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Hey Imps, reroll Republic...no really


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As someone who played deep into the 30's on two Republic characters I have to say, the Republic side is downright dull and boring. Jedi's are the epitome of boring. No passion, no emotion what so ever. Wife and I switched sides and haven't looked back since. I play a Bounty Hunter with a heart, and she plays a mean ***** of a Sorc. It's just more fun on the "bad" side.
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I will! When I finish with my Empire character. Been playing since 12/16 and still just at level 36. I'm taking my time and enjoying as much as I can.


Some people, such as myself, have plans to level each class on each side(rep/imp) for the story, lore and other aspects of the game. I've already made all of my characters and they are ready to go! So, be patient young Jedi!

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I really do think that the republic side could've done with less goodie-goodie characters. Dark side Jedi need more room in that and I am sure that an agent and bounty hunter type class could do well also. Instead of Imperial agent there would be a SIS agent or whatever and Bounty Hunters really are more of a neutral class anyway.


The imperial side could also do with trooper type....but the republic side needs more interesting, colourful character styles. The smuggler just doesn't appeal to me at all.

Sure, Han Solo was cool in the movies but he was just one guy...not a solid foundation for a character class if you ask me.


I think that if they would do more for dark jedi, that could be a great thing. Just think fo some dark side shadow council that supports the republic more than the jedi code. Much more interesting I would think. Also give em darker gear early on and different teachers when they have more ds points etc.

For all I care, make it a class: Fallen Jedi or something. I would be interested to see how many people would play that instead.

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I don't know, sage storyline was pretty non-appealing when I tried it during beta, I have a feeling they did not put enough effort... but it might be imp treachery just fits my style better. (INB4 - or after - badboys are for kids etc )


I probably will, as a side pet project, after I get through imp stories (excluding warriors, I found others enjoyable to play, just dont like the game mechanics of pure melees). Probably a trooper or smuggler instead of force goody-goods this time tho, hopefully more interesting storyline.

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I wanted to play a sith assassin at start, but when I got in on the second day of early access it was literally exploding with so many "darth Maul" lookalikes, Mool, Mawl, Lawl, Mowl, etc. And all of them were making Chuck Norris, Anal ____, Panda jokes. Followed by non stop trolling of anyone who even bothered asking a question. I remember someone opened a thread about how the Imp side was going to be awesome because all the kids were going to roll Pub side. Well they were wrong. I went and rolled a jedi shadow and everyone was friendly and helpful and mature. I have tried to go back and a fiddle with my Imp characters again, but it has still been much the same, albeit fewer people in the starting area.
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How about the fact that If you want a certain characteristic, you have to declare a faction? Bioware SHOULD have gone the route where you can choose your faction, as your Bounty Hunters are forced to go imperial, or if you want lightning out your fingers you have to pick imperial also. There's no "started off as a jedi knight, then went evil" opportunity. It's set in stone
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I tried a Jedi Consular, and honestly the fisrst 10 lvl story was so bland and cheesy, I just couldn't take it anymore.

Seems like the Rep are really the archetype of "popular good guys". Master, servant, wisdom searching, flowers pooping, etc.

Well, super boring in a word.

Edited by kineticdamage
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The Republic is railroaded into being paragons of virtue, nobility and self-rightous bs.


I fully experienced this from 1 - 50 as a Jedi Consular


The Jedi are cold, emotionless and sterile to the point it makes them dull, unsympathetic and uninteresting.


Sith on the other hand are railroaded into being harbringers of death, destruction and mayhem with less self-rightous BS.


I fully experienced this from 1 - 50 as a Sith Inquisitor


The Sith are vibrant, passionate and exciting to the point it makes them interesting, hilarious and viceral.



On my Jedi my execution scenes are me simply standing in front of someone and cutting them down.


On my Sith my execution scenes involve breaking people's necks, electrifying them or letting minions gun people down.



The Sith have so much more room to operate in while being deliciously devious, manipulative and fun, The Jedi do not.

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To be honest I rolled a trooper and the dark side gains are higher in that story line than any other Ive tried so far.


Think I was ~1200 dark side before I reached the fleet!


The other one I rolled that was great was the operative. Awesome story and the dark points are truly dark.


Now Im not saying anything as to balance. I am fully sure there are big animation delays to most of the reps big damage actions. Though I haven't fully tested the imps, I can feel the late damage ticks when on my reps.


But the main thing is the reps have some great story and when you go dark its wicked dark.

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I went the other way. Played Republic first, then tried Imperial and realized that Imperial is quite simply better, abilities have less delay and have slicker animations, gear looks better, storylines are better, Imperial architecture is better, there's more people so it's easier to get groups... why go back to Republic?


The obvious Imperial bias in Bioware makes all the WoW claims about Horde bias to appear laughable. At least if you made a Night Elf hunter and a Troll hunter, they would work the same. You cannot say the same about BH vs Trooper. BH abilities activate so much faster it's almost ridiculous.

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Everyone wanted to play the badguy character so they jumped on Empire as soon as game came out.


I play Republic myself and see the imbalance as well but I cant control that factor.


I will say this though. With the sheer amount of Empire characters running around alot of them are nice enough to fly to Ilum and call a truce so we all get our Daily/Weekly PvP quest done.


That being said I would love to see the Empire players swap to Republic to enjoy both sides like I do but they did pay for the game just like I did so lol.


Actually, it's more like you guys holding a truce so we can get our dailies done. Republic holds all the power in the Battle of Illum right now...

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Please don't. I rolled imperial for a short while and discovered an absolutely horrible community.


Imps, stay where you are. My best dealings with you have been done with an assault cannon.

Edited by Chomag
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Please don't. I rolled imperial for a short while and discovered an absolutely horrible community.


Imps, stay where you are. My best dealings with you have been done with an assault cannon.


Likewise. See ya through aim. :wea_09:

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I'd bet that most of the 1st month sub drops will be imperials!;)


Agreed, the majority of the subs that will drop are going to be of that a certain age and I think we can all agree that the majority of those kids rolled Empire.


After the initial roll off of unsubbers settles and we get a more accurate number of players/factions/server population, we can rely on BioWare to do proper server migration to balance out the faction population issues.

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Man all these responses have been so enlightening.


I had no idea the majority of gamers just loved...being bad so much :).


I suppose games like GTA just started a crack-like effect and now a majority of gamers just can't stand to do good things in video games, which is totally fine. As many of you have pointed out, you pay, you play the way you want. Personally I found my smuggler to be lol funny, but maybe I'm just a "goody good flowers pooping" type of person ;).


And once again, once you're at endgame it's not as if that type of thing matters anymore. Also to people who think that you're shunned for making dark side choices in FP's, I've never seen a bit of that. In fact I've seen it encouraged more cuz people want to see the other side of things.


And it's not like I just "can't stand" to roll an Imp or anything, I just wouldn't feel right about playing on a side that is so obviously overpopulated, but I don't root for the obvious winning team in football either.


Like everything I find it more interesting to be the underdog. So I should probably thank the masses for enabling that for me in this game. Of course I want to keep playing this game and have a halfway decent community, so the population imbalance is concerning.


Remember last month when servers were full? When was the last time you got into even a Heavy load? You don't think the majority of those are Reps disappointed with lack of groups and faceroll pvp? Maybe...and maybe not.

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Man all these responses have been so enlightening.


I had no idea the majority of gamers just loved...being bad so much :).


I suppose games like GTA just started a crack-like effect and now a majority of gamers just can't stand to do good things in video games, which is totally fine. As many of you have pointed out, you pay, you play the way you want. Personally I found my smuggler to be lol funny, but maybe I'm just a "goody good flowers pooping" type of person ;).


And once again, once you're at endgame it's not as if that type of thing matters anymore. Also to people who think that you're shunned for making dark side choices in FP's, I've never seen a bit of that. In fact I've seen it encouraged more cuz people want to see the other side of things.


And it's not like I just "can't stand" to roll an Imp or anything, I just wouldn't feel right about playing on a side that is so obviously overpopulated, but I don't root for the obvious winning team in football either.


Like everything I find it more interesting to be the underdog. So I should probably thank the masses for enabling that for me in this game. Of course I want to keep playing this game and have a halfway decent community, so the population imbalance is concerning.


Remember last month when servers were full? When was the last time you got into even a Heavy load? You don't think the majority of those are Reps disappointed with lack of groups and faceroll pvp? Maybe...and maybe not.


I dont think it comes down to more people like being bad and thats why they rolled imperial.


I was repub when I started.... their side is kinda boring tbh their armors dont look as nice.


I am a ops with max light points I didn't roll imperial to be bad I rolled it because as a faction it just feels better. And theres the part about it being the most populated... you know most want to run endgame content. Thats hard to do when your side is dead lol.

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And theres the part about it being the most populated... you know most want to run endgame content. Thats hard to do when your side is dead lol.


You know when else it's hard to run endgame? When the the Whole game is dead.


Look at the pops you log into now and wonder when servers are going to start shutting down and merging.


Server xferring all the time sucks and it destroys community, especially because if you're going to xfer (assuming they ever allow it) might as well head to where the pop is, which is going to be Imperial. It's a nasty self perpetuating cycle. People say it's early, but I'm already worried.



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