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Anyone Else Agree We're Too Squishy?


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I play Jug but , I too share some concern of squishyness. It has to do with your playstyle. The class aint forgiving and if you mess it up , u die simple as that.



What you should do, in scenarios of 1 silver and 1 normal, is open with saber throw, charge and immidiatelly perform the kick. The kick atm (L38 jug) is my most powerfull attack along with the pommel.


My focus is on minions first and i ladder up to the silver. I use a healer pet - Quinn to keep me as much healed as he can and usually i have no problems. I do quests that either equal or are over my level with no problem.


Like i said im Jug Vengeance and im not sure how marauder copes with it, but always open with saber and charge/kick, that will instantly kill the minion.


If there are than 1 minions, the scenario stayes the same apart from after kicking, u perform smash to stun and pommel the second minion. That almost kills the 2nd one and with a slash or two its dead. Then focus your rotation on the Silver and use - ofcourse - any cooldowns that are needed.

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It probably doesn't help that:


1. We use Medium Armor instead of Heavy. Less physical mitigation.


2. NPC Armor Reductions STACK. On my lowbie Marauder I was doing the Decloak quest in Balmoora and each of the 4 mobs has an Armor Reduction debuff. I went from 880 Armor to 130. Lol.


3. Mobs generally hit harder than they should. Sorry, making questing more difficult doesn't increase the longevity or enjoyment of the game.

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Pre 40 I thought this, but as I got nearer to 50 it felt like the class was just getting stronger. I changed from Carnage to Annihilation at 35 too, that seemed to help.


Chalk up one more argument up for: this class is crap until it hits 50, which then becomes even with everyone else.

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2. NPC Armor Reductions STACK. On my lowbie Marauder I was doing the Decloak quest in Balmoora and each of the 4 mobs has an Armor Reduction debuff. I went from 880 Armor to 130. Lol.


This is probably one of if not the most broken things I've ever seen in a video game. It's incredibly hindering to the low-armor classes. I laughed at my friend leveling an Assassin saying Khem'val died too quick and he got run-through. Then I realized every mob could put its own debuff up and stack it to full and nearly had a coronary.


It had better be an oversight.



Edit: I take that back.


This is the most broken thing:


Edited by Kibaken
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I don't mind taking the damage but frankly there's no decent ability to heal. Even with the bleeds I cause feeding back health to me the amount lost vs that gained is awful.


90 secs on a medpack is too long for it to be used in most circumstances, I tend to reserve them for when health is extremely low and then they only restore ~33% of my health, which quickly evaporates. Cloak of pain and saber ward help but not enough.


I've tried to use my other companions and when I do my health at the end of most fights is way below 50%. I just end up using Quinn all the time because I don't feel I have another option if things get hairy.


I'm not expecting to walk away from a fight with >75% health but either better healing (more health back from bleeds?) or better mitigation is needed - cloak of pain could is nice, could be better and/or the cooldown could do with being shorter (30 seconds after it's warn off feels far too long especially in big fights).

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This is probably one of if not the most broken things I've ever seen in a video game. It's incredibly hindering to the low-armor classes. I laughed at my friend leveling an Assassin saying Khem'val died too quick and he got run-through. Then I realized every mob could put its own debuff up and stack it to full and nearly had a coronary.


It had better be an oversight.



Edit: I take that back.


This is the most broken thing:




Hahaha, I like that link.


But yeah.. I saw 2 debuffs the first pack and thought "No way in hell these stack". Next pack I went to half HP before killing the first (they're Weak mobs...) and pulled up my paper doll. Jaw still hurts from hitting the desk.

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  • 1 month later...
I agree with this. Sith Annihilation Marauder is my second toon, and it's getting increasingly frustrating. I'm level 33 on Taris now, and while I always kinda noticed the squishyness of the class, it's really showing it's colours now. While the story is great and Jaesa really gets my motor running, but the class just irritates me. It's not terribly fun to be knocked down to 40% health by a pack of 5 rakghouls (3 of them weak), or get hit down to 10% by a silver, or have to pop all my defensive cooldowns on pretty much every elite I meet. I liked the survivability of my mercenary bounty hunter when I played him, so I'm stopping my marauder for the meantime and rerolling to a vanguard trooper. We'll see how that turns out.
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rerolling to a vanguard trooper. We'll see how that turns out.


You will survive longer overall in group pvp, except a marauder comes close and pops undying rage. :D Vanguard/Powertech is a very strong class at lower lvls and you will fly through quests.

Edited by BobaFurz
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I agree with this. Sith Annihilation Marauder is my second toon, and it's getting increasingly frustrating. I'm level 33 on Taris now, and while I always kinda noticed the squishyness of the class, it's really showing it's colours now. While the story is great and Jaesa really gets my motor running, but the class just irritates me. It's not terribly fun to be knocked down to 40% health by a pack of 5 rakghouls (3 of them weak), or get hit down to 10% by a silver, or have to pop all my defensive cooldowns on pretty much every elite I meet. I liked the survivability of my mercenary bounty hunter when I played him, so I'm stopping my marauder for the meantime and rerolling to a vanguard trooper. We'll see how that turns out.


Marauders are late bloomers - at level 33 you should do well if you're using annihilation spec. Make sure to use defensive CD's every pull and if you're not using quinn, you're gonna be hurtin.

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I agree with this. Sith Annihilation Marauder is my second toon, and it's getting increasingly frustrating. I'm level 33 on Taris now, and while I always kinda noticed the squishyness of the class, it's really showing it's colours now. While the story is great and Jaesa really gets my motor running, but the class just irritates me. It's not terribly fun to be knocked down to 40% health by a pack of 5 rakghouls (3 of them weak), or get hit down to 10% by a silver, or have to pop all my defensive cooldowns on pretty much every elite I meet. I liked the survivability of my mercenary bounty hunter when I played him, so I'm stopping my marauder for the meantime and rerolling to a vanguard trooper. We'll see how that turns out.


Why would you bump this?


We're not overly squishy and you're obviously not using your cooldowns and abilities right.

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Why would you bump this?


We're not overly squishy and you're obviously not using your cooldowns and abilities right.


You are just saying that the class is squishy without their cooldowns, but the thing is that in a lot of the fights you have no access to your shields. Its not like a rogue who decides when to attack or get attacked and all his cds are up for use. This is in my opinion the let down of this class and has therefore issues in group pvp <lvl 50. Without the cooldowns you are more squishy than a light armor sorcerer who can always pop a bubble.

Edited by BobaFurz
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You are just saying that the class is squishy without their cooldowns, but the thing is that in a lot of the fights you have no access to your shields. Its not like a rogue who decides when to attack or get attacked and all his cds are up for use. This is in my opinion the let down of this class and has therefore issues in group pvp <lvl 50. Without the cooldowns you are more squishy than a light armor sorcerer who can always pop a bubble.


I fail to see what you're saying though - I rarely am in a fight where I have to pop every cd to survive because of how much damage my marauder puts out. So I always have some cd options available...and I mean like 95% of the time. Keep in mind that force choke can be considered defensive as can intimidating roar.


So, cloak of pain, force camo, obfusicate, undying rage, force choke, intimidating roar, saber ward. If you dont have ANY of those up, you still have the option to pop predation and run away. Some also would consider berserk defensive for annihilation because of the self healing.

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I fail to see what you're saying though - I rarely am in a fight where I have to pop every cd to survive because of how much damage my marauder puts out. So I always have some cd options available...and I mean like 95% of the time. Keep in mind that force choke can be considered defensive as can intimidating roar.


So, cloak of pain, force camo, obfusicate, undying rage, force choke, intimidating roar, saber ward. If you dont have ANY of those up, you still have the option to pop predation and run away. Some also would consider berserk defensive for annihilation because of the self healing.


Iam not saying that you need to pop every cd, but in group pvp you need often abilities which saves you from too much incomming damage, especially from range classes during the time you are hitting on your target. Force choke is great for a single target and as interruption, intimidating roar helps in close combat but wont save you from range dmg. At the end you need your shields and these are not always available. As a warrior class beeing not a stealther you are getting targeted first in group pvp, you are in the middle of the action. (besides healer). Your marauder is lvl 50 and geared, did you maybe forget how pvp looks like <lvl50.

Edited by BobaFurz
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Well <50 is a horse of a different color; however, I've yet to play a game that can balance lower than max level pvp. To me, you're playing an incomplete class at that point. Are other classes more potent earlier than the marauder? Absolutely. Does the marauder catch up? Absolutely.


I think as a non-stealthing melee class, we have to be selective about our engagement and we have to understand when a range class has the upper hand. Force camo is our tool to do this - camo into predation to get out of LoS and reset the fight.


In my opinion, marauder pvp is only limited by your imagination; we have so many tools and ways to combine them that I constantly find new and fun ways to screw with people.


Make healers fear your name...that's when you know you're doing it right.

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Why would you bump this?


We're not overly squishy and you're obviously not using your cooldowns and abilities right.


You probably have a point there, I rarely use defensive cooldowns, usually only on pulls with multiple silvers or elites. Nor do I use Quinn for fighting, I find him irritating and a kiss-***. I used Vette until I got Jaesa, and I now use her. However, I know my general way around, as much as the average player I suppose. Holding my cooldowns is probably a hold out from leveling my now-50 mercenary, whose real only short cooldowns were electro dart, death from above, thermal sensor override and fusion missile (correct me if I'm wrong, haven't played on him for a few weeks). My hunter rarely required cooldowns to stay alive, even in elite fights, and I'm not a particularily attentive person when it comes to remembering to constantly pop cooldowns. Perhaps the class isn't for me.

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Ok, I'm at 47 and even going against more than one silver is a pain because of the fact I normally would have to blow all my defensive cooldowns and also I can't even run with any of my other companions besides freaking Quinn because of the fact we drop so fast and don't have any way of healing ourselves unless we run the Annihilation tree. In my opinion I think Bioware should just get rid of cloak of pain and give marauder heavy armor, or at least make medium armor more effective. Discuss.


FYI we arnt't tanks and we shouldn't play like tanks.

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  • 1 year later...

Level 52 Marauder with a green geared Vette (most of the Vette quest reward gear), and get smoked by the bounty today at Dromund Kaas - even using heroic moment, all cd's appropriately.... it was just not possible.


The day before... I was only able to beat the bounty using a poorly geared Quinn...and only just.


Not a problem in GROUPS, but it seems it's Quinn or bust for soloing.


Treek probably works best, since he'd hold aggro and have some kind of healing to sustain him long enough perhaps,,,but I don't have him on Sith yet.

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Right. Some facts :



-annihilation has the best survivabilty by far. The self-healing are great, but mos overlooked are the better interrupt potentitial which can shut down a big attack completely, even on boss immunize mobs (where toon and spec relaying on kb gets screwed)


-update gear. For marauder its especially important. Yes damage mitigation isn't up to merc or dps jug/PT par, however get as much from the armor you have, and add cloak of pain for effectively getting more mitigation than a sintank through armor.


-do decent target prioritizing. All marauder spec can shut down a spec in seconds af fight start by bursting. In strong/elites pull, if you attack the elites before the strong, you'll have 2 pissed off people on your back for longer.



Personnaly, I started my marauder in 1,2 as carnage, because I preferred direct damage to DoT specs. At taris, I found myself struggling in some rather basic pulls. Granted didn't have the access to gear we have now (had to get planetary comms specific to a planet, which made keeping up to date a bit harder, and my crafters were all broke) but annoyed at being forced to use quinn when vette's awesome comments where locked in my ships, i decided to try annihilation. Day and night.


I've been mostly an annihilation player since then, and went watchmen on my sent. With Kira as my active companion, I've soloed every H2 so far, including esseless at 13 with t3. I've also successfully taken on every champion mob up to where it is at start of chapter 2.


On voss, I accidentaly attacked a 47 or 48 basic champion mob while vette was out on my mara, a fresh 50 in 49 gear at the time, and still won with 40% ish of my health left. Good burst self-heal with berserk, some excellent defensive cooldowns as well.


So no marauder are not "too squishy". They are terrific at taking out champion, however will struggle with pulls with lots of strongs/elite/thrash that are ranged and scattered.



As for taking bounty event as an exemple : bad one. Those fight where designed to be challenging, all elites and champ are ridiculously hard hitting, and only my 50 sintank in BH/DG (haven't had DR change yet) breeze trough a kingpin. Sorc, commando and jug all have to work really hard for theirs.

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Fact: the quest reward gear (green) is garbage. You can somewhat survive your same-level storyline quests, but aim at improving it as soon as ou can.


Marauders have very little damage mitigation outside their cooldowns.

Edited by Karkais
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How is this for a fact -

This thread is 1.5 years old.


Well Marauders are still squishy. Even with 2.0


I think that ive seen it the worst on CZ-198. The gold Czerka guys kick my ***. Im running pretty decent gear on myself and Jaesa has some decent gear but we either wipe or barely make it alive... (running Carnage) Carnage seems to need some sort of defensive boost other than Frenzied Sabers. Or we need some more damage boosters so that we can kill faster.

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Marauders have very little damage mitigation outside their cooldowns.


They don't need more.Do you realize what a skilled marauder can do?If you add passive survivability ,this class will become completely unstoppable.

Edited by Kaedusz
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