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Hello everyone and thank you for clicking my thread.


-Today i would like to highlight many points for my reasoning of quitting this game forever and ever.




So many reasons why this game is just another piece of poo.


Lets get started shall we?


I personally feel that world of warcraft , oh i mean star wars the old republic, is the worst game because its unrealistic.


come on guys lets be real, this game makes no sense, have you seen the movies? srsly? have you?



Today i started my first jedi character and discovered many things about them


#1 oh my gawd am i bugged?


i ran into several droids on tython and couldnt believe my eyes. As i swung my lightsaber through their torsos i couldnt fathom why they were not being cut into several pieces with one might blow.


Here is a Gif of obi and anakin slaying several droids with ease, am i bugged or what? is there a buff i need to activate for this to work? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpOQ3-SMxjg

*If bioware does not fix this sooon the entire game will collapse.


#2 Mounts.

What is this? i dont understand, am i dead or alive? Question my ability to pilot a vacuum cleaner is just insane, i shall not pay a grand total of 775k to drive these things.

here is the first mount i ever bought http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4IZjnDTKqV4/TtIh_Dv2i0I/AAAAAAAABHI/TvkS2TT0RRA/s1600/dyson.jpg as you can see the suction on this baby is around 45 sucks persecond. while my speeder continues to blow poop.


#3 Operatives need hardcore buffing.

Here is a video of a operative unable to one hit someone. This makes no sense, i remember quiet clearly that jango fet fired one poison dart at his friend and she died instantly, why on earth would dagger to the back of ur chest not insta kill you?


Bioware needs to re think their marketing style or something



supposedly is super old, yet bioware took liberty to rename him master otag, why?

George lucas needs to see this, action must be taken. I cannot stress how bad plagiarizing





*flame shield activating*

Edited by Arzhanin
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SWTOR will never be F2p, which is sad.. because that means it will die.


VERY soon. (within 2-3 months is my guess)


Did you read the whole post, or just the couple of first lines... my guess is the latter and not the former.

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SWTOR will never be F2p, which is sad.. because that means it will die.


VERY soon. (within 2-3 months is my guess)


Are you a prophet? Do you have years of experience in the field of analyzing corporate success? Neither? I'll take my chances with what I can see and read, rather than hearsay.

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i ran into several droids on tython and couldnt believe my eyes. As i swung my lightsaber through their torsos i couldnt fathom why they were not being cut into several pieces with one might blow.


Let me get this straight, you are quitting because you can't one-shot everything?






Just read purple text.

OP 1

Azz 0



Edited by Azzras
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Today i started my first jedi character and discovered many things about them


#1 oh my gawd am i bugged?


i ran into several droids on tython and couldnt believe my eyes. As i swung my lightsaber through their torsos i couldnt fathom why they were not being cut into several pieces with one might blow.


I'm also suffering from this same bug.

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oh rlly i hadnt know that, thank you. il remember this


You know.. you could do a study on how many people aren't going to read your original post.. Maybe you could sell the data and get rich.. They also might make stronger ADHD medicines for some of them.

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You know.. you could do a study on how many people aren't going to read your original post.. Maybe you could sell the data and get rich.. They also might make stronger ADHD medicines for some of them.

Oh I read his entire post, and my post wasn't a flame, but rather pointing out that he was wrong, because the stuff he posted at the beginning of his post was his own writing, and therefore, he should be pointed out for being wrong when trying to rip on someone else.

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