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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Speeders in the fleet stations: Remove the ability to use them there.


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Please make it like the majority of other indoor areas and make it so you can't drive the speeders on stations. Not to mention it is tacky, but people park them on mail boxes and vendors.


Please change this mechanic. It is not that far of a run from one end of the station to the other. Speeders are not needed.

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Please let us use speedsters in more places in the game. I think it should be totally up to the player where he wants to use his mount. One place in particular is lacking a speedster, the starport. Why we can't zip where we want on our mounts boggles the mind. Let the players choose. I totally agree that the "immersion" argument is dead outside a RP server.
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Speeders aren't the issue with the lag on fleet. Instead of getting rid of the speeders, have it that when you enter the fleet station your companion despawns until you leave. It may read that there's 280 people on fleet, but if everyone has their companion out, it's more like 560 on fleet and it's unneccesary. That would make a world of difference.
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Sheesh never thought I would see this thread...I mean for god sakes you want to walk more??? Are you kidding me? you must be!:eek:


Wouldn't be an issue if folks didn't park on mail boxes and vendors. I can get over how dumb it looks when folks need their speeders for short distances. The fact that folks abuse it makes the need for the option to go away.

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I saw that once where some idiot was trying to block the mail box so what i did was I jumped on my speeder and went to a different box that was a short distance away. There are a ton of mailboxs on the fleet just find one that is not being blocked.


Please dont make us walk on the fleet it would make it so I would NEVER want to go there again...

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I had a conversation with Georg Zoller on Google + about this today they seem oblivious to the fact that quest and mailboxes can be blocked if enough speeders gather round


Speeders need to be removed in stations they look stupid driving from small room to small room that isn't Star Wars and they are being used to grief.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Wouldn't be an issue if folks didn't park on mail boxes and vendors. I can get over how dumb it looks when folks need their speeders for short distances. The fact that folks abuse it makes the need for the option to go away.


So because you think it looks dumb you think your instantly correct?


Theres nothing wrong with flying around Fleet on a Speeder, infact Ive found it less laggy for me then when Im alone and without a companion.

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