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3 big problems with SWTOR


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The issue is it won't get fixed at all, it's not a matter of it's only a month old.


Back in beta when it was 6 months pre launch, many testers were giving very important feedback about game breaking issues. Several if not most of those made it all the way to launch.



Bioware has a long track record with this game of being very secretive and not listening to anyone but the share holders. They won't give you any real info about things to come, or tell you what they're working on. Or even acknowledge things. Hell players knew about ability delay almost a year ago and we're just now getting an acknowledgment about it's existence from Bioware.


Bioware is running and designing this game like one of their other single player games, and it'll keep failing until they pull their head outta their rear and start running this like an MMO.


people seem to think that beta = 1-2 months pre-release and with such assumptions they tend to then think you're being an arse for being impatient.

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Only one I disagree with is overly large planets. They need to be bigger. I am on a PLANET, not some random meteorite. I want the population to feel insignificant compared to the size of the worlds that BioWare creates for us.


Yep this says it all. I want the planets to be huge. Hoth and Tatooine are perfect examples of what I would call good scale. But perhaps faster mounts at end game. 110% just doesn't seem fast enough to cover the ground you've already been through. I for one would like to see epic mounts at 130% at least. But I agree with everything else OP has stated otherwise.

Edited by Folgrin
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And they both are linear. That's what happens with a theme park MMO. Face facts.


I wasn't aware I didn't have choices where to quest in that other mmo ;)


This is what makes that other MMO have better replay value for leveling alts. The stories are vastly different in each zone. A good chunk of quests are grindy, but this doesn't differ in SWTOR.


At the end of the day , I'll take a non-linear somewhat grind, over a linear grind.

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I wasn't aware I didn't have choices where to quest in that other mmo ;)


This is what makes that other MMO have better replay value for leveling alts. The stories are vastly different in each zone. A good chunk of quests are grindy, but this doesn't differ in SWTOR.


At the end of the day , I'll take a non-linear somewhat grind, over a linear grind.


I think expecting them to do any different is a little bit too much to ask. How would you accomplish this? And do you realize how much it would take to make it that way in a game focused on VOs? Honestly, your wants are a bit unrealistic given the circumstances. I want to fly around the world with wings, but my circumstances do not permit that.

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The stories are vastly different in each zone.


What stories? You mean the mute text boxes?


Choices....1 of up to 3 zones with different flavor text that gets glossed over or an entire planet (which you think are too big) with a cohesive story. I'll take the latter.


Seriously, if you're so enthralled with that other game, why are you compelled to keep alt-tabbing out to post on these forums? You cancelled? Stand by your decision and leave. We don't need to hear your opinions on what is wrong with this game.


They're working on the delay. They're adding end-game content on TUESDAY, though I'm sure it won't be enough for the vocal people. They're pushing out sharding. They're increasing server caps. They're addressing the issues with the game. Accept it, or don't and move on.



By the way, that other game IS NOT NON-LINEAR. Do you know what a non-linear game is? A theme park game, at it's core is linear. You go from point A (level 1) to point B (cap). Again, I challenge you to take a level 1 to a cap zone and attack a mob. You'll get curbstomped by the linearity.

Edited by princey
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What stories? You mean the mute text boxes?


Choices....1 of up to 3 zones with different flavor text that gets glossed over or an entire planet (which you think are too big) with a cohesive story. I'll take the latter.


Seriously, if you're so enthralled with that other game, why are you compelled to keep alt-tabbing out to post on these forums? You cancelled? Stand by your decision and leave. We don't need to hear your opinions on what is wrong with this game.


They're working on the delay. They're adding end-game content on TUESDAY, though I'm sure it won't be enough for the vocal people. They're pushing out sharding. They're increasing server caps. They're addressing the issues with the game. Accept it, or don't and move on.



But - but, its not fast enough!


Its my money and want it now!






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What stories? You mean the mute text boxes?


Choices....1 of up to 3 zones with different flavor text that gets glossed over or an entire planet (which you think are too big) with a cohesive story. I'll take the latter.


Seriously, if you're so enthralled with that other game, why are you compelled to keep alt-tabbing out to post on these forums? You cancelled? Stand by your decision and leave. We don't need to hear your opinions on what is wrong with this game.


They're working on the delay. They're adding end-game content on TUESDAY, though I'm sure it won't be enough for the vocal people. They're pushing out sharding. They're increasing server caps. They're addressing the issues with the game. Accept it, or don't and move on.



By the way, that other game IS NOT NON-LINEAR. Do you know what a non-linear game is? A theme park game, at it's core is linear. You go from point A (level 1) to point B (cap). Again, I challenge you to take a level 1 to a cap zone and attack a mob. You'll get curbstomped by the linearity.


Hoenstly I'd rather take text blocks, I can skim through a quest text block in about 3 to 5 secs. I don't need a 5 min dialog with useless dialog choices for it. I can read, I'm not lazy and need somebody to read it aloud for me to get the story line.

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Hoenstly I'd rather take text blocks, I can skim through a quest text block in about 3 to 5 secs. I don't need a 5 min dialog with useless dialog choices for it. I can read, I'm not lazy and need somebody to read it aloud for me to get the story line.


Then this game is obviously not for you. Were you sleeping when they said this game had a focus on stories with voice overs with every quest?

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1) Responsiveness:


SWTORs character responsiveness is pretty bad. With things like ability delay and animations having to finish before damage takes effect, it makes SWTOR combat / responsiveness VERY clunky.


The problem is not only with combat, but generally everything from mounting up and using quick travel. There seems to be a 0.5 second or so delay on abilities taking effect. This is a SERIOUS issue and needs to be looked into immediately.


This isn't a problem. It's a design decision, and a good one in many people's opinion. Games look really dumb with animation canceling. What's the point of having an animation if you're just going to cancel it? Might as well play a MUD instead.


If you're having a 0.5 second delay, it's probably due to your hardware/configuration in some way.




-Sharding: Why does this even exist? All it does is prevents players from seeing eachother / communicating with eachother. Both being VERY big factors to an overall MMO feel.


No, it prevents lag and overcrowding. You can communicate perfectly fine... there are many channels that bridge all shards. But your point is mostly moot anyway, as there is very little sharding anymore. They removed most of the sharding from planets, and aside from starting planets, there's nowhere with more than 2.



-Too much phasing: There is FAR too much phasing in this game. Almost every quest leads to a phased area. I understand this is done to speed up questing, but it too has far too many cons.


Phasing itself is NOT the problem, in fact it has many benefits. The problem arises when you use it TOO MUCH.


Why? What are these supposed cons? What is wrong with instancing the main part of quests? Would you rather have to compete for quest mobs and wait 5-10 minutes for them just to have someone ninja a mob you're waiting for? There's already a problem in many quest hub areas with this. If anything, BW needs to make quest mobs shareable by all people who have that quest active.



Low server caps: This is quite simple, and doesn't need much explaining. The server caps just far too low. There needs to be a much bigger server cap (something like WoWs) which will mean more players. More players = MMO!


Server caps were increased and are actually quite high. This isn't an issue. The most full servers (Harbinger and Swiftsure) only have 10-15 minute waits.



Overly large planets: Planets are far too big. This spreads players out way too much and makes the place look like it's empty (add to that the other factors, and it probably IS empty).


This doesn't seem to be a big issue, especially since many players complain about them being too small.


This is a subjective issue that no one will agree on. My personal opinion is it's fine. There's enough taxis around to make travel unobtrusive, and the speeder makes it pretty easy to get around everywhere.



3) Endgame:


This is probably the biggest one. The main focus of an MMO should ALWAYS be end game. Right now, there is very little end game. The same flashpoints, the same warzones.. there's just nothing to do.


Welcome to the world of MMOs. Endgame is literally about repeating content over and over. There's Raiding (Operations), dungeons (Flashpoints), PvP, and Dailies to choose from. It's the same in every MMO.


The difference is TOR also has storylines for you to experience as well.


Now, if you're talking about quantity of choice within each of those repeatative content categories, you're being unreasonable. You've already admitted to being a WoW fan, so you can't compare the endgame/expansion content of a game that's had 10 years of development to one that's had 3-5.

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What stories? You mean the mute text boxes?


Choices....1 of up to 3 zones with different flavor text that gets glossed over or an entire planet (which you think are too big) with a cohesive story. I'll take the latter.


Seriously, if you're so enthralled with that other game, why are you compelled to keep alt-tabbing out to post on these forums? You cancelled? Stand by your decision and leave. We don't need to hear your opinions on what is wrong with this game.


They're working on the delay. They're adding end-game content on TUESDAY, though I'm sure it won't be enough for the vocal people. They're pushing out sharding. They're increasing server caps. They're addressing the issues with the game. Accept it, or don't and move on.



By the way, that other game IS NOT NON-LINEAR. Do you know what a non-linear game is? A theme park game, at it's core is linear. You go from point A (level 1) to point B (cap). Again, I challenge you to take a level 1 to a cap zone and attack a mob. You'll get curbstomped by the linearity.


You don't understand what I mean by linear. By linear, I'm saying you have many more options of which area you want to level in. This adds to replay value.


Compare that to TOR, it only has one area you can level in. This is terrible for replay value.

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This is terrible for replay value.


For you. Unique class stories is enough for me. I've taken three characters, plus 1 in beta, through Balmorra on Empire. I haven't felt deterred by the nature of the game.


Opinions. ;)

Edited by princey
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You don't understand what I mean by linear. By linear, I'm saying you have many more options of which area you want to level in. This adds to replay value.


Compare that to TOR, it only has one area you can level in. This is terrible for replay value.


What is the point of comparing Wow to SWTOR? They're not the same. It doesn't matter which one is more linear than the other. Just go play the game you like best, and stop posting in the other game's forum that it should be more like your favorite mmo. Thank you.

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What is the point of comparing Wow to SWTOR? They're not the same. It doesn't matter which one is more linear than the other. Just go play the game you like best, and stop posting in the other game's forum that it should be more like your favorite mmo. Thank you.


This. A million times this.

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they would have had time to work on endtime if they did character progression correctly. But the grind in this game is a joke, there is none, you can reach level cap in a week. By the end of everyones free month they will have a max character with nothing to do and a feeling as if they beat the game because now the storyline is over.
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Alright, since my last thread on this topic got closed (probably due to my comparison with WoW.. which just caused mindless flaming from both sides).. I'll make this one more constructive.


The following are 3 big problems that need to be addressed ASAP if SWTOR wants to thrive:


1) Responsiveness:


SWTORs character responsiveness is pretty bad. With things like ability delay and animations having to finish before damage takes effect, it makes SWTOR combat / responsiveness VERY clunky.


The problem is not only with combat, but generally everything from mounting up and using quick travel. There seems to be a 0.5 second or so delay on abilities taking effect. This is a SERIOUS issue and needs to be looked into immediately.

2) The MMO factor:


Ask people if they feel like SWTOR is an MMO, and the most common answer you will get is "no". This is due to a few things:


-Sharding: Why does this even exist? All it does is prevents players from seeing eachother / communicating with eachother. Both being VERY big factors to an overall MMO feel.


-Too much phasing: There is FAR too much phasing in this game. Almost every quest leads to a phased area. I understand this is done to speed up questing, but it too has far too many cons.


Phasing itself is NOT the problem, in fact it has many benefits. The problem arises when you use it TOO MUCH.


Low server caps: This is quite simple, and doesn't need much explaining. The server caps just far too low. There needs to be a much bigger server cap (something like WoWs) which will mean more players. More players = MMO!


Overly large planets: Planets are far too big. This spreads players out way too much and makes the place look like it's empty (add to that the other factors, and it probably IS empty).


3) Endgame:


This is probably the biggest one. The main focus of an MMO should ALWAYS be end game. Right now, there is very little end game. The same flashpoints, the same warzones.. there's just nothing to do.


I know it's pretty early to derail SWTORs endgame, but there is absolutely nothing to do. BW should of been prepared, they should of known that MANY people would hit 50 within the free month. This could be the main reason that SWTOR will fail. It doesn't matter if they add end game later, what matters is how much they have when the game launches (when most people will try it out).. and that unfortunately is none.



I give you props for not regurgitating another thread about "NEEDING" Lfd, or dual spec or any of the other completely unnecessary features some people apparently cannot play without. That being said...


The responsiveness thing sucks. I didn't notice it on my fist couple go rounds (I have a few characters in the 20s) but I have noticed it in my most recent. They say they are working on it...I guess we wait and see. I'll give them some time.


The rest is completely subjective. I have never once, while playing WoW, or Rift, or EQ or any other MMOs looked at all the other people and thought about how amazingly MMOish this MMO is. In fact, outside of cities and quest hubs you rarely saw people in those games. I find the MMOness of SWTOR to be fine.


As for endgame needing to be THE focus...you'r probably right, but not right off the bat. I've played 3 MMOs from launch day now and none of them had much for endgame until much, much later in the process. WoW, for example, had MC and Ony...and that's it for a good 6-8 months.


So in closing, you are entitled to your opinion but I disagree with you wholeheartedly on endgame and the MMOness of SWTOR. Hopefully they fix the delay...

Edited by SlickDevlan
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The server cap isn't really low, it's 3600. Rift has 2000 max as server cap, and WoW iirc also somewhere around the 3500. Problem is that the SWTOR worlds in total are pretty large, making everyone spread out a lot more than in other games.
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1) UI, UI, UI... come on, it's 2012. Resize, move, and for the love of God, I play on a monitor larger than a 15" CRT... may I have more than 2 windows open?


2) Galactic Trade Mart: Oh, please, tell me the lead dev on this project didn't let his 12-year old kid have fun programming this abortion. Games had better markets half a dozen years ago.


3) Character customization and geear options. The customization options are, well.. weak. Everything from race selection and body size to the inability to wear a matched AND functional set of stylish clothing just smacks of a hurried release.


Now, before the zealous forum moderators latch onto this post like a starving pitbull on a t-bone, let me say I do enjoy the majority of the game, and have high hopes for it. Mostly, I am dissapointed that so many of the things brought up by beta testers have not been implemented.

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A few more days and you all do not have to worry about playing this game anymore. Your free play time will be over and you all can go back to whatever game that makes you smile. Enjoy it, unsub and live the dream. There are far better things for you all to do than to complain on a game site of MMO that you hate.


But, here is the catcher. When BW gets around to fixing a majority of the issues that you all speak of and the game has only improved over the next 6 mons - year, you will want to come back to your lev 50 toon but when you do, you will be irrelevant. You will be at least 6 months to a year behind everyone that stayed or joined. They will laugh at you when you get rolled in PVP and during PVE, you will have to ask for help from a guy who was lv 8 when you unsubbed. So, go back and play your wow, GW, DCUOL, AOC, LOTRO, I would say SWG, but long live my beloved game, and enjoy them. Take them in a keep remembering all of the things you hate about this game and all of the things that made you want to try this game out in the first place.



Just think, you all have a few new games coming out over the next year that you can get a free month and hate as well. It sucks to have such high standards that you cannot find enjoyment in anything that is not individually designed for you.

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A few more days and you all do not have to worry about playing this game anymore. Your free play time will be over and you all can go back to whatever game that makes you smile. Enjoy it, unsub and live the dream. There are far better things for you all to do than to complain on a game site of MMO that you hate.


But, here is the catcher. When BW gets around to fixing a majority of the issues that you all speak of and the game has only improved over the next 6 mons - year, you will want to come back to your lev 50 toon but when you do, you will be irrelevant. You will be at least 6 months to a year behind everyone that stayed or joined. They will laugh at you when you get rolled in PVP and during PVE, you will have to ask for help from a guy who was lv 8 when you unsubbed. So, go back and play your wow, GW, DCUOL, AOC, LOTRO, I would say SWG, but long live my beloved game, and enjoy them. Take them in a keep remembering all of the things you hate about this game and all of the things that made you want to try this game out in the first place.



Just think, you all have a few new games coming out over the next year that you can get a free month and hate as well. It sucks to have such high standards that you cannot find enjoyment in anything that is not individually designed for you.


Where did that come from o.o

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Another thing that impacts SWTOR is the quests.


Sure voice acting is cool, but the quests are even grindier than WoW (which has improved a lot during wrath/cata).


This is simply not true (5 year wow player here - 85 b/elf lock, 85 belf pally 85 b/elf dk, 85 b/elf priest, 80 troll druid,) ahem eg... Tol Barad daily quests are NOT grindy??? it took me 28 days!!!! of dailies to get enough to buy the tol barad flying mount (which finally gave me the gumption to stop playing) 28 days of get rusty rifle, steal fish, kill spiders, get bones, kill shark boss, collect lumber, collect cannonballs etc etc etc.

I won't list the Firelands dailies here but sometimes I almost cried having to do them to get the stuff I thought I wanted/needed.

Almost everything is a grindfest in WoW, rep especially. Bg's for honor points grrr just to find that the full set you ground honor for has just been replaced in new patch...so you have to grind more bg's for the newer better hand me down gear from arenas been there done it all (mostly lol)

You don't even have to quest in wow now, when my wife and I leveled alts we did bg's and random dungeons. Best and quickest way to get to 85 and gear. Seeing as a lot of quests you do don't even give you gear relative to your class(which I noticed SWTOR does, every class quest I do gives me gear related to my class or for my companions woot!!!)

and don't get me started on the bugs and issues that came with patch 4.3 (a whole sticky on wow forums about this and other game bugs which a lot of people fail to mention by the way) the sudden loss of durability on all items either worn or in bank. lol I logged on to my toons to find all of their gear red!!!!

Don't get me wrong I loved playing wow especially with my wife we made a great tank/healer combo. Often switching roles when we got bored.

It was exactly the way you quest in this game that tempted us over from wow (if blizz did the same we wouldn't even be having this exchange of ideas and opinions we would still be there)

So for now we are playing this, wow is on hiatus for us until we have a chance to play the beta of Mists (we both signed for yearly pass got mount, getting Diablo 3 and beta access)

But before you make claims make sure you also inform people of the things that are in wow that you claim exist here.

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