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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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Updated 02/01/2012


Starting this thread up to help keep track of things BioWare has announced that will be added, fixed or changed with SWTOR in the future. As people add to the list, I will update the main post. This list should help address some of the issues I've been seeing people post about.


1. The UI will be customizable in a near patch. - (need reference, read that last week)

2. BioWares goal is to add over 500 new planets to the game by 2025. - James Ohlen, SDCC Day 1 Presentation

3. A new planet, Kaon, will be released next patch. - James Ohlen, Gamespy interview 01/12/12 -In game

4. Another new planet, Denova, will come in March. - James Ohlen, Gamespy interview 01/12/12

5. A new warzone is coming in March. - James Ohlen, Gamespy interview 01/12/12

6. A new Flashpoint is coming next week. - James Ohlen, Gamespy interview 01/12/12 -In game

7. Another Flashpoint is coming in March. - James Ohlen, Gamespy interview 01/12/12

8. A new Operation is coming in March. - James Ohlen, Gamespy interview 01/12/12

9. The Legacy system will be live in March. We know, "Legacy levels unlock abilities and perks, they allow you to use bind on legacy items. It also allows you to customize your level of experience." - James Ohlen, Gamespy interview 01/12/12

10. Bioware will be adding weekly patches to the game. - James Ohlen, Gamespy interview 01/12/12

11. PvP lag is being worked on now. - James Ohlen, Gamespy interview 01/12/12

12. The Galactic Trade Network is being worked on now and will be updated in a weekly patch (unspecified as to when). - James Ohlen, Gamespy interview 01/12/12


Jan 14th 2012 Update

The ability for players to review their personal combat data will be added to the game soon. (Combat log) This is a very high priority. - Georg Zoeller, TorWars Interview

Level 50 PvP Warzone Brackets next week.

The mod system is being changed so that mods can be removed from raid gear but will be restricted by armor slot (chest, wrists, hands, etc). They will also transfer set bonuses. The same will hold true with PVP gear. (check the dev tracker)

The match-to-chest option will be returning in an alternative way, but no time frame has been provided. (community blog)

All Partially moddable purple Items will be made fully moddable again, allowing the removal of the armoring, hilt and barrel. - Emmanuel Lusinchi, TOROZ iPhone app. Interview Jan 11, 2012.

The set bonus of end gear purples (PVP and PVE) will be transferable to custom items - Emmanuel Lusinchi, TOROZ iPhone app. Interview Jan 11, 2012.

Some item modifications will be restricted to a certain item type. For example, some item modifications will only fit on helmets, while others will only fit on chest, etc - Emmanuel Lusinchi, TOROZ iPhone app. Interview Jan 11, 2012.



Post more and I will add them. Please list where you read / heard the information from if you can.

Edited by Razyr
Updated listing Jan 14th 2012
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This would be a really good thread if you continue to update it in the future. Make the layout more eye-pleasing, put out the effort to keep it clean and updated, and you could have yourself a sticky.


edit: It seems user-made threads no longer get stickied, so never mind.

Edited by Kamikaze
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Also, they are going to allow picking which Warzone you wish to queue for in the future.


I don't know how I feel about that. It will be nice not having to play huttball 24/7 (as an Imperial), but I bet queue times will drastically increase.

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they are giving a small buff to sith warriors soon. too lazy to find out exactly where, check dev tracker. Something to do with their mobility and being-kited issues, and also some quality-of-life stuff to do with their complex rotations
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Also, people need to chill the frack out. Bioware hasn't been developing this game for half a decade just to bet it all on a first-month "make or break". They most definitely have a detailed plan for easily 5 years into the future (and most of that plan will succeed, because it's a matter of programming and design and not about "sales luck").


Some uncertainties always exist, but you can't revolve your plans around uncertainty. You need to know the risk and then take it. Bioware isn't even close to making the game any "less popular", let alone flop.


This IS the next big MMO, but we won't see it as players until maybe 1-2 years from now. I do see it myself, though, but that's because I'm not just a player. I've researched games for 2 decades and I know what will succeed or not. It's not that hard to know, but it takes experience and understanding that it's quantity and variety that ensures most sales, not the quality of individual, isolated game features.

Edited by Zoroth
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It's sad that you're trying to do something that Bioware should be doing themselves. If they just came out and said "We have a timeline for fixing the AH, implementing macroes, combat logs, customizable UI etc etc" it would make a world of difference.


They claim to have the familiar hallmarks of the mmo genre but I believe otherwise.

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1. The UI will be customizable in a near patch. - (need reference, read that last week)


God I hope so. And PLEASE, for the love of all that is holy-- implement the ability to mouse-over heal. I seriously feel like a cave man healing like this.

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That's great news.


Anything on the modification system or an appearance tab. I'm getting a bit burned out avoiding the level 50 grind for my gear because I hate how it looks.


The mod system is being changed so that mods can be removed from raid gear but will be restricted by armor slot (chest, wrists, hands, etc). They will also transfer set bonuses. The same will hold true with PVP gear. (check the dev tracker)


The match-to-chest option will be returning in an alternative way, but no time frame has been provided. (community blog)

Edited by VicSkimmr
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For sake of clarity, I suggest rewording the points about adding new planets, because it doesn't necessarily mean a new fully-explorable planet with new missions, etc. In the case of Kaon, for example, we only go to that planet for the Flashpoint.
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