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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Notes on BioChem and Cybertech in Game Update 1.1


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1. All crafting should be useful to the crafter and not just a money & time sink.

2. All items made by a crafter should be at least as good if not better than what can be had from merchants or at least different enough from what's generally available that possession is desirable by players of a similar level. I.e. the best crafted things should be as good as a really good mission reward drop. Right now all the crafted items in the game pretty much suck for their level below level 30 (I haven't crafted anything over lvl 30 yet). Crafted Mods for example should be at +1 to what you can buy from a merchant.

3. Materials for crafting should not be more difficult to find than their rated rarity. I.e. common components should not be hard to find. Rare components should more difficult to find but not impossible.


just to comment on this one bit. Pre lvl 50 crafts are useful. With Artifice i craft purple enhancements, colour crystals and hilts that are much better than what you buy for commendations are MUCH better than what you get from quest reward.

However, that is not the root of the problem. What bothers ppl (and me) the most is that at lvl 50 my craft becomes obsolete. I have nothing to craft, because you get better purple enhancements/hilts from quest daily rewards. So i have no use of my craft and have to change it for smth useful and that is, for the time being, biochem and biochem only.

Sure, they promise to buff crafts. Someday. Maybe. But until then - biochem is the crafting i will reroll at lvl 50.


P.S. Oh and one more thing. Right now leveling 1->400 is so pathetically easy (especially at lvl 50 with 5 companions crafting) there is not big loss!. Sure , i will lose some nice purple schematics but ... it is not like i need them at lvl 50 and with overabundance of money in the game i do not need to seel anything already.

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Why do people blame this on PvP when it was clearly stated that both PvE and PvP have problems with the crew skills?


Because it's only really "OP" when we're talking about player vs player...who the **** cares if someone uses it in a raid to keep themselves alive?


So this is a PVP nerf brought about by PVP whining.

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Sigh... the problem wasn't that these two skills were overpowered. The problem is that every other Crafting Skill is worthless.


True. And they are worthless cause there is too much "OP" items from drops and vendors. Crafted items should be equal or even better than best droppable.


BTW what I see in this game that here is to easy to get very good items from drops or vendors (custom, fully moddable set with social 2 req. for 250-300 credits each element at social vendors, PVP vendors, commendations, w.t.f.?). It should be much harder to get custom and relic items.


Sorry for my english. I'm not english native speaker.


PS. I'm biochemist.

Edited by Elendil_PL
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Because it's only really "OP" when we're talking about player vs player...who the **** cares if someone uses it in a raid to keep themselves alive?


So this is a PVP nerf brought about by PVP whining.


You clearly havent done any serious raiding.

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You clearly havent done any serious raiding.


Not in this game. How is healing yourself successfully in SWTOR different to other games?


Explain exactly why healing yourself in SWTOR is bad in raids and makes other people jealous, like how it does in PVP.

Edited by lollie
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Not in this game. How is healing yourself successfully in SWTOR different to other games?


Explain exactly why healing yourself in SWTOR is bad in raids and makes other people jealous, like how it does in PVP.


Any serious raiding guild requires its members to bring the best possible consumables and do their best. No one likes carrying baddies because they just want purplz without actually working for it. Plus, Biochems can do more than just meds.


What do other crew skills give a raider that enhances their performance? Absolutely nothing.

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Any serious raiding guild requires its members to bring the best possible consumables and do their best. No one likes carrying baddies because they just want purplz without actually working for it. Plus, Biochems can do more than just meds.


What do other crew skills give a raider that enhances their performance? Absolutely nothing.


I agree, all they've done is widen the gap between other crew skills (which are all crappy and offer nothing) and the only remaining viable crew skill at endgame.


This is developer fail, not at all well considered, and someone ought to stop them.


But it's still a PVP nerf, as up till this nerf PVE players already were able to access the items, and had no issues using them, as it makes the whole team stronger when you heal yourself. Bad players will always be bad and underequip themselves, but at end of day you can guarantee the only people vigorously whining about it were the PVP people - they're the only ones who get all upset when people heal themselves.

Edited by lollie
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You guys are going at this the wrong way. ADRENALS are the problem! not med packs and not stims.




Either bring them down from blue to green or change the reusable one to have x charges


I know dude, I've been thinking the same thing. I'm dropping a 380 armortech to go bio not for the medpacks, I'm going for the buffs baby.

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Considering people can buy Stims and Medpac's that are near the same level as the Rakata versions, Biochem has lost all of its value. The rakata medpac is nerfed in PVP already anyway, healing for only ~4k + the added HoT. The right thing to do is to not destroy the value of a crew skill entirely. If people weren't tight asses and actually bought stims from the GTN instead of crying because they picked Armormech (which makes some great epics btw), this nonesense wouldn't be happening. This "Half HP" healing claim is totally wrong as well. There's no level 50 that has the epic stims and medpacs that can heal half their hp with a rakata pac unless they are naked fresh 50's who got carried through heroics. This makes no sense.
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I know dude, I've been thinking the same thing. I'm dropping a 380 armortech to go bio not for the medpacks, I'm going for the buffs baby.


LoL! all you guys are so funny, your all mad about the nerf but most of you are saying that you droped a professions only to to pick an other WHY??? only to give you an edge in combat and now its beeing nerfed and now your mad .... man i picked my professions to make money i will have my VIP mount at lvl 50 easy and i am happy about that, im not picking a profession and saying to myself oh look if i take this i will be better then most poeple in pvp and wont die if i face someone 1v1 cause im that leet!


and please --->Lollie<--- i know you like having advantage over other players and i know your LEET mad lolz...dont bother saying i cant write...i know that, im sure you get what im saying, english is not my main language.


K tnx bye.

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You completely misunderstand everything about this nerf. No point explaining it to you because everyone already has spelled it out good, and if you don't get it by now you never will :rolleyes:


Yours has to be the dumbest post in entire thread. Now in that sentence I'm not calling you stupid, I'm calling an action you've taken (making a post like that) stupid. The above paragraph covered the other.

Edited by lollie
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the problem was never and still isn't that these crafts are TOO GOOD. it's that EVERYTHING ELSE IS TRASH.


there is no reason to keep any other crew skills at 50, once you realize that you will always be able to mor eeasily acquire items from pvp and pve drops then you will from crafting professions.



even if biochem didn't have resuable pots, it would still be the ONLY usefull craft at endgame because the other crafts are COMPLETELY USELESS.



especially since you;ve tied them into pve progression with the key mat being a boss drop, so it doesn't even serve as a practical alternative progression route for those people who don't have time to sit in a HM FP or operation for a full session at a time.


you want to know why people drop artificing or armstech for biochem?


artificing et al= completely useless


biochem = useful


make non biochem crafts useful, and suddenly people won't be so quick to dump them for biochem.

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I understand the nerf to it's ammount healed (altho should still be more than the best store bought medpac)



I do NOT understand why you would nerf its 90s CD? It shares a CD with normal medpacs which are also 90s. Are you going to nerf those timers too? Nerfing the ammount healed AND timer would make it worse than the npc purchased packs ....

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Hey Bioware, listen, I understand if you wished to change the crafted consumables and make them on the same timer as the WZ ones. Imo, that needed doing. But any nerf to the crafted consumables is a joke.


Btw. I jsut crashed AGAIN, for about the 10th time in the last 2 days, from game. I have never had crashes like this since Sept in test. How bout you work on that instead of making me not want to play the game anymore?


*Edit And btw, if my Cybertech was usefull, ie. I could actually say sell the Bikes I made (for one) then I wouldn't have dropped it for Biochem 4 days ago. Crazy thought, how about make the other Profs better, and fix them, before completely gutting Biochem.

Edited by Vulu
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First of all I don't see the nerf yet. The message states, that Biochem was already nerfed. How? By adding a biochem requirement to all violet crafted biochem items (excluding implants)? How does that nerf biochem? I wasn't speced biochem and wasn't even going to, since I could use violets my friend crafted, but then *puff*, no moar. So I respeced pretty much like everybody else in my guild. We should rename the guild to "The Biochems". That's gonna stay as long as there's nothing useful from any other craft or the cost of blue biochem items is reduced by 90%, so that they become actually affordable for people, who choose to buy them instead of maxing the skill.




Edited by Kalantris
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I wouldn't call all crew skills trash. At level 400 armormech you can craft Rakata belts and bracers. Don't forget moddable items for the collectors. And all my lower level items seem to be selling fine as well. If anything there isn't enough people crafting stuff because the GTN always seems to be devoid of items.
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So, you reduced the heal amount on the medpacks, but you made em go from BOP to biochem 400? Did you remove infinite consumable(oxymoron isn't it?). Im not even a biochem, Ive got 400 Art, 300s Cyber, and 300s Synth. There are far bigger problems with the crafting system than Biochem/Cybertech.



3) Weapon/Armor making classes need to be revamped. All crafted gear should be orange. Orange gear should then have the option to have 1/2/3 augments on top of the mod slots. Augs/mods will likely need to be adjusted to prevent players being vastly stronger than mobs at a given level. Cooler looking armor should of course, be higher level requirement(can also increase the chance of RE success as it goes higher and is more expensive)


4) Crafting consumables should not require raid drops. Crafted consumables should come in decent sized batches. These are for use, not for rare/lucky events. In the case of biochem, raid drop requirement makes more sense in the implant line.


5) All crafting classes should have a desirable consumable that only they can craft. This item should be useful for pvp/raids. This item should be useable by others. Biochem, by its nature, should produce more variety and have more unlinked CDs on these than other crafting classes.


I agree with your points above.

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