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10 Good
  1. There's only one guy on the ship that I would've gone straight for, and he's still all *****-whipped over some smuggler who broke his heart. Does it really only take gambling to get him into bed? We're going to have to have a talk soon. Maybe my straight appeal is wearing off.
  2. I'm curious as to 1, why people who could benefit from Columi loot would be in a NiM raid, and 2, if this was just an oversight? It's really confusing to me.
  3. As a heavy forum user for every game I've played, I'm actually saddened by the fact that I don't really use these boards. Why? I have no reason to come here. General discussion is littered with complaints at an extremely high pace,(Which is normal) and all of the somewhat counter-intuitive sub-forums don't really appeal or interest me. I'm huge on community within MMOs, but the community I, and many other people tend to care about are the ones specifically dealing with them and theirs. I understand that you feel like server specific forums would spread you all too thin on moderation, but let's be a little realistic here... You don't need to moderate as heavy on server forums. You just don't. Allow me to elaborate a bit. Building the server specific community means finding out who the heroes, villains, white knights, scumbags, and every other flavor of being are. This requires a more lenient stance on moderation. I rarely report people on the forums, but when I do it's because they were doing something beyond calling out, bickering, or name calling. IE trying to sell gold, or linking to keyloggers/hacks. Let the report feature be your guide for the absolutely necessary moderation. Other than that, skim through, and let the community police itself. I have a feeling that until you implement server specific forums, your grouped sub forums are going to be quite dead, or filled with more people demanding server-specific forums.
  4. I doubt this will get through to most of the complainers here, but I've convinced a fair number of people from crying to BioWare about these ideas. Most, if not all, people demanding dual-spec are referencing the system WoW has wherein you have two separate specs that you can toggle back and forth between. This system was put into the game not because it makes the game better, but because Blizzard shot themselves in the foot with spec/game design. You see, if you wanted to level or PvP, it was a good amount more difficult to do so when specced as a dedicated tank or healer. This is on Blizzard for designing classes to be dependent on talent points to actually play certain aspects of the game. BioWare, on the other hand, has done a good job removing this inherent flaw. I'm leveling easily specced into Shield Tech, and enjoying PvP quite a bit. The same goes for my healer guildies. You just don't need dual spec. As far as Advance Class "respeccing", you may as well be asking to exchange all of your Paladin levels for Warrior. The AC's are completely different classes - not specs. Hope this helps out in some way. Thought I'd write this while I waited in the queue.
  5. Aeuex

    Daragon Trail

    I hope you're ready.
  6. As odd as it seems, I think my enjoyment in this game would be drastically reduced if server specific forums were not implemented. I never had more of a sense of community than when I was talking trash, creating events, tracking guild progression, and reading about drama on server forums.
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