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Will there be people to even pvp with come Jan 20th


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That was 2004, without much for frame of reference in terms of what features/functions should be in a MMO. This is 2012, Bioware had the better part of a decade to see what other developers were doing, what worked, what didn't. Using the " But-but, WoW at release was terrible!" excuse is lame. What was WoW's main competition? EQ? A long, grindy bugfest where soloing was impossible for all but maybe one class. Take a look at the market these days, Bioware has to bring a lot more to the table than it has, in order to assure longevity.


-Customizable UI: Missing

-Decent Default UI*: Missing

-Zone Events (a la Rifts/Public Quests): Missing

-Decent Graphics**: Missing

-Fun PVP***: Missing

-Functional Classes****: Missing

-Macros*****: Missing



*Voidstar's "map" overlaps the first 3 action slots on the right action bar. Chat frame partially covers the first action slot on the left action bar in it's default sizing; this is at 1680x1050


**Why am I playing WoW 2.0? I was expecting RIFT-grade graphics and what I get is WoW's with a little higher resolution on the textures


***In no way is it fun to be roflstomped by geared 50s as a lvl 32,31,21 (my current levels)


****WHY THE HELL IS EVERYTHING AN ACTIVE ABILITY...I had to go get a 13mouse button because I ran out of keybinds. This is more of a personal preference, so please don't put to much weight on this :)


*****Go look at the SWTOR Keyboard, it'll let you macro stuff; so don't go "OMG, BIOWARE DOESN'T WANT YOU TO EZ-MODE IT" I have to keep my Relics on a keybind because I can't macro a "/cast Relic #1/#2 /cast Ability".






Its funny to see all the comparisons between this launch and wow launch regarding PVP. My vanilla wow PVP experience was before BGs existed (yes there were no BGs at launch). Early Enhance shamans with a 2H that ran around 1 shotting everyone with windfury (auto attack) regardless of class or spec every 45 secs on so. The launch ambush rogues could stunlock you to death on your mount and kill you before unmounting you. POM Pyro Fire mages 1 shot you every couple minutes. Hunters could 1 or 2 shot people from range all day and Locks chain feared with no DR. Nothing in this game is as broken as WoW launch pvp was but yet it was hella fun and no there was no where near as much qq on the forums as there is about SWTOR balance.


Dude, I loved WF procs off WF :D

Edited by Illutian
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Nah. People weren't mass spamming "IMA QUIT IF THEY DON'T ADD DIS 'N DAT" after just a few days when Aion launched. I know, I was in the betas and I bought it at launch and loved it. People left Aion after a few months because they realized just how ridiculous the grind was.


People weren't mass spamming "IMA QUIT IF THEY DON'T ADD DIS 'N DAT" after just a few days when WAR launched. I know, I bought it at launch and loved it. People left WAR after a few months becuase there was no new content forthcoming, and because Mythic was extremely slow to react to obvious problems (Bright Wizard AOE spam, etc...)


People have been mass spamming "IMA QUIT IF THEY DON'T ADD DIS 'N DAT" or, even funnier, "I ALREADY UNSUBBED AND SO DID ALL 2,000 OF MY GUILDIES!!!" within 3 bloody days of SWTOR's launch. I'm really sorry, but that makes the adult in me laugh at their l'il kiddy tantrums. They expected to waltz in here from WoW and have this be WoW-with-Lightsabers.


Sorry. no.


False, SWTOR is different. The amount of ads by EA were insane, the hype was off the charts. Star Wars Fanatics were praising the game pre-release. Myriads of people and articles were stating how this game might (and some said it would ) dethrone WoW. there was nowhere NEAR this much talk about Rift or Aion (the two that launched while I was playing WoW). Suchs reaction is expected when EA and fans raise a game to such high expectations, only to release a game in such a sorry state...

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-Customizable UI: Missing

-Decent Default UI*: Missing

-Zone Events (a la Rifts/Public Quests): Missing

-Decent Graphics**: Missing

-Fun PVP***: Missing

-Functional Classes****: Missing

-Macros*****: Missing



*Voidstar's "map" overlaps the first 3 action slots on the right action bar. Chat frame partially covers the first action slot on the left action bar in it's default sizing; this is at 1680x1050


When I come to the forums I always find something that bothers me too, I hate how the chat frame will interfere with the upper left action bar, I was originall just sticking stuff up there that I would click, but moved stuff around and now those are keybound items.

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Yes! And it will be glorious! All the kids and broke people that are too lazy to shovel snow for their $15/month sub will be gone. All of the entitlement brats that didn't get insta-roll rawr wafflestomp toons and went crying back to WoW before making it past level 25 will be gone. The now bored power-levelers that just raced to 50 and farmed lowbies in the WZs with premade 50 crews to gear up will be taking off too. Oh happy day!


Trust me my friend. The quality of the PvP playing community will go through the roof with all of those baddies gone. I am giddy with anticipation at the loss of those QQing carebears.


In the meantime, here's a screenie of some OPvP action on Belsavis. Should fire you up in anticipation for some good times:



Good riddance quitters! Woohoo!

Edited by DarthOvertone
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Eve-online will outlive WoW and are about to implement a console FPS to be tied in with the MMO. This will set records when Dust comes live and is introduced to the Eve universe. PC MMO and console FPS linked together = win.....


Can I get some of that crack you're smoking?

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Only time will tell. Most games live or die by the first 3 months. WoW, during and after the first 3 months, really took off. And it's still here and still king of the hill. Meanwhile AoC took a nose dive at the end of second month and never recovered and is now a F2P cesspool.


Personally I feel SWTOR surpassed my expectations. But they were pretty low to begin with. PvP indeed was an afterthought, but it's not exactly unexpected in a game based around PvE mostly-single-player story.


Nice post. But the PvP here is uber bad, faction balance is worse. If this were any other IP I'd agree the game would become AoC, but it is Star Wars. It will have legs no matter how bad the product is.


I yes, I'm not renewing.

Edited by KrackenOne
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Will probably lose the "" Hardcore "" Raiders and PvP'ers....


Like it or not the meat of this MMO is making alts and going through each unique class story..... Some will like it some won't....


Right now the biggest issue with PvP is the PvP Armor but when they put in the next patch with the lvl 50 bracket that should take care of that... 10-49 should be fun again pvp'ing...

and 50's don't have to worry about getting stuck on a team with a bunch of 10-49's and getting destroyed... The other issue is CC spamming, it's really out of control and they need to do something to fix it... CC should be strategically used not spammed.... If it's not fixed PvP will crash and burn like it did on Warhammer Online...


Raiding is kind of a joke atm, if you rolled a tank your screwed since you only need 1 tank to do the Operations and only 2 healers max, so unless you rolled a DPS your not really wanted... most of this can be blamed on the enrage timers which requires lots of DPS, so if your new roll a Sniper or DPS Inquisitor if you want to get invited to Operations... Oh and only do Biochem for your crafting profession, otherwise guilds won't accept you.....

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-Customizable UI: Missing

-Decent Default UI*: Missing

-Zone Events (a la Rifts/Public Quests): Missing

-Decent Graphics**: Missing

-Fun PVP***: Missing

-Functional Classes****: Missing

-Macros*****: Missing



*Voidstar's "map" overlaps the first 3 action slots on the right action bar. Chat frame partially covers the first action slot on the left action bar in it's default sizing; this is at 1680x1050


**Why am I playing WoW 2.0? I was expecting RIFT-grade graphics and what I get is WoW's with a little higher resolution on the textures


***In no way is it fun to be roflstomped by geared 50s as a lvl 32,31,21 (my current levels)


****WHY THE HELL IS EVERYTHING AN ACTIVE ABILITY...I had to go get a 13mouse button because I ran out of keybinds. This is more of a personal preference, so please don't put to much weight on this :)


*****Go look at the SWTOR Keyboard, it'll let you macro stuff; so don't go "OMG, BIOWARE DOESN'T WANT YOU TO EZ-MODE IT" I have to keep my Relics on a keybind because I can't macro a "/cast Relic #1/#2 /cast Ability".


This sums up 80% of the complaints I have with pvp atm. although... you -do- know the shift+key/ctrl+key works right?

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You realize this game is a transparent wow clone, but even more casual?


Yes, I do; I also realize the developers pointedly chose to forego some of WoW's...erm..."selling points", like cross-server anything and rated this 'n 'that at launch. Gameplay; same. So-called features; not the same.

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False, SWTOR is different. The amount of ads by EA were insane, the hype was off the charts. Star Wars Fanatics were praising the game pre-release. Myriads of people and articles were stating how this game might (and some said it would ) dethrone WoW. there was nowhere NEAR this much talk about Rift or Aion (the two that launched while I was playing WoW). Suchs reaction is expected when EA and fans raise a game to such high expectations, only to release a game in such a sorry state...


How odd then that this "sorry" game is doing so incredibly well. Go figure. Oh and please don't try to sell me on how "poorly" it's doing because of some anecdotal pablum you dream up.

Edited by Zaskaszh
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Wrong. Eve-Online is king of the hill as being the longest most successful MMO to date. 2003 and still going. Impressive...


Uhh..you DO realize that Everquest AND Ultima Online are still going right? Everquest just had it's like...17th expansion or some****. It's absurd.

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I would estimate half of my server have already left.


Yeah I just relogged and looked down the server list and the biggest load on a server I saw was Heavy...this is not a good sign :(


Especially for a weekend.

Edited by oblongship
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I don't even know if I will make it past the 20th at this rate...the WZ's are a joke...the favoritism to the imps is beyond unforgivable and the bugs just ruin all the pvp experience.


Like just now I was in a hutt ball..got the ball ran across the touchdown line....nothing...walked back on it...nothing...kept crossing it for 20 seconds...team mates came by passed to them...nothing WE LITERALLY COULDN'T SCORE but man look at this a imp got the ball scored immediately.

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All I see is quit threads on here, then I log onto the game and see people saying they have unsubbed and are just waiting their time out till the 20th.


All due to pvp and how bad it is.


I would think some major patches would be due within the first month to retain those players or at least some of them.


I am thinking WZ queue times are going to sky rocket come Jan 21st.


A.) It's the forums. The forums..welll now a days, is a place to release anger. IT is a place to show how impatient one is and how overly high some expertations were. Believe me a nice amount of the quiters will return to rinse, repeat.


B.) A nice amount went right to the "bad guys" to shoot lightning, and pwn n00bs. I'd say in a month the Republic will begin to evenly match the Empire in pvp. And besides...month #1.

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I unsubbed just to communicate BW that what I want from TOR is PvP. Once patch 1.1 hits, I am going to pay for next 3 months, because it solves most of my issues with the pvp. I do hope that BW implements the rated play in next 3 months however. The sooner the better :)



Ya this is what i did also, unsubbing and taking the time to communicate why you unsubbed when given the oppurtunity goes alot further than crying like a little ***** on the forums imo. I unsubbed after some time had gone by and there was a lack of communications from Bioware to the community as to what they were doing, nothing seemed to be going on so i unsubbeed. Since then i have been pleased to see better patch notes, alot of changes for the better with the upcomming 1.1, so i will be resubbing for the time being anyway likely until D2 comes out anyway :p I know the 2 games are much different but i think ill have alot more fun playing with my old D2 crew than i will playing any MMO :p

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If patch 1.1 on Jan 17 includes 50 brackets, which it should, then queues are going to go down. Most people aren't pvping right now because they're tired of 50 premades stomping them. Come the patch, everyone below 49 is going to realize that pvp can be fun when you can actually take two steps without a smuggler instagibbing you out of a stealth stun.
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