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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Leak some Legacy info. Save some subscriptions


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It has been rumored to include legacy gear, possible new races for player characters, etc. I hope they are true.


I bet there will be a loooot of whining if certain classes are made available only by a certain legay level

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They could potentially add a lot of new races. They have them all programmed into the game and animated with gear. But its more likely they will save new races for a content update or a full on expansion. From a cash standpoint anyway.
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Even more when people find out the race they wanted isn't included.


that's true. I actually would be in favour of some races made available via the legacy system .but. I think it should be in a reasonable range.. say after reaching the legacy title, or with lvl 5 tops. having to grind legacy points endlessly just to get a race might backfire

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I do wish to find out what this legacy system does. ive hit legacy 13 today. and have a 50/37/24/16 levels in classes. (all 4 republic main classes) so im getting alittle worried. If they release character creation options without a "edit character" option i can see it getting afew ppls backs up including myself. I love the story of each class and enjoy playing them all. so "waiting" to roll an alt until legacy was not an option for me and i imagine alot of others.


Lets just hope bioware are smart on that they gives us things that can be added to your characters (appearance items/title/emote/pet/ship customize options/appearance skins for companions) allowing you to customize your alts/mains without the need to have a appearance re-roll.


Lets get this system up and running before you start seeing lvl30+ legacy (if there isnt already)

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This must be your first MMO.. There is ALWAYS whining.


yeah right, because I totally implied the whining would stop otherwise ...



excuse me for thinking more people will .not. want races locked before a certain legacy level than people in favour of such a system

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Our free month is almost up! Leak some Legacy info to help convince some people to stick around!


Why not just have some damn patience? It's coming...let the folks work on what they need to work on and if you truly are going to stay, stick around and it will come up eventually.

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People whine about everything, no matter what the devs do they'll never win when it comes to the forums.


"We got cake and cookies!"


"WAH! I wanted ice cream and candy!"


Why not just have some damn patience?


Sadly lots of people don't have patience.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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  • 1 month later...
It has been rumored to include legacy gear, possible new races for player characters, etc. I hope they are true.


New races and gear would be worthless and contradicting the whole point of a leveled system.


In order to hit cap effectively you would have max out every character slot and than some. At this point Races become both useless in the sense that they are purely cosmetic and that all character slots are filled so no way to roll a new one without deleting a lv50.


Gear is the same concept, most of it becomes useless after hitting Operations


If legacy offers bonuses and abilities only geared for leveling than once again a contradiction to the leveled system. It has no value for someone who has maxed out all slots.


For the system to make any sense it would have to offer something that would be benafit to the end game equal to the time and effort involed in grinding the system.

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I think extra character slots might be part of the system as well. Again, only rumors so yeah, better than nothing right? :)


Unless they fixed the issue where the 9th slot covers your create and delete buttons I doubt it, someone posted screenies of their 9 character bug or whatever it was.


I guess we'll know when we know, though.

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From the Q n A:


JediCarve - Will our ships ever get upgraded to include mailboxes and the Galactic Trade Network so that we will be able to access those without having to go through the process of load screens and Orbital Stations/Spaceports?


Damion Schubert (Principal Lead Systems Designer): On one hand, we really like making the ships richer and more useful, and on the other hand, we also want to be sure that the fleets feel like vibrant centers of the game community. So the answer is... Yes! And this feature is coming as soon as Game Update 1.2 ... as ship features you can unlock as part of the Legacy system. Watch for more information about Legacy unlocks coming in Game Update 1.2 - we should be dropping that Real Soon Now.

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My legacy level is around level 30 atm and that's with playing a lot of alts and even deleting some then remaking them on the other side. I just hope that it isnt silly legacy levels like 40-50 for anything decent for them as i doubt i'd ever get that high.
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