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Will there be people to even pvp with come Jan 20th


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People still play "The Realm" I guess that makes it the best MMO and longest living to date.


Even if half the kids on here won't even know what that is.


I didn't play The Realm.. I had to look that up to find out what it was, but I did play Legends of Kesmai. I was playing that when I learned about the beta for Ultima Online... ahhh memories.

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One of the issues is they're not pushing out 'true' patches fast enough.


Right now the 'hotfixes' seem to mostly address exploits.


I've looked at the coming patch (1.1) and some of the stuff could be released early.


Patch 1.1: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1276185


If you actually read the notes you'll see that most has a "past tense" word; meaning the fix is secured and could be deployed immediately. The only issue would be implementing the new code into "Live Code".



The point is to show "we hear you and are working towards fixing the issues; here's what we got so far.". Instead they're sitting on the finished fixes and waiting till the rest are ironed out; all while people are becoming irritated and leaving. Now those leaving may come back at a later date, but with so many MMOs out you really can't afford to "let them go"; they'll find other MMOs and may decide to stick with that one.

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Longest? No.


Most successful? No.


Impressive it's still going, sure.


I will give you longest considering UO and EQ2 are still around. But their numbers blow wow's out of the water. Last time i was in jita there were about 2.5 k people just there.

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I didn't play The Realm.. I had to look that up to find out what it was, but I did play Legends of Kesmai. I was playing that when I learned about the beta for Ultima Online... ahhh memories.


I played LoK and Magestorm.


Back on the gamestorm website lol.


that's how I got into UO - when they bought out gamestorm and sent all their subscribers a free copy of t2a.

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One of the issues is they're not pushing out 'true' patches fast enough.


Right now the 'hotfixes' seem to mostly address exploits.


I've looked at the coming patch (1.1) and some of the stuff could be released early.


Patch 1.1: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1276185


If you actually read the notes you'll see that most has a "past tense" word; meaning the fix is secured and could be deployed immediately. The only issue would be implementing the new code into "Live Code".



The point is to show "we hear you and are working towards fixing the issues; here's what we got so far.". Instead they're sitting on the finished fixes and waiting till the rest are ironed out; all while people are becoming irritated and leaving. Now those leaving may come back at a later date, but with so many MMOs out you really can't afford to "let them go"; they'll find other MMOs and may decide to stick with that one.


Overanalyzation at it's finest.

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Wrong. Eve-Online is king of the hill as being the longest most successful MMO to date. 2003 and still going. Impressive...


Define "King of the Hill" for us.


More Money = WoW

More Popularity = WoW

More subscriptions = WoW

Esports = WoW



Eve-Online = ?????

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Of course there will be. The fun parts of PvP are very fun, it could just be much, much better if BW improved the terrible parts. Most people who quit a game just quit, they don't announce it to the world, that's just Drama.
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Seems like there is going to be a mass exodus on the 20th. I'm a die hard Star Wars fan and have eagerly waited for this game since 2008...and even I might not subscribe once my free time is up.


1. Too easy to reach max level. Granted, I had more free time to play than my "usual" MMO time, but I still think it was far too easy to reach 50.


2. PvP is borked. Forget about the L50 bracket, that's not going to solve the problem. It's only going to make queue times longer.


3. I picked a tank class and wouldn't you know it, defense is screwed up in PvP so I'm about 1/2 the tank I should be.


4. Tokens and random bag loot for PvP gear? Seriously?


Dunno...tough call. I might come back in a few months and see if they've fixed things.

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Overanalyzation at it's finest.


So, it's over analyzing to see a few things in this coming mega patch that could go a long way to showing 'progress' in the game's development "After Launch".



PVP's broken


and for JK's part of our story is broken (Kira's affection convos).


So, what's left to do in game; sit in Fleet? :rolleyes:

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Define "King of the Hill" for us.


More Money = WoW

More Popularity = WoW

More subscriptions = WoW

Esports = WoW



Eve-Online = ?????


Laughing stock of Esports = WoW.



Come now, lets stop pretending that arena is taken seriously as an e-sport. It's a joke.

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I didn't play The Realm.. I had to look that up to find out what it was, but I did play Legends of Kesmai. I was playing that when I learned about the beta for Ultima Online... ahhh memories.


Neverwinter Nights on AOL costing $2.95 an hour. That's dedication to a game. Granted MMO at the time meant about 2000 people in an 8-bit game.

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Ok, here's the golden rule; the vast majority of the time, when people post on the forums that they're quitting because of X, Y or Z...they're not quitting. Really. I'm serious. They're just doing the Internet equivalent of wailing and rolling around in the aisle at Toys'R'Us to get mommy to buy them that new Tickle Me Elmo plushy. They want Bioware to give them what they want, and they're screaming for attention. Simple enough.


Despite all the crap you see on these forums, I get nonstop warzone pops when I play. The damn things pop so fast that I get one before I'm even finished loading after leaving the last one! So really...I dunno what timezone you're in, but I'm Eastern Standard, and almost 3/4 of the servers are either Heavy load or Very Heavy (with a few Fulls) at night.


Don't worry about these loudmouths.


You are correct sir. Well stated.


When I quit Wow due to finally having enough of the nerf merry-go-round I didnt make any dire announcements, I just did it and didnt look back.

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Or PvPers who have an actual life and work full-time perhaps? Ever thing of this one smart guy? Not everyone can play 24-7....


So you having an actual (what you call a life... Or society calls a life) affects your skill level in a video game? Nah either you're bad with ambition to get better, or bad and a carebear (90% of most servers) then you have the people who are amazing at the game. Thats what MMOS are down to. Since wow decieded to give everyone everything they wanted. Now all we have is WOW Carebears and kill everything pks.

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Ok, here's the golden rule; the vast majority of the time, when people post on the forums that they're quitting because of X, Y or Z...they're not quitting. Really. I'm serious. They're just doing the Internet equivalent of wailing and rolling around in the aisle at Toys'R'Us to get mommy to buy them that new Tickle Me Elmo plushy. They want Bioware to give them what they want, and they're screaming for attention. Simple enough.


Despite all the crap you see on these forums, I get nonstop warzone pops when I play. The damn things pop so fast that I get one before I'm even finished loading after leaving the last one! So really...I dunno what timezone you're in, but I'm Eastern Standard, and almost 3/4 of the servers are either Heavy load or Very Heavy (with a few Fulls) at night.


Don't worry about these loudmouths.


They said the same thing about Aion, Warhammer and Rift....They'll say the same for SWTOR :(

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They said the same thing about Aion, Warhammer and Rift....They'll say the same for SWTOR :(


Nah. People weren't mass spamming "IMA QUIT IF THEY DON'T ADD DIS 'N DAT" after just a few days when Aion launched. I know, I was in the betas and I bought it at launch and loved it. People left Aion after a few months because they realized just how ridiculous the grind was.


People weren't mass spamming "IMA QUIT IF THEY DON'T ADD DIS 'N DAT" after just a few days when WAR launched. I know, I bought it at launch and loved it. People left WAR after a few months becuase there was no new content forthcoming, and because Mythic was extremely slow to react to obvious problems (Bright Wizard AOE spam, etc...)


People have been mass spamming "IMA QUIT IF THEY DON'T ADD DIS 'N DAT" or, even funnier, "I ALREADY UNSUBBED AND SO DID ALL 2,000 OF MY GUILDIES!!!" within 3 bloody days of SWTOR's launch. I'm really sorry, but that makes the adult in me laugh at their l'il kiddy tantrums. They expected to waltz in here from WoW and have this be WoW-with-Lightsabers.


Sorry. no.

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Please leave the game carebear Ive ran into plenty of tanks that hand my *** to me... Trying this new thing called NOT BEING BAD.


To defend your quotee.


Tanking is pretty F-ed up in this game. This is the first game where tanking actually required you to spend MOST of your points NOT in the tank tree (Guardians*). I was dying a lot going full Defense Tree in both PVP and PVE, but after a little research it seems I should be going most Vigilance with just enough in Defense to get Shield Spec**



*My Vanguard and Shadow aren't up and running yet; so can't comment on those trees


So far with that build I'm doing quite nicely; and getting better as I level (atm lvl 31) in terms of Threat and Survivability.




...do miss my Zealous Leap though :(



People have been mass spamming "IMA QUIT IF THEY DON'T ADD DIS 'N DAT" or, even funnier, "I ALREADY UNSUBBED AND SO DID ALL 2,000 OF MY GUILDIES!!!" within 3 bloody days of SWTOR's launch. I'm really sorry, but that makes the adult in me laugh at their l'il kiddy tantrums. They expected to waltz in here from WoW and have this be WoW-with-Lightsabers.


Sorry. no.


How is this not World of Warcraft with Star Wars Theme enabled :confused:


Wait, you're right I haven't been asked to pick through poo :p

Edited by Illutian
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I'm quitting within the first 3 weeks of a MMOs release because it isn't done yet.


Lol when will people learn? MMOs are NEVER finished upon release. WoW was in much worse shape than SWTOR when it was released. /shrug


That was 2004, without much for frame of reference in terms of what features/functions should be in a MMO. This is 2012, Bioware had the better part of a decade to see what other developers were doing, what worked, what didn't. Using the " But-but, WoW at release was terrible!" excuse is lame. What was WoW's main competition? EQ? A long, grindy bugfest where soloing was impossible for all but maybe one class. Take a look at the market these days, Bioware has to bring a lot more to the table than it has, in order to assure longevity.

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Its funny to see all the comparisons between this launch and wow launch regarding PVP. My vanilla wow PVP experience was before BGs existed (yes there were no BGs at launch). Early Enhance shamans with a 2H that ran around 1 shotting everyone with windfury (auto attack) regardless of class or spec every 45 secs on so. The launch ambush rogues could stunlock you to death on your mount and kill you before unmounting you. POM Pyro Fire mages 1 shot you every couple minutes. Hunters could 1 or 2 shot people from range all day and Locks chain feared with no DR. Nothing in this game is as broken as WoW launch pvp was but yet it was hella fun and no there was no where near as much qq on the forums as there is about SWTOR balance.
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Swtor dropped 28 places in the second week in the sales chart for uk - u.s just fyi


wow was number 1 for years



ps well maybe not years but certainly for many months esp if you add the expansions as well

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I'm really sorry, but that makes the adult in me laugh at their l'il kiddy tantrums. They expected to waltz in here from WoW and have this be WoW-with-Lightsabers.


Sorry. no.


You realize this game is a transparent wow clone, but even more casual?

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I unsubbed just to communicate BW that what I want from TOR is PvP. Once patch 1.1 hits, I am going to pay for next 3 months, because it solves most of my issues with the pvp. I do hope that BW implements the rated play in next 3 months however. The sooner the better :)
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