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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Swtor future best mmo.


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Lets get some facts straight now.


Its only been a month since release,

Their are a few flaws and bugs.

Bioware is fully aware of most if not all impurities in the game.

They are working on these it takes time to rewrite code, if you haven't tried then ****

Its true not a lot of end game content is out, but comon on guys its only been a MONTH.

Wow has sent their evil little trolls to sabotage the swtor forums.


So why can't we all quit qq'ing, trolling, yelling, fighting, and give Bioware atleast a 4 month grace period.


I want to let Bioware know that there are some of us out here that truly recognize the hard work and the dedication you guys have put into making SWTOR and you guys have my vote for game of the year and a least a year worth of subscription.


May the Force be with you Bioware.

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I want to let Bioware know that there are some of us out here that truly recognize the hard work and the dedication you guys have put into making SWTOR and you guys have my vote for game of the year and a least a year worth of subscription.


May the Force be with you Bioware.

Dude, you are speakin as they did it for free.


That's their job. They are being payed for it.

It's not that they are volunteers.

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I also love this game people need to stop complaining it is truly an amazing game


I love diesel trucks, therefore people need to stop complaining that don't like pickups.


You stated an opinion, you like the game, that does not mean everyone needs to share your feelings.


This rampant fanboyism when people are posting game issues is starting to get -real- old

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Lets get some facts straight now.


Its only been a month since release,

Their are a several flaws and bugs.

Bioware is possibly aware of most if not all impurities in the game.

They are working on these it takes time to rewrite code, if you haven't tried then ****

Its true not a lot of end game content is out and what is out functions poorly, but comon on guys its only been a MONTH after years of development and alpha/beta testing.

Wow has sent their evil little trolls to sabotage the swtor forums.


So why can't we all quit qq'ing, trolling, yelling, fighting, and give Bioware atleast a 4 month grace period.


I want to let Bioware know that there are some of us out here that truly recognize the hard work and the dedication you guys have put into making SWTOR and you guys have my vote for game of the year and a least a year worth of subscription.


May the Force be with you Bioware.


I fixed some of your errors and would love to point out that the bulk of the people -I- know who are quitting don't currently play WoW and have no intent to either start or return to playing it. I love the tinfoil-hat conspiracies that anytime anyone says anything bad about TOR, it's some rival company spreading negative PR but considering that -each and every one of us- paid at least $60ish to have active accounts to even be allowed to post on these forums, it's entirely likely that all of the complaints are pissed off fans - as competitors would be better of spreading negative PR in a way that didn't net BioWare a profit.

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Yes OP people need more patience. No OP SWTOR will never be the future best MMO.


yea lol.

gotta love that statement..only a month


who knows. maybe in 2-3-5 years from now it really becomes somethin..omg



Lacks the potential.

Edited by Pyrolight
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So why can't we all quit qq'ing, trolling, yelling, fighting, and give Bioware atleast a 4 month grace period.



Not that I am concerned about the money in the least bit, but I am paying them for a service and have already shelled out the pre-order money. So I expect more than a announced patch after 1 month that addresses A FEW of the issues.


And the tin foil hat comment about WoW trolls sent here to sabotage the forums makes me laugh. I want this game to blow away WoW, but until then I suffer with the rest of the disappointed still playing this game.

Edited by Kahldor
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I love when people try to argue that it's only been a month to explain lack of end game content, or how they're working on fixing ****. That's like going to mcdonalds, paying for a combo meal and only receiving fries and a drink. Then saying, "it's ok, they're working on my cheeseburger, I should have it by next week."


This is a BUSINESS that provided a product that was either unfinished or ****** quality. This isn't a boy scout group providing service to the community.

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This rampant fanboyism when people are posting game issues is starting to get -real- old


And you think the people who jump in and start complaining about the same things in every single thread isn't getting old?


Trust me, there's a fair amount of annoying on both sides of this, and frankly, I don't think the "fanboys" are the worst offenders. Yes, they're annoying, but there's a whole class of people around here who will take any excuse they can find to slam the game, and that gets old really fast, too.

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I love when people try to argue that it's only been a month to explain lack of end game content, or how they're working on fixing ****. That's like going to mcdonalds, paying for a combo meal and only receiving fries and a drink. Then saying, "it's ok, they're working on my cheeseburger, I should have it by next week."


This is a BUSINESS that provided a product that was either unfinished or ****** quality. This isn't a boy scout group providing service to the community.


It's a COMPLETELY valid statement. A more apt analogy would be going to Mcdonalds, paying for an Ice Cream Sunday, then complaining that it's not as good as Dairy Queen's ice cream, then saying that it's not as full as Dairy Queen's Sundays. No duh, Dairy Queen's focus is on ice cream, whereas Mcdonalds has better fries and is generally quicker to get you your order.


The point being, endgame was never stated to be the focus of this game. We all knew it coming in. We all knew the game would be buggy, that's the industry. In the same way that fast food places overprice their food, the MMO industry launches games that are bugged to pieces.

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Lets get some facts straight now.


you guys have my vote for game of the year and a least a year worth of subscription.


May the Force be with you Bioware.


The Force better be with them because most of their playerbase won't.

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So why can't we all quit qq'ing, trolling, yelling, fighting, and give Bioware atleast a 4 month grace period.


So, give Bioware $60 USD worth of subscription money when they've proven that they couldn't even fix 5% of the bugs reported in beta?



No thanks.

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So your saying if you get paid to do a job its perfect the moment your finished?


sry kid but you have a little growing up to do.


You missed the context.

I am saying that I will never give my money to the company that gets the job 50%

An of course

If i pay you to make me a car i expect to get it.

Not a chasis with for wheels and a seat.


or even better.

you sold me a 300HP car and what i get?

150-175 the most?

get real dude.

Edited by Most_Loyal
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The problem with companies nowadays is that they're trying to do what's already been done, and done ad nauseum. Why has no other MMO achieved the popularity that WOW has since it's release when they've practically made copies of WOW? Because there's only 1 wow. Yet there's 5 copies. Hmm...


People making MMOs should realize that people want something new and different in new and different games. They don't want the same old crap, rehashed in a meh way with a new box. Let wow be wow. Make your own game ffs.


No game since the release of WOW has even come close, yet they've tried their damndest to be spitting images of WOW. Take a hint from the previous failures BW. Do something new, fresh, and god forbid revolutionary and maybe more people will stay.


Just a thought.

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You missed the context.

I am saying that I will never give my money to the company that gets the job 50%

An of course

If i pay you to make me a car i expect to get it.

Not a chasis with for wheels and a seat.


"But it's only been ONE MONTH! You'll get the engine and battery next month! Wiring and Air Conditioning is coming Soon!™"

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???? qft


Or your about 13 and have no clue what a real job is.


Pretty much got to agree with this guy here, although I'll be a little less hostile about it.


You may pay them to work, but that does not mean that work gets done on YOUR time table. Bugs do not have a magical fix button that they press to fix, each one requires extensive player testing (finding the bug, duplicating the results, determining who it affects and why etc.), then they require someone to go in and figure out to fix the bug -- which is bad enough -- then they have to make sure that fixing this bug doesn't break something else, which is A LOT harder than you think.


They may be professionals, but they're not magicians, they're humans with an extremely complex job to do, if you don't wish to pay for their product that is fine (although it does sadden me), but you cannot expect them to fix things when YOU want them fixed.

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