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huttball camping


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I like to pvp and I don't mind paying my dues getting beat when I am a lowbie, but seriously our server is becoming a drag. We have two guilds which routinely, I mean everytime, run the score up to 5 points and then hold the ball for 10 minutes farming lowbie pugs. I've also personally seen when their team is split the one on the lowbie side, leave the game ensuring its unbalanced more. I always stick it out, but others (maybe they are smarter) will simply quit.


I've killed some 50s in pvp, but when its a team of them, its nearly impossible for a pug to do anything to these uber geared players. Is this not considered an exploit of a bugged setup? I mean if it was 50s vs 50s they would not be doing this. And most certainly it should not be considered "honorable" to farm honor kills in this manner.


I'm interested in your opinion.

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We have two guilds which routinely, I mean everytime, run the score up to 5 points and then hold the ball for 10 minutes farming lowbie pugs


if i wanted this kinda pvp i go play COD ... and its HUTTBALL were on the same side .. you would think all the ppl on the same server on the same side would be more apt to play fairly so when VOIDSTAR or the other one pops and we actually fight against the other faction we would have superior players... but nope not when there are a bunch of 15 to 23 year old (I say this because a high percent of the time that's the maturity lvl of the dummies that are doing this).


Its just highly frustrating and is making me lose interest in the game real fast .. and i hate to waste money on yet another PvP MMO failure..

Edited by Paralassa
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It's absolutely, incredibly stupid and I agree with OP 100%.


Apparently nobody on my *********** server has heard of "the golden rule".


Huttball match, it's our own faction vs. our own faction. These are the same guys you might be pugging with in the next match and yet *I* get called a moron for telling them they should not act like d***s to our own faction.


I try to explain to them how if the match was so quickly and easily made into a 5-0, it would be far faster to win the match and perform equally as well in the next match; that you'd get a lot more valor and badges from winning another match just as quickly than you would from farming 2 more medals by hanging around mid tossing the ball back and forth like a bunch of gimps. Instead, I get called a moron for not wanting to spend 10 minutes getting maybe 1-2 more medals.


It's pathetic. As soon as my team started that I hopped up on the trash can near the side powerup and sat down the rest of the match. They want to be ******es, they can do it on their own. Which they did, anyway, but hey. I ended the match with 10 medals, more than the morons 'farming' up more of them even got, and I spent most of it sitting out refusing to fight.


We actually had one guy try to cap the ball when he got it tossed to him, but stupidly the team being farmed decided to kill him. I've capped it myself to end the match when I've heard "hey guys let's farm them".


Want to counter this being done to your team? When you exit the doorway, go left or right. See the fence that starts near the corner? As you cross that corner, the timer that will kick you for being 'AFK' resets. Just keep crossing it back and forth; your team can't be touched there and the mouthbreathing *******s who think this is fun gameplay will quickly get bored.


Yea, it's touchy. It's piss-poor gameplay and it's especially dickish to do this to your own faction. Added 3 people to my ignore last time it happened, I refuse to ever do anything with someone who condones this play. The huttball announcer needs to kill the ball carrier and everyone within 40m or something if the same TEAM has had the ball for 5 minutes. Not just the same carrier, as it currently stands - people just pass it back and forth to bypass this.

Edited by Salmissra
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I am glad you agree. In my case, as I watch people leave the match and make it worse for the pug, I say in /ops that they should report the guilds in question. Then, the guild members say "kill mytoonname" and they target me in particular. They will harass me via messages in /ops and even /local fleetside forcing me to /ignore them. Its particularly unfair when they are able to target me, even though I am in stealth trying to make my to a lone target. I can only assume there threats of "get mytoonname" are real and they are all doing /target mytoonname to find my toon.


They say this is not against terms of service, but I figure its a violation of:


1. exploiting bug in system - lvl 50s in bg with lowbies farming kills.

2. verbal and in game harrasment - talking trash to players and camping them.


Seriously I did not pay for two six month accounts for myself and my son to get continously whacked by the 10% who made it 50 first.



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Your playing against a pre-made of 50's in PvP gear that are grinding their way to 60 valor so they can get Battlemaster gear. The extra valor from the medals they get farming you is worth alot more to them than your personal feelings. I know this because I have farmed aloooooooooot.
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I agree with the OP and have seen this happen several times on my server but unfortunately I don't see what can be done.


At least on my server, the winning team will still pass the ball to each other and even to the opposing team just to kill that person instantly. So with the ball being kept in motion that whole time, I'm not sure what other limitations could be placed on them.

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Your playing against a pre-made of 50's in PvP gear that are grinding their way to 60 valor so they can get Battlemaster gear. The extra valor from the medals they get farming you is worth alot more to them than your personal feelings. I know this because I have farmed aloooooooooot.


Exactly. No need to roleplay factions in PvP and you get more of a benefit by ****** the team for 10 minutes then moving away.

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Considering how long que timers are Empire side once you get into one you milk it for all its worth.


Kinda depends on your server.


Until / unless the do cross server.


But for the moment - emp populations differ from server to server, as to pub populatios.

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Even with long que time I am against cross server queing. I want to actually know the people I'm playing with and against.




I like seeing familiar allies and foes.


Cross server PvP kills communities Bioware! Don't do it!

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The issue isn't that people get 5 points then farm.


The issue is that the way the pvp reward system is designed is to reward farmers.


The medals aren't for scoring in huttball or for defusing bombs on Voidstar, they are for killing, damaging, tanking, healing - deathmatching really.


That's what needs to change, objective based pvp which rewards deathmatching is a crazy idea.

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I'm alright with more Objective medals since currently you don't even get one for scoring the ball you only get medals for attacking the ball holder which is still kinda DM.


The crazy thing is, if you want objective points in huttball the best way to do it is constantly pass the ball to enemies and then killing them.


So, to get rewarded in a ball game we have to give away the ball?

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When you realise winning or losing dosnt matter and medals are more important the game changes. Thank you Bioware, I can lose and get more rewards then the winning team.


When theres a farm going on, Huttball is notorius for this just work on your medals or crafting. Theres several spots you can where they cant touch you and you wont be kicked outta the game.


Ive seen serius hate from these "farming" setups when people stop feeding them kills/medals/points and they ahve to sit there doing nothing.

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I like to pvp and I don't mind paying my dues getting beat when I am a lowbie, but seriously our server is becoming a drag. We have two guilds which routinely, I mean everytime, run the score up to 5 points and then hold the ball for 10 minutes farming lowbie pugs. I've also personally seen when their team is split the one on the lowbie side, leave the game ensuring its unbalanced more. I always stick it out, but others (maybe they are smarter) will simply quit.


I've killed some 50s in pvp, but when its a team of them, its nearly impossible for a pug to do anything to these uber geared players. Is this not considered an exploit of a bugged setup? I mean if it was 50s vs 50s they would not be doing this. And most certainly it should not be considered "honorable" to farm honor kills in this manner.


I'm interested in your opinion.


It's not like this on my server, which one are you on?

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Well nothing sucks like waiting a long time, then joining a game that is 5 to 0 with 8 minutes to go. Then they are even bragging about farming. Really its an exploit. I've also wondered about the objective points. I am glad you pointed out its only when they kill the ball carrier. I've opened doors, unlocked bridges, scored the ball, etc and then noticed that I had zero objective points.


So lucas arts/ bioware is it an exploit for us to go in a corner and craft when they are farming? How about when teams get split and the guild mates on the "lowbie side" quit and thus make it even worse for the lowbie/pug team? Is it ok for them to talk junk? Its it ok for them to cause other subscribers/paying customers to quit the match?

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Most people who 'camp' really have no idea how to do it and it's a lose-lose situation. The only medal that might require an extended draw out fight is the 300K damage, and that's actually very hard to get if you're having a dominating perforamnce. If you're killing people before they've a chance to heal, even if each enemy has 15K HP, you need 20 kills for just one person to get 300K even if he did all the damage, and let's say you got 4 guys who want this, you're not going to be able to kill the enemy 80 times (they can't physically respawn that often).


And of course when you camp you've no way of getting the 1 on 1 medal, and even less likely chance of getting any heal or protection based medals. Once you've your 25 kill medal, the team ahead should call it a day, or they need to fight like 4 versus 8 so that the enemy doesn't die too quickly, because killing the enemy quickly is counterproductive to getting 300K damage done unless it's Voidstar and you're on defense.

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Considering how long que timers are Empire side once you get into one you milk it for all its worth.


My queue times are pretty dang short. Normally no more than 5 minutes. I often get instant queues as well. and I'm on the Imperial side. Granted it is almost always huttball.

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Teamwork in warzones is not something that needs to be nerfed.


It's something that needs to be encouraged in others.


Teamwork is winning. Purposefully dragging the game out to its maximum length to reap the benefits of a developer oversight at the expense of the other team is griefing.

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