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SWTOR and the future of MMORPGs


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This is partially an answer to some1 posting about swtor becoming the best mmorpg out there in the future and partially my philosophising about my game experience of this bioware product so far.


Just for starters i would like to refer to 2 articles that were out this month on PC gamers. Now while this is sold in the UK it says things widely known in the gaming industry and if ure not from the uk just grab a gaming magazing from your country. the articles you are looking for are 1) DOTA's and their current success. 2) WoW new expansion pandathingies f pandaland or whatever.


Now article 1 says that League of Legends has 32 million users. some 15 million of which pay somehow ingame items or something like that. NO I DID NOT EXAGERATE OR MISPELL its IS 32 MILLION accounts. It is thus not surprising that Blizzard has already produced and will soon implement its own DOTA in Starcaft 2 new wxpansion. Remember this we will refer to later.


Article 2 about wow and the pandaria expansion, speculates on the future of mmo's, particularly considering how blizzard has become particularly accomodating to player requests, chucking in "the big black hole" anything that will keep it alive. Bottom line Wow is risking an end and is giving all inn (without too much money) to keep the machine going. if it doesn't they already have a backup plan or 2.


regardless apparently or in a near future, MMORPGs will not be any more neither the game to beat nor the most profitable type of game out there, regardless of the subscription incomes. DOTA will take this place. Meantime! MMORPG's which are not WoW, and dont have 10 million accounts and subscribers and 8 years of patches etc, are faced with a HUGE issue; market COMPETITIVE MMORPG's require huge initial investments (ask age of conan and warhammer online for some hardcore failing) moreover, mmorpg audiences are becoming more and more (and more) demanding.

Long story short? MMORPG wont be bringing the big bucks inn. infact they will probably bring companies to lose money and on the long run this will mean we will see less and less new mmorpgs and we will also see some of the less popular oness dissapear due to lack of funding etc.


In this context: remember that successfull mmorpgs require for contant patching, debugging etc, which requires staff and a budget, now with the economic crisis hitting (yes read the news sometimes if this is new to u) I find it unlickely that companies will keep investing on unprofitable products just to stay in the market.


basically; the future of MMORPGs? mhhhh, buckle up and bring a lot of vaseline cos its not gonna be pretty.....


Now wether in this context SWTOR will manage to take WoW position as predominant MMORPG on the market is HIGHLY unlickely, without having to mention the 8 years of patching and cosntant new content introduced the 10 million acounts of wow compared to the 1-2 million of SWTOR is.. well there is 8 million users to catch up with. And im not using old numbers wow went from 11.3 million in 2010 to 10.3 in 2011.

Now u may be a star wars fan like me and give this game all the slack they deserve, but you have to be blind not to see that.. there's a storm coming! (sarah connors)

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I just want to point out that even thou League of Legends has 32 million accounts it does not equal 32 million players. I have 4 different accounts and all together I have played maybe 20 games (always forgot my account details). I bet the most (if not all) LoL players have multiple accounts cutting that 32 million accounts to 5-10 million players. Which is still very good, but out of that 5-10 million players only around 10% (according to statistics of other F2P games) use real money on the game. And out of that 500k-1000k how many actually uses money regularly? Another 10%? Cutting it down to 50k-100k which is way less that the 8 million subscribers WoW has.


Edit: Also what do you think how many accounts WoW would have if they added trial accounts to their subs.

Edited by Kaezen
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What is DOTA ?


Also, SWTOR may copy WOW more and more but I do not know, there are other games coming up and there will be stiff competition. I do not think there will be a clear king of games or MMOs anymore, players will simply buy a new game every month.

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Personally I don't think I can go back to MMOs that does not do story as SWTOR does, as I am so fed up with the walls of texts quests in most MMOs. So to me SWTOR did the one big thing that I think have been missing from MMOs and that is the story element that makes leveling interesting.


I hope the game does not become as popular as WoW, I think the popularity of WoW has ruined it in many ways, I could elaborate on this, but I just don't have the time.

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What is DOTA ?


Also, SWTOR may copy WOW more and more but I do not know, there are other games coming up and there will be stiff competition. I do not think there will be a clear king of games or MMOs anymore, players will simply buy a new game every month.


Defense Of The Ancients is probably one of the most popular competitive online games in existence currently. I'd try to explain the history of it, but if you use wikipedia and youtube, you'll get a pretty strong idea.

Edited by Drakos
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ure still 6 million short... lol


a whole new definition of wannabe


Most folks are sick of wow and are starting to jump ship. Lots of them are here and lots more will come over or play other games. You however are welcome to go play wow if you want. Nobody is making you stay. :)

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League of Legends is free to play. They have not made as much money as WoW. Not even close. edit: Also, I personally know many people with 3+ accounts in LoL. With it being free to play it's no issue to create multiple accounts. People have multiple accounts in WoW but in order to do that they have to buy the game and all expansions multiple times.


They are also two entirely different demographics. Most League of Legends players do not and would not play MMO's. Likewise most MMO players would not and do not play League of Legends.


That said, I've played both. But I'm speaking in generalities. They are not the same market just like FPS and RTS gamers are not the same market.

Edited by Shillen
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Some interesting thoughts...

It is true that new MMOs have to take their first steps in a very unforgiving environment. They either manage to just barely survive on the brink of failure (like Rift) or they are forgotten (pretty much all the others). Now TOR has had a good start, but I don't see it pulling WoW off the throne.


It'll have it's niche and it's going to maintain it, provided they keep coming up with good content. But I don't think it's gonna grow much beyond today's numbers.


I'm also very anxious to see what Blizzard's keeping under the lid behind the name Titan. Because, let's just face it..they know their stuff.

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lol swtor sold 2.04 mill physical copes in 2 weeks... now add digital thats definetly more than 2mill subscribers >.>

The number of people who bought the game does not and never will equal the number of subscribers. It's an impossibility.

Edited by Kasperion
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Never heard of it and I read a obnoxious amount of industry news so most popular sounds like a personal opinion of someone playing it.


As for the rest.


I get the feeling the OP trying to push the f2P model with out actually speaking on F2P and Microtransactions.


A F2P game can have a billion players and it wont matter unless their bottom line shows they make money from it.


And the bottom lines from the industry is if you can get 1 million plus players into a monthly subscription game, THATS WERE THE PROFIT IS.


People like to point at F2P players but thos eplayers are playing because it is free, they do not spend money on the product.

Oh they might claim on forums they do but yet when TOR came out, they didnt play because they couldnt afford $15.00 /month.


And while I have no hard data for this, I been around a long time and it seems to me the people that are willing to pay to play, they mostly will not play F2P/B2P games for any amount of time because of the low grade communities (yes they even worse them the under level 25 communities here) drawn to F2P games.


Im sure there is profits to be made doing the F2P and B2P model if your smart about it.


But future of MMORPGs?


Not even remotely!


F2P is now and will remain the final option of a developer to try and make a buck when the subscription based model is no longer viable to substain.


One might in fact say F2P is the END of certain MMORPGs, not the Future.


Build a quality game and people will always be willing to pay for it.

Build a sub standard game and you can probably sell to a few people and then try to microtransaction them to death as GW1 and 2 try to do.


The problem comes is when developers think they can build a substandard game and then try to convince the masses to buy it (as WOW did).


Eventually developers will learn or they will die off (figuratively speaking).

Players want quality and will pay for quality and if you take short cuts and what not, you might fool some for a short period of time but as we seen with RIFT most recently. The bottom will fall out faster then expected/desired.

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League of Legends is free to play. They have not made as much money as WoW. Not even close. edit: Also, I personally know many people with 3+ accounts in LoL. With it being free to play it's no issue to create multiple accounts. People have multiple accounts in WoW but in order to do that they have to buy the game and all expansions multiple times.


They are also two entirely different demographics. Most League of Legends players do not and would not play MMO's. Likewise most MMO players would not and do not play League of Legends.


That said, I've played both. But I'm speaking in generalities. They are not the same market just like FPS and RTS gamers are not the same market.


Actually I think that the markets are merging largely now. Many people play WoW and SC and BF or COD and Skyrim and Mass Effect. There are lots of "cross genre" gamers. In that respect, MMOs are not just competing with each other, they are competing with other kinds of games, too, because players are increasingly playing games in all sorts of genres based on which games are really "quality" games.


That makes it very, very, very much harder for subscription MMOs to compete, really, because games in these other genres -- many of which offer multiplayer competitive or cooperative/competitive play -- do not require a subscription to play.


I think we are going to see subscription-based MMOs gradually fade out as a result of this trend, really.

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lol swtor sold 2.04 mill physical copes in 2 weeks... now add digital thats definetly more than 2mill subscribers >.>


Not quite so fast. What about those that are un-subscribing. Oh wait according to the fanboys it isn't happening.

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I just want to point out that even thou League of Legends has 32 million accounts it does not equal 32 million players. I have 4 different accounts and all together I have played maybe 20 games (always forgot my account details). I bet the most (if not all) LoL players have multiple accounts cutting that 32 million accounts to 5-10 million players. Which is still very good, but out of that 5-10 million players only around 10% (according to statistics of other F2P games) use real money on the game. And out of that 500k-1000k how many actually uses money regularly? Another 10%? Cutting it down to 50k-100k which is way less that the 8 million subscribers WoW has.


Edit: Also what do you think how many accounts WoW would have if they added trial accounts to their subs.


It is 32 million over level 5, meaning that there are more than a few games played on them, but yes I have 2 accounts over level 5, so the 32 million is not actually players.

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I have 5 WoW accounts that never went over level 10. Tried it, left. My brother wanted me to play, left again. Brother went back, so I tried again, left. Wife wanted to try it, left it. I really tried to like WoW, but I think the community drove me away more than the gameplay. I think that will be the case here. As you can see there are MANY WoW fans playing SWTOR, and as such, the community will probably degrade into that same WoW community. Edited by LordNyxus
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I have 5 WoW accounts that never went over level 10. Tried it, left. My brother wanted me to play, left again. Brother went back, so I tried again, left. Wife wanted to try it, left it. I really tried to like WoW, but I think the community drove me away more than the gameplay. I think that will be the case here. As you can see there are MANY WoW fans playing SWTOR, and as such, the community will probably degrade into that same WoW community.


5 Accounts? Or 5 toons? Are you paying 5 subscriptions to Blizzard each month ?

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You do not read enough, here is a link to a PCgamer article that may help you.




LOL and then again LOL,


nice to see so many replies. to some that accused me of proposing or sponsoring free to play and other similar modes, im sorry thats not what i was trying to get through. I was rather making considerations on my reactions to the game and some of those i read on these forums. I just feel expectations are massively high and I dont see a market being able to compensate these user needs. who knows. I for one cant wait to see what this legacy thingy is.

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new develop MMO.



not much to say about launch did go smooth, same like TOR

(god knows why the hell they open up with only a few servers in the first place.

is simple beyond me, Rift was haveing 6 PvE servers/TOR was only have 7 or something.


Rift same as TOR both launched without a LFG tools, i mean this is just a joke right?, a MMO where DUNGOENS/PARTYS/RAID are the main focus?, and they not have them at launch.


Rift also like TOR launch with insane overpowered Class's, Pyromancer (Operatives)

(i do not know what kind of stuff they did in Beta, but some people even develpers drop the ball here)


I not saying a human can't make mistakes, but if a develper makeing this sort crap, sudden be fired permanently.

how many man was working on TOR, never ask them self, ahh we might need a Modable UI?, or LFG tools?.

by this is my faith in Bioware droped by 85% i expect much much more from this company.


as for the Future, i think they are within the second generation MMO's

TERA, ArcheAge Online. those type of MMO's wich not have the holy trinity.

Edited by abishe
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