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Dont Compare SWTOR to CURRENT WOW!


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It just seams odd to compare a VANILLA GAME like SWTOR, to a game that has been around for awhile like WOW.


If you were to compare the two games wouldnt it be fair to just compare SWTOR to vanilla WoW?

Edited by Zilrota
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It just seams odd to compare a VANILLA GAME like SWTOR, to a game that has been around for awhile like WOW.


If you were to compare the two games wouldnt it be fair to just compare SWTOR to vanilla WoW?


When you go to the store and are looking at both games on the shelf are you buying today's SWTOR over 2004 WOW? No you are not. Comparison is totally fair.

Edited by Zilrota
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It just seams odd to compare a VANILLA GAME like SWTOR, to a game that has been around for awhile like WOW.


If you were to compare the two games wouldnt it be fair to just compare SWTOR to vanilla WoW?


so we should compare a game that came out in 2011 to a game that came out in 2004? I'd rather deal with WoWs launch all over again, at least it didnt have a crappy engine and massive frame issues.


I just want to be sure on this, your standards for video games has not changed in 7 years? because I expected some improvements.

Edited by Zilrota
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No I think you are wrong. Lets say you a new customer and you have $60 in your pocket and you want to play the mmo you think is most fun. It makes perfect sense to compare current swtor with current WoW because thats what you will be playing. I don't care what Wow was like 7 years ago. What matters is the experience I have today.
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The WoW thing is BS. It's watered down MC Donalds fast food mmorpg experience that some of these kids have grown up with and have tried this game just to chat crap before they scamper back.


Any threads mentioning WoW should be banned, it's past the joke now.

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Really, to perform the most accurate comparisons:


You'd have to draw a


Comparison between WoW and the MMO's it competed with during it's launch


then compare that to a


Comparison between TOR and the MMO's it's competing with during it's launch.



Vanilla WoW didn't exist in some sort of "MMO Launch" vacuum where you only looked at it's features. Neither does TOR exist in some sort of "MMO Launch" vacuum where possessing more (still broken or incomplete) features than WoW magically makes it better.



But since most of you didn't know much about the MMO Market during the era of whatever you first started playing (which, lets face it, is where you draw your main comparisons from), all we can do is compare TOR now to it's current competitors. Most consumers have short attention spans like that, since we don't all study the markets for every product we buy.



If TOR now sucks (in someone's opinion, not mine) compared to WoW, then people are justified in drawing the comparisons and leaving, boycotting, nor recommending or even blasting the game because they have their own value scale. It's not like you're going to convince them to see the light, that TOR is some shining beacon of hope amidst a sea of mediocrity.

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The WoW thing is BS. It's watered down MC Donalds fast food mmorpg experience that some of these kids have grown up with and have tried this game just to chat crap before they scamper back.


Any threads mentioning WoW should be banned, it's past the joke now.


And SWTOR isn't? Please McFly. This game is even easier then WoW....and I honestly didn't think that was at all possible. It is the pinnacle of casual, watered down, easy mindless MOOing.

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This is how I view it.


Fair to compare TOR with WoW:

  1. Graphics
  2. Gameplay
  3. Innovation
  4. Features


Not fair to compare TOR with WoW:

  1. Amount of Content
  2. Polish
  3. Balance
  4. Bugs


The first list is something that MMOs should have down the moment they're launched. So in those fields, Bioware should come out of the gate competing with WoW (Graphics it wins when we get the better textures, Gameplay is loses until they fix their clunky engine, Innovation they're competing but I view this as completely subjective), and finally Features TOR gets destroyed in.


The second list however, only comes AFTER MMOs have been out for a while. No game comes out with enough content to match WoW, no game comes out with the polish and bug free feel of WoW, and no game comes out balanced PERIOD. These things take time, MMOs develop, so it is unfair to judge a game that came out a long time ago to a game that just recently came out.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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I both agree and disagree.


No, you shouldn't expect swtor to be completely polished, it will take a good few months before the kinks are out and the quality of life additions can be made.


But yes, you should expect a game out yesterday to be as advanced or moreso than a game released 7 years ago. If I purchased a new call of duty game and the graphics and gameplay was exactly that of the original call of duty, I'd be pissed.

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Really, to perform the most accurate comparisons:


You'd have to draw a


Comparison between WoW and the MMO's it competed with during it's launch


then compare that to a


Comparison between TOR and the MMO's it's competing with during it's launch.



Vanilla WoW didn't exist in some sort of "MMO Launch" vacuum where you only looked at it's features. Neither does TOR exist in some sort of "MMO Launch" vacuum where possessing more (still broken or incomplete) features than WoW magically makes it better.


I'm guessing by most people you're talking about yourself. I had been playing MMO's for a long time before WoW came out. Let me tell you, WoW blew away all its competitors when it released. That is why it has been so successful.

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Yeah but Vanilla WoW lets you play with high settings at day 1.


TOR doesn't. Hell, it's 2012 and it doesn't even support dual core and they're patching in AA.




Funny, because the requirements are a dual core processor, and without me changing core affinity, my SWTOR process is using all 4 of my cores.




Might want to check your chess pieces again there, Kasparov... Deep Blue just called, you lost the match.

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WOW really was a breakthrough in the gaming world. Swtor's only major accomplishment thus far is voiceovers. So let me ask you this. If wow did voiceovers before swtor would you still be flaming that swtor was a great game?


The bugs have killed the game, it's 2012, we payed for an unfinished, unpolished, game with content missing that was supposed to be in the box I purchased for 60 bucks. Tons of content is missing from this game. Sorry to say but this game should be on the steam sales rack already.

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WOW really was a breakthrough in the gaming world. Swtor's only major accomplishment thus far is voiceovers. So let me ask you this. If wow did voiceovers before swtor would you still be flaming that swtor was a great game?


The bugs have killed the game, it's 2012, we payed for an unfinished, unpolished, game with content missing that was supposed to be in the box I purchased for 60 bucks. Tons of content is missing from this game. Sorry to say but this game should be on the steam sales rack already.


There is a pretty hefty number of posters here who -only- support TOR because of the BioWare/ Star Wars namesakes, or some general fed-upness with the Fantasy Skin that most MMO's prefer, and care very little for comparisons between quality and gameplay, provided their egos as fans remain unbruised through mutual support on their bandwagon.


These are the ones you should look out for.

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