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POLL: Will early access "waves" hurt Bioware in the long run?


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1. Yes, having to create "waves" of access based on the date you happened to pre-order the game is idiotic and goes against even their own testing in beta. :mad:


2. No, everyone should just chill and just realize that the want this to be a flawless launch (nothing like WoW) and not tax the network and servers too much.


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1. Yes, having to create "waves" of access based on the date you happened to pre-order the game is idiotic and goes against even their own testing in beta. :mad:


2. No, everyone should just chill and just realize that the want this to be a flawless launch (nothing like WoW) and not tax the network and servers too much.



I choose 1

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Some people may look back at the Early Access "wave system" with a certain amount of disdain. However those are probably the same people that get all bu*thurt because,

"well ________ and _______ got in before me and that's not fair because _________!!!!1"


But those people are stupid anywho. I don't think this will be overly hurtful to BioWare

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In a week, no one is going to care about this because we'll all be playing SW:TOR and complaining about something else. This is the first (well, the first 'launch') whinge session in what will hopefully be a multiple years' span of whinge sessions.
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No, the average purchaser is likely unaware that there is even a early access event prior to the advertised 5 days early thats being advertised everywhere.

If people are quitting over something so trivial already, then they were unlikely to last beyond the first 30 days anyway and would have quit the first time a patch was slightly delayed.

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Nah, I think once the dust settles, the majority of people will see that spreading the waves out will be a big improvement over just releasing the floodgates.


On one hand, they have to deal with a minority who have raised expectations beyond reason. On the other, they make everyone angry with bad server stability, overcrowded starter areas, and other not so fun experiences.

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