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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Same-sex romance...


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As I remember, someone accused BW of being bigoted against the gay community and that's about where they closed the thread lol.


They've said it'll happen. Just no details on when.


since there's currently no mentioning about new companions and the suspicious 'additional romance options' (they can't even flat out say if that means some companions will be 'bicurious' and realise it's not their thing - or actually gay ones. which I bet is either not going to happen or it's gonna be companions really not all that likeable. *sigh* I want someone like Zevran... eh.. nevermind :p)


I don't think it's happening any time soon. which is kinda disappointing for a Bioware game :(



(and this topic is going to be closed because it's aparently a 'controversial' topic... ahem)

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I need this implemented in the game as soon as possible to salvage my character.


I had a horrible experience on Nar Shadaa where I ended up being ***** by the fat guy in the casino. I had no idea what I was getting myself into and suddenly I was immoblized while they did the dirty. WHAT THE ****.


No ****.


Edit: H-omo is censored? oO

Edited by Paynie
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The official word on this was given by Bioware months ago. In it they said that they always intended to add new companions at a later date and when the time came for this, they would look at adding some same gender romance options for these new characters. I very much doubt that existing companions will ever be "retrofitted" with same gender romance options.
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Well if they're not gonna do it with any of the current companions, it begs the question exactly how many companions are we gonna end up with here? They'd need to add an extra 2 to each class to implement it. Think I'm gonna have to convert the loft and add a conservatory to my ship just to fit them all in.
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Well if they're not gonna do it with any of the current companions, it begs the question exactly how many companions are we gonna end up with here? They'd need to add an extra 2 to each class to implement it. Think I'm gonna have to convert the loft and add a conservatory to my ship just to fit them all in.


Or they may well add companions which are not class specific. We don't yet have any details about whether there will be a maximum number of companions you can have on one character, but my ship has got plenty of space for more.

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I, as a female Sith Warrior, really wanna get jiggy with Vette and/or Jaesa.


You will never get this option. If/when they implement same sex romance, it will be with new companions that they may introduce down the road, not existing companions.

Edited by photoheathen
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I fear we may have to wait for an expansion. So far we have info on two content patches (patchnotes on 1.1 and interviews on 1.2) and there has been no mention of new single-player content in either of them. They at least hinted that the implementation of this would involve new companions, not simply new conversation options for existing companions. It doesn't seem like their content patches are going to be including things like new companion/class stories, which makes me think this will more likely be introduced in an expansion where the level cap is raised and extended class stories are implemented. Edited by Kraylessa
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You will never get this option. If/when they implement same sex romance, it will be with new companions/NPCs, not existing companions.


Most likely, yes.


Either that or they'll go down the DAII route and make every character romancable to every sexuality.

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Or they may well add companions which are not class specific. We don't yet have any details about whether there will be a maximum number of companions you can have on one character, but my ship has got plenty of space for more.


yeah I hope there will be 'common' companions in this game eventually. that would be kinda cool. maybe one you can get after a fp or something



it also begs the question, let's just think my warrior kinda has this thing with vette (ok they are just flirting a lot lately... pff) but eventually wants to break it off with her and start something with a new one... uh-oh. drama time!

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There better be a lesbian twi'lek anyway also miraluka ta, I also hope they don't give it to us in a year or more when they release an xpac, so much waiting for what should of been done already :(.


I bet that's the earliest we'll see new companions.

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If you are going to accuse BW of being biased against homosexuals, please play their other games first. Mass effect/Dragon age you can pursue homogeneous relationships, quit the flaming and actually spend time playing the other games BW has put out before you say BW is biased based on your only knowledge of their star wars game. Edited by accentedforte
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