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Feel cheated by high-res debacle? I got my refund, and you can too!


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Thought I'd post this info for those who want to take advantage before my account is disabled.


I just got off the line with EA customer service, and got my refund from Origin. I calmly explained that the textures used to advertise the game are denied to users during their play experience. The guy on the phone agreed that that could be considered false advertising, and gave me my refund. Took about 20 minutes. Very nice customer service!


I love Bioware, but I won't stand for being deceived. Even if they had the best intentions, the facts are that they advertised a game with graphics they deny their users is unacceptable. For those who don't care, I hope you continue to enjoy your play experience. For those who do care, let EA/Bioware know by calmly and reasonably requesting a refund. You'll get it!



Information ends here, requisite suggestions to follow:



As Bioware requires I give suggestions on the forum, and not just post information, here goes. I think Bioware should put a disclaimer by all their gameplay (not cinematic) screenshots and trailers, letting us know that they do not accurately represent what players can expect when playing the game. They should also begin communicating this development to reviewers and game news sites who wrote about the game under the assumption that it includes high-res textures. I don't expect this to happen immediately. If they even issued a statement that they would begin rectifying the situation, I would be satisfied. However, as of now, the average customer who looks on swtor.com, or most gaming news sites, for information about the visual quality of the game will come away thinking the game has high-res textures. It does not. This is certainly deceptive, if not blatantly false advertising.

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Thought I'd post this info for those who want to take advantage before my account is disabled.


I just got off the line with EA customer service, and got my refund from Origin. I calmly explained that the textures used to advertise the game are denied to users during their play experience. The guy on the phone agreed that that could be considered false advertising, and gave me my refund. Took about 20 minutes. Very nice customer service!


I love Bioware, but I won't stand for being deceived. Even if they had the best intentions, the facts are that they advertised a game with graphics they deny their users is unacceptable. For those who don't care, I hope you continue to enjoy your play experience. For those who do care, let EA/Bioware know by calmly and reasonably requesting a refund. You'll get it!



Information ends here, requisite suggestions to follow:



As Bioware requires I give suggestions on the forum, and not just post information, here goes. I think Bioware should put a disclaimer by all their gameplay (not cinematic) screenshots and trailers, letting us know that they do not accurately represent what players can expect when playing the game. They should also begin communicating this development to reviewers and game news sites who wrote about the game under the assumption that it includes high-res textures. I don't expect this to happen immediately. If they even issued a statement that they would begin rectifying the situation, I would be satisfied. However, as of now, the average customer who looks on swtor.com, or most gaming news sites, for information about the visual quality of the game will come away thinking the game has high-res textures. It does not. This is certainly deceptive, if not blatantly false advertising.


Thanks for the heads up.


It's not quite enough to get me to quit yet, but reasons to do so keep building as I keep getting higher in levels. I suspect the raid-or-quit/loot treadmill end-game will do me in, but we'll see.

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Yeh, I tried this with my ex. While we were dating she was always gussed up and nice and pretty, but after things got serious she became a total witch and stopped wearing her makeup around me!


I never did get my money back.


guessed up? Guess jeans went out of fashion circa 1980

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Bye bye graphics whore...


It's not false advertising at all...the high res textures are all there in every cut scene. If you would take the time to look through the dev tracker posts on the forums you would see why it is not possible to have high res textures in game all the time...in the over world especially. It explains that even high end PCs could not handle it. It makes perfect sense, and the solution they have now is being looked at and improved upon. They are saying that higher res textures should be available for the over world with game update 1.2, and the update will be live sometime within Q1 2012.

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Hello everyone,


We're going to close this thread since it is a repost of a discussion that was recently moderated. Please do not repost content that has been moderated. If you have questions or disputes about a closed topic, please send us an email: communitysupport@swtor.com


For anyone who wishes to discuss the high resolution issue, please do so here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=167957


Thank you for understanding!

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