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Bioware: Allow Advanced Class Respec!


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here's an idea : NO!


there is SO much information on the internets about the ac's in this game its not even funny. if you cant take the time to do the slightest bit of reasearch on your ac, and you find out the AC you've chosen is not to your play style, i have no love for you. re roll

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If you were asking for a new specialization that would be one thing, asking for a different class is what you want.






Please learn the definition of class and specialization in MMOs.........for the love of god you people are really not getting it, see the post 2 or 3 posts above you, I am done......I am getting so frustrated at the lack of common sense and knowledge of MMOs it's making me ill and I am logging off.

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Because it's a new game and a lot of people don't want to run through the same story just to have the same class only with a different spec?


In almost every other MMO, you'd have to go through the same story no matter what class you reroll to.


As for the OP's links, context is always a good thing. When talking about AC switching, Bioware's stance has always been that the only reason they would allow it is to let you make up for a mistake. They've always said that if they did allow it, they would make it progressively more difficult, and possibly even impossible after a certain level. They agree with those of us who want the AC choice to matter, but they also don't want people to feel punished for picking the wrong AC. The solution they talked about was never meant to let people switch ACs at will or even more than a few times.

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Please learn the definition of class and specialization in MMOs.........for the love of god you people are really not getting it, see the post 2 or 3 posts above you, I am done......I am getting so frustrated at the lack of common sense and knowledge of MMOs it's making me ill and I am logging off.

Right from the website...................


"Advanced Classes are ...


Advanced Classes are specialized careers that your characters can choose in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As your character becomes more seasoned through adventure, you will be given the opportunity to undertake one of two Advanced Classes. This decision is equally as important as choosing your initial class at character creation. Your choice will not only make your character more distinct and powerful, but will also help further define the role you wish to play in Star Wars: The Old Republic.


Your choice of Advanced Class not only defines which skill trees are available to your character (there are two unique trees per Advanced Class as well as one shared tree for the class), they also provide access to various special abilities, such as the ability to dual wield Lightsabers, wear heavy armor, etc."


Note it says CLASSES.........................

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So by this thinking, in WOW, everyone's story is the same, hence all classes are similar.



Don't like the system, then quit. Pretty simple.



No actually...

Don't like the system? Then provide feedback. Pretty simple.




Clearly some people complained enough to make them take the switch choice away, because they stated they were going to allow it. That's what feedback is for.

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Advanced classes have been a thing in mmo's for a long time, if you'd only played wow I could understand you being confused. Aion is an example of a game with advanced classes, you can't change them after you pick them. Raganok Online is another example, in which you also can't change your advanced class.


Spec, short for specialization in WoW and other MMOs refers to the talent trees, which this game has, and like WoW you can change your spec for a fee.

Edited by areto
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Please learn the definition of class and specialization in MMOs.........for the love of god you people are really not getting it, see the post 2 or 3 posts above you, I am done......I am getting so frustrated at the lack of common sense and knowledge of MMOs it's making me ill and I am logging off.


Each AC is a distinct class. We know this because the developers told us that they were distinct classes. You can claim they are specs all you want, but the devs disagree.

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Please learn the definition of class and specialization in MMOs.........for the love of god you people are really not getting it, see the post 2 or 3 posts above you, I am done......I am getting so frustrated at the lack of common sense and knowledge of MMOs it's making me ill and I am logging off.


no we get that people want to trivialize the choices that you must make in this game even more then they already are. this is the last area of the game where your choice ACTUALLY MATTERS. so lets just dumb that down so we have a single player game with a co-op mode, where you can just wave a magic wand and do what ever you want. dual speccing is bad enough, AC changes are a non-starter

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before I leave..........


This decision is equally as important as choosing your initial class at character creation. Your choice will not only make your character more distinct and powerful, but will also help further define the role you wish to play in Star Wars: The Old Republic.[/Quote]


Guess what a spec does in other games...........same thing, they just put a new name to it, you are still the same class!

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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?





If you want to say "NO" or "Bioware will never do this!"...




Thanks to Salzwasser for the link.


...and to finally put matters to rest, read: http://torwars.com/2011/12/01/stephen-reid-on-advanced-class-switching/




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I'd like to see an advanced class respec allowed - this is NOT the first game to use such a system of advancement.


EQ2 launched with a system where you played a basic class up to level 10, then chose your actual 'advanced' class and were stuck with it. They eventually dropped this system completely and made people pick their 'advanced' class at character creation.


I agree that doing EXACTLY the same quests up to level 10 in order to play both variants of a class is stupid and not in keeping with the 'story driven' aspect of the game. I see no GOOD reason to disallow switching to the other advanced class as long as they are going to keep that duplication of the first 10 levels.:rolleyes:


Why? I have yet to play an MMO where the first few levels and even the vast majority of ALL the levels are exactly the same yet people seem to have little to no difficulty rolling alts there...



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No actually...

Don't like the system? Then provide feedback. Pretty simple.




Clearly some people complained enough to make them take the switch choice away, because they stated they were going to allow it. That's what feedback is for.

I have no issue with the system. I wasn't confused when I picked my ADVANCED CLASS.


I have a BH, I knew at end game I wanted to heal, so I rolled a Mercenary. I can either Heal or DPS at end game.


If I decide to tank for end game, I'll reroll another toon. This isn't WOW. This isn't a druid or Paladin where I can simply respec and tank,heal, dps.


The sooner you get over the semantics issue and understand BW created the Advanced Classes as completely different classes, and this is a different game, this issue would be over.


If you leveled to 50 and hated the toon, why did you level to 50 in the first place? I leveled a Hunter to 85 in WOW, hated the class for Arena, so I should be able to switch it to a DK because I didn't like the CLASS?


Leveling to 10 takes like 1.5-2 hours........................Heck, I already have like 4 or 5 other level 12's that I just use as bank and auctioneers.

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Please allow Advanced Class Respec. There's no reason for this, give players the choice! If you're worried it will hurt your story or something - don't. You don't seem to care you send Jedi to go slaughter hundreds of Sand People, so why care about something that is needlessly restricting players?





If you want to say "NO" or "Bioware will never do this!"...




Thanks to Salzwasser for the link.


...and to finally put matters to rest, read: http://torwars.com/2011/12/01/stephen-reid-on-advanced-class-switching/


Lol no. You have ten levels to decide and they describe the purpose of each AC before you choose, as well as let you look over the talent trees.


Reroll son.

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before I leave..........




Guess what a spec does in other games...........same thing, they just put a new name to it, you are still the same class!

This is SWTOR. Bioware setup Advanced Classes as completely different and separate classes. You play by there rules.


Don't like it, quit or spend 100-200 million and design your own star wars mmo. get on the design team for SWG-EMU.

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Once more... Why people that do not like an OPTIONAL feature want to deny it from people that want it? Really. What is the problem? If you do not want it (if they do the change) do NOT use it.


Really what's wrong with people that want to enforce others to play like they want :S

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Once more... Why people that do not like an OPTIONAL feature want to deny it from people that want it? Really. What is the problem? If you do not want it (if they do the change) do NOT use it.


Really what's wrong with people that want to enforce others to play like they want :S


Please stop. Whether or not it affects someone else is completely irrelevant and does in no way make any proposed feature or change "good".

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I have no issue with the system. I wasn't confused when I picked my ADVANCED CLASS.


I have a BH, I knew at end game I wanted to heal, so I rolled a Mercenary. I can either Heal or DPS at end game.


If I decide to tank for end game, I'll reroll another toon. This isn't WOW. This isn't a druid or Paladin where I can simply respec and tank,heal, dps.


The sooner you get over the semantics issue and understand BW created the Advanced Classes as completely different classes, and this is a different game, this issue would be over.


If you leveled to 50 and hated the toon, why did you level to 50 in the first place? I leveled a Hunter to 85 in WOW, hated the class for Arena, so I should be able to switch it to a DK because I didn't like the CLASS?


Leveling to 10 takes like 1.5-2 hours........................Heck, I already have like 4 or 5 other level 12's that I just use as bank and auctioneers.



The sooner you learn what feedback is and for... the better. You don't tell other people to quit because they would like something to change. Something that originally allowed for what they wanted, but feedback on the forums changed. :rolleyes:

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You have no idea what you are talking about and its not like going from rogue to priest, its like going from Holy to Shadow, if you have played a priest in WoW then you know what I am talking about.


BTW, get ready for Paid AC Respec option, coming soon. If you want to pay for something that you should have gotten for free, its your business.


No it isn't, that's your SKILL TREE not your Advanced Class.

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Please stop. Whether or not it affects someone else is completely irrelevant and does in no way make any proposed feature or change "good".


It is not irrelevant at all. If you do not want an OPTIONAL feature you have no argument to prevent it for happening. There are people who might use or enjoy it.

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Why? I have yet to play an MMO where the first few levels and even the vast majority of ALL the levels are exactly the same yet people seem to have little to no difficulty rolling alts there...




Re-read my post. Think about it. See why I said it and why I was talking about SWTOR, not 'the vast majority' of MMOs... :rolleyes:

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It'd be really nice if people got over the delusion that the ACs are "completely different".


For the most part there's very little difference in gear or abilities. There's more variety between any two specs of Druid than there is any two specs of Gunslinger/Scoundrel.

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ONE time, per character reset to level 10. Make it cost tons of money.

BOOM. Done.



And to the crazies wanting to stay the same level, shut up.


This is the only reasonable suggestion so far... hell, I'd even say they could do it as many times as they want for free, but the character resets to level 10.

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