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Forum Changes Coming!


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Won't do. Some places have huge traffic. Some have none. Spliting places with huge traffic is wise. Creating a lot of places to write without understanding are they really needed - is not.


E.g. suggestion box was obviously needed and will be created.


And dont tell me no one will be posting just because they dont have a separate forum. Really, people, in FIDOnet and newsgroups times plenty of things were discussed just in ONE "thread". Soc. networks seem to hurt people's mind, now they're already sure, that to communicate with eachother they need some very special conditions and services. Imo, you either have something to say\willing to read or not. Especially since devs DID promise to divide forums in case of any reasonable traffic.


I'm not against improvements, don't get me wrong. Its just I can't really understand whats the big problem in proving by real posts that servers subs are needed asap.


Traffic has nothing to do with it. It's stupid to have topics that pertain to your server bumped off the first page in favor of topics you have NO INTEREST in. I don't care if the bottom of the first page is a topic that is 45 days old. That is still of greater importance than the topic of a server you are not apart of that is 45 minutes old. It's about organization. It is EASIER to moderate threads properly categorized than it is to moderate threads that are all pushed into one pile.

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It seems like they've been listening to me. Some people around just don't understand that they can't make changes over night...


They may hear us, but they DON'T listen!! In vBulletin, it will likely take more time and more effort to do these server groupings alphabetically, and by server type, than it would to just make forums for each server. This is clearly a case of taking a half-step that almost means nothing. Instead of having to wade through millions of posts, we only have to wade through hundreds of thousands. This has been the problem with this game through most of the development stages. BioWare took half-steps, and decided we would just accept it, because it was Star Wars. This issue is just like many of the in-game issues (they give us a tool so they can import guilds into game, but them give guilds nothing but a chat channel...that doesn't even work for everyone!!). We need individual server forums.

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Taking 500 people and expecting them to stand inside a 30x30 room to communicate with eachother.


What you'd end up with is a LOT of noise, such as the General Discussions page. It certainly hasn't stopped people from continuing to post.


Instead, what you have is 50 people in a room that is big enough to hold 200 comfortably, and each group of 3 people demanding their own room with the logic being that if they had more rooms, more people could show up to talk. When management finally agrees to bring in more rooms so that they can be down to groups of 10 in a room big enough to still hold 200, they're still not happy because they can see other people in the room.


If you want to compare to a small room overflowed with 500 people, first show that you actually have 500 people trying to squeeze their way into the room.


What I think is actually happening is that because of the large number of servers, the players who would be interested in community stuff are spread quite thin. 1.5 million players if spread evenly across 150 servers is only 10,000 players per server on average, but very few of them come to the forums and fewer still will be interested in community stuff.


Odds are, it will be a handful of servers with pre-existing communities doing most of the socializing on the forums. It makes sense to start with groups, and if one particular group becomes so busy that they are drowning each other out with noise, Bioware can then step in and give them their own forum.


What you have is a solution looking for a problem that doesn't exist yet.

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I don't see the problem of putting a community in their own room if it doesn't really cost you anything to provide them with that room. Why set things up for further changes down the road when you can just make the changes now and be done with it. If some of the forums are completely deserted what does it matter outside the infinitesimal amount of wasted memory claimed by having the subforum that isn't being used.


What next? Bioware combines the Story Lore. Starwars Discussion, and Public Test Server forums together into one forum simply because they aren't used as much as the other forum headings?

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What you'd end up with is a LOT of noise, such as the General Discussions page. It certainly hasn't stopped people from continuing to post.


Instead, what you have is 50 people in a room that is big enough to hold 200 comfortably, and each group of 3 people demanding their own room with the logic being that if they had more rooms, more people could show up to talk. When management finally agrees to bring in more rooms so that they can be down to groups of 10 in a room big enough to still hold 200, they're still not happy because they can see other people in the room.


If you want to compare to a small room overflowed with 500 people, first show that you actually have 500 people trying to squeeze their way into the room.


What I think is actually happening is that because of the large number of servers, the players who would be interested in community stuff are spread quite thin. 1.5 million players if spread evenly across 150 servers is only 10,000 players per server on average, but very few of them come to the forums and fewer still will be interested in community stuff.


Odds are, it will be a handful of servers with pre-existing communities doing most of the socializing on the forums. It makes sense to start with groups, and if one particular group becomes so busy that they are drowning each other out with noise, Bioware can then step in and give them their own forum.


What you have is a solution looking for a problem that doesn't exist yet.



It is justifications like this, that help lead BioWare to not understanding. Why continually take small steps when the larger step would be no more expensive, and more efficient? If you don't want to post on an individual server forum, or be a part of a server community, then don't. That doesn't mean that others should not have the option. How does it make sense to start with groups, when the stated purpose by BioWare is to discuss "grouping, trading, and events" when you are having to wade through those that you can do none of this with? It's time all of the BioWare apologists stop blocking the growth and progress of this game, by claiming that evrything is great the way it is! You, sir, do a disservice to this community (whether you choose to be a part of it, or not).

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I don't see the problem of putting a community in their own room if it doesn't really cost you anything to provide them with that room. Why set things up for further changes down the road when you can just make the changes now and be done with it. If some of the forums are completely deserted what does it matter outside the infinitesimal amount of wasted memory claimed by having the subforum that isn't being used.


What next? Bioware combines the Story Lore. Starwars Discussion, and Public Test Server forums together into one forum simply because they aren't used as much as the other forum headings?


I agree FULLY with your statement!!

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I do not understand why people are making the argument that both A) we don't need server forums or B) this is enough. Yes this is a positive step in the right direction. However it is not enough. Several games have or have had server forums (examples: WoW and SWG).


Bioware wants us to put the server name next to our post. To me that is a very lazy way of correcting an issue. Also say Server A is hosting an event. Why would people in Server B be interested in what Server A is trying to do? What this also tells me that Bioware is willing to do half assed stuff instead of correcting the issue out right. Setting that precedent that we can get away with just about anything we want and people who have no idea what they are talking about will just eat it up. A game that just came out and is competing with other games like WoW can not afford to make these mistakes.

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It is justifications like this, that help lead BioWare to not understanding. Why continually take small steps when the larger step would be no more expensive, and more efficient? If you don't want to post on an individual server forum, or be a part of a server community, then don't. That doesn't mean that others should not have the option. How does it make sense to start with groups, when the stated purpose by BioWare is to discuss "grouping, trading, and events" when you are having to wade through those that you can do none of this with? It's time all of the BioWare apologists stop blocking the growth and progress of this game, by claiming that evrything is great the way it is! You, sir, do a disservice to this community (whether you choose to be a part of it, or not).


So should we also split the Heroics forum into sub-forums for every single planet? Maybe we can split the General Discussion into 50 different topics. We can have so many forums that a search box will be needed to find the forum, but at least there will only be 10 topics in there to look through.


The one who fails to understand is yourself. You have set your eyes on "one forum per server", and nothing else Bioware ever does will make you happy unless you get exactly what you want. You are the one blocking growth. You are jumping and stomping on a seed because it's not the tree you want.


Instead of kicking and screaming that you aren't getting your way, how about actually waiting to see what happens with the changes? Some have said creating new forums is "really easy" while others are saying that "they're wasting resources by doing it half-assed". Well, which is it? Is it trivially easy or is it so hard that it consumes resources?


There's nothing with this change that will prevent Bioware from expanding them into individual server forums as the need arises.


I'll I've said is to demonstrate to Bioware that individual forums are needed. Show Bioware that the group forums are too busy to accomodate multiple ones, and I'm sure you'll get them. Perhaps simply by there having been a group, there can be enough people to help create a community. To grow a sapling in a small pot before it's big enough to be planted out in the wild on its own. Or, perhaps your guesstimate is so wrong that even the server groups will not have enough players to form a community.


Instead of bring so focused on "a forum for every server" as the solution, how about more focus on the problem? What problem are you trying to solve? Are you really trying to solve the same problem Bioware is (difficult to find things related to the server), or are you trying to solve a different problem (a complete lack of anything community related on my server)?


You have said that one of the reasons that has been said there are no posts is that it is "difficult to find" the right forum. More forums are the solution to this?


Right now, there is a grand total of 187 threads in the Server Events forum for the last month. This is the volume that needs to be split into 150 forums? The entire community forum, which includes many non-server-specific threads, has 2,053 threads in a month. Divide that up between 150 servers, and you have 1 post every 2 days of volume.


Based on this, it's completely reasonable to expect that, if a forum was created for every server, most of them would be empty. Empty forums do not create a community. Personally, I don't even see enough volume on the forums yet to justify splitting them into smaller groups already, but with all the players asking for it, Bioware has given in to taking a step towards the goal of 1 forum per server.


Personally, I think it would be fantastic if there was a forum for every server with an active community, but an empty server for every forum would be embarrassing. It's a lot easier to create a bunch of forums than it is to build an active community.


This change to me looks like Bioware saying "We don't think there's enough activity to support a forum for every server, but you players do. Here's a partial change. Go ahead and prove us wrong to get the rest of it, but if we are proved right, fortunately we didn't go all the way."


All you have is a solution looking for a problem.

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So should we also split the Heroics forum into sub-forums for every single planet? Maybe we can split the General Discussion into 50 different topics. We can have so many forums that a search box will be needed to find the forum, but at least there will only be 10 topics in there to look through.


The difference between that and this is that when you are in the PvE area you are presented with all threads that have to do with PvE. So even if you are looking for something about Eternity Vault the possibility that you might also be interested in Karagga's Palace isn't a huge stretch.


However, if I am looking for threads that deal with Helm of Graush, I in no way would EVER possibly care about a thread involving Hedarr Soongh even if they are both PvP servers and even if they both begin with the letter H. I absolutely don't care about any of their threads. Now if we had a forum called Helm of Graush, and even if I am going there looking for a guild recruitment post I would also find posts there about world pvp events, progression threads, and other various community discussions that all are at least relevant to me even if they aren't specifically what I am looking for.


The grouping system forces me to overlook threads that are completely irrelevant while simultaneously pushing relevant threads further off the opening page.

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Right now, there is a grand total of 187 threads in the Server Events forum for the last month. This is the volume that needs to be split into 150 forums? The entire community forum, which includes many non-server-specific threads, has 2,053 threads in a month. Divide that up between 150 servers, and you have 1 post every 2 days of volume.


This is because most servers have off-site server forums now. Ones that Bioware is forcing other people to pay for and moderate themselves. If this wasn't a want by the community or if they served no purpose these sites wouldn't exist.

Edited by mechintel
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And what I may say as a long-term local forum moder\support - threads and subforums always are based on an activity. Not vice versa. If people need to communicate - they satrt topics. If there are too many topics that could be split logically - they are being split.


We now got search by topic name - so it will be REALLY easy to find ANY related to your server topic (in case, as I said, starters tag those right, and they will if they care any bit).


So if you need that communication - you'll get it, and, hopefully in that grade so you'll sooner or later get a server-forum also. And if you don't - why would you need any subforums at all?


Man I really wish people would quit with the sucking up fanboy act. It would be simple for them to implement server only forums...it would also be nice to sign in as our character, like you can in WoW, EVE and I'd imagine many other games.


Bioware is being so stubborn for the sake of being stubborn and it's annoying. It's like they are set in their ways and refuse to admit their wrongdoings. All that VO was a complete waste of resources, and no matter how many people say it, Bioware will always tout how great the game is because of it.

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What you'd end up with is a LOT of noise, such as the General Discussions page. It certainly hasn't stopped people from continuing to post.


Instead, what you have is 50 people in a room that is big enough to hold 200 comfortably, and each group of 3 people demanding their own room with the logic being that if they had more rooms, more people could show up to talk. When management finally agrees to bring in more rooms so that they can be down to groups of 10 in a room big enough to still hold 200, they're still not happy because they can see other people in the room.


If you want to compare to a small room overflowed with 500 people, first show that you actually have 500 people trying to squeeze their way into the room.


What I think is actually happening is that because of the large number of servers, the players who would be interested in community stuff are spread quite thin. 1.5 million players if spread evenly across 150 servers is only 10,000 players per server on average, but very few of them come to the forums and fewer still will be interested in community stuff.


Odds are, it will be a handful of servers with pre-existing communities doing most of the socializing on the forums. It makes sense to start with groups, and if one particular group becomes so busy that they are drowning each other out with noise, Bioware can then step in and give them their own forum.


What you have is a solution looking for a problem that doesn't exist yet.


You misunderstood the analogy, completely


So should we also split the Heroics forum into sub-forums for every single planet? Maybe we can split the General Discussion into 50 different topics. We can have so many forums that a search box will be needed to find the forum, but at least there will only be 10 topics in there to look through.


The one who fails to understand is yourself. You have set your eyes on "one forum per server", and nothing else Bioware ever does will make you happy unless you get exactly what you want. You are the one blocking growth. You are jumping and stomping on a seed because it's not the tree you want.


Instead of kicking and screaming that you aren't getting your way, how about actually waiting to see what happens with the changes? Some have said creating new forums is "really easy" while others are saying that "they're wasting resources by doing it half-assed". Well, which is it? Is it trivially easy or is it so hard that it consumes resources?


There's nothing with this change that will prevent Bioware from expanding them into individual server forums as the need arises.


I'll I've said is to demonstrate to Bioware that individual forums are needed. Show Bioware that the group forums are too busy to accomodate multiple ones, and I'm sure you'll get them. Perhaps simply by there having been a group, there can be enough people to help create a community. To grow a sapling in a small pot before it's big enough to be planted out in the wild on its own. Or, perhaps your guesstimate is so wrong that even the server groups will not have enough players to form a community.


Instead of bring so focused on "a forum for every server" as the solution, how about more focus on the problem? What problem are you trying to solve? Are you really trying to solve the same problem Bioware is (difficult to find things related to the server), or are you trying to solve a different problem (a complete lack of anything community related on my server)?


You have said that one of the reasons that has been said there are no posts is that it is "difficult to find" the right forum. More forums are the solution to this?


Right now, there is a grand total of 187 threads in the Server Events forum for the last month. This is the volume that needs to be split into 150 forums? The entire community forum, which includes many non-server-specific threads, has 2,053 threads in a month. Divide that up between 150 servers, and you have 1 post every 2 days of volume.


Based on this, it's completely reasonable to expect that, if a forum was created for every server, most of them would be empty. Empty forums do not create a community. Personally, I don't even see enough volume on the forums yet to justify splitting them into smaller groups already, but with all the players asking for it, Bioware has given in to taking a step towards the goal of 1 forum per server.


Personally, I think it would be fantastic if there was a forum for every server with an active community, but an empty server for every forum would be embarrassing. It's a lot easier to create a bunch of forums than it is to build an active community.


This change to me looks like Bioware saying "We don't think there's enough activity to support a forum for every server, but you players do. Here's a partial change. Go ahead and prove us wrong to get the rest of it, but if we are proved right, fortunately we didn't go all the way."


All you have is a solution looking for a problem.



You are trying to debate key points that have been disputed already in ( http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=3500 )



Personally, I think it would be fantastic if there was a forum for every server with an active community, but an empty server for every forum would be embarrassing. It's a lot easier to create a bunch of forums than it is to build an active community.


So, in your mind, if there's "empty servers", it's best to just toss them into the mix of things with servers that are not empty? Instead of just identifying the shortfall and then getting rid of it? It's no secret, everyone knows there's tons of empty servers. It's already embarrassing. Infact, it's embarrassing more so that Bioware doesn't have individual server forums....since...that's a industry standard.


You'd rather have Bioware trying to cover up mistakes by hiding the facts from people....covering up empty wastes of space and possibly directing innocent new players to empty voids with no one home?


Maybe, you're just star struck and still a fanboi of Bioware's doings. In that case I'll recommend you read my previous comments on page 9 ( http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=173672&page=9 )


To each their own but I'll warn you that the more you post this nonsense the more I question your motive and employment. I'm confident you understand that.


I will also remind you that this isn't a "traffic" issue, there's nothing in the topic of discussion that originally pointed that out as a key factor. Might I once again recommend you read up on ( http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=3500 ) and pay close attention to all of the responses from Bioware RE: Server Forums. Understand that one of the key points made was that Bioware could not provide ample manpower for moderation, hence piss poor management and business development, as noted on page 9 here.


At this point, I expect you've read up on the main (Server Forums?) thread to which I've linked several times, and noted all of the responses from Bioware. Now I will ask you, what is your response to:


This is where Bioware should refund specific customers any/all associated costs they have taken-on in order to create/provide server forums.






Bioware failed at launch to provide server forums, then they expected customers to pay for their own server forums. Now they are turning back and trying to save face on a terrible decision.


All of you who have paid out-of-pocket expenses to create server forums should demand a refund (expense reimbursement).

Edited by Vandrel-Blitz
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Specific server forums would cover everything in one forum you can recruit for your guild trade and arrange events.


I personally don't care what's happening on the server that's got a close name to mine because I can't do anything there.

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We ask that you please use a [server Name] tag in front of your threads in these forums when they open to make it easy to see when you make a thread that is specifically intended for other members of your server, and to make sure everyone can see relevant threads easily.


We ask that you please provide real server forums on your official site when you implement server forums to make it easy to see when you make a thread that is specifically intended for other members of your server, and to make sure no one has to keep using a stupid workaround tag. /facepalm



P.S.: Happy browsing through pages and pages of threads useless to you because they are tagged for other servers than yours. That will surely increase the number of "bump" posts on the official forums by an order of magnitude, because now people have to compete with threads that will never be of any interest at all for someone browsing that subforum.

Edited by Mephane
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Why isn't every server getting their own forum again?


It seems stupid that you are making people preface their topics with the server name when you could completely bypass that just by categorizing all threads of a particular server into its own forum! It's not like I care what events are happening on Hedarr Soongh when all my characters are on Helm of Graush just because it is also a PVP server that begins with the letter 'H'.


Needlessly complicated.


I agree. This reminds me of Final Fantasy 14's "no auction house" manifesto. Instead, they had "market wards" which were essentially the same thing, but a helluva lot more frustrating because it just added extra hurdles between the player and the transaction. This is essentially the same approach with BW's "no server forum" manifesto: add something almost the same, but with more of the hassle than what is needed. Oh well, at least it's a step in the right direction.


Ironically, Square Enix's answer to player complaints about market wards was to add a search function to let players know if an item was an inventory in a market ward (it was still up to the player to spend hours searching for the other player's market inside the ward). Now, we have our forum search function back. =D I know the server forum thing isn't related to the forum search function, I just found this amusing. I am glad there is now a search function on the forums.


Edit: I also wanted to add that this is the first mmo I have played where I don't feel that connected to the community. Every other mmo I have played has had server forums, and using these, I was able to find like minded people more easily.


On a side note, I guess the player base could find a solution to this by utilizing off site server forums. Anybody know of any good ones?

Edited by Sideshot
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So should we also split the Heroics forum into sub-forums for every single planet? Maybe we can split the General Discussion into 50 different topics. We can have so many forums that a search box will be needed to find the forum, but at least there will only be 10 topics in there to look through.


I'm going to assume that you are simply trying to be argumentative here, and are not actually as ignorant as you are coming off. If I have to explain to you why this is not the same thing, then likely you would not understand that explanation.


Some have said creating new forums is "really easy" while others are saying that "they're wasting resources by doing it half-assed". Well, which is it? Is it trivially easy or is it so hard that it consumes resources?


Here is the hint, friend: It's BOTH!!! I don't think any of us said that it was "so hard" that it consumes resources. In the event you actually do not understand the way it works, resources are consumed whether it is easy, or hard. The point was that it would be easiER to go ahead and make each of the individual forums, than the use of those resources to group, alphabetize, and then create a smaller group that would not solve the issue, anyway.


There's nothing with this change that will prevent Bioware from expanding them into individual server forums as the need arises.


And this is what we would like to avoid. Having to go and do it all over again. Fix it now, and we don't have to keep changing. Again, I get the impression you are just trying to be argumentative.


I'll I've said is to demonstrate to Bioware that individual forums are needed. Show Bioware that the group forums are too busy to accomodate multiple ones, and I'm sure you'll get them. Perhaps simply by there having been a group, there can be enough people to help create a community. To grow a sapling in a small pot before it's big enough to be planted out in the wild on its own. Or, perhaps your guesstimate is so wrong that even the server groups will not have enough players to form a community.


We're not growing trees here, sport!! :) Did it ever occur to you that there are already enough people that are having issues that demonstrate the need for server forums, to deal with server issues?


Instead of bring so focused on "a forum for every server" as the solution, how about more focus on the problem? What problem are you trying to solve? Are you really trying to solve the same problem Bioware is (difficult to find things related to the server), or are you trying to solve a different problem (a complete lack of anything community related on my server)?


The problem is both of those things, and more. I'm not even going to get started about guild stuff and events on servers.


You have said that one of the reasons that has been said there are no posts is that it is "difficult to find" the right forum. More forums are the solution to this?


This was not my statement, but Yes. The answer is more forums, that are specific to the servers. This will assist people that are looking for groups, or events on that server, to more easily find them. This is just one example. The number of people that we have subscribed to this game, and on each server would make it more effiicient to find the info that pertained to youe specific server.


Right now, there is a grand total of 187 threads in the Server Events forum for the last month. This is the volume that needs to be split into 150 forums? The entire community forum, which includes many non-server-specific threads, has 2,053 threads in a month. Divide that up between 150 servers, and you have 1 post every 2 days of volume.


So now, I am sure you are trying to be argumentative. The General Discussion forums would remain. The Server Events forum may not be representative of the actual need, as many may have already discovered that it was futile to post in forums that at the time were lacking a basic search feature. Also, if there were localized server forums, it may encourage others to hold and post events.


Based on this, it's completely reasonable to expect that, if a forum was created for every server, most of them would be empty. Empty forums do not create a community. Personally, I don't even see enough volume on the forums yet to justify splitting them into smaller groups already, but with all the players asking for it, Bioware has given in to taking a step towards the goal of 1 forum per server.


Personally, I'm not sure that you would recognize that volume if it were on your screen, right in front of you. We did not ask for a step towards 1 forum per server. We asked for 1 forum per server. Actually, in an ideal world, we would have a server forum, and a server trade forum, but I will settle for just the server forum. ;)This must be your first real MMO Board, huh?


Personally, I think it would be fantastic if there was a forum for every server with an active community, but an empty server for every forum would be embarrassing. It's a lot easier to create a bunch of forums than it is to build an active community.


Embarrassing to who, exactly?


This change to me looks like Bioware saying "We don't think there's enough activity to support a forum for every server, but you players do. Here's a partial change. Go ahead and prove us wrong to get the rest of it, but if we are proved right, fortunately we didn't go all the way."


All you have is a solution looking for a problem.


Of course. There is no problem here. We are just making this into one. If we just quietly wait, it will all work out on it's own, won't it? I'll bet you said this same type of stuff in beta.


Again, I think you are just trying to be argumentative. If that is not the case, then you clearly choose not to understand how things work. It may be helpful to remember, that even if we have a forum for every server, YOU don't have to use them. You can stay out in the general boards, where you are happy. I'm sure they will need you, since they will be soooo deserted. :cool:

Edited by Darvus
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Man I really wish people would quit with the sucking up fanboy act. It would be simple for them to implement server only forums...it would also be nice to sign in as our character, like you can in WoW, EVE and I'd imagine many other games.


Bioware is being so stubborn for the sake of being stubborn and it's annoying. It's like they are set in their ways and refuse to admit their wrongdoings. All that VO was a complete waste of resources, and no matter how many people say it, Bioware will always tout how great the game is because of it.


I agree on all points. Signing in as our character would be a very good feature for them to add, I had not considered that, but I like it. As far as the VO stuff, that is also going to make adding content somewhat more time-intensive, but that is for another thread. LOL.

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Great! I'll be interseted to see how this goes, however I still see this being messy, clunky and unorganised at best. Definitely thrilled to see this as a step in the right direction though, finding things for my server here has been a nightmare, one I gave up on a long time ago.
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The Server Group Forums will be divided by server type (PvE, PvP, RP, and RP-PvP), and then alphabetically by the server listing. We have grouped several servers of the same types together to provide areas where players can more easily talk with others on their server (and other players on the same types of servers) – about crafting items, grouping up, hosting events, and more. Each Server Group Forum hosts several servers. If your server’s name falls in the alphabetical range in the forum title, that’s where you’ll post!


Seriously? How hard is it to give every server it's own forums. You're wasting your time. How hard is it to understand that this is NOT what the community wants. Wake up Bioware.

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I feel the forum set up was much more friendly during pregame. I would like to see a more general type of looking for guild instead of a server looking for guild. I would also like to see a plave where youtube videos are centralized. As it stands now I am not sure where to post---some times less is more. ;)
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