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Everything posted by stylernaku

  1. I'm enjoying it, loving it in fact. A very happy gamer!
  2. Exactly! This post is falling down the ladder quicker than a bloated bantha, you really get an idea of how many post when you watch your post slip out of view fast ;p. Ah well "C'est la vie", worth a try right?!
  3. So if not there yet we are damn near the time when the free sub people are ready to put swtor on the shelf and return to where they come from etc. For those who wish to stay, even if it's with a hope that what upsets them about the game will be fixed, he interest is surely there to start blanking these posts. Not commenting to fan the flames and when they come to your post, not replying to anything said until you recognise it for constructive or intelligent debate. I admit I've done the opposite to this so I'm going to need restraint now from giving them what they hope for with a "***" response. These forums are getting out of hand and ultimately people with legitimate opinions or concerns are visiting them less and less. Come on guys, lets make a change and rise above the B.S. I'm not saying you have to love the game her, just try to scythe the weeds from the crops so to speak. Positive posts welcome!
  4. So someone hasn't done so well in the game as they aren't uber with every action hot keyed, the razer epic mmo 17 button mouse (get mine Tuesday), two account's to "two box" and a million cred's in the bank by lvl 14. The sarcastic nasty replies are absolutely pathetic. Being a hard core gamer who blitz's mmorpg's in a few weeks isn't a great thing to brag about. Means you have way to much time on your hands and a lack of other activities in your life. I have more respect for a casual gamer who isn't too sure about things than I EVER will for some gamer demi god. THIS: ONE DAY, ONE DAY!
  5. I keep an eye on these forums for a possible bug coming I'm not aware of when starting a new class, or news on upcoming content or banter. Sadly t's post after post of some kind of political debate. The GAME IS DEAD Screw you Bioware and Love this Game THANK YOU BIOWARE Round and round we go. I cant see the failure in the game, but yes things need patching. I enjoy the game very much, could it ave been, or will be better yes of course, will they patch it and add content? well I hope so. Is my life over depending on this game? No. This forum has one of the two problems- 1. immaturity 2. People with life/social/depression issues. but then so does everything in life. Now and again you get a post from a fully functioning "person" with intelligent opinion. Makes finding these posts all the sweeter!
  6. The WoW thing is BS. It's watered down MC Donalds fast food mmorpg experience that some of these kids have grown up with and have tried this game just to chat crap before they scamper back. Any threads mentioning WoW should be banned, it's past the joke now.
  7. People know all of what you have typed already. The simply troll etc because it's a growing habit. It has come from the forums of a game I won't mention where copycats grew and the germs became a full on virus. Swtor got it on the first week. People in the comfort of their own home at a keyboard behind an avatar will not have manners or respect of others, because for them it's simply not entertaining and no fun if they do. When a child on the bus too young to be on their own get tired cranky and bored they wind the parent up and act up. Same thing here.
  8. I agree with OP, as does the amount of spare time I've used on it. I've had fluid combat, which felt like having actual combat not just e and what I'm hitting not interacting with each other with no delays ever (his is honest truth even in pvp, I have a high end rig however so not sure f it's unoptimised coding at the moment). The voice work in the stories is excellent and I've so far (never have I bothered with any other mmorpg) got a stupid amount of characters on the go which I will probably not have time for all of them, but I wanted to see the bigging for each character, I've got republic jedi and most of the Imp' started. I've enjoyed Every planet I have seen and can't wait for the new flash point. I read a lot of hate for this game and frustration. I do hope they improve the bugs for people struggling, I have not had an issue with performance ever. I can't see the game failing if they keep the effort in, it's in my eyes very well done. A vocal majority on these boards sound off in a negative sense everyday, but I see tons of heavy servers still. we will see when people's free sub ends,
  9. I have no problem reading the txt in the chosen colours. I think a lot of you have serious monitor problems or have your gamma way out of whack! or troll and aren't funny, either or!
  10. Wow this kind of come from no where didn't it. Looks a lot of fun to me!
  11. FLEEEEEEEEEEEE ****************(notice trollz & orcs in army)****************************** (above is sarcasm, everything is fine, calm down dear it's only an mmorpg) Lets draw the line. TROLLZ END HERE!
  12. OP you're right. DAMN IT all unsub unsub it's all broke game's dead it's dead no hope runnnnn RUNNNNNNNNN FOR YOURRRR LIFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  13. So this is where all the trolls hang out huh I see. See I wonder sometimes are they even in fact upset with the game, or do they just come on here and have a lark. Something to come back and read. Some of the complain posts I've read recently, I swear this one guy was complaining about the look of the grass on a certain planet. THE GRASS! Geroge Michael save us!
  14. I admit that some light side and dark side balancing to me seems a bit off now and again, but on the whole I've enjoyed the results of the choice. The coldness of killing some people for a dark side choice dragged the game right from some child orientated star wars Disney tale, like the graphics of the game may suggest to some, to more of the gritty adult world of star wars portraying politics and war in full. Which is what the live action star wars series is going to be orientated around, instead of the clone wars cartoons approach. The dialogue and moral choices may not be massive additions to many, but for me it is more than gimmick and has certainly kept me playing.
  15. Rewards for PVP can be anything from title, high place on a scoreboard to Visual if not uber stated armour. I'm talking prestige and brag rights not unfair advantage. You know PVP fun for goals and initiative. No one would genuinely implement bias system for hardcore's as they create division, frustration and ultimately boredom. All my views are as stated my views I don't speak for everybody, but I do however agree with educated review (as in they play a bazillion games, live and breathe this stuff), and the positive posts. I don't mean to give the bad impression about end game, I meant end game as in once it's ended after you kill that boss etc. That in it's self may be fun but after that, then what??? That was my point that theme park games suffer from, that Swtor might suffer more because of the voice and animation work needed for each cut scene. Unless it's just more terminals popping out giving quests everywhere, or droids I guess. Thanks Dev' by the way!
  16. I can only presume with your graphic cards you have digital vibrancy set to a high level, which will make colours too garish. I have disabled all of those to use more natural colours of my TV. Due to the first intelligent remark not from a playground saying they have had issue I'll change the colour.
  17. Good morning everyone, I do hope you're well... To start with: I've been lurking on the forums since game launch day, and I've witnessed the same infantile posts it seems every forum for every game seems to now have like a cancer. It's festering with trolls, the young ill mannered and quick tempered "on daddies machine" poster, and finally the infernal nay sayers and the fanbois are also rife. I hope people start to stop posting on threads of this nature, or simply blank any posts in reply to comments from one of the above specie of germs, it's non constructive often devoid of valid knowledge and nothing more than an idle brain with idle podgy digits dribbling over a keyboard seeking response due to daddy/mummy issues. With that out of the way, here's my thoughts, the myth bit is right at the bottom.: I've given considerable time to the following three mmorpg's in the past: SWG EVE ONLINE WOW* I have huge respect for blizzard as a very talented company, WoW was a commercial success. Unfortunately like what the x factor and it's clones are doing to the music industry, for mmorpg's WoW has unfortunately had the same effect in my opinion. This post is not about wow, so my comments about that game end here. My view of Swtor as an mmorpg game is as follows: 1. Theme Park The theme park works well as a theme park. As a fairly big Star Wars Fan, I like Swtor for it's plot lines. what I've witnessed has had me coming back to the game. I'm dying of flu and even now I'm waiting for the servers to finish their updates and come on line. it didn't promise to be anything but and unfortunately is a mod od Wow in many respects, however the imperial agent's combat when the cover system works has come from a company who did massive effect, that's painfully in evidence and this is why it works so well. Bioware have had so many hits under their belt like Neverwinter' Mass effect and swtor 1 & 2, that they have proved for narration and RPG game play they know how to do this well. Swtor will always have a strong story line if nothing else. I've found cookie cutter quests of course but when a bug didn't give me frustration the combat was often fast flowing for me and I felt like combat was in fact combat and not just place holder animations covering various stats being shuffled about. The loot has been fine in my opinion and has been interesting enough for me to care about what was looted. The 2. End Game Unfortunately Swtor has had an unfortunate trade off with the great voice acting and cut scenes. The time delay for extra content will take longer IMHO and this could leave room for vast cancel and resub during periods in between perhaps more evident than other mmorpgs out there. The PVP should have had a league table, with monthly or weekly rewards or some such system, but I'll stop my thoughts on pvpv there and put that in it's own paragraph. I know many games have had no end game and that this has been mentioned on a billion threads (no I'm not at end game also btw), but you have hard core gamers now who will literally have this game beat in a month in every way they possibly could. Without the reliance on sandbox social play between guilds etc a theme park has to have some element to fall back on, in Swtor there is simply none. However much I love this game I will not pay £8.99 once i've played through all storyline. That will take me a good while I'll hasten to add and will give this game at least 5/6 months with the game time I have available, if there is still nothing other than a few extra heroic instances I will have a worry for the future. We will see. 3. PVP. For the moment, bugs aside (which will have it's own paragraph), when I do play PVP I have found it fast and fun. The levels on offer and not being able to select them is annoying but I'm sure will soon change. Give us a better playing field with some extra bits of content (Team objective etc) and I think it will work quite well. Star Wars is exactly that WAR. In all the films there's numerous examples or huge battle fields going on, so then why perhaps could we not have two teams in a war with mobs also (lag optimisation with standing) on a field of war? I know there's a planet for this but instances I can spawn into form a queue with this going on would be great. The argument about lower classes fighting higher is invalid with in reason. As a level 20 BH and Imperial agent with decent gear and weapons when playing AS A TEAM i've always had more kills than deaths, I've had of course run ins one on one with a level 50 but I have got the upper hand enough even as a lowly 20 o do some good damage and root while I escape, in sum I'm happy and not frustrated wen I experience no miss fire of abilities or cover etc. 4. Bugs So far they have not stopped me playing. I've not gone off in a rage, I've not killed my cat, I've not typed a post on planning to ill each of biowares staff for causing me to each my PC in distress. It's par for the course of a game like this.I could be here all day educating the masses of first to mmorpgs and generally the impatient but from what I myself have seen no bug experienced has stopped me playing. That's what's important to me and will keep me playing. 5. Social aspect. At the moment Swtor has quite a lower percentage of this. If you came here with a guild from another mmorpg, in it's infancy Swtor will leave you wanting. The chat aspect I think needs the speech bubbles quickly to also help with the feeling of running past someone and being able to ask them something quick to get there attention, say a quick thank you, that sort of thing. It helps more than people realise to feel part of a massive on line game (settings for spammers etc of course needed). What I think is needed and quick is a simple touch to change the colour of your group mates to something other than just pvp green. I've often in the fray lost track of my group members due to this (mini map shows them I know but with multiple people in same area the colour change of the player title to say orange would be a lot quicker!). Heroic and instance based game play so far has been fun and rewarding enough compared to any other mmorpg I've played, the cut scenes of storyline are also a great touch. 6. Space For the moment A distraction yes, but it's also a quick xp and money boost too. It's not something that get me overly exciting to play but it is fun the first few times you play a level, after the 8th time for the XP yeah it's more grind like but it's point and click and not much work. it really hasn't been that hard and to me it's just a quick arcade game to boost my stats, I would have loved something more like jump to light speed but again that's sandbox gaming. This is not a sandbox EVE online like game. A shame there wasn't one after swg but there it is sadly. I'd be thrilled for space exploration but I think that would be more of an expansion (which I honestly expect they have talked about and we may see down the line) and won't be patch based. So after that the Myths: Dead levels/no population: ]False I've seen plenty of life on the heavy server I play on which is PVP, i see people questing and running about everywhere. It's never seemed dead to me, ever. I've seen plenty of NPC's walking about shooting each other taking, doing random tasks etc like in any other RPG game, so in either way this is commented on, I'm simply not seeing it. Big planets like Tat are meant to be huge and just like the film life isn't everywhere, SWG was exactly the same, It's as intended I think. Constant Boring gather Quests: False As a theme park game, it's doing what it should be doing. The quests are fine and made more interesting buy the cut scene stories. If you don't see this then surely it's down to you not being a star wars fan, taking too long to level, have not played an mmorpg theme park game before. It's mobs, bosses, storyline the three theme park game points as sure as the sun. If you don't like this you're playing the wrong game, it's not a failure on the games part that I've found, and I did go looking for this, I will not pay monthly for a game lightly. Same dialogue for all missions used: False Now this is a false as the overall statement is not true. My character has said similar lines when I've accepted a mission sure "so what's in it for me", but when you're saying yes ok lets go, that's fair enough. Quest givers have not repeated themselves and the story lines have had evolution with great care. It's baseless knee jerk dross from players not interested in playing the story lines given to them. Again if they bore you, this isn't the game for you. They are as good if not better than Skyrim in many places, so again in my opinion, bantha poo doo myth is false. The Game is a failure:False It simply isn't. More time needed to mature, yeah okay maybe so. it's playable and it's certainly enjoyable in the most part. It really is. The professional reviews (yes there are unbiased ones) say it how it is, it's not perfect but it's very far from failure and has plenty of breathing room for growth on sound foundations. If you're reading this just starting the game then from this post please leave the forums behind (besides guides etc) and go play see for yourself, if you don't like it that's fine but at least you made you're own opinion which wasn't swayed by utter nonsense.
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