tell me does Coruscant get better or is it really just all steel walls inside buildings? Because that's seriously what's keeping me from playing rep alts.


its basically nar shadar..

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Problem is that I really don't like that heap of metal called Coruscant. I made a sage to level 11 and just stopped. The initial view of Coruscant when arriving is great. Once you get inside, it's dull dull dull....


tell me does Coruscant get better or is it really just all steel walls inside buildings? Because that's seriously what's keeping me from playing rep alts.


Yeah I'm not a fan either, which is odd because I love Nar Shaddaa which is basically the same but different color scheme and sky. What annoyed me most about Coruscant was the long run to the Senate Tower from the taxi.


I'm much more fond of Dromund Kaas, probably my favorite planet in the game. But I'm weak vs stormy worlds.


Another huge disadvantage for the Republic is Taris. Most annoying planet in the game to navigate. You come across it as an Imperial much later. Also as an Imperial it's night time, though only when you look up, on the ground it's day time. Always found that weird.

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I've heard stories about people being kicked from Republic flashpoints for picking dark side options in the dialogue. True?



And? I've heard of people Empire side being booted from flashpoints for picking Light Side choices. Given the fact I've been yelled at before for making a Light Side choice Empire side, I can believe it.


And where do people get the idea you can't make evil choices Republic side? Way back on Ord Mantell I pulled a gun on a doctor who was just trying to help some orphans, infront of the orphans. Later in that same quest line you have the choice to leave said orphans behind when you take the doctor back to base. Christ, spacing the engineers in Esseles is way darker than anything the Empire can do in Black Talon. Oh wow, you can kill the fat traitor you were ordered to capture (which is hilarious... the dialogue should just be "You know what, I enjoy failing at my job" /kills General).


Yes, as a Republic player you can be sickeningly good (I truly loathe the Jedi who take the " WE CAN WORK THIS OUT!!!" options nonstop), but there's nothing stopping you from being a geniune sociopath.

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The only cool class on the Republican side is Trooper. I do not want to be a force sensative or a smuggler. Those classes are lame. Empire has agent and bounty hunter. empire force users are actually super cool.


this is why i do not play the goodey goodey happy love junk that is Republic.

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its basically nar shadar..


Yeah but Nar Shaddaa I still perfer over Coruscant....but if I just compare Dromund Kaas with Coruscant, I'd take Dromund Kaas without fail.


For a capitcal Coruscant just seems like a dump. I'd have to get really bored with the Imp side for me to deal with that.

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