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I've figured out why i'm not enjoying the game


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I really dont have this problem at all. I get all my quests, i go "oooh, look at that, this one is next to that one is next that one" etc. etc. i take a squiz and figure out what order im going to do them in, i do them all and then i come to town *once* and turn them all in and level up.


My problem with the game is how linear it all feels. Let me show you how they all work:


Step 1: class quests sends you next area of planet/new planet

Step 2: collect all quests for new area

Step 3: do quests in new area

Step 4: come back to town and turn in all quests


Wash, rinse, REPEAT :((((


Its so freaking monotonous. Especially coruscant where new areas are literally seperated from the other areas making it feel sooooo linear and boring.


And then, to make it even worse, bioware rinse out maps too. Like how every single spaceport is exactly the same but with different furniture. Even the vendors are in the same spot. I literally feel like i havent changed planets at all.

And probably the biggest disappointment was how the fleets are exactly the same. When i saw the imp fleet i like "that is so cool, omg i wonder what the rep fleet will look like!". So you can imagine my disappointment when it was EXACTLY THE SAME IN EVERY WAY.


And unfortunately this is really typical of bioware. They are one of the biggest perps of repeated content so i shouldnt be surprised im just disappointed in you bioware because in 2012 and with the immense resources a company like bioware has you'd think they'd be able to come up with some different stuff. Its a big job and its costs money buts its just sooooo worth it because everybody hates recycled content

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I have to be honest here.


Long time WoW player here. When flying first came in, i was OVER the moon, this would be awesome. But i didn't get trained in flying until i was level 70. Which meant i had to expereince all of outlands.


In WOTLK i had to expereince all of Northrend, but when i got flying it was pretty cool.


And then in Cata, i started flying, i can't even remember the level.


And from that point on, all wonder finally died.


I had wanted flying in azeroth for so long, and once i got it, i wish i hadn't. I still go out of my way to use my kodo, but sometimes, getting something like fast travel can be a real immersion killer.

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Your 100% correct it is up to the player, so why do people moan about it, when the player has a choice not to do it? instead of trying to get the game changed to their style of play, why not just find a game that fits their playing style? Could be any easier then that right:rolleyes:


MMO's by nature are game you play from a to b, and your never going to get away from that, NEVER. Any game you play, Any is a set route, do a to get to b, anyone that can change that will be a millionair...


Infact real life is just the same, pay bill to get electric, drive from house to work, place bread in toaster, A to B you just can't get away from it.:D


Running and fighting standard mobs on the way to mission X and back is not exploring.

Besides, it should be the player's decision on what he spends his time.

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Flying mounts... that would mean direct to zone. ok maybe there are no fly zones so you cannot hang out near a elite wait for some poor sod to kill him then swoop down and do the quest.



Flying Mounts would make the search for Datacrons pointless, so it's highly likely that they will never be included into SWTOR.


In all honesty though, I understand the movement being an issue before you purchase a Speeder. When you own one though, it's really not a big deal to travel anywhere! Even the slowest Speeder gives a whopping 90% speed increase - Almost the same as Epic Mounts in WoW did.


I'm not going to lie, this thread reeks of WoW-ism, with their 310% Flying Mounts. I guess people just can't get used to actually having to travel the original way again... See you in Mists of Pandaria, by the way. (lolnoflying)

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Your 100% correct it is up to the player, so why do people moan about it, when the player has a choice not to do it? instead of trying to get the game changed to their style of play, why not just find a game that fits their playing style? Could be any easier then that right:rolleyes:


MMO's by nature are game you play from a to b, and your never going to get away from that, NEVER. Any game you play, Any is a set route, do a to get to b, anyone that can change that will be a millionair...


Infact real life is just the same, pay bill to get electric, drive from house to work, place bread in toaster, A to B you just can't get away from it.:D


But the route decides whether it's a good game or a good life.


Given Bioware's response time (at least a yes, no or we are working on it) on the most urgent problems (since beta), I have finally resigned from this game and accepted that "go back to X" is the wisest answer to receive on this forum.

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All the side quests I've had have been in the same area as a main quest I'm doing. I've been kind of assuming that was the point of them - most of the time you end up completing them in the process of completing your main quests.


This is my thoughts exactly, game will not suit the "other game" crowd as in spoon fed game mechanics. Also have found alot quest I would not have if not running or driving to some other quest.


My guess is the people who want to ignore 1/2 the content and want to just blaze through the game will def be dissapointed.

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An "I win" button. What are you guys like 12? Calling me a child when you sound like a bunch of elitist 12 year olds?


Can you guys honestly, to my e-face, tell me that by level 30 you're not sick of running around? It's nice at first, but once you know every little detail of an environment and know that the only way to get there is to take part in a mini-marathon, you are not in the *least* bit over it? Can you say that to my e-face? Really?


Can you see yourself in the next few playthroughs to level 50 enjoying a 10 minute run to each quest sequence? To my e-face?


Sandbox is fine, but when you are stuck in a 2km maze it's a completely different story.


OK, to your e-face, I am honestly saying that as someone with a level 42 Sorcerer, a level 22 Powertech and a Level 11 Knight, that I am not sick of it. Do I enjoy doing the running? No. Does it bother me in the slightest that I have to do this? No.


With my sorc I still play through every conversation fully, the same with my Knight. For the bounty hunter, I only play the class quest conversations. Everything else I skip through.


This is a sandbox game. You will have to go from point a to point b to get what you want. You won't be dropped down into a little room to kill stuff and then be picked up from it when you are done. You are meant to be exploring the world and discovering these areas. Being told where an area is does not qualify as discovering it! The whole point is that just because your quests are in that area doesn't mean you are obligated to only go there. Explore, try and find thing, discover items and just wander about.


On the Skyrim forums people were complaining about this as well and how it takes so long to get from one place to another. Honestly, this is just part and parcel of the game you bought! If it's not a feature that you like that is ruining your fun, then this type of game probably isn't for you. There are a wide variety of other games that you are more than welcome to try that may be more to your taste.

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I've been trying to figure out why such an originally addicting and fun game became a chore for me to play. It's the running.


Non-stop. Every time i do a sidequests, i have to run across a barren maze which is out of the way of my main objective to complete it. THEN, i have to run back. And then i get a new phase in which i have to run to another competley out of the way and on-the-other-side-of-the-map place.


I have just realized now that when i log out, it's right after i get a side quest. I look at my map, and just like the previous 2 quests that i spent my last hour on, it is located at an unmapped zone that requires a non-exaggerated 10 minutes of running.


When i had the audacity to skip these time-sinks, i was severely under levelled for a story boss. It's just a waste of time. If you're going to force these repetitive side-quests and teeth-grindingly long runs that take you through nowhere land, at least put them on the road to your main objective, or put the objective marks somewhat close to eachother! Not on the other side of the map!


INB4: "This is what MMOs are about noob"; "The environments are amazing brah, why not run for 20 minutes on end?"; "Start grinding *****"


Wait for Hoth and Corellia. It's a nightmare even on 110% speeder.

And objectives are the same on each frigging planet.

But you to do it all to raise Legacy which gives nothing atm.

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All the side quests I've had have been in the same area as a main quest I'm doing. I've been kind of assuming that was the point of them - most of the time you end up completing them in the process of completing your main quests.


Cant believe youre the first to say this!


Does the op pick up one quest at a time or something? All the quests in your hub are desiged to be near/on the way to your class quest.

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I agree also, but if you think about it more. If this is how little of a thought they put into questing what else is lacking? I know for myself that this game is nothing more then a money grab with a shelf life of a year before people move on. It's to bad that I didn't make it past the first 10 days. So here I find myslef in limbo waiting for what maybe my last hope for a mmo, gw2. Till then it's AoC!
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Running? What do you know about running? When I was younger, we didn't get vehicles at 25 - we got mounts at 40, and we liked it! "Better run down to Gadgetzan" we might say, and damn if we ran for 20 minutes.


Running... pfaugh. There's almost no running at ALL in this game. Part of why it takes so little time to level.


Hahah, yes.

Running to Scarlet was the *********** worst, imo.

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This is a sandbox game.





Swtor is NOT a sandbox game. Not in any way, shape or form. Not by any definition of the word! Swtor is a themepark. A linear themepark that leads you through all the areas and levels. It is the the MMORPG I have played that (until now) have given me the least feeling of being part of a persisten world, and having sandboxy features (possibly on par with GW, who said it was not an MMORPG - just an MMO). I am sure the sandboxy features will come (or at least may), but they aren't there. And it will never become a true sandbox game.


I wish it was a sandbox, alas it is not. And yes, I enjoy swtor for what it is, and I will resub.

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Hahah, yes.

Running to Scarlet was the *********** worst, imo.


Oh god, running to Scarlet from Southshore as an Alliance toon...


Either you would get destroyed by the Deathguards from the Sepulcher if you went through Silverpine Forest, or any randomn mob in the Western Plaguelands would do you in.


Compared to that, any kind of running you'll ever need to do in SWTOR is nothing.

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Oh god, running to Scarlet from Southshore as an Alliance toon...


Either you would get destroyed by the Deathguards from the Sepulcher if you went through Silverpine Forest, or any randomn mob in the Western Plaguelands would do you in.


Compared to that, any kind of running you'll ever need to do in SWTOR is nothing.


Thank god that worse problems of WoW or whatever solve the problems of SWTOR.

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Running? What do you know about running? When I was younger, we didn't get vehicles at 25 - we got mounts at 40, and we liked it! "Better run down to Gadgetzan" we might say, and damn if we ran for 20 minutes.


Running... pfaugh. There's almost no running at ALL in this game. Part of why it takes so little time to level.


lol @ Gadgetzan.


I remember that run. Only 20 minutes? Damn, you're good.

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Oh god, running to Scarlet from Southshore as an Alliance toon...


We all used to camp the entrance to SM to kill you alliance folk... There literally was nothing more efficient to do to level than grinding SM from levels 30 to 36 as horde.


I feel bad, now, because I had no clue you had to run so far. All those dwarvish and nightelf bodies piled up in neat little rows... :/

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Swtor is NOT a sandbox game. Not in any way, shape or form. Not by any definition of the word! Swtor is a themepark. A linear themepark that leads you through all the areas and levels. It is the the MMORPG I have played that (until now) have given me the least feeling of being part of a persisten world, and having sandboxy features (possibly on par with GW, who said it was not an MMORPG - just an MMO). I am sure the sandboxy features will come (or at least may), but they aren't there. And it will never become a true sandbox game.


I wish it was a sandbox, alas it is not. And yes, I enjoy swtor for what it is, and I will resub.


You're right, SWTOR is not a sandbox MMO, nor has it ever intended to be. The game was designed and produced as a themepark MMO just like WOW right from the offset. If you wish to play a sandbox, then I respectfully suggest you are playing the wrong game.


Anyway, every graphical MMORPG from the dawn of time has involved lots of running. The distances and time taken to travel are carefully calculated by a particular department of developers to be long enough to stretch the gameplay out a bit but not long enough to piss off the majority of players too badly. As with every MMO, TOR is a business designed to keep the majority of people paying subscriptions for as long as possible. This is a fine balance between slowing the players down at every opportunity, and pissing the players off.


If you are not in that majority of reasonably patient players the game has been designed for, then yes, travel times are horrible. Perhaps you should unsubscribe?

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Hmm... What about using 20 minutes on the fastest speeder to get to "the village" (Aurellia)... And having to go back and forth to exchange experience? And doing the missions there every week (or how often did they change?) Those who did that know what I am talking about. And honestly, I kind of miss that. :(


Too much grind, to be sure, but good times nevertheless...





@Gridfire: I am not sure if all of your reply was aimed at me. If so, read my last line again.

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