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I Haven't Played SWTOR in a Week - and here is WHY.


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Not the slightest itch has occurred that made me want to start SWTOR up.


I can't find groups to run content with, such as Flashpoints.


I can't complete heroics, no one to run them with.


There's a large disconnect with a significant percentage of players that seem to think this is a single player game and the only interaction should be based on an 'as needed" basis which then would terminate as soon as that function is filled without so much as a 'thanks for the run', only to find them asking for help yet again in 15 mins. Disconnect.


I would like to run flashpoints to accumulate gear/social points/whatever but it's impossible past the very beginning flashpoints because I can not find people to run with.


Even with a guild with a couple of dozen members, this game feels barren and desolate.


This is a MMO. Give us some MMO Tools to engage the single player crowd to make it easier for them to run group content or participate.

Edited by Reztastic
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Not the slightest itch has occurred that made me want to start SWTOR up.


I can't find groups to run content with, such as Flashpoints.


I can't complete heroics, no one to run them with.


True. Funny thing is ...I believe most of the playersbase havent seen an operation frmom the insight, yet BW brings more raidcontent. I did one hard FP and I didnt even finish it.

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This... Foreal, make friends and find a good guild. Changes the whole expirence.


No one wants to join a guild though, cause they think this is a single player game with chat functions. I've spent hours trying to get people to join a my guild, and i've gotten like 8 people.

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Pro tip. Get a better guild and get some friends. You'll have a far more enjoyable experience.


Pro Tip: Being forced to play on another persons schedule is not fun.


I have logged off in complete frustration more then once because its just such a pain to get a group

Edited by Reevax
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So how do you make friends or find a great guild if the big problem is to find other people to play with ?


the same way you make friends in real life... I'm sure YOU may need someone to explain how to do that tho...

Edited by Liquidacid
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No one wants to join a guild though, cause they think this is a single player game with chat functions. I've spent hours trying to get people to join a my guild, and i've gotten like 8 people.


Have you tried talking to them, or grouping with them and working with them? Or are you standing in a place with high traffic blind inviting everyone that passes by?


I've turned 'Automatically Decline Guild Invites' on in my settings. I am a traditional FFXI, and if there's one thing that's a death wish - it's a blind invite. It shows you don't have the decency to talk to me as a human being, that you probably aren't skilled enough to lead the team that we need in order to win or complete content.


If it's just that people you're talking to don't want to join, then I'm sorry to hear that. It might be their goals are different from yours (Even if one of those is to play a 'single player MMO'), or that they simply don't like you (I've refused to join guilds for such a reason, across multiple games. I don't care how 'great' your guild is - if I think you're a condescending ***hole, I won't join.)


I have yet to find a guild that would work for me. I accepted one invite, and 2 weeks later, left it because I did not like it.

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@ the people that say that a guild fixes everything; what are you smoking? I want some of that. lol


Everyone knows that in guilds people are generally different levels, so running Heroics and Flashpoints is not an option before endgame. You must be thinking of Guild Wars 2 where players can be downranked and do earlier level content, so your level does not matter. Yeah, this is not GW2. Stop saying that things work a certain way, when they dont.

Edited by lycrates
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I would assume the same way you make friends in real life... I'm sure YOU may need someone to explain how to do that tho...


Standing outside with a loud speaker yelling "looking for friends"


This is what you are saying we should do basically...

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Standing outside with a loud speaker yelling "looking for friends"


This is what you are saying we should do basically...


no... apparently you need help with reading comprehension AND lessons on social interactions... I said to make friends in game the same way you do in real life... not to make friends in real life the way people look for groups in game

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Sounds like a personal issue, not a swtor issue. welcome to MMO's. But then again can't blame OP to much. Old days gamers all stuck together. Now a days people wanna jump down someones throat as soon as possible or flame them on forums. Edited by WarheartZero
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Well that guild thingy is kinda wierd. It happened a few times, that i started a new toon on a realm and wanted to be in guild. So I asked in Droomund kaas or imp fleet. No one ever responded to me! Try to ask for a guild in a different mmo and you will be flooded with msg/invites from small guilds.


Now you could say, hey you had a ****ed up text to ask. Well..: "Lookin for a small but nice guild for pvp and fp. Msg me :)"

Edited by Rykzon
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Sounds like a personal issue, not a swtor issue. welcome to MMO's.


-Insert indignant MMO resume rant-


It's likely a server problem or a swtor problem. It's not a personal issue as it's happening to others as well.

Edited by Reztastic
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This is a MMO. Give us some MMO Tools to engage the single player crowd to make it easier for them to run group content or participate.


IMO, grouping is fun, but it should always be by choice, and never required.


I'd make two changes:


1. If you are in a group, all xp and credits dropped are increased by, say, 25%. The chance of nice items dropping is also similarly increased.


2. Or, you can run an instance with you and 3 companions.


Those changes alone would keep me subbing for a long time. I've not reached endgame in this MMO yet, but every MMO I've ever quit was because grouping was required to get the best gear or see the end content.

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So how do you make friends or find a great guild if the big problem is to find other people to play with ?


Just go to the Realm forums for your server and post that you are looking for a Guild. Realm forums are an integral part of the MMO experience and not using them or NOT HAVING THEM AT ALL would be disastrous for any game claiming to be an MMORPG.

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no... apparently you need help with reading comprehension AND lessons on social interactions... I said to make friends in game the same way you do in real life... not to make friends in real life the way people look for groups in game


You make friends in real life by spending time with them... but the big problem in TOR is that many people want to solo and the poor LFG system makes it very hard to find groups for FPs so you don´t meet people to begin with.


It´s like someone saying "Hey i´m poor, how do i make money" and you say "Hey if you have a million bucks it´s easy to make money".

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That's how you try to make friends?


lmao roflmao



Well I have never tried it but maybe its worth a shot.


...but for reals, why do I need to play this game around others peoples schedules? I work all day long in real life, why do I need to work here as well? Because as it is now getting a group in this game is work.

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