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People who ninja for their companions


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here's the truth rolling need on something for your companion when others can need it for their main character will end up getting you uninvited and most likely blacklisted.


Not rolling need on something for an companion won't do any of those things.


So it all depends on how you want to play.

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Really weird that people are arguing so much about this.

Anyone who has played other MMOs before knows very well what need before greed means.

Rolling for a companion is the same as rolling for an alt.

It's common courtesy not to do this.


All items drops are designed for a certain class, and on average, a group with each of the 4 classes will have a very balanced loot distribution and get maximum profit from each item going to the characters they were designed for.

If everyone can roll on anything your chances of getting any item stay the same, but the chances of getting an item you need for your class are a lot lower.

Also if you are looking for a particular weapon, say a double bladed saber, you may have to do a few runs until it drops, but if you are the only assassin/shadow you will get it.

If everyone also rolls for their companions you may have to do dozens of runs to get that weapon.


And what makes this discussion even weirder, is the fact that in the dozens of FP runs and all heroics that i did, this was NEVER an issue.

Everyone i played with knew what need before greed means, and there was never a case where someone selected need on an item that wasn't for his class.


Guess people on Legions of Lettow just are exceptionally well mannered. :)

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Listen, Companions are an extension of your character.


I play as a DPS spec BH, and without Mako, there are quite a few missions I'd struggle on.


The way I see it, if there is a significant upgrade to her loot that drops in an instance, I might very well roll need on it. If it's not significant enough (I'm talking something along the lines of a +1 or +2 to a single stat) I might just roll greed out of goodwill.


That's not to say that I would roll need on everything for all of my companions. I'll be honest, I only really roll out with Mako. Everyone else is crafting monkeys.


I've done flashpoints with her as the only healer in the group. Successfully. Solo PVP is a pain without her. So to say that companions are unimportant is, in my opinion untrue.


And for the dude that keeps asking all the people who roll need for companions for their character name/server to prove some sort of point about blacklisting, the name is Eyrick, and I'm on Grandmaster Zym. If you don't like it feel free to blacklist me.


Trust me, I won't lose any sleep over it.

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Really weird that people are arguing so much about this.

Anyone who has played other MMOs before knows very well what need before greed means.

Rolling for a companion is the same as rolling for an alt.


No it doesn't. An alt can not use something you pick up that is BoP. Your alt can. Therefore rolling for an alt is clearly the same as rolling for yourself, not an alt.


So many people are arguing so much about this because they can not or will not grasp that simple concept because it is so different from other MMOs.


And now apparently they have cried about it enough that BW is caving into them and forcing the issue instead of allowing the playerbase to work it out.

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It's a roll. If you win it, then you win it. Jesus christ. I can't believe people are kicking off about this. If you went to a Casino would you kick off if someone else rolled on 13 while you rolled on odd?


This sort of **** was not in SWG until quite late on, before that we had to deal with idjits playing jedi at the front who would just loot everything on a macro and if you played a ranged profession, you pretty much lost out. I had one instance where as a BH I needed certain liquids to build my armour with. On the same run a guy (loljedi) looted it at the front and sold me it (at a discounted price) coz I was at the back of the group and my loot macro was pretty much pointless.


You people have seriously no idea what ninja looting is. There is a roll, how can you possibly ninja loot it?

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Really weird that people are arguing so much about this.

Anyone who has played other MMOs before knows very well what need before greed means.

It means that you can and will use. Equipment that you will equip to an alt is something that you can and will use.


Rolling for a companion is the same as rolling for an alt.
No, it's more like having an extra wrist slot, or rolling need on a piece of pvp gear that dropped in a pve dungeon. It's still something that directly enhances the play experience of the character who wins the roll.


All items drops are designed for a certain class,
Actually, they're mostly designed for multiple classes.


for example: cunning gear is generally designed for the smuggler class , as well as tharan cedrax class, and the Zenith class (among others.

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If you're a healer by trade, primarily, then there's a fair argument that would state that actually, armaments and armour for your primary companion is *more* critical to you than armaments and armour for yourself.


Obviously, that's not always the case- I almost never use Akaavi or Bowdaar, so I'd certainly be in the wrong to role 'need' on something for them just because I wanted Akaavi to have a prettier hat, for instance... (if I did group quests, which I don't)... but if I specced sawbones (which I don't), then a good new rifle for Risha, for instance, which I can't personally use, would none the less be more of a 'need' item than a new blaster pistol for me...


So I don't think it's possible to have a hard and fast 'your companion is less important' rule. It has to come down to cases.

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Why stop there.


Everyone needs creds.


Just roll need on everything.



How does this work in raids?


If a tank item drops can a healer need it because they need credits? Should be easy enough and no one would get mad?

Edited by Amiracle
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Real raiders use dkp :)




If someone is in the same raid as you why can they not just need on any item?


And if a tank item drops that a tank could use but a healer had more dkp no one would argue against the healer taking the item?

Edited by Amiracle
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If someone is in the same raid as you why can they not just need on any item?
Because they generally agree upon a set of loot rules that are aimed at benefiting the guild over individuals.


Just like in groups: if you agree upon a set of rules, you should stick to them. And if you have strong feelings about how it should work: clearly decide the expected need/greed role behaviors when a group is initially formed.

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And if a tank item drops that a tank could use but a healer had more dkp no one would argue against the healer taking the item?
Depends on the specific rules of the system. But in general, that's how that system works.


edit: in EQ there was some significant overlap in some gear slots during some expansions. You'd see situations where both a tank and a shaman would want the item with 100 hp and resists on it.

Edited by ferroz
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It means that you can and will use. Equipment that you will equip to an alt is something that you can and will use.


Yea, if you argue that a companion is an extension of your character, okay.

But this means, that every player, can select need on every item, thereby considerably lowering everybodys chance of getting an item for their actual hero.


This is terrible, because for example a commando with a green chest piece, will benefit a lot more from a good orange one, than some shadow would by giving the same item to a companion he rarely uses.

Since all companions are part of your character according to your logic, this would enable every player to roll on basically every item that drops since this would "enhance their play experience" by giving a upgrade to one of their many companions of which they can only use one at a time.


What this leads to, is runs of 4 different classes in a FP where an item for every hero drops and would be an upgrade for every hero, but since everyone also rolls for their companions, none of them actually get the item they would most benefit from.


Not to mention that your hero will benefit from items ALWAYS, while in pvp and FPs and OPs items you gave to your companions are of no use to you.

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On Tarris group of 16 level 32-37 take down ancient one world boss.


3 agents in group. A nice purple protype drops clearly meant for agents. All roll need.


A sith assasin also rolls need and wins, saying he needed it for his companion.





Yup, perfectly fine. A large chunk of his combat effectiveness is defined by his companion. He worked to help bring down that world boss so he deserves to benefit from it.


Don't like that idea? Then explain to me how companions aren't a critical part of your build.

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Yea, if you argue that a companion is an extension of your character, okay.

But this means, that every player, can select need on every item, thereby considerably lowering everybodys chance of getting an item for their actual hero.

No, most classes only have certain stat priorities for their companions. Troopers have only aim companions. Consulars have aim heavy, cunning medium and willpower light companions (no strength at all).


Second: you assume that getting an item for someone actual hero is somehow more of a valid loot priority than gearing a companion. While that may be true for you, it's absurd to insist that it's the only correct loot priority.



What this means is that every player can select need on any item that they feel they need, thereby increasing everyone's chance of getting an item that they actually want, not just the people who have a particular loot priority.


Not to mention that your hero will benefit from items ALWAYS, while in pvp and FPs and OPs items you gave to your companions are of no use to you.
No, in non-instanced PvP my companion is very useful. And I spend far more time with my companions than I do in FP or ops.
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Yup, perfectly fine. A large chunk of his combat effectiveness is defined by his companion. He worked to help bring down that world boss so he deserves to benefit from it.


Don't like that idea? Then explain to me how companions aren't a critical part of your build.


How did the companion participate in that fight to earn the right to roll?

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How did the companion participate in that fight to earn the right to roll?
it doesn't, but that's ok, because it's not rolling...


only the people who were present at the kill get to roll.

Edited by ferroz
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Just want to say the only time someone should roll need on something for their companion is if no one else in the group needs it.


Judging by how many different types of companions you get on this game, you can pretty much justify rolling need on any item that drops if you use a "this can benefit my companion logic".


It's just being a jerk, and players should stop doing it. If it keeps happening, Bioware is probably going to have to address this somehow - cause I see a lot of threads about this.

Edited by JeremyDale
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If everyone who is so bent out of shape over this argument would just HEED this advice, things would be much more kosher.
yeah... if you wanted to run NBG on my server in EQ, you needed to be doing a guild or friend group. If it was just a pug, it was most often some variation of master looter, split loot when we broke or when someone needed to leave, roll and then pick what you want in order with no NBG. Edited by ferroz
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