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I've figured out why i'm not enjoying the game


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Maybe you're just really lazy.


Frankly I like it. It gives the worlds a sense of scale because it takes time to traverse, yet with quest objectives that are layed out intelligently enough to keep from making you run back and forth over the same paths too many times (assuming you're not a moron who takes quests one at a time or something).


It's almost like people would rather have tiny planets with quest-givers that teleport you to the objectives or something. The game already makes things pretty damn convenient, complaining that it takes more than 60 seconds to get between quest objective areas is just a lotta whine and cheese if you ask me.


Yes, I am lazy.

And I want the fun content when playing.

Granted, I am not a typical MMORPG player (masochistic grinding and boring gameplay) and probably never will.


And running seamlessly to every location makes an entire planet smaller than a real life town

of 300 000 inhabitants.


And for those who continue playing the game, do not run immediately to the side quests.

Wait until the class quest brings you to the region.

Edited by genpion
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Running? What do you know about running? When I was younger, we didn't get vehicles at 25 - we got mounts at 40, and we liked it! "Better run down to Gadgetzan" we might say, and damn if we ran for 20 minutes.


Running... pfaugh. There's almost no running at ALL in this game. Part of why it takes so little time to level.


Running? Pfeh! What do you know about running?


When I was younger, we had to run across 12 huge zones being chased by hungry lions that NEVER gave up until you crossed a zoneline or they ate you. If you died, you would respawn where your bind point was, naked and buffless. In our day we had SoW and we LIKED it! Oh I could only DREAM about having a mount in those days.

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And the mount feels so damn slow too


I am lvl 40 on my first toon so far, and I agree with this. The mount at 25 seemed nice, but then it also felt like every planet after that got bigger to accomodate. I haven't bought the speedier mount upgrade for 200k yet, but if the increase is only 10-20% faster then I may not bother. The mounts definitely need to be faster, if not the one at 25, then most certainly the one at 40. Like twice as fast as the one at 25.

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Yes, I am lazy.

And I want the fun content when playing.

IMO, the environment is part of the fun. Being shuttled from place to place almost totally removes the feeling of environment and space from the game altogether.



Granted, I am not a typical MMORPG player (masochistic grinding and boring gameplay) and probably never will.

I'm not either -- in fact, I haven't played an MMO in years precisely because I hate grinding. However, I do not consider simply moving my character within the environment to be "grinding".



And running seamlessly to every location makes an entire planet smaller than a real life town

of 300 000 inhabitants.

Says you. I find the planets to feel satisfyingly huge, especially places like Tattooine and Alderaan.

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I just started to do shorter sessions, and more sessions.


Typical session: Start in base, drive to closest questarea, kill/pickup/overload, port back to base, deliver quest, pick up new quest, log out and wait for port to come off cooldown.



No way I'm spending 70% of my gametime running. With this method I'm down to 35%-ish.


But yeah, too much running in this game

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I don't consider myself lazy for not wanting to spend 50% of my gametime getting my character to an actual gameplay segment. I am not working, i'm not being challenged; i'm just sitting there with auto-run toggled on.


It has nothing to do with being lazy. In fact it promotes laziness. I am afk all the time during running segments.

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Going off what you have posted I can only say MMO's are not for you, if what your telling the forum community is correct, then you like fast pace action, none stop. That isn't what mmo's are about:rolleyes: I have to admit that when people start saying it's a grind, then they should find another game. I'm not insulting you as thats your type of gameplay, but I like how mmo's are built, because mmo's are a long lasting game, not meant to be get here there and everywhere in a second...


May the force be with you!;)



I've been trying to figure out why such an originally addicting and fun game became a chore for me to play. It's the running.


Non-stop. Every time i do a sidequests, i have to run across a barren maze which is out of the way of my main objective to complete it. THEN, i have to run back. And then i get a new phase in which i have to run to another competley out of the way and on-the-other-side-of-the-map place.


I have just realized now that when i log out, it's right after i get a side quest. I look at my map, and just like the previous 2 quests that i spent my last hour on, it is located at an unmapped zone that requires a non-exaggerated 10 minutes of running.


When i had the audacity to skip these time-sinks, i was severely under levelled for a story boss. It's just a waste of time. If you're going to force these repetitive side-quests and teeth-grindingly long runs that take you through nowhere land, at least put them on the road to your main objective, or put the objective marks somewhat close to eachother! Not on the other side of the map!


INB4: "This is what MMOs are about noob"; "The environments are amazing brah, why not run for 20 minutes on end?"; "Start grinding *****"

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Originally Posted by genpion

Yes, I am lazy.

And I want the fun content when playing.


IMO, the environment is part of the fun. Being shuttled from place to place almost totally removes the feeling of environment and space from the game altogether.



Quote: Granted, I am not a typical MMORPG player (masochistic grinding and boring gameplay) and probably never will.


I'm not either -- in fact, I haven't played an MMO in years precisely because I hate grinding. However, I do not consider simply moving my character within the environment to be "grinding".



Quote: And running seamlessly to every location makes an entire planet smaller than a real life town

of 300 000 inhabitants.


Says you. I find the planets to feel satisfyingly huge, especially places like Tattooine and Alderaan.


If they had created a beautiful world where you can discover things and go through once, I would not complain.



- The graphics are not MMORPG standard 2012; or you will have performance problems.

- Most levels, I have played, are very linear and serve only to get you from A to B.

- Nearly everything that moves are standard mobs that want to kill you on sight.

- The same no-challenge mobs every 20 meters are stretching your run, which is already long and boring.

And when you arrive, you have to kill 5 more similar mobs as quest and then 30 similar monsters as bonus. And then you have to go back.

- And then you have to go there again for another mission.

- If you have found players for a x+ hero mission, you have to run there too for several minutes.

- Replaying with an Alt of the same fraction is about doing 60 % or 85 % of the same stuff again.

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I was excited when I got my speeder on Nar Shaddaa. I thought Yeah! This'll make the running a little less tedious. After Taris, I'm ready for some hot, speedery action!


Then I hit Tatooine.


And they moved everything further apart. So yeah, I'm going faster... but the travel time remains EXACTLY the same... if not longer!


Yeah I hate Tatooine for that very reason. More so on my IA who can't even afford a crappy speeder :(

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People got really spoiled by WoW's increasingly easy traveling. They are so used to fly over everything at 310%+ speed (or more with class specific buffs) that they whine as soon as they have to actually explore a world again instead of speeding over it.
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Funny, what do you guys want then?


A button that says "Auto Complete all quests on this planet and transfer the Loot to my cargo hold" and be done with a planet ?


EQ did not have mounts and we had to find a druid or wizard to port us between continents or end up running for an hour, wow seems small in comparison...

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People got really spoiled by WoW's increasingly easy traveling. They are so used to fly over everything at 310%+ speed (or more with class specific buffs) that they whine as soon as they have to actually explore a world again instead of speeding over it.


Running and fighting standard mobs on the way to mission X and back is not exploring.

Besides, it should be the player's decision on what he spends his time.

Edited by genpion
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The worst cycle is that you because you don't want to run, you skip some quests, and because of taht, you are under leveled or jsut at the right level so when you do run, you're running in mob infested territory and it becomes such a long walk and if you're like me, the biggest mistake you made was not gearing your healer cuz now you have to stop and heal yourself every time you fight a group of mobs... so that in turn makes you want to run less...
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The worst cycle is that you because you don't want to run, you skip some quests, and because of taht, you are under leveled or jsut at the right level so when you do run, you're running in mob infested territory and it becomes such a long walk and if you're like me, the biggest mistake you made was not gearing your healer cuz now you have to stop and heal yourself every time you fight a group of mobs... so that in turn makes you want to run less...


Yes, I try to avoid many quests if I can.

I want to do the class quests and flashpoints, that offer a story that is worth being called a story and worthy of a Sith Lord.


And what a great design to require the player to use a healer as companion.

Edited by genpion
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Lot of you must be new eh?


I go pick up quest that is on other side of map, as I travel to said place I pick up more quests that are also in that area. When I get to the area there are a few quests for around there. Complete all quests and then return and on my way back turn in each completed quest. Get new quest to new area... rinse and repeat...


I've never had to go back to any area because of a quest, it's pretty straight forward and streamlined so unless your doing one quest at a time you shouldn't be traveling back and forth that much.

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