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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So utterly disappointing


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So, I hit 50 and scoot over today to Ilum, expecting some epic back and forth battles between the two sides.


And what do I find?


A bunch of green guys standing at one end of the walkers.


A bunch of red guys standing at the other.


I start attacking the red guys and then get called a douche for doing so.


It seems everyone just stands there, destroying each other's stuff until they've got their quests done.


Then there's 3 seconds of PvP and that's it.


SW:TOR - lame PvP.


Darkfall beckons?




Roll on Darkfall 2.

Edited by Maejohl
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In my humble opinion, win trading like that should be a bannable offense.


But hey, what do you expect from a bunch of WoW players? From what I hear, that's the modus operandi for that new world PvP zone that was introduced with Cataclysm too. Just trade wins, so that everyone can do the dailies.


That's what you get, basing PvP rewards around PvE. Shocking, I know. Who could have seen this coming? :rolleyes:

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Have fun, cya.


Who said anything about leaving?


But I guess you guys fail to read, as well as fail to PvP.


Yup, as soon as Darkfall 2 is out (which is a REAL full loot, open world, region control, FPS no tab-targetting PvP game) is out, I'm gone. But until then I'm stuck with my guild in SWTOR.


Hopefully Bioware will be able to sort this PvP joke out before too long.

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Everyone at 50 gets their quest to go to Ilum... This really isn't BW's fault that the player base isn't fighting each other. Go rile some people up, make them want to fight, be creative! Most people see PvP only in Warzones so just give em something to think about back in World PvP! If you can't, i guess check other servers to see if anyone is more active because I have had no problems with World PvP and jumping groups with my buds... Sorry for inconvenience but the game isn't **** because of Ilum. Maybe check Tatooine for lowbie levels cuz maybe not everyone is 50 that you would like to see.... Edited by Grendol
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Everyone at 50 gets their quest to go to Illum... This really isn't BW's fault that the player base isn't fighting each other. Go rile some people up, make them want to fight, be creative! Most people see PvP only in Warzones so just give em something to think about back in World PvP! If you can't, i guess check other servers to see if anyone is more active because I have had no problems with World PvP and jumping groups with my buds... Sorry for inconvenience but the game isn't **** because of Illum. Maybe check Tatooine for lowbie levels cuz maybe not everyone is 50 that you would like to see....


Thank you for taking the time to think about the issue and post, I appreciate it.


The difficulty is that there is no incentive for me to do any of the things you've suggested. If I did, I'd be gimping myself in terms of access to gear (which we need if we're not uber PvPers :) ), so making it harder for myself when they (finally) move the level 50s into their own warzones.


I know that SWTOR is not a PVP game, so I really should stop moaning. But they really should have learned lessons from other WOW clones on the PvP front by now.

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Who said anything about leaving?


But I guess you guys fail to read, as well as fail to PvP.


Yup, as soon as Darkfall 2 is out (which is a REAL full loot, open world, region control, FPS no tab-targetting PvP game) is out, I'm gone. But until then I'm stuck with my guild in SWTOR.


Hopefully Bioware will be able to sort this PvP joke out before too long.



It will be just as successful as Darkfall. That is to say a niche game. Full corpse loot will never be popular.

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Im pretty sure the carebare mentality in Ilum is going to change as soon as there is enough lvl 50's on the server, they will eventually realize that openworld pvp in ilum is the only way to get a proper premade groupdoing any pvp if youre more than 4 ppl that is.
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Who said anything about leaving?


But I guess you guys fail to read, as well as fail to PvP.


Yup, as soon as Darkfall 2 is out (which is a REAL full loot, open world, region control, FPS no tab-targetting PvP game) is out, I'm gone. But until then I'm stuck with my guild in SWTOR.


Hopefully Bioware will be able to sort this PvP joke out before too long.


No offense but people said the same about Darkfall (the first version) and everyone still left.

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But hey, what do you expect from a bunch of WoW players? From what I hear, that's the modus operandi for that new world PvP zone that was introduced with Cataclysm too. Just trade wins, so that everyone can do the dailies.

Nah it's just you are a cluelss hater. Win trading in Tol Barad is very very old news - at start of expansion - and patched by Blizzard in one week.


It was that the reward for conquering was sick compared to defending, so both fatcions want to win attack and none wanted to win defense so they could attack next.


But as I told you, It was patched in one week. From that point onwards Tol Barad was hard fought.


So blame Blizzard's failures on Blizzard, abd Bioware's on Bioware.


I have playerd WoW for years and never saw something like Ilum really as Tol Barad was not open world PvP but instanced.


There is much more PvP in WoW ... being ded as it has never been ... than in TOR.

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So, I hit 50 and scoot over today to Ilum, expecting some epic back and forth battles between the two sides.


And what do I find?


A bunch of green guys standing at one end of the walkers.


A bunch of red guys standing at the other.


I start attacking the red guys and then get called a douche for doing so.


It seems everyone just stands there, destroying each other's stuff until they've got their quests done.


Then there's 3 seconds of PvP and that's it.


SW:TOR - lame PvP.


Darkfall beckons?




Roll on Darkfall 2.


This thread is just so you could advertise, you need to leave *points to the door*


And quit whining about ilum, it was broken to begin with, they are fixing it

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So, I hit 50 and scoot over today to Ilum, expecting some epic back and forth battles between the two sides.


And what do I find?


A bunch of green guys standing at one end of the walkers.


A bunch of red guys standing at the other.


I start attacking the red guys and then get called a douche for doing so.


It seems everyone just stands there, destroying each other's stuff until they've got their quests done.


Then there's 3 seconds of PvP and that's it.


SW:TOR - lame PvP.


Darkfall beckons?




Roll on Darkfall 2.


well there is some nice players on each faction that actualy help each other do quests. just because its a pvp zone doesnt mean you have to attack every red target you see.

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Yea, it is kind of a joke. Biowares fault for letting the factions become so unbalanced and creating a REALLY crappy way to go about collecting end pvp gear. Honestly if you attack Repubs you will NEVER get your gear. So if anything, PVP is discouraged and the sith/republic will continue having tea parties on ilum.
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Yea, it is kind of a joke. Biowares fault for letting the factions become so unbalanced


What do you do when everyone wants to play imperial and no one wants to role republic? You force them? How would you fix this problem and explain in detail and with programming logic and knowledge, and share your code so that bioware could make it happen.



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