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Note to all Guardians


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bump as well. I really noticed this problem last night as i had to struggle badly to keep aggro. Yes taunt caused aggro but with the cooldown i found it difficult to hold aggro with multiple mobs. I am new to the tanking class but i can fully understand what y'all are talking about
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I also noticed this problem.


HOWEVER i have come across a work-around which is very annoying but abilities do work.


In a PVP match i was fed up with a defensive cooldown not working, so what i did was stand motionless in 1 position and pressed my defensive cooldown numerous times just testing when it would actually work. My teammates were killing my target and as soon as my target died (so i was not targeting him anymore), the ability worked on the next press.


My next fight there were about 3-4 empire players near me, guess what my taunt and defensive abilities werent working, force sweap made me bounce up and down etc etc... tapping on these buttons i hit TAB and switch target, as soon as i switched target on the next press my defensive cooldown worked 1st press... also tested with every other ability i hate using and they all seem to work on the first press after i change my target.


I hope the fix comes soon.

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I've noticed that if my mouse cursor is over the skills panel, my quick slot keys don't work at all. I'll spam a button a thousand times and the skill will not register until I move the mouse cursor away from the skill panel back on the screen. It's as if the panel "locks up" because it assumes you'll be clicking your skills.


I did not see that connection for a very long time. Try it yourself and see, perhaps there is a preference option that stops it.


Just my 2 cents.

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This happens to me as well, please fix!


Hi fellow Jedi Guardians


I saw the following post bellow from Sith Warrior tank and thought it was worth posting here as well as the same could happen to Jedi Guardians with high defence rating:


Read on:




Anyway, Defense (i.e. deflection, parry, dodge etc.) interrupts the GCD. As a juggernaut I'm currently sitting at roughly 36% defense (buffed of course). Which means that 1 in 3 hits are parried/deflected.


I honestly think I'm coming down with carpel tunnel from playing my tank. I have to spam my buttons NON-STOP to get them to fire off. For example. I hit Slash but at that exact same moment I deflect a blaster bolt. The result is Slash does not fire off. There have been situations, more abundant than I would like to admit to, where I'm literally smashing my keyboard for 3-5 seconds trying to get an ability to fire off because I'm just constantly deflecting/parrying and I'm essentially "locked" up.


As a Juggernaut, this causes some serious issues. Particularly with 2+ mobs attacking me. If my abilities are not firing off in a timely fashion I can't maintain aggro. If I can't maintain aggro my position in the group is worthless.




This could explain a lot of button bashing and seemingly unresponsive controls. Has anyone here experienced this as a Guardian? I'm only level 22 so I probably dont have a high enough defence rating for it to notice right now?

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Force sweep is annoying, who else suffers from the tea-bag animation prior to actually letting the animation go off?


/Click ability

/Character ducks, ready to jump

/Character stand up again

/Character ducks, ready to jump

/Character stand up again

/Character ducks, ready to jump

/Character stand up again

/Force Sweep animation plays.


In PVP.....when I wanted it to go off I would have done an awesome sweep bomb on 5 people. In reality? They've already knocked me back and THEN it goes off.




But for some reason, whenever I load fraps to record @ 40 fps I cannot repeat it.

So I did some further testing, 100fps in corellia, I can replicate the "duck-stand-duck-stand", hit record and limit fps and I cannot.


Do high FPS interfere with animations? I can replicate it 100% every time without fail... what else could it be?


I've also hopefully got a video where I spam my defensive cooldown 4-6 times and it doesn't go off, I'm not stunned, it just.. doesn't go off.


This happens for many, many skills on my Guardian but not on my Commando, or my Scoundrel, or my Sage.

Edited by ChrisJSY
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In Maelstrom Prison, there is a trash pack composed of 3 Sith Marauders (all dual wielding).


You can see where this is going. They also have a buff that increases their attack speed.


I leap in, pop my Saber Ward, and AOE taunt. The 3 Marauders start slashing at me furiously.


My character's lightsaber whips and flies around his body parrying blows like a boss...


And my UI is completely locked. The global cooldown is constantly resetting as i am furiously trying to push a button, ANY BUTTON.


Not one of my abilities can function until Saber Ward wears off, I have lost aggro, and the Marauders decided I was no threat and started wailing on my teammates.


Please fix this! I love the animations, but would gladly give them up to have my abilities work.


I love the game, and am very patient with the many missing features and bugs. If this bug is not squished very fast, I will consider unsubbing.

Edited by davebsinger
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I can just confirm that.

A friend that came over wondered why i triple or quadruple tapped every ability key i pressed during a fight, which i kind of taught myself to do subconsciously to make the ability fire.

The defense animation when parrying/blocking should not initiate GCD and should be interruptable immediately when the player wants to attack.


When the player is on the run or simply not attacking its fine to see deflecting lightsaber moves, but ONLY then.

A fix for this should be top priority.

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So I actually haven't noticed this issue. Maybe I don't block enough blaster bolts? I have noticed the blade storm animation problem, but it's never seemed to actually effect my combat, only the way he looks stupid raising, lowering, then raising his blade again. Although, usually I don't even see the animation because it's followed by a riposte which breaks the animation but not the damage (I don't see a damage number pop up, but I see the mob's healh bar drop like a rock and if it's not strong I see that it is stunned, so I know my bladestorm hit despite no animation)


Now I'm afraid when I start playing that I will notice this and take away from my enjoyment of playing the JK, which is my favorite so far (though my IA is really fun too)

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I'm a MT Sith Juggernaut for my guild and I can say that the GCD bugged is NOT caused by parry/dodge/deflect, but it does LOOK like it does.


I can pretty much say that this is a general bug because I've had it happen rarely on my non-tank characters because I'm OCD and hit the buttons repeatedly.


1. I've had the GCD bug happen several times on the Soa fight in eternity vault, in this fight this boss does NOTHING you can parry/dodge/deflect (Verified by the fact that retaliation NEVER triggers)


2. I've jumped into large packs in HM's and had zero issues firing off my abilities, and when you're rolling with around 30% defense jumping into packs of 3-5 it's almost impossible to NOT parry/dodge something.


I can tell you the main thing that helps me avoid the GCD bug is DO NOT SLAM YOUR BUTTONS. This is extremely difficult for me since I'm fairly OCD and want my abilities to fire as fast as possible.


Honestly it looks like the problem is more in the ability queuing system over parry/dodge. To give an example, my normal opener on trash packs in HM's was to Force Charge->Smash and I would be slamming my smash button frequently while force charge was still executing, and a LOT of times I would end up GCD bugged. Now I do my best to hit charge, then right before the GCD is done I hit my smash button ONCE and just try my damndest to leave the button alone. This seems to solve almost all of my problems.


There's also a sync issue with the client/server where you won't actually be where the server thinks you are, and you'll try to fire off abilities but can't. This can be seen pretty frequently on mobs that like to stun/choke you on their first action if you use force charge to open. You can solve this by using force charge again, or having a friendly sorc use their grip ability on you (Intervene doesn't seem to work as well for fixing this issue).

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Well in any case, we all can come into a conclusion that Bioware really needs to prioritize this. Mashing a hotkey 20 times before forcesweep, or any other ability for that matter to come out is literally gamebreaking. What are instant abilities supposed to be if they are not instant? (force sweep/bladestorm just a few examples)
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I can tell you the main thing that helps me avoid the GCD bug is DO NOT SLAM YOUR BUTTONS. This is extremely difficult for me since I'm fairly OCD and want my abilities to fire as fast as possible.


Honestly it looks like the problem is more in the ability queuing system over parry/dodge.


This is the correct answer. The fix will be to force people to slow down. Everything plays well when you don't spam-queue abilities.


The test for this is simple, and I will try it next time I log in: set your ability queue down to a very low number (or zero if that works) and see if the problem persists.

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My ability queue time is maxed out and I never run into these problems.


My Defense isn't very high, I think right now it's around 18% before Riposte kicks in (at that point it should be around 24%).


I've had the "stutter" happen but only when I was having high pings.

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When I use Blade Storm, my character very clearly lifts his lightsaber, lowers it, lifts it again, pauses to consider the ramifications of his actions, then finally executes the ability. Is this because of the parry delay? I've been watching this ability closely lately and it seems to work alright when I'm 10 meters away. Of course, that hardly ever happens, because I'm a melee class.


It would be one thing if parried blaster bolts went back and hit their shooter, as others have suggested.


Happens to me all the time... I just figured it was lag or the fact that my computer just barely meets the minimum requirements to run the game... but this makes me curious

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