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SWTOR has ruined other MMO's for me.


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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.

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Actually I played WoW for the first time ever yesterday night and so far I enjoyed it more than my time spent with SWTOR. Everything feels a lot more intuitive and it somehow still looks better IMO.


its great pressing a button and your character using the skill 100% of the time right? I wish SWTOR could get that right

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i'm with u OP. I've been playing online games for since the original eq...moved onto daoc (dark age of camelot) from there for a few years. WoW I tried but eventually glided toons to sell to peeps noob enough to play that game. I've been on AoC for the last few years and was growing tired of it. SWTOR has revived my mmo life and hope to keep my need for it sustained.


I read the forums for (*&&( and giggles since so many cry but secretly they come back disgruntled.


I'm happy to be on the ground floor of this amazing game. C u guys/gals in 5 yrs. (still subb'in btw:)

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You're right about one thing - I finished with WoW 3 years ago. But SWTOR a fresh adventure? Not even close. The only difference is the way in which quests are delivered. That will get old once you're on your 2nd or 3rd alt. Then what? Edited by Meluna
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time will simply tell. I'm older than most I presume,...forgive me if wrong on that. WoW came out and it catered to a wider audience...how? By simplifying the mmo mechanics. to this day I am amazed that WoW players consider themselves hardcore. Imo it's elite mmorpg with training wheels.


Mmorpg have always been a low subscriber and scarce following since it was due to the number crunching and "real life devotion" that was involved. WoW comes out and draws ###millions. do the math.


mainstream ftw.


I dont want to argue and I'm stating only my opinions...which mean natta but to only myself.


Take care though and I hope to see some of u in game.


5 years from now while we're all subb'in :p

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its great pressing a button and your character using the skill 100% of the time right? I wish SWTOR could get that right


Yeah the combat just feels "right" in WoW whereas it's currently pretty clunky in SWTOR... I'm not sure I will keep playing WoW because the grind to 85 looks crazy time-consuming and the expansions are expensive but BW really needs to step it up if they want to keep their subs.


There are aspects of SWTOR I like and I am a big fan of Bioware, but I don't really see why I should keep paying a monthly fee to play a game that's inferior to another 6-year-old game.

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I play WoW, LOTRO, Fallen Earth, and STO mainly. However the quality of SWTOR's leveling process, along with the amazing PvP has made it very difficult to play any of those other games. I logged onto WoW earlier, stood and looked around Org, and was like bleh "I cant do this anymore".


SWTOR you are just too good my friend. Just too good indeed.


This to me just sounds like you're just bored of WoW because you've already played it to death. It's not because SWTOR is a much better game than WoW is.

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Edited by Meluna
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This to me just sounds like you're just bored of WoW because you've already played it to death. It's not because SWTOR is a much better game than WoW is.


Well, hmmmm. I am bored of WoW -- that would be an understatement. However, I do believe SWTOR is a better production and a much better overall playing experience.

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Seems like the mods don't like any Tortanic references. It's ok I didn't want my freedom of speech any way.


You have no freedom of speech on their forums running on their servers. This is not a public place, it's their private forums they let you use.


That said, I love SWTOR's story delivery. Best in class, IMO.

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Actually I played WoW for the first time ever yesterday night and so far I enjoyed it more than my time spent with SWTOR. Everything feels a lot more intuitive and it somehow still looks better IMO.


WoW still is a good game try it out. Those who speak badly about games either played it longer and find it boring or just hate it to hate. For me the game got old first month, then the elitism from the player base hit me.

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Each time someone mentions WoW I remember the very first time playing through the night elves starter zone. Most fun I ever had in an MMO. That game is awesome. Just don't listen to those having played WoW for years, finally losing interest. It just grew old to them.


TOR is great too though.

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I wouldn't say The Old Republic ruined other mmos for me. Just most of them probably. I still like original Everquest, but the last expansion wasn't casual enough for me. Imagine having to use your interrupts from TOR on every single weak mob. That's what the last EQ expansion was like for me, except I had to do that running 2 characters.
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I wouldn't say The Old Republic ruined other mmos for me. Just most of them probably. I still like original Everquest, but the last expansion wasn't casual enough for me. Imagine having to use your interrupts from TOR on every single weak mob. That's what the last EQ expansion was like for me, except I had to do that running 2 characters.


Actually thats how I feel with my trooper around Nar Shadaa Though they aren't weak t hey are those silvers. ^^

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i readed all off the posts and i came up with one conclusion,

the game is not similar to w.o.w so you can't say that ( its not ment to be offensive)

It's true it got it goods and its failles but its a game and ill gues bio will come up with expansions and stuff, so for the bored one they can go one after and so,


till now i really like the game as mmorpg but i can't say what is better or not


but again its what i made up about all the post and my on mind


take care and see ya in game ;)

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