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Bioware's unshaken confidence is troubling


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PR presents a strong front because they're worried about getting new players.


Developers work their butt off to fix problems and they have been and seem to be continuing that trend with multiple patches every week.


Every issue I've reported has gotten a "we are aware of this issue" or "thank you for your report. it has been forwarded to the proper team" depending on if they were currently aware of the issue. I've yet to see anything remotely resembling denial.

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Well duh, of course not. WoW came out in what, 2003-4 and we're in 2012 - they had better get it right seeing the advancement in technology.


And mankind has been building structures for 1000's of years, doesn't stop problems in modern day structures that need fixes after possession either.

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Yes Bioware should be wringing their hands at the utter failure of having what is being called the Smoothest MMO launch ever and 3.2 million subscribers and growing (according to the investment firm Crowley & Associates) their glaring issues like not being able to resize your UI and not being able to run flash-points all day Via LFD is just inexcusable when will they stop swimming in their Scrooge McDuck Vault of money and realize they have failed?????




This is a bit dramatic, wouldn't you say? If you are a company who has invested your reputation and 100s of millions of dollars into this game, then yes, you should be wringing your hands over the mere possibility the game could fail going forward. The game is a resounding success right now, I just want it to stay that way.

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I do not see significant "glaring" bugs that in my mind should humble them and say, "Ooops, yeah we knew this would happen, but wanted to sneak it out. "




Then I'm sorry to say, you are either totally and blissfully ignorant or blind.

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Omg.. I grow tired of your argumentative stupidity, Obviously you did not read the entire post, so i will break it down for your simple little mind.


Wow Vs Swtor.




I simply stated. People should let alone on the bugs just a bit, No, Swtor is not perfect by any means, But Neither was Wow, or Gw, OR UO (( if anyone here ever played that)) or shadowbane.. or neverwinter... when they were released, Point is, give it time, it'll get better, However, i lost my faith in Swtor As soon as EA got on the bandwagon, for a Long-Standing history of screwing things up, I was not attacking wow specificly, So stop bunching up your panties i used it as an example as a great many people can relate to that specific MMO, As for me, I dont play wow anymore, washed my hands of that crap 8 months ago, i'm clean of that, Moving back to Eve - where i can destroy people who either dont pay attention.. or are emochildren.


Goodluck Y'all.


May the shwartz be with you :>

Edited by Yemmer
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If that was true nobody would have kept playing WoW. Guess what.


It's funny how this incredibly exaggerated statement is intended to make someone else look like a chump.


I played WoW for five years. I played it during its beta. I bought and played at midnight on launch day. It's a fun game, but it doesn't have the same appeal to me that it once did.


But to act like it didn't have any issues, or that it was some kind of "enchanting" experience (as someone else had put it), is a sign of complete and utter ignorance. Quite frankly, WoW was a horrible, horrible game back in 2004. I loved the hell out of it, but it reaked of glitches, errors, and poor game design. It suffered from server crashes. People constantly cried about poor customer support. Every other thread on the forums was clammoring about the failures that the game would inevitably bring.


This game shares some of those problems, and like the former, they will be fixed in time. Fortunately, there is noticeably less to fix in this game.


Guess what? They are both good games. One has had a chance to improve. The other is working on it.

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It's funny how this incredibly exaggerated statement is intended to make someone else look like a chump.


I played WoW for five years. I played it during its beta. I bought and played at midnight on launch day. It's a fun game, but it doesn't have the same appeal to me that it once did.


But to act like it didn't have any issues, or that it was some kind of "enchanting" experience (as someone else had put it), is a sign of complete and utter ignorance. Quite frankly, WoW was a horrible, horrible game back in 2004. I loved the hell out of it, but it reaked of glitches, errors, and poor game design. It suffered from server crashes. People constantly cried about poor customer support. Every other thread on the forums was clammoring about the failures that the game would inevitably bring.


This game shares some of those problems, and like the former, they will be fixed in time. Fortunately, there is noticeably less to fix in this game.


Guess what? They are both good games. One has had a chance to improve. The other is working on it.





THANK YOU! Point made *Applauds* Well said, --^ I agree on every bit of it.


I just miss the EvE Pvp adrenilin rush :3


And i have Zero respect for and dont trust EA

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It's funny how this incredibly exaggerated statement is intended to make someone else look like a chump.


I played WoW for five years. I played it during its beta. I bought and played at midnight on launch day. It's a fun game, but it doesn't have the same appeal to me that it once did.


But to act like it didn't have any issues, or that it was some kind of "enchanting" experience (as someone else had put it), is a sign of complete and utter ignorance. Quite frankly, WoW was a horrible, horrible game back in 2004. I loved the hell out of it, but it reaked of glitches, errors, and poor game design. It suffered from server crashes. People constantly cried about poor customer support. Every other thread on the forums was clammoring about the failures that the game would inevitably bring.


This game shares some of those problems, and like the former, they will be fixed in time. Fortunately, there is noticeably less to fix in this game.


Guess what? They are both good games. One has had a chance to improve. The other is working on it.


I'm sick of WoW too and wanted to love this game. But it's missing so many elements that WoW had back in 2004 it blows my mind. How do they expect to compete with WoW by charging $15/month when they can't even meet the standards WoW set back in 04?


WoW had a responsive UI working right out the door. It's 7 years later and SwTOR can't even get THAT right. Seriously how was this not a top priority, especially seeing as most MMOs since WoW have failed due to an unresponsive UI. It's completely inexcusable.



And even bugs aside WoW had tons more polish and depth at release than this game.

Just to name a few, WoW had mobs that wandered around and even talked to eachother as opposed to mobs that just sit there lifelessly in this game. WoW had underwater areas you could swim to, critters walking about and attacking one another, day/night cycles, music, the ability to sit and lie down, a combat log, and live mounts, ALL ON RELEASE. Bioware has cited "technical difficulties" when asked about the potential for bringing live mounts into this game.


WoW had infinitely more detailed and imaginative landscapes compared to SwTOR where every planet's ecosystem looks EXACTLY LIKE EARTH. Seriously who plays a space MMO to see oak trees? Where are the liquid nitrogen forests and electric gas clouds? Where is the alien plantlife?? Alien planets are such an opportunity to be creative and oak trees is what they came up with!? WoW's space zones were actually imaginative.



Can you name me one element of this game that's better or more innovative other than story? Because how does Bioware expect to compete with WoW when their game is inferior to WoW in nearly every facet other than story? This game needed way more development time (or just smarter development), releasing it now is an obvious money-grab quickly trying to capitalize on the unsatisfied mmo-gamer before GW2 comes out.

Edited by Taurusaud
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I don't mind criticism to the game but I get irritated with the presumption that BW or EA is crap because the issues haven't been fixed in 2 sec. That along with the automatic assumption that the companies hate their playerbase....makes no sense.


Plus when they act like this is the 1 company or set of companies in the world that will give these issues. All other MMO devs are angelic all of a sudden.


I haven't said (or even implied) any of these things. I don't think they have to fix things in 2 secs and I don't have an automatic assumption that BW hates its playbase (in fact, I'm sure they love their playerbase and the money it brings in).


What I am saying is that I love the game and I am looking for some indication that Bioware gets it regarding what needs to happen in order to maintain players. In most, but not all, press releases/interviews I have read to date, I am absolutely not convinced that they even understand the magnitude of some of the problems (you might argue that the problems aren't huge from your perspective, however player response thus far would argue otherwise). I don't work at Bioware so I can't say for sure whether they get it or not. I can only go by what is released publically, and what I've seen so far does not convince me.

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Give it time? For it to be "on par"?


Sorry i've played A LOT of MMOs and its not 2004 any longer. Its just like anything else, when i buy a product, i expect it to work.


your fooling your self or lying to us , 99% of all mmo's are the same they always launch with issues , so unless you never bought a game at launch your statement is false .

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Welcome to the Internet. Just about everyone is a narcissist when it comes to their own opinion and posts.


There is absolutely nothing narcissistic about respectfully sharing one's ideas with others. Or, are you only referring to the ideas that you don't agree with?

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I haven't said (or even implied) any of these things. I don't think they have to fix things in 2 secs and I don't have an automatic assumption that BW hates its playbase (in fact, I'm sure they love their playerbase and the money it brings in).


What I am saying is that I love the game and I am looking for some indication that Bioware gets it regarding what needs to happen in order to maintain players. In most, but not all, press releases/interviews I have read to date, I am absolutely not convinced that they even understand the magnitude of some of the problems (you might argue that the problems aren't huge from your perspective, however player response thus far would argue otherwise). I don't work at Bioware so I can't say for sure whether they get it or not. I can only go by what is released publically, and what I've seen so far does not convince me.


I wasn't targeting you specifically when I said that. Just the trolls out there. I get what you're saying but you have to understand, BW will address these issues when they can.


WoW has always had issues plaguing the game that the player base constantly complained about. The developers or the forum people they had on took awhile to respond to whatever YOUR specific issue was. There were some fixes you didn't think about that happened right away and some you were looking for that happened much later.


Either way, the game grew in population like crazy. There were always wants/needs players had and nobody knew when they would be addressed. But they nearly always were at some time. Just have to be patient.


BW has stated that they're looking into issues like frame rate, which was a big deal for quite a few people. As time goes on they'll address another issue. No other company is amazing at this. They respond when they have a response to give.

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Did anyone ever conceder the fact they don't care what you think , yes i know mom and daddy told you were special little snow flak but this company your a number , get use to it .


Maybe they do care. Why not throw a post up on a forum (you know, a place where you publically share ideas) and see if you can reach them?

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Here's the deal: I want SWTOR to survive and flourish. I really like the game overall. However, there are GLARING issues with this game (I'm not going to rehash them here...no point in repeating it) and yet Bioware seems to be blissfully (blindly?) boastful of their game. I get how PR works, blah, blah (so don't attempt to give me a lesson), but I have seen ZERO humility on Bioware's part that indicates that they have heard their customers. :( Look at Trion. Whether you like Rift or not (I found it to be rather bland myself) that is a company working its a*s off for your $15 a month. They have approached the community with humility and open ears, and it has paid off. Meanwhile, Bioware is too busy spinning the hype machine and patting itself on the back to approach the community's concerns humbly and comprehensively.


Please know that I am writing this post as a fan of the game (and Bioware) and I really want the game to succeed. In my life, I have never seen an individual or entity succeed in the long term by avoiding self-reflection and constructive criticism.....ever.


No company in their right mind does this. Have you ever once seen Microsoft apologize profously and release statements about constant bugs and security holes that need to be fixed? Has there ever been a month that there weren't 50 or so updates released for Windows and Microsoft product? The answer is NO.


It's a new game, it has bugs, they are addressing them pretty fast. Get over it.

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Here's the deal: I want SWTOR to survive and flourish. I really like the game overall. However, there are GLARING issues with this game (I'm not going to rehash them here...no point in repeating it) and yet Bioware seems to be blissfully (blindly?) boastful of their game. I get how PR works, blah, blah (so don't attempt to give me a lesson), but I have seen ZERO humility on Bioware's part that indicates that they have heard their customers. :( Look at Trion. Whether you like Rift or not (I found it to be rather bland myself) that is a company working its a*s off for your $15 a month. They have approached the community with humility and open ears, and it has paid off. Meanwhile, Bioware is too busy spinning the hype machine and patting itself on the back to approach the community's concerns humbly and comprehensively.


Please know that I am writing this post as a fan of the game (and Bioware) and I really want the game to succeed. In my life, I have never seen an individual or entity succeed in the long term by avoiding self-reflection and constructive criticism.....ever.



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I have to agree as well.


Warhammer online devs were cheering at the finish line, making videos about how much of a success WAR was all the while, the game was crashing down around them.


The same thing is happening to SWTOR. Not a very big suprise though, Bioware devs are the most blindingly arrogant people I've ever seen.


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your fooling your self or lying to us , 99% of all mmo's are the same they always launch with issues , so unless you never bought a game at launch your statement is false .


My bad. You caught me.

It IS 2004. Non working products are acceptable.

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