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Forum Changes Coming!


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How hard is it to give every server it's own forums. You're wasting your time. How hard is it to understand that this is NOT what the community wants. Wake up Bioware.

You (not personally, but those who whine against implementing common server community subfomum first) somewhat remind me a kid that claims his mom he'd like to be a great guitar player. And so what if he knows 3 tabs - he'll learn all of those....she just need to buy him a new guitar, just the one like Hendrix had, not that cheap-looking training thing.

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You (not personally, but those who whine against implementing common server community subfomum first) somewhat remind me a kid that claims his mom he'd like to be a great guitar player. And so what if he knows 3 tabs - he'll learn all of those....she just need to buy him a new guitar, just the one like Hendrix had, not that cheap-looking training thing.


Exactly, except that cheap-looking training thing is this...



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Exactly, except that cheap-looking training thing is this...



This one also suits perfectly for some ages as a starter, you know..;)


Yet dont dramatize it that hard. Mb it's better at least to try it out first, huh? And then...well, then there are two ways - either you'll get splited forums in no time or not. But I guess It will be really hard to convince devs that the only reason forum is standing still - just because someone is either too high-minded or just lazy to insert tag in a title. And not for some other more obvious reasons (like not willing to post).


As for game-site integration someone mentioned here - I won't object that it is nice. It helps in knowing your servermates on forum, and is good. Though I dont think that bilzz armory cloning is needed. It's always a good idea to judge people by they posts, not by number of epics equiped, achivs done etc. It's not really that good for a community, imo.

Yet Name-class-spec-server with a real pic as an avatar would be nice to see.

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This one also suits perfectly for some ages as a starter, you know..;)


And therein lies the problem.


The community is being treated like children. "Here you are little ones. If you are good boys and girls and treat our clustergroup forums nice we'll buy you big boy and big girl forums when you're older."


It's disgusting.

Edited by mechintel
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Bioware, come on guys. Your plan for "server forums" is stupid. I'm sorry, but it is. Why is it so hard to give each server it's own forum? Why are you grouping several servers together into one forum and making us tag all threads with [Mask of Nihilus] instead of just giving each server its own forum? I really wont end up using the forums as you guys are planning to introduce them because the vast majority of the threads will be of 0 relevance or interest to me.
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Why on earth won't you just make server specific forums? Like people are actually going to use these forums and try and find something relevant to their server. LOL I bet I won't find jack **** since I'm playing on a European server. This is a complete joke.
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We ask that you please use a [server Name] tag in front of your threads in these forums when they open to make it easy to see when you make a thread that is specifically intended for other members of your server, and to make sure everyone can see relevant threads easily.



Are you guys new to the internet or something? Just give us regular old server forums with guild recruitment subforums. It's not rocket science and you don't need to invent the wheel all over again.


This solution, while cool that you do something I guess - won't solve the problem at all. Sounds nice on paper, but it's not what we want - it's what you want.

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If Bioware wants the growing pain of reinventing the wheel, I'm not going to make it a personal crusade to try to stop them.


I see this whole thing as a good sign, that at least the realized that not having any sort of server separation is a problem, and that they are going to try to fix it.


if (and really, WHEN) it becomes obvious that the group forum won't be enough, at least they'll have shown that they're willing to make changes to resolve that.


this is not just "a step in the right direction". it's more of an indication that BW is not going to be a stubborn mule that just refuse to see past their own awesome self.

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To the administrator of this forum:


Go to AdminCP > Styles & Templates > Style Manager > select the style > select "Toolbar Options menu" > Go > in the section "Text Editor Control Styles" > change the "Padding" for all options, must be equal (0 or 1 or 2 ...) > Save Changes ...


This prevents the movement of the buttons when the mouse passes over them in the window to create a new message, if the "Padding" is not equal among the states "Normal", "Hover", "Clicked" and "Selected".


a Greeting

Edited by Quijar
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I think they are trying to make this game flop, SERVER FORUMS are simple to implement ! If anyone has had their own forums all you do is go into the admin control panel and you literally just click an option make new sub forum, type in the name of the forums in that sub forum its not that hard to do.
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Lol alot of *************** here...


This is not a huge step, this is a very easy thing to add to a forum, which should have been here as soon as the website was created.


Where is the server transfer, name change, legacy change and all that....



Bioware doesnt listen at all so shut up

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You (not personally, but those who whine against implementing common server community subfomum first) somewhat remind me a kid that claims his mom he'd like to be a great guitar player. And so what if he knows 3 tabs - he'll learn all of those....she just need to buy him a new guitar, just the one like Hendrix had, not that cheap-looking training thing.


Some of us are already professional musicians, and are insulted by the insinuation that the new kid on the block thinks that we need a trainer instrument. Just because the new kid (people insinuating we need the trainer instrument first) and mom (BioWare) cannot play a single note, nor understand how to read music, does not mean we don't actually need the better guitar. It is possible that neither mom nor the new kids actually have enough knowledge to have a meaningful opinion (not you, personally, of course, but those who whine against solving the problem instead of taking baby steps). :)

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If Bioware wants the growing pain of reinventing the wheel, I'm not going to make it a personal crusade to try to stop them.


I see this whole thing as a good sign, that at least the realized that not having any sort of server separation is a problem, and that they are going to try to fix it.


if (and really, WHEN) it becomes obvious that the group forum won't be enough, at least they'll have shown that they're willing to make changes to resolve that.


this is not just "a step in the right direction". it's more of an indication that BW is not going to be a stubborn mule that just refuse to see past their own awesome self.


Bioware is infact being a stubborn old mule. They are treating us like used car shoppers at a used car lot and they are the salesmen.


We show up to buy a car and then try to sell us a truck because they think they know best. We ask for a 4 door sedan and then they show us a double decker bus.


It really is quite simple here, customers ask for "X", give them "X", not "Z". This is a industry standard feature.


Even more so, it took them a month to further respond to this issue. 1 month? This was identified day 1 of early access and all we got then was (well, this is how we want it to be, so deal with it)

Edited by Vandrel-Blitz
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Any plans on updating from a 2+ years old version of vbulletin to the latest one?

You have the same version as League of legends forums :)


There are still exploits on this version. You added back the search function but I fear tge damage is done

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I am going to be honest, this is still fail. You guys realize for the money you would have spent to hire a forum moderator and give us real community forums you would have saved subscriptions of people who have been looking for community all along. We are getting into that too late to matter part now. They will be gone and they will be telling their friends of the single player MMO experience of SWTOR. I am a fanboy and this is embarassing . My hope is GW2 or the next big MMO learns from this mistake.
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I am going to be honest, this is still fail. You guys realize for the money you would have spent to hire a forum moderator and give us real community forums you would have saved subscriptions of people who have been looking for community all along. We are getting into that too late to matter part now. They will be gone and they will be telling their friends of the single player MMO experience of SWTOR. I am a fanboy and this is embarassing . My hope is GW2 or the next big MMO learns from this mistake.

I couldn't agree with you more. There is NO customer care here what so ever.

This game had soooo much potential. They can't get thier combat right or thier community.

Whoever at Bioware in charge of community and forums and

is being payed well, bringing us this crap should be ashamed. It is insulting how

you treat your customers that simply want a place they can talk on their own server


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As a heavy forum user for every game I've played, I'm actually saddened by the fact that I don't really use these boards. Why? I have no reason to come here. General discussion is littered with complaints at an extremely high pace,(Which is normal) and all of the somewhat counter-intuitive sub-forums don't really appeal or interest me.


I'm huge on community within MMOs, but the community I, and many other people tend to care about are the ones specifically dealing with them and theirs.


I understand that you feel like server specific forums would spread you all too thin on moderation, but let's be a little realistic here... You don't need to moderate as heavy on server forums. You just don't.


Allow me to elaborate a bit. Building the server specific community means finding out who the heroes, villains, white knights, scumbags, and every other flavor of being are. This requires a more lenient stance on moderation. I rarely report people on the forums, but when I do it's because they were doing something beyond calling out, bickering, or name calling. IE trying to sell gold, or linking to keyloggers/hacks.


Let the report feature be your guide for the absolutely necessary moderation. Other than that, skim through, and let the community police itself.


I have a feeling that until you implement server specific forums, your grouped sub forums are going to be quite dead, or filled with more people demanding server-specific forums.

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Why do stickys persist beyond the first page?


I saw them when I read page 1, why have them on every other page?


When I try to read the forums beyond page 1, the first thing I have to do is identify where the stickys stop and the content I want to see begins. They are even the same color, making this so much more difficult than it needs to be. Sometimes half the page is taken up with stickys.

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