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I've figured out why i'm not enjoying the game


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the 20 min journey from freeport to permafrost lol.


Freeport - West Commonlands - East Commonlands - Kithicor (wait for nighttime, or run the wall or die) - High Hold Pass - West Karana - North Narana - East Karana - Qeynos Hills - Blackburrow - Everfrost - Permafrost


If you were running. But, if you're doing Vox, you probably have Wizards and Druids.


So Freeport - West Commons (Druid Port)/East Commons(Wizard Port) - North Karana etc.


45-60 mins if you were running, 20 mins if you had ports and knew what you were on about.

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Freeport - West Commonlands - East Commonlands - Kithicor (wait for nighttime, or run the wall or die) - High Hold Pass - West Karana - North Narana - East Karana - Qeynos Hills - Blackburrow - Everfrost - Permafrost


If you were running. But, if you're doing Vox, you probably have Wizards and Druids.


So Freeport - West Commons (Druid Port)/East Commons(Wizard Port) - North Karana etc.


45-60 mins if you were running, 20 mins if you had ports and knew what you were on about.


Hell ya you made those wizards and druids play taxi. The do the karanas river bank bug to warp you closer to QH.

Edited by Alash
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I think the answer would simply be more speeder ports. We already have a ton of mobile medical droids in the middle of nowhere...it seems odd that they're out there...and no idea how they got there in the first place... drop ship?


If a ship can drop a med droid and a kolto tank, then why can't they drop a speeder ?!


even if it wasn't a drop ship, then the only other way they got out there is via...you guessed it...a speeder!


lol. being a bit silly, but the point remains. we can use med droid spots as speeder points. and since you still have to discover them, there's still initial exploration and wonder.


Personally, I love a new planet. but in all honesty, by the time i get the bonus mission series, I'm really worn out. having extra speeders in remote areas would help a ton. Heck...add a few shuttle points as well....and some extra fleet drop ships too. None of this stuff would ruin the immersion, nor the wonder. and people who still wanted to run around could do it.

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I actually waste more time exploring than anything else. Something about "there might be datacron over here" or "I wonder if i can get up there"


I am annoyed how easily i get stuck often times though. Once got stuck between a bench and a statue, not 6 inches of the ground....



I refuse to look up where the datacrons are until i atleast get one character to 50 and have explored myself first.

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Freeport - West Commonlands - East Commonlands - Kithicor (wait for nighttime, or run the wall or die) - High Hold Pass - West Karana - North Narana - East Karana - Qeynos Hills - Blackburrow - Everfrost - Permafrost


If you were running. But, if you're doing Vox, you probably have Wizards and Druids.


So Freeport - West Commons (Druid Port)/East Commons(Wizard Port) - North Karana etc.


45-60 mins if you were running, 20 mins if you had ports and knew what you were on about.



Just think about everything you'd see along the way in EQ, though. Consider the different paths you could take, and what you might have to deal with, how varied and unpredictable it was.


..and compare that to what you see, running across zones in TOR.

Edited by Vihazur
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I've been trying to figure out why such an originally addicting and fun game became a chore for me to play. It's the running.


I know, I should totally be able to be instantly transported to every place I need to go. I mean, why would I chose to play a game like a role playing game that has me going all over the world or worlds and actually have TO DO IT?




Gawd...seriously people. You are playing a role playing game where you are ROLE PLAYING a person acting out a STORY that covers vast distances...


What you are doing is no different than starting up a racing game and then complaining about having to drive the track to the finish line...I mean, WHY do you have to do that to reach your goal? Whats the point...thats grinding to a prize.

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I've been trying to figure out why such an originally addicting and fun game became a chore for me to play. It's the running.


Non-stop. Every time i do a sidequests, i have to run across a barren maze which is out of the way of my main objective to complete it. THEN, i have to run back. And then i get a new phase in which i have to run to another competley out of the way and on-the-other-side-of-the-map place.


I have just realized now that when i log out, it's right after i get a side quest. I look at my map, and just like the previous 2 quests that i spent my last hour on, it is located at an unmapped zone that requires a non-exaggerated 10 minutes of running.


When i had the audacity to skip these time-sinks, i was severely under levelled for a story boss. It's just a waste of time. If you're going to force these repetitive side-quests and teeth-grindingly long runs that take you through nowhere land, at least put them on the road to your main objective, or put the objective marks somewhat close to eachother! Not on the other side of the map!


INB4: "This is what MMOs are about noob"; "The environments are amazing brah, why not run for 20 minutes on end?"; "Start grinding *****"


The reasons you don't like the game are why I enjoy it. Go play something you dont have to explore. I don't get it, why do you poeple play a game that was designed to be a story driven, exploration game and then complain about the stories and the exploration? I like to participate in the stories and I like to explore, its how I want to spend my time so I found a game that provides that, why are you even here to begin with?

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Since SWTOR is new I can only believe that faster hover bikes will be available in future content. Cant tell me there is no running is most MMOs and then at a determined level mounts become available which eventually leads to better and better mounts.


BW did a great job not creating numerous bottlenecks or mob choke points that make traveling from one point to another extremely annoying. So yes there is allot of running but its far from a deal breaker. Getting sprint at 14 is reasonable since it happens fairly quickly and you can continue to sprint.


No MMO is for everyone and there is small number of players that prefer to rush through everything.

Edited by AlphaBraddox
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The reasons you don't like the game are why I enjoy it. Go play something you dont have to explore. I don't get it, why do you poeple play a game that was designed to be a story driven, exploration game and then complain about the stories and the exploration? I like to participate in the stories and I like to explore, its how I want to spend my time so I found a game that provides that, why are you even here to begin with?


I love this explore crap. Did you like all teh corridors on Nar Shaddar? Or all the fields on Balmorra? Whatabout the godawful coruscant or the deathly dull hoth?


Exploring is not a part of this game.


Now, Rift - thats a game that understands exploration.

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The amount of travel downtime is ridiculous. Especially the airlocks BS with planets that have space stations. I hit Corellia and stopped playing for a week. Terrible traveling there. I felt a duty not the desire to finish my class quest after 4 days played.



The complete lack of alternative leveling options killed my desire for alts. Having done nearly all the quests each planet the class quests are not seeming worth it. I'm not about to do that again soon.


I got my money's worth from the box sale. BW can have $15 one month at a time after they modernize their game.

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I solved the problem quite nicely. Unfortunately it did not make the game anymore fun. I never leave the Fleet. PVP and FPs all the way.


Call me a troll. Try it yourself and decide if you like never having to run across a planet or watch grass magically grow 10 feet from you. Or hear the same cutscene dialog for the 4th time. I dare ya ^^

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Explore argument is weaksauce. Every world is static and stagnant. After you explore each world which you do if you're doing sidequests. You're now done with exploration in one single play through. Your choices have zero world impact. At least in WoW I can complete certain quests (nearly zero but they are there) that change the game (phasing). After Balmorra, I save the planet then walk outside to NOTHING different.
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OP is right on some points. There are some very long runs\rides to far reaches only to double back to the opposite side of the map, AND THEN double back again.


I like this game and continue to play. Just saying that even as a fanboi, the OP has a good point.



On the other hand, I don't pick up every possible mission.


I saw the OP's poing on being underleveled for the class mission if he skips, but thats going the extreme. It's not hard to lvl up and still not do every mission.

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Explore argument is weaksauce. Every world is static and stagnant. After you explore each world which you do if you're doing sidequests. You're now done with exploration in one single play through. Your choices have zero world impact. At least in WoW I can complete certain quests (nearly zero but they are there) that change the game (phasing). After Balmorra, I save the planet then walk outside to NOTHING different.


Um, exploring in WoW consists of a lvl 85 char on a flying mount flying a grid back and forth over the zone while eating a taco.


I much prefer to explore here and gather some datacrons.

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Um, exploring in WoW consists of a lvl 85 char on a flying mount flying a grid back and forth over the zone while eating a taco.


I much prefer to explore here and gather some datacrons.


LOL - you do that too?! :D


I'd say exploration in SWTOR is similar to RIFT - there is a purpose to exploration.

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Enjoy the running while it lasts. People QQ'd about the running in WoW, so what did they do? They released flying mounts, which put a nail in the coffin for ANY sense of a large world, and any sense of exploration. People talk about how too large all the areas are now, just wait, if the game lasts long enough, if they ever release flying vehicles it will be "omg I can just traverse this area in 10 seconds get your stuff together Bioware cmon."
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