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Top Ten Reason Republic Loses WZ so much


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10) I join my first pvp match at level 10 because I am so good I don't need an advance class even! Scrubs! I will own you.


9) I decide the allure of PvP is too much to resist and join at level 13 without even having sprint so I can spend the whole match afk, farming comms. Yes 10 comms every 15 minutes is all that baby!


8) What are objectives?


7) Buffs I don't need no stinking buffs/ my buffs suck so why should I bother.


6) Dots? Are you crazy they are my weakest move why should I dot? You suck noob, I am PEWPEW PEW with sky lasers for the win.


5) Why don't you heal me more, instead of dpsing yourself? Because I watched 90% of your health disappear in .5 seconds because you charged 8 people on your own Rambo Jenkins


4) Sorcerors are OP'd I can't compete with their dps. Really? Is it too much to interrupt or stun them to ruin their rotation? Many of them suffer from Lightning spam syndrome and get really put out when you take away the lightning for 4-6 seconds.


3) OPs are OP'd I mean I die like instantly. I hate they. Again. You are not Rambo. And you need to stay with your team. Did I mention DOTS, I thought I did.


2) Lemming revenge syndrome. Hit wall with HEAD bloody self, repeat until insane.


1) IMAWIN THIS ALL BY MY LONESOME LET ME HELP 8 people cap all at once.

Instead try one person capping and 7 people CC covering him/ her.


Sigh ..just sigh

Edited by Lugh
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item 4, so what the **** do you do when there 4-5 inquisitors all spamming it, your solution works fine when 1vs1 falls apart otherwise, especially when trying to interrupt on a Jedi knight you have to wait 15 seconds to interrupt usually.


Leap to them Aoe stun move stops it for a few seconds. Push one down leap to friend.

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How is this not relevant to imp lowbies too?


Especially lemming revenge syndrome. It's so prominent I love watching for it.


I haven't seen an imperial lowbie in a long long time.


I'd love to see some.

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Amusing and sadly true.


Also let's not forget everyone on republic side rolling a Jedi Knight, coz imma gonna protect teh Republic with mah blueh Lightsabah. Hardly anyone plays a healer or ranged.

On Empire side a lot of people rolled sorcs, BHs, etc, coz of, well, lightning and flamethrowers are cool. Also sorcs can heal.


So a typical let's say 6v6 skirmish looks like this: All our heroic Jedi Knights rushing only to defeat "teh bad guy wiht teh red doublesabahs" and engaging the 2-3 empire melee, that are getting healed. All the while being completely oblivious to the fact of being completely demolished by the empire ranged semicircle.

Edited by Sanicek
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10) Just got online on my level 50, time to pvp!


9) I join my first Warzone of the day and spot a level 13 player on our team, start raging.


8) Rants on forgetting to actually defend his objective.


7) Keeps going on about how it's not possible to win this Warzone with that level 13 in the group, even though we're winning and the 50 is standing still raging.


6) Goes out of his way to make the first introduction to PvP for that level 13 to be dreadful.


5) Ignores the level 13 player, refusing to heal or assist him.


4) Begins to whine how he hates facing premades in bad groups, when the other team has a few 10-20 players as well.


3) Demands respect for being level 50, because in his head - level 50s are worth more than non-50s.


2) Level 13 screw up, uses this chance to really ruin the level 13s experience.


1) Leaves the group halfway into the game.


Sigh ..just sigh


Fixed that for ya.


I'm pretty amazed at how badly the lowbies are being treated. Not everyone does it, but a lot of people do. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. If you actually do love PvP, you really should be a lot more open minded - and actually assist your lowbie friends, eventually they will reach high levels and preferebly become PvP players if they have had a good time playing Warzones.


This thread just goes to prove how bad the PvP community can be at times.

Edited by GyroGate
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on item 4 and what about a team of 6 sorcerers, the issue with sorcerers are a real trouble and yes they're OP'd, not that we can't take them but there's an extra advantage.


I believe you haven't contemplate one other issue, the innability to do teamwork, WZ's are all about team work, iI've died a lot facing the imps alone in a defense position mostly alderaan's civil war, but those seconds i spend are in many cases the the ones needed for my partners to arrive, when they're not noobs trying to attack everything and everyone.


but I still believe there's a best number one at least in my server, the wow sindrome, i have seen many asking themselves how many have they killed, i have been asked if the valor titles are giving by the amount of killing at least once per week.

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bla bla bla.


come to senator contisplex, join as a solo, play warzone. be on republic side, and see who wins..

5-7 times needed to win one game as republic.


i have a toon on empire as well, there are 2 to 3 times more players on this server in empire. i think in overal population is like 80% empire, 20% republic. the only reason warzone on this server starts is because all those 10lvl people without advanced class join at all. if not them warzone would never even start because of lack of players

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Fixed that for ya.


I'm pretty amazed at how badly the lowbies are being treated. Not everyone does it, but a lot of people do. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. If you actually do love PvP, you really should be a lot more open minded - and actually assist your lowbie friends, eventually they will reach high levels and preferebly become PvP players if they have had a good time playing Warzones.


This thread just goes to prove how bad the PvP community can be at times.



Yeah tell me about it, it's not like alts exist or anything to these people, anyone who is a low level is a horrible noob with no idea of what they're doing. I've been playing since August when I was invited to the beta and I know a thing or two about how to play, but if I show up in a warzone with an alt at level 13 there's always at least one dick that rants about how much of a terrible person I am for wanting to pvp at a low level, and don't even get me started on how I try to tell people how a certain warzone works when I see a lot of people doing it wrong and they call me a kid for having a lower level character than they do.



Can't wait for the 21st, if even half of all these idiots that scream that they're going to leave do, the game will get so much more fun without them around.

Edited by WesleyJanson
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There is only one reason why republic loses WZ so much. Emps have higher % of lvl 50 players who focus on PvP progression in the warzones. That's the only reason ... the 1-10 list of OP apply to both sides and is kind of silly. Edited by Repefe
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i agree with basically all your points, and i even lol'd at a few of them but when theres 6 inquisitards in a match all spread out, there is no way to interrupt all the force lightning. Its just not possible.


Now I'm not by any means saying sorcs are OP cuz they just arent, ppl say theyre OP cuz when theres 6 of them lighting u the fk up theres not much u can do.


And yes its pretty funny interrupting force lightning and then watching the sorc run around helplessly cuz he cant spam his button to gloryyy!!


Edit: the biggest reason republic loses so much no my server is the 3-4 herpderp lvl 10-15s in every warzone. thankfully i que w/ a premade though

Edited by Zoggel
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Well I can guarantee that BH on lvl 12 is more deadly than SM or SJ when not played correctly. Same goes for Smuggler and JK I suppose.


Problem on legions of lettow is, the republic has no interest in WZ - so you wont even meet them.


WHEN (and its really RARE when) you do, you see complete nub team (shouldnt even say team), whos not cooperating even on lowest lvl. OR you meet 2 groups of 4 people, moving together in 2 sides, so youre rolled over in no time.

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Point 8 downward is fine.


9&10 are wrong. people can join wz at whatever lvl they want - i play mmos to pvp and have levelled most of the way to 50 in them. Hence why I'm at valor rank 46 at lvl 46 and will be battlemaster long before all the supercool 50s that only got brave enough to fight other players at max lvl.


People should not be discouraged from pvping at any level - its the best way to learn your class and plan your spec to level up through pvp.


Wz were not bracketed at release cos the few people that got to 50 would have had no one to fight. Now a large proportion of the servers are up at 50 tey are bringing them in a month after release.


Perfectly handled bioware, good job. Cry less about low levels in wz - people have to start somewhere.

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Amusing and sadly true.


Also let's not forget everyone on republic side rolling a Jedi Knight, coz imma gonna protect teh Republic with mah blueh Lightsabah. Hardly anyone plays a healer or ranged.

On Empire side a lot of people rolled sorcs, BHs, etc, coz of, well, lightning and flamethrowers are cool. Also sorcs can heal.


So a typical let's say 6v6 skirmish looks like this: All our heroic Jedi Knights rushing only to defeat "teh bad guy wiht teh red doublesabahs" and engaging the 2-3 empire melee, that are getting healed. All the while being completely oblivious to the fact of being completely demolished by the empire ranged semicircle.


I'm a lvl 43 Commando Healer, rank 30+ Valor, and usually love PvP in a game. However in TOR, I hate it. For various reasons, no doubt, but I'm going to address one:


People ***** about no healers in PvP. I'm gonna break the 'hidden rule' and tell you why...because nobody WATCHES OUT for healers in PvP. And by nobody, I mean players and devs. Not only does every class have like a thousand cc's / interrupts / pushbacks that cancel my 2-second heal bombs, but even in heavy armor I'm as squishy as a clothie in any other MMORPG. Not to mention time I have to heal myself is time I can't heal YOU.


Yet nobody pays this any mind, they just want to get out there and dps til their fingers bleed. I constantly try to situate myself in the middle of a group of allies, in the vain hopes that at least ONE of them will spot the assassin / operative / whatever that bullrushes me and starts tearing me a new one, but they all continue blissfully unawares or uncaring as my HP goes to zilch. And then they all die. And then they ***** at me for not healing them.


Also take into account that AWESOME little heal debuff. Thankfully tanks got that little Guard ability, which works if I stand right next to th...***? why would I follow a goddamn melee Jedi into the thick of fighting, right ontop of all the AoE, when I've got a giant assault cannon and long-ranged heals?


It just makes no sense to me.


I know this is all ************, but at this point I'm so disillusioned and depressed with the PvP in this game it's soul-crushing. I'm lucky if I get less than 10 deaths per match and top 100k heals, which is good for about 2-3 medals and no MVP votes, mind you. The 300k dps gets all those.


The biggest feeling of sadness is the knowledge that, come 50, I'm going to have to re-spec into Grav Round abuse just to make it anywhere in my climb to the Champion gear.

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There is only one reason why republic loses WZ so much. Emps have higher % of lvl 50 players who focus on PvP progression in the warzones. That's the only reason ... the 1-10 list of OP apply to both sides and is kind of silly.


let me correct


emps have much higer % in teh whole population on most servers, that means that ALSO much more % are level 50's. and when you are 50 what can you do in this game ? farm valor. so go to warzone or to ilum.

emps have higher % in population and has higher % in 50's, and higher % in wins, that says all ^^

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